aggrieved entitlement antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Mr. Smallestpenisever the MGTOW demands: SHOW ME THE EFFORT CHICKENS!

An Effort Chicken hard at work
An Effort Chicken hard at work

There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.

Yesterday, one such fellow, calling himself Smallestpenisever, deposited an amazing, angry, incoherent, and defiantly unproofread rant in the comments to one of my posts on MGTOWs from earlier this week. I only now forced myself to read the whole thing, and it’s really too good not to share with the world.

Mr. Smallestpenis begins by quoting a passage from a commenter here who had taken aim at those “whiny white men” who long to return to some imaginary misogynist golden age in which women were little more than submissive slaves to men.

“’Tiny whiny white men’????,” Mr. Smallestpenis quotes indignantly, and inaccurately, adding the word “tiny” to the quote for no apparent reason — perhaps it reminds him of his smallestpenisever?

How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.

Apparently calling whiny men whiny is such a crime against humanity that feminists have to be read out of the human race.

So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.


Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

CHAEKMATE, FEMINESTS! feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price” or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.

Owh, yeas, et’s Leadies’ Nieght

Annd tha fealing’s reaight

You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.

Er, the wage gap is about women being paid less for the same or comparable work. Feminists aren’t demanding that women be paid more for working less. Even if they do enjoy the apparently intolerable luxuries of coffee and weekends off.

Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.


Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??

You should probably ask this guy:

Captain Kidd has the answers
Captain Kidd has the answers

Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”. You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…

Pretty much every time I have moved I have asked for help from women — and gotten it. And after several truly hellish moves I started hiring movers. Because furniture and boxes of books are heavy and moving is hard.

Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).

Being a single parent is tough. I imagine that single mothers ask female friends for favors more often than they ask men, if only because the women are far less likely to be creepy dudes who think that doing a woman a favor entitles them to sex.

Also, though this may come as a shock to Mr. Tinywhinypenis, sometimes people ask single parents for favors.

In fact, people ask other people for favors all the time. And they pay people with specialized skills and/or equipment to do work that they aren’t able to do (or do as well) themselves. Because we live in a society, and that’s how societies work.

Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.

Weird, because MGTOWs tend to sound a lot like toddlers having tantrums.

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,

Er, being adopted isn’t some sort of moral failing; neither is being a survivor of abuse.

I do not have problems with errection and I am not sad.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t a moral failing either. And jeez, dude, you’re the one who brought up the whole penis thing.

I don’t know about you being “sad” — also not a moral failing — but you do seem just a tad angry.

I have to mention that otherwise you start making comments by suspecting what could happened to me.Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.

I’m going to let someone else handle the reply to this last mess of text because I’ve reached my limit here, and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with asking other people for the occasional favor.

So come on, effort chickens, help a fella out.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Ooh, a new troll to play with? Just when I was getting bored too!

Hello, everyone! I’m a MGTOW. Wait, wait, please put your pitchforks down…

Martyring yourself already? Not to off to a great start, but okay.

The MGTOW that was quoted in the main article…well, let’s be honest. In terms of schadenfreude, he’s sort of low-hanging fruit, isn’t he? The online world is full of poor representatives of various groups, movements, ideologies, and what have you. It’s easy to find caricatures to make fun of. If you truly want to know what you’re dealing with, however, it’s better to find a more credible example. That’s where I come in!

Um, you do realize that this is not exactly the first MGTOW post, right? Click on the MGTOW tag and enjoy years worth of archives. Virulent misogyny is a feature of MGTOW, not a bug. If you think otherwise than I’m sure you’ll have no trouble pointing me towards a non-misogynistic MGTOW site that is a better representative of your “movement.” Right? I’m not even asking for three. Just one!

For the record, I did indeed read the comments policy before posting. Hopefully, I will be “amusing and/or not especially egregious.”

Hope springs eternal.

I’ve never been a relationship guy. Actually, for that matter, I’ve never been a people person. I’ve never had any interest in dating, and though I tried a few relationships when I was younger, they didn’t work out. Granted, I wasn’t really invested in them. I do like sex, however, so there’s that.

