aggrieved entitlement alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies fake news grandiosity immigrants irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis oppressed white men racism that's completely wrong trump vox day

Package delivery woes in Berlin portend imminent collapse of western civilization, Vox Day warns

Mr Mc Bealey with a speedy delivery
Mr Mc Bealey with a speedy delivery

Fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale certainly has a rich fantasy life. Beale, who seems to grow ever more flamboyantly racist by the day, has roused himself into what he thinks is righteous fury over reports in far-right media outlets claiming that DHL Express has cut off delivery services to one especially dangerous neighborhood in Berlin.

According to The New Observer, a virulently racist and anti-immigrant “news service” quoted by Beale,

Violent attacks on personnel, robberies, and fraud have forced DHL Express to halt all deliveries in the invader-overrun region of Wedding, north-west Berlin, a statement from the company has announced.

Wedding has a “German-origin” population of only 50 percent, with the rest being made up of Africans, Turks, Arabs, Asians, and Eastern European gypsies.

The implication, of course, is that these terrible brown “invaders” have rendered a portion of formerly white Berlin uninhabitable.

The reality is a teensy bit more nuanced. According to, an English-language German news site, DHL in fact said that only a handful of people in Wedding had been asked to pick up packages at a DHL facility in a different neighborhood. Dismissing press reports that Wedding had become a “no go” zone due to violent attacks, the company said its main concern was fraud, not violence, “referring to when people falsely pose as the recipient of packages.”

But, damn the fact-checking, full speed ahead! Beale, accepting the New Observer account as gospel, warns his readers that the end is near for Western cities and countries that aren’t majority white. Sorry, majority “European.”

“Forget home delivery,” Beale declares.

A minority-European population in a Western country isn’t even going to have flush toilets or functioning dishwashers for very long. If white workers can’t even drop off a package safely, they sure as Hell aren’t going to enter a stranger’s home and stay there for hours.

Really? When Beale thinks of “minority-European” cities in the United States, he no doubt thinks of deindustrialized basket cases like Detroit, or Flint, or Gary, Indiana.

But there are a lot of other cities in the United States with minority-white populations, including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. None of these cities are on the verge of collapse, or even vaguely close to it. Their toilets and dishwashers work fine, and there are many options for delivery of everything from electronics to burritos.

The thing that is so ludicrously stupid about the equalitarian position shared by American liberals and conservatives alike is that it assumes because reasonably digestible numbers of European immigrants were semi-successfully assimilated with only one massive civil war followed by 60 years of virtually no immigration, an unlimited number of non-European immigrants can be permitted to enter the country indefinitely.

This is not merely bad logic. This is insane. There is no way – none – to rationally defend or justify the position, which is why its defenders immediately retreat to abstract ideals and pure rhetoric.

Bullshit. Even setting aside such “abstract ideals” as, you know, equality and fairness, consider this: the US is considerably less white than it was a quarter century ago. It is also a safer place to live, with violent crime rates down considerably nationwide and in many of our largest minority-white cities, including New York and, yes, Chicago, despite a rash of gun deaths mostly linked to gangs and a failed drug war.

Yes, the US faces all sorts of problems and challenges. But it is demonstrably not turning into the dystopian hellhole of Beale’s imagination, where toilets don’t work and roving gangs of “invaders” chase deliverymen out of the inner cities.

The invasion of 60 million immigrants in 50 years, the largest invasion in human history, will lead to war in the United States. There is ZERO question of this, as it is only a matter of time. We can’t know when it will happen, we can’t know exactly why it will happen, but given the fact that the USA is already at a stress level that was last seen in 1856, the odds are against the USA even making it to the 2033 date I had predicted for financial collapse and some form of political dissolution. 

If civil war erupts in this country, and at this point I wouldn’t rule it out, it won’t be the fault of immigrants. It’ll be the fault of racists like Beale and the demagogues like Donald Trump who’ve exploited their bigotry to win power in elections in which, due to the bizarre anachronism that is the electoral college, white votes count more than those of minority voters.

Trump won big with whites in majority white areas freaked out about immigration, but whites in cities and states where lots of immigrants actually live went, often overwhelmingly, for Clinton.

Consider Chicago, where Trump got a measly 12.4% of the vote. Chicago has a justified reputation as a severely segregated city, at least when it comes to where people live. But public space is significantly less segregated, and the city is sufficiently diverse that even in the whitest neighborhoods on Chicago’s north side, white residents regularly encounter and interact with and sometimes even become friends with people of all races and nationalities.

Contrary to what people like Beale believe, all this contact with black and brown people — many of them immigrants — hasn’t turned white Chicagoans into white supremacists. As a reporter for one of Chicago’s neighborhood newspapers recently pointed out,

Clinton got 95.4 percent of the vote in Chicago’s 18 black-majority wards, 87.1 percent in the 11 Hispanic-majority wards and 84.6 percent in the seven affluent, mostly white, Lakefront wards.