I’m the same way except for I’m a woman, not a guy. Somehow I manage not to type incoherent screeds about how men are all worthless and shallow. Nor do I spend time going to sites with a predominately male readership to tell them about how I’m single because men are so awful. Most people who are single, childless and okay with that don’t feel the need to make a huge stink about it.

For the record, I’m not a PUA. I’ve never been “alpha” in my life. No, I’m an artsy, passive, surprisingly sensitive guy. When I was younger, I actually described myself as a feminist, because I liked the idea of doing away with rigid gender roles and expectations. I also liked that (certain types of) feminism were sex-positive. I am Pro-Sexual-Revolution for both selfish and altruistic reasons. My attitude was (and is) “Let’s change things however we want, have fun, and have lots of sex!” Sadly, I find the newer sexual philosophy to be…not as fun.

What new sexual philosophy? Are you trying to say that affirmative consent is bad and no fun? I can’t think of anything else that you might be talking about. Please clarify if this is not the case because given the manosphere’s track record for hostility to consent, I fear it is.

In any case, being only a feminist if it helps you get laid is not very sensitive. It’s more “Nice Guy” than nice guy if you get what I mean.

Am I jaded and bitter about dealing with women? Well, yeah, I am. I find that their expectations/demands are far too high. I’m sure that people will laugh and say “Oh, god forbid you have to treat them like human beings,” but that’s actually not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about women wanting traits that they don’t offer themselves. i.e., unemployed women refusing to speak with men that don’t earn more than sixty thousand a year, or grossly overweight women refusing to speak to men under six feet tall. You’d be shocked at how much I’ve come across situations like those.

Because no men who aren’t terribly conventionally attractive think they’re entitled to a Victoria’s Secret model? As if MGTOW sites aren’t full of men complaining about women who aren’t skinny, pretty and young merely existing? And grossly overweight? Nice.

Speaking selfishly, it makes things more difficult for me. But, overall, it doesn’t bother me that much, because casual sex is still surprisingly easy to get. I’m sure it’s more difficult in the big cities, but I’m out in the rural wasteland.

This is the second time you’ve talked about your selfish perspective. Somehow I don’t think you’re quite the sensitive soul you’ve represented yourself and likely never were. Also, your boast about how easy it is to get laid countradicts that whole spiel about you’re not alpha, you just an artsy sensitive guy. It’s almost like you’re full of crap!

I didn’t enjoy my experience with relationships, and I’ve never seen any relationships that looked appealing to me. Overall, I keep to myself, and I try to think about this stuff as little as possible. But I’m fascinated by the MGTOW phenomenon–I thought that I was the only guy struggling with these issues–and I found this blog while I was researching it.

Struggling with what issues? Finding a space where it’s socially acceptable to hate women? Are you new to the internet or something?

I do surprisingly well with women, considering the circumstances I have to deal with, but I was never Mr. Popular. I never had a ton of options, and I still don’t.

Fucking hell. Now you’re contradicting yourself in the one single sentence. You don’t get to brag about well you do with women and whine about you’re not popular and don’t have options at the same time.

I’m not “Going Galt” and saying, “Oh, I’m so awesome and important, you’re really going to miss me when I’m gone.” Nah, most women won’t even notice that I’m gone, because they have far more options to choose from.

How is this mathematically possible? The number of men and women are roughly equal. Why would men have trouble finding a partner but not women?

Oh, I know. You’re doing that thing where you’re only counting the conventionally attractive and socially adept women as women and ignoring the rest of us.

Women aren’t very interested in me, and while that hurts, I also know that my self-worth has nothing to do with that.

I thought you were just saying it was easy to get laid and you do well with women? Are you just whining that you don’t have a harem of lingerie models and are forced to lower yourself to having sex with average Janes instead? Poor baby.

I will, however say this: it isn’t good for a society to have a frustrated, alienated sexual underclass in it. It isn’t good for the economy, and it isn’t good for politics, either. I don’t know how we fix it, or even if it can be fixed, but it’s something to keep an eye on.

Yeah, like Lea said. Implicit threats. You really don’t get to complain about how misogynistic rhetoric in the MGTOW is just a fringe thing and claim that you’re reasonable if you’re going to say shit like this. You’re just like every other MGTOW, just a bit more articulate than some of them.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

@Atom Ant

It isn’t good for the economy, and it isn’t good for politics, either.

Citation needed.

Also, it takes more than not ever being in a relationship to be part of an underclass. That whole last paragraph kinda stinks of entitlement to me.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Spawn and Blade are really what I want. Spawn deserved another chance and…I just really like Blade a lot.

Jonah Hex, Ghost Rider, Constantine, and Howard the Duck deserve second chances, too.

Like, I just don’t understand how these movies either died off or just never got a second movie when we get a new Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men and Fantastic Four every goddamn year it seems, shit or hit. Like, mix it up a bit.

At least we got Wonder Woman and a Justice League movie coming up. Maybe if it does well, we’ll get another Green Lantern movie, or a Cyborg movie.

EDIT: Oh, wait, does the Justice League movie even have Green Lantern in it?

8 years ago

@Atom Ant If you are really in a situation where the women you could potentially date are so bizarre, then learning to be happy on your own is a fantastic plan. Millions of women have done just that which is exactly what has sparked this backlash of MRA’s who are furious that women would rather be single than date a jerk.

Feminism freed women to have their own jobs and control their reproduction and many women took the opportunity to be single and independent. Most straight women would rather have a good guy than be single, but they would also rather be single than have a jerk. They deal with being part of this “sexual underclass” you mention by acquainting themselves with their vibrator. The difference is that you don’t see mass rage and anger coming from these women and none of them are going on shooting sprees because they don’t believe they are entitled to a man.

You can do exactly the same, and if there is no one available who you would be happy dating, then you absolutely should be an independent man. You will have a much easier time of it than women because

* On average men desire sex less than women, but of course you are an individual and there is no way of knowing if you are average. In any case you don’t have an entire society slut-shaming you, threatening you with violence, taking away your reproductive rights, and generally attacking you if you try to enjoy sex.

* Your income is higher than it would be if you were a woman and you are expected to do less work.

The one way that you are at a disadvantage as a man is emotional skills. A ton of studies (like this one and this one) show that women thrive as single or widowed, whereas single or widowed men become desperately lonely and unbalanced, specifically because men rely on women to take care of their emotions and relationships. Widows have strong relationships and friendships, whereas widowers who have always relied on their wives to facilitate their emotions and social contacts lack the skills to take care of themselves.

Little girls are taught to empathize and listen and co-operate and share, while parents usually neglect to teach boys those important skills. This privileges men overall because it puts women in a position of constantly doing the exhausting work of emotional labour for free and with no credit. However, it does give women one small privilege in that it makes them far more able to thrive when they are single.

If you can manage your own emotions without being “nurtured” by a woman and you can build relationships with friends and with your community by yourself, then you can absolutely follow in the footsteps of millions of women and be happily single.

8 years ago

More Blade would be awesome too, the rights have gone back to Marvel and I’ve read that they have a treatment (if not a full script) sitting around. If I were in charge I’d introduce Morbius (human) in the new Spider-Man and make Morbius (vampire) the villain in the next one so they can bring Blade in, gauge fan reaction, and if it’s positive they already have a staring point. But I would also have made it Miles Morales rather than Peter Parker so…

Not sure on Jonah Hex, never read his books or saw the movie (yet). Ghost Rider is on AoS so that won’t happen for a while if ever. I seem to remember hearing that they’re doing a Justice League Dark movie including Constantine.

I have some hope for Wonder Woman but not so much for Justice League, been burned by DC/WB too many times by now.

Green Lantern is on their schedule for 2019 (I think) and rumor has it it’ll have Jordan, Gardner, and Stewart. I squeed hard when I read that

ETA- AFAIK no Lantern in Justice League originally but a recent rumor said that there might be a quick cameo

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Goyer stated should Green Lantern appear in a future installment, that it would be a rebooted version of the character and not connected to the 2011 film.[50]

*crosses fingers* John Stewart, John Stewart, John Stewart…
comment image

I’ve read that they have a treatment (if not a full script) sitting around.


weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Unemployment is not to above median earnings as fat is to tall. I mean, the 1st set is more or less opposites. Kinda simplistic, but OK. The rest… Wat? And “grossly”. Ugh

It doesn’t need to make sense. MGTOW dudes are usually just really mad that fat women have the nerve to have standards. They think the penalty for being fat should be they have to fuck any man who wants sex from them. It’s an injustice for a fat woman to ever say no because they’re supposed to be the failsafe for men when they get sex from a conventionally hot chick.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
8 years ago

I’ve told my friends before that I’d probably shit my pants if (when? pretty please DC/WB) Idris Elba was cast as John Stewart. Although I’ve heard Tyrese Gibson has met with execs about it

8 years ago

@Atom Ant

I’ve never been a relationship guy. Actually, for that matter, I’ve never been a people person. I’ve never had any interest in dating, and though I tried a few relationships when I was younger, they didn’t work out. Granted, I wasn’t really invested in them.