None of this is to suggest that racism isn’t a problem in Chicago; it has been and remains a huge issue, as does the city’s seemingly intractable racial segregation. But it is striking that white Chicagoans who live in a city teeming with non-white immigrants are a lot less anxious about immigration than whites who live in decidedly un-diverse areas where immigrants are more of an abstract boogeyman, rather than people they interact with every day.

So, cry Racism, Constitution, Declaration, and Proposition Nation all you like. Virtue-signal your color-blindness all you like. Adopt one child of every color if you want. None of that frantic appeal to totem magic will save you from what is to come any more than it would have in 1861, in 1914, or 1939.

An interesting selection of dates there, given that both the Civil War and World War II were caused not by “virtue-signaling” liberals but by, you know, racists — in the first instance, by southerners who refused to give up slaves and slavery, and in the second, by Literally Hitler.

None of that is going to excuse your complicity in the nightmares to come. And regardless of what you think of it, understand that the Alt-Right program is the only one that even has the possibility of averting the coming conflict.

Sorry, dude. I’ll “cry Racism” when it’s completely fucking blatant. The problem isn’t immigrants. It’s the irrational fear and hatred of immigrants being preached by alt-white supremacists and their “God Emperor” Trump.

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8 years ago

I think Goge Vandire is a more appropriate comparison.
comment image

When can we have our version of Saint Sebastian Thor?

8 years ago

Really? When Beale thinks of “minority-European” cities in the United States, he no doubt thinks of deindustrialized basket cases like Detroit, or Flint, or Gary, Indiana.

or maybe he’s thinking of New Orleans? which still hasn’t been fully rebuilt many many years after the hurricane. The rebuild has been very uneven, particularly in the historically black sections like the Lower 9th Ward.

who am I kidding?

Beale doesn’t think.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The race war, like the apocalypse is always just around the corner.

I wonder why he picked 2033? I guess it’s because it’s far enough away that he won’t have to be held to account for his inevitably failed prediction any time soon. But it’s close enough to be scary. I’m guessing he thought a number divisible by 5 or 10 would be too obvious. So 2033 it is!

John Howard
John Howard
8 years ago

Jesus Gawd. I’m going to start a website selling magic beans to these shaved apes.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Shorter Vox Day: They terk er perkergers!

John Howard: Yes! Can I join you? I have special cloth that only the smartest and most capable people can see.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

He is such a nasty, nasty individual.

He and his ilk “virtue signal” all the fucking time.

Except what he’s signalling can never be termed “virtuous.”

Fuck off, Beale. Your continued stupidity is staggering.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Proposition Nation

As far as I can tell that’s a snarl word used only by regressive assholes. Why would we virtue signalers be crying it out? I’d never even heard of it til 4min ago. If anyone ever needed proof that all of the altright’s problems exist exclusively in their heads…

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Beale, please, wean yourself off those adverbs! I thought I was bad.

Virtue-signal your color-blindness all you like.

He doesn’t get anti-racism, does he? Colour-blindness is a problem, you twit.

Adopt one child of every color if you want. None of that frantic appeal to totem magic will save you

Yay! One of every colour! I want a lilac one, a magenta one, a couple of cherry red ones, and a dark blue one. When do I get my totem magic?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

A minority-European population in a Western country isn’t even going to have flush toilets or functioning dishwashers for very long.

I’m pretty sure places where white people are non-existant have working toilets and dishwashers.

But how fucking spoiled are you that not having a functional dishwasher is the sign of the decline of western civilization? Does this fuckhead thing not having a fucking Roomba makes someone barbaric or something? No little wine cabinet in the kitchen makes it practically destitute? A lack of a jacuzzi bathtub and you’re practically living in squalor?

“Oh, god, this wifi is so slow. I have to watch this porn video at 1080p rather than 2160p! I’M PRACTICALLY MASTERBATING IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY AT THIS POINT!”

For fuck sakes.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

So, I was watching Jeepers Creepers on my computer and there’s a scene with a bunch of cats screeching and yowling. The sound was annoying Dracarys. She walked over to investigate, circled the laptop an then walked across the keyboard. In doing this, she managed to press the button that mutes the sound. She looked awfully smug and satisfied with her accomplishment afterwards.

Cats are awesome.

comment image

8 years ago

On a semi-irrelevant note, got a package from Amazon this evening, to my surprise (I didn’t think they’d do a Sunday delivery, since usually in this area they hand off packages to the USPS). New electronics kits to mess with!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

That’s still semi-relevant though…package talk. While we’re on that subject, I’m anticipating a delivery of my copy of the Plague Inc. board game. I backed it on Kickstarter.

8 years ago

I’m expecting a few small orders of secondhand LEGOs this week, for my holiday village.

I’m also mailing some handmade decorations to a friend tomorrow.

Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Dalillama, Effort Chicken
8 years ago

Proposition Nation sounds like what PUAs are after.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Proposition Nation sounds like what PUAs are after


Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I wanted to say something witty to this but I got nothin. Nothin! I’m all tapped out. Gotta admit, though, I’m really eager for this whole “collapse of civilization” thing, if it means that these jackasses like Theodore Beale are going to go away.

8 years ago

I love the nonsense people who are scared of immigrants spout.

I live in El Paso where 80% of the city are non white Hispanic and the rest are a mix of black, white, native American and Asian. I’m a minority here since I’m white. And El Paso is the safest city I’ve ever lived in. We live right next to Mexico and people go back and forth every day and guess what? Still hardly any crime!

Know what else is cool? No one care I have an interracial family here. In other cities I could tell people cared. We don’t ignore race here, aren’t color blind, but we recognize difference =|= bad.

Diversity makes the world a better place in my opinion.

And fuck Vox. Fuck these Alt right Nazis. They are all pendejos.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

@Scildfreja: Speaking of collapse of civilization, I think I’ll name my Plague Inc. disease “The Alt-Right”. Or should I name it “The Mammoth” so I can say that I’ve spread the mammoth?

8 years ago

I once lived in an almost exclusively white, middle class Australian suburb, and I still had to take a two hour round trip on the bus to the courier depot to pick up a package when the delivery guy didn’t feel like waiting thirty seconds for me to come to the door.

My toilet worked fine, though. Have to say that.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

When civilization falls, I have a book that details a few survival (and entertainment) skills and plenty of canned brown meat.

….Jack, if ya hear me….

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Violet, call it “Entitled Manbabies”. ‘Cause we all know they’re going to cause the end o the world if they spread unchecked!

8 years ago

I think I’ve cracked the code of why these entitled manbabies use “European” instead of just “white”.

Its because historically their kin haven’t considered Irish or Eastern European people as ‘white’, which should be proof to anyone that ‘race’ is nothing more than a social constuct.

Either that or they’re trying to come off as intellectual, or at least slightly more intelligent than their klan brothers.

It isn’t working. At all.

Also I’m surprised no one has posted the obligatory video:

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Perfect! Thanks, Scildfreya!

Oh boy, talk about irony…while I make fun of them I will be orchestrating the end of the world (just like in their gynocracy conspiracy theory…a woman orchestrating it all)

8 years ago

…abstract ideals and pure rhetoric.

Oh, you mean like those of…FASCISM, Teddy boy? Because those are some abstract ideals and a whole lotta hot air, right there.

And speaking of hot air, what’s this that came out of Teddy’s arse?

The invasion of 60 million immigrants in 50 years, the largest invasion in human history, will lead to war in the United States. There is ZERO question of this, as it is only a matter of time. We can’t know when it will happen, we can’t know exactly why it will happen, but given the fact that the USA is already at a stress level that was last seen in 1856, the odds are against the USA even making it to the 2033 date I had predicted for financial collapse and some form of political dissolution.

Phee-EW. Smells like…ASSFAX!

comment image

First off, immigrants are not an “invasion”. They’re ALLOWED in…by the IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES. You know, those guys with the uniforms in the little booths at every point of entry to a country? Yeah. THEM.

Secondly, I take issue with this prediction that “there will be a war”. If there is one, it will start only when white assholes with guns fire the first shots.

Thirdly: What the fuck is this about “stress levels”? Any “stress level” at an all time high in the late 1850s was caused not by immigration, but by slave-owners (you know, INSTITUTIONAL RACISTS) at odds with the federal government saying slavery will no longer be allowed. And no, slave-importation is NOT “immigration”. These were not free people migrating of their own accord; they were human commodities dragged across an ocean in chains.

Finally, notice how Beale’s not saying when there will be this war, except at the end where he’s totally saying when. Huh. Where have I heard that before?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

with only one massive civil war followed by 60 years of virtually no immigration

Is…Is Theodore Beale actually unaware that 30 million people migrated to the U.S. between 1836 and 1914?

As a percentage of the total current US population, the numbers aren’t all that different now than they were in the early 20th century. I think what he’s really pissed off about is the Hart-Cellar act, which got rid of national-origin quotas in 1965 and opened the door to more non-European immigrants. You know, the “bad kind” of immigrant.

None of that is going to excuse your complicity in the nightmares to come.

Ah, the age-old abuser’s creed. Song as old as time. “What I’m fantasizing about doing to you is all your fault.”

And regardless of what you think of it, understand that the Alt-Right program is the only one that even has the possibility of averting the coming conflict.

Yeah, this sentence is basically a ransom note and should more properly be rendered in awkwardly cut and pasted newspaper capitals. wE hAVe kIDNaPpeD uR dEMOcrAcy. oNLy wE cAN sAVe iT. giVe uS aLL tHe cOOkieS anD noBOdy gEts hUrT. DOn’T fOrCE uS tO hAVe a maSSiVe sHOOty-GuN tAnTRum.

Sorry, dude. This is America. We don’t negotiate with terrorists.

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