Nothing wrong with that. In fact, that’s much better than tying to be in a relationship just for some societal validation (perhaps that’s why you didn’t feel invested in them).

I do like sex, however, so there’s that.

Cool, a lot of (but not all) people do. If you don’t want to be around people, get a masturbatory aid. I think that our society saying that men are “losers” for having a masturbatory aid is sexist because it implies a man must sexually ‘conquer’ a women in order to be a ‘true man’. Toxic masculinity at it’s finest.

For the record, I’m not a PUA. I’ve never been “alpha” in my life. No, I’m an artsy, passive, surprisingly sensitive guy. When I was younger, I actually described myself as a feminist, because I liked the idea of doing away with rigid gender roles and expectations.

BTW there’s no such thing as “alpha”, not even in nature. Women are people. People are individuals. Individuals have different likes/dislikes. Step one of not being sexist is recognizing that “all women are x” or “all women want y” statements are false and disrespectful.

And I don’t think you can call yourself a ‘feminist’ if you associate with MGTOW. MGTOW ideology is misogynistic (this blog has an MGTOW tab, some of the grossest things ever said about women are on that tab). MGTOW constantly dehumanize women comparing them to anything from railroad spikes to gonorrhea. These are the people you’ve chosen to associate with. And you claim to be ‘feminist’. Do you see the problem?

I also liked that (certain types of) feminism were sex-positive. I am Pro-Sexual-Revolution for both selfish and altruistic reasons.

“certain types of”?

My attitude was (and is) “Let’s change things however we want, have fun, and have lots of sex!” Sadly, I find the newer sexual philosophy to be…not as fun.

You don’t need to (and shouldn’t need to) ‘have fun’ in order to support sex positivity.

Now, what do you mean by “newer sexual philosophy”? Last I checked, sex positivity was the ‘newer sexual philosophy’.

Am I jaded and bitter about dealing with women? Well, yeah, I am. I find that their expectations/demands are far too high. I’m sure that people will laugh and say “Oh, god forbid you have to treat them like human beings,” but that’s actually not what I’m talking about.

Actually it is. By saying crap like “women have too high expectations/demands” you are not treating women as human beings. You’re making a sweeping generalization about women. Women are human beings; Human beings are individuals; individuals have different likes/dislikes.

I’m talking about women wanting traits that they don’t offer themselves. i.e., unemployed women refusing to speak with men that don’t earn more than sixty thousand a year, or grossly overweight women refusing to speak to men under six feet tall.

First of all those stories sound like absurdly hyperbolic. I don’t believe that you’ve met loads of unemployed women who will only talk to men making sixty thousand a year. And I have yet to meet a woman who refuses to even talk to a man under six feet (not really sure what her physical appearance has to do with that). You may be shocked to discover that MGTOW are full of shit and their stories are usually lies used to justify their misogyny.

You’d be shocked at how much I’ve come across situations like those.

Let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and say that sure, you’ve met some women like that. So? Don’t date them. Women are people; people are individuals

Also, you call women “grossly overweight” yet suddenly you have a problem with not being up to their physical standards?

So what, is it ok for you to judge a woman’s looks but suddenly once she does the same to you it’s unacceptable? Double standards are not ok.

Speaking selfishly, it makes things more difficult for me.

There are bigger problems than your needs. Such as women murdered for saying “no” to a man who wanted to date/fuck them.

But, overall, it doesn’t bother me that much,

I don’t believe you because you were just talking about how jaded you were. I would encourage to think about why it bothers you.

because casual sex is still surprisingly easy to get. I’m sure it’s more difficult in the big cities, but I’m out in the rural wasteland.

Actually it’s not. Sex isn’t easy and never will be easy I mean for fucks sake we’re talking about activities that involve (in some cases) putting your body part inside someone. Doesn’t matter how casual it is, a minimum level of trust is necessary. In fact, I’ve read enough stories and talked to women who do casual sex end up not getting respected (or even sexually assaulted) because men consider “casual” sex to be “easy”.

I do surprisingly well with women, considering the circumstances I have to deal with, but I was never Mr. Popular. I never had a ton of options, and I still don’t.

News Flash: nobody does. Lip from Shameless and Barney Stinson from HIMYM are not real (and most are written by men, jeez I wonder why). The stories of PUA asshats are just fabrications. The only truth is that meeting more people will make you more likely to find people you enjoy having relations with because math.

I’m not “Going Galt” and saying, “Oh, I’m so awesome and important, you’re really going to miss me when I’m gone.” Nah, most women won’t even notice that I’m gone, because they have far more options to choose from.

What you’re feeling is called entitlement. Our culture teaches boys from a young age that they are “owed” an attractive woman. It’s extremely misogynistic and part of our job as feminists (and allies like myself) is dismantling that assumption and showing the world how dangerous such an idea can be (see above, women murdered for rejecting men). In fact, just a few threads ago, a commentator (I think it was Visceria) did a great deconstruction of the “love at first sight” cliche and how it’s quite toxic.

Culture is a tricky thing to change.

Women aren’t very interested in me, and while that hurts, I also know that my self-worth has nothing to do with that

You’re still making sweeping generalizations about women. Some women are not very interested in you. In fact 99% of women on the planet will never even know you exist.

I will, however say this: it isn’t good for a society to have a frustrated, alienated sexual underclass in it.

I hope you took the time to read my reply and thus can understand why men are not some “sexual underclass”. If you’re frustrated from lack of sex, turn on some porn (or some erotic fiction) and fuck yourself. Literally. Nobody owes you sex, you do not have some “right” to sex with another human (because that violates that other human’s rights). Sex with another human is not some basic human need; you will not die without sex with another person.

Now, equality does both ways, and gender stereotypes hurt men too (though gender stereotypes hurt women drastically more). Men are people too, some are strong, some are frail, some are stoic, some are emotional, some like to roll in the mud and some like to put on make-up.

Men who don’t adhere to gender stereoytpes are ridiculed (and even physically assaulted) because misogyny: Men aren’t supposed to be “like women” and thus men who display traits associated with femininity are considered “weak” and “pathetic” and subjected to mockery, abuse and shame.

Guess what: We discuss these topics too, after arguing with asshole anti-feminists who come in here trying to drop some ‘truthbombs’ they learned in a stupid youtube video.

It isn’t good for the economy, and it isn’t good for politics, either. I don’t know how we fix it, or even if it can be fixed, but it’s something to keep an eye on.

You don’t need to worry about that because feminism is already on it and has accomplished more to help men by breaking down gender stereotypes. The problem is that you, as a MGTOW, are in our way. MGTOW ideology makes sweeping generalizations about women. MGTOW ideology encourages men to blame their problems on women. MGTOW ideology encourages men to dehumanize women, comparing them to diseases and spoiled milk.

Want to fix the problem? Here’s a solution: Quit your movement and go do literally anything else (or convince MGTOW to actually go their own way. So far it’s pretty obvious that’s not happening: @Imaginary Petal noted, a while back, that nearly EVERY fucking topic on the MGTOW subreddit was in some way about women. Why the fuck is that? Do you see the problem?)

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Idris Elba was cast as John Stewart

comment image

Oh, yes, he would be goddamn perfect. 14/10, would watch again and again.

Now I wanna Photoshop him into some Green Lantern suits.

(Related tangent: There was talks a few years ago about a Lobo movie and having Dwayne Johnson play him…and…I can’t see it. I just can’t see him playing that big of an stupid fucking asshole, ya know?)

Cool, a lot of (but not all) people do. If you don’t want to be around people, get a masturbatory aid. I think that our society saying that men are “losers” for having a masturbatory aid is sexist because it implies a man must sexually ‘conquer’ a women in order to be a ‘true man’. Toxic masculinity at it’s finest.

Very true.

8 years ago

Oh it’s all over the place already, just Google “Idris Elba Green Lantern”.

I can’t really see him a Lobo either, plus he’s already been cast as Black Adam anyway (although I think the Capt. Marvel movie might have been cancelled). I could see Danny Trejo doing wonderful things with Lobo.

8 years ago

Can’t edit:

It also just occurred to me, somehow for the first time, that Michael Cudlitz (Abraham in Walking Dead) would be perfect for Guy Gardner.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Actually it’s not. Sex isn’t easy and never will be easy I mean for fucks sake we’re talking about activities that involve (in some cases) putting your body part inside someone. Doesn’t matter how casual it is, a minimum level of trust is necessary. In fact, I’ve read enough stories and talked to women who do casual sex end up not getting respected (or even sexually assaulted) because men consider “casual” sex to be “easy”.

So true. Even as an average looking thirty something, I probably could get online and find a casual sex hookup for tonight if I wasn’t too terribly picky.

In fact *TMI ALERT for this paragraph * the thought of doing something like that is kind of a turn on.

But I don’t do that. When I’ve had casual sex, I’ve always had to have a decent conversation with them first and they’ve very rarely ever been someone I’ve met in a bar. They’ve tended to be tangentially related to my social circle. I want time to let my creepdar work and it’s best to have some way to track them down if need be.

I live in a city and the people I associate with tend to be very progressive, so being called a slut isn’t a big fear of mine. But I still need to worry about what would happen if maybe the chemistry wasn’t right and I wanted to end the encounter, would he sexually assault me? If I said yes to PIV but no anal, would he respect that? What if he’s got a recording device somewhere? What if he turns out to be a stalker.

If more men would oppose misogyny and rape culture, it would be so much easier for them to get laid. It baffles me when anti-feminists whine about how having to obtain affirmative consent makes it order to get laid. It’s just the opposite! Imagine what would happen if women didn’t have to be afraid of men!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Oh goody, you’re here with a rebuttal.

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Smallestpenisever | November 26, 2016 at 7:02 am
NONE of comments describe facts or any logic backed by proven points.

Which shows you didn’t read a damn thing.

To be fair, I didn’t expect you to. Your kind never really does. I just do it for the lurkers at this point.

You simply use “shaming tactics” as always.”he can not get laid”

How is saying that someone can’t get laid a “shaming tactic”, unless you view not having sex as something to be ashamed of?

There’s no shame in being a virgin, or having a dry spell.

There’s plenty of shame in being an asshole though, which was our point. No one really wants to fuck a person with a shitty personality.

and also victimhood “noone want to have sex with somebody treating you as slave”

How is “I don’t want to have sex with someone who would treat me like shit” somehow an example of “victimhood”?

Are you implying that you, good sir, like it when your significant other treats you like nothing more than someone to clean up after them?

I mean, no shame here, to each their own, but let’s not assume that we all work that way.

well….if you feel as such why won’t you leave him?

It never fails to make me giggle when people forget that LGBT+ people exist.

Or that people can be single and be happy as such.

Or when people assume that we’re somehow all in a shitty relationship and that’s why we’re feminists, not because we want equality for our gender or anything.

The answer can be financial comodity.


So in modern western society women have choices,use that than instead being bitter complaining how opressed you are.

Yeah, but they’re all shitty choices and I’d like to have the same choices as men.

So, we fight to get those choices.

Also, pot, meet kettle.

Where I simply use arguments and points

Squirrel, where?

feminists always use poisoned input”I hope he is painfully unhappy” haha.

Who said that?

Good….I let this person believe in own version.”Smallestpenisever — what a braggart! I seriously doubt that this guy is so outstanding”.But that is only a speculation and will remain.

“I don’t have to prove anything to you! I’ll just let you think I’m an awful person, and I win!”


So again feminist talk vs facts proven.

Here we go.

Lastly ,where is that wage gap?


And here.

And here.

Oh, and there’s also a gap based on race too!

Qny official gathered by government’s bodies women being paid lower rate for exact work?


How many centres of health women have provided vs men’s centres.

Actually, this is something we can kind of agree on. There aren’t a lot of men’s health clinics in comparison to women’s, and this is something that feminists can agree should be fixed.

HOWEVER, there’s also another interesting fact that needs to be addressed: When it comes to disease research, white men are usually considered the default research subjects.

For instance, did you know men and women show different signs of heart attacks?

Not many people actually do, because we’ve always been told that the signs of a heart attack were just the ones men showed.

Another problem (and this links back to patriarchy) is that men refuse to go to the doctor as often due to toxic masculinity.

So many men feel too “tough” and “manly” to ask for help or even admit they have a problem, either physically or mentally. This leads to men not getting the proper health care, both physically and mentally they deserve.

So, feminism also aims to help take down toxic masculinity, the kind of masculinity that says a man is not manly enough if he admits that he’s not Superman and he needs help.

Of course, I could ask you what MGTOWs are doing to help remedy this situation, but I think we both know the answer to that question is “we sit on the internet and harass feminists because we’re too lazy to do it ourselves, and we would just rather complain until the feeemales do it for us!”

How many contraception methods women have in comparison to men?

Women do have a lot more kinds of contraceptives, and yes, men should have more kinds available.

HOWEVER: Women have a shit time trying to get access to these contraceptives. See my previous point about how the US government refuses to give women access to contraceptives via their insurance because of “taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for women to have sex!”

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Or shit like this.

TL;DR: Slut shaming women is more important than our reproductive health or enforcing rape laws.

If you go to any shopping centres and you enter clothing store how many sq meters are dedicated to women and how many to men?

I could point out how it’s a sexist stereotype that women are supposed to like clothes and men are supposed to hate shopping, OR I could point out that many, if not most, clothes stores are gender-neutral and sell clothes for ALL GENDERS but I think the obvious is a bit too much for you right now.

Let me instead explain what it’s like to go clothes shopping as a woman (and why I fucking hate it):

1. Every fashion brand has it’s own sizing for women. That’s right, I can’t go to two stores or shop two brands at the same store without having to try both sizes on to see what fits, because the sizing system for women’s clothing is arbitrary bullshit that’s inconsistent across the board.

Men’s pants? Easy. Leg length and Waist size.

Women’s pants? Fuck if I know what size I am.

2. Fake. Pockets. I don’t want to buy a purse, I just want some pants with fucking. POCKETS. And not just any pockets, I want pockets that can fit something bigger than a tube of lip gloss.

3. The price.

The pink tax is strong with clothing, lemme tell ya. Not only are women’s clothes less durable than men’s (because we’re expected to apparently purchase a new wardrobe every season or else we’re “out of style”), it fucking costs more.

I mean, I could go on.

Equality??hahaha.Just reminding you.I do not care about how you feel and your assumptions who I am and how I look like.

And I don’t care who you are or what you look like. You’re still a sexist asshole based on the shit you say, which is what I’m addressing.

Do you understand the words I have typed out for you?

Its an experiment to see feminist’s reactions and so how they judge others based on input on web site.

If it quacks like a sexist asshole, then it’s most likely a sexist asshole.

To borrow another phrase, you can say you’re fucking goats “as an experiment” but you’re still a goat-fucker.

Before you start writing comments just use google engine and send links from any fovernment’s survey stating that women have less choices in modern western society.

What kind of choices are we even talking about? I did send links above for the pay gap.

Are we talking about a woman’s right to choose when it comes to abortions? Are we talking about what jobs women have a harder time in? Are we talking about a woman’s right to choose who she does and doesn’t have sex with?

Don’t bring “but women in a
Africa,children in Somalia”.I talk about western countries.US,Canada,Australia,UK.

I don’t think you’ll ever understand how fucking happy I am that you said that, considering how many of your bedfellows come in here playing Oppression Olympics and telling us to shut up because [insert third-world country here] has it SO MUCH WORSE.

Facts only.

Well, you’ve already broken that rule, haven’t you?

Otherwise your theories based onnyour personal experience and your thinking that Your version is only right version mean othing in conversation where you give some meat on the bone.

Of course, we have already done your homework for you, but you’re just sitting here and demanding it on a silver platter now.

I can easily predict texts such” I wish him to be sad and ill” or “what a braggart”.Still nothing to do with facts.So arguments vs theory based on own experience?

Here’s my question: What the fuck is up with dudes who seem to think they’re entitled to a debate (with citations) from everyone they disagree with everywhere they fucking go?

Do you really think you’re the first and only dude to waltz in here, cop a squat, shart out a post, and strut about like you own the place?

And not only that, but they don’t think they have to do any homework of their own or provide any links to backup their claims that we’re wrongity-wrong-wrong and we’re silly hysterical wimmens who are complaining about nothing.

You want more fucking links? Provide some. Prove to me that I’m wrong or that we’re making all this shit up.

Oh, but some rules of my own since you have some: No posts from Reddit, or any anti-feminist site. Government or scientific sources only. Final Destination. No items.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oh it’s all over the place already, just Google “Idris Elba Green Lantern”.

Yeah, but I didn’t do ’em. 😛 Also most are just head swaps of Ryan Reynolds.

I could see Danny Trejo doing wonderful things with Lobo.

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Yeah, I can see it.

Honestly, I think most actors who can pull off a grizzly biker look could probably play Lobo. Lobo isn’t…subtle. He’s either scowling or laughing or drunk. There’s no depth to him beyond wanting to kill for fun and/or money…and loving space dolphins. They can just ham it the fuck up. Danny Trejo would be, like, the ultimate, though.

I need to rewatch Machete.

8 years ago

Wait Spawn is getting a new movie? Yes, yes finally, it’s been far too long. Oh now with CGI animators and tech has made great strides in 20 years, the effects would be gorgeous.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


The thing is the way it’s described, CGI might not be used that much.

Like, it seems interesting and would be cool if pulled off well, but it also sounds like there’s plenty of stuff that can go wrong.

8 years ago

I would be interested to read a deconstruction of “love at first sight” if someone remembers where it is. TIA.

8 years ago


So I googled “chess with pigeons” and this came up:

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Apparently an evolution of this:

Which I had no idea existed until you referenced it, but is now my most favorite thing ever.

You’re so smart. I bow to your superior meme skills.

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PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Having danced a do-si-do once or twice with people like FLORID11!!11 (who reminds me so much of that person on the other website, they may as well have been separated at birth), that description is apt, lol.

So sure of his debating skills and FACTS while not actually debating or providing any FACTS, and strutting around dropping turd bombs. Declaring some sort of victory. Yep. Effort Pigeon who misses the spacebar.

I WISH I knew how to embed memes from my phone. I’d be a mememonster, along with the rest of the talented people here.

Alas, a Luddite is me.

ETA: I fucking LOVE your nym.

8 years ago

@Adom Ant

“I will, however say this: it isn’t good for a society to have a frustrated, alienated sexual underclass in it. It isn’t good for the economy, and it isn’t good for politics, either. I don’t know how we fix it, or even if it can be fixed, but it’s something to keep an eye on.”

But what on earth would you have done about it? You cannot force, nor should you force women to date men they are not attracted to. Men certainly don’t date women they aren’t attracted to.

So what would you do? Also why is it only men who react like this? I and a number of my female friends are still single because we have difficulties finding men who want relationships and have zero interest in having casua sex. We just get on with life. We certainly don’t view ourselves as a “frustrated, alienated underclass.”

I think we need to work on the sense of entitlement so many of these young men evidently feel.

Incidentally why should a woman being fat mean she must be open to dating a man of a certain height? I don’t get it?

8 years ago


“Actually it’s not. Sex isn’t easy and never will be easy I mean for fucks sake we’re talking about activities that involve (in some cases) putting your body part inside someone. Doesn’t matter how casual it is, a minimum level of trust is necessary. In fact, I’ve read enough stories and talked to women who do casual sex end up not getting respected (or even sexually assaulted) because men consider “casual” sex to be “easy”.
So true. Even as an average looking thirty something, I probably could get online and find a casual sex hookup for tonight if I wasn’t too terribly picky.

In fact *TMI ALERT for this paragraph * the thought of doing something like that is kind of a turn on.”

Incodentaly I think people were a bit hard on Adom Ant saying casual sex is easy to find. I think he was talking about finding someone willing to have sex with being fairly easy and it is, if you aren’t too fussy. Although that contradicts his earlier points…

I actually think it would be good for more men to understand that as it would help with some of the bitterness some feel towards women who apparently find it easy to find people to have sex with.

Out of interest in relation to the part of your post I quoted I have used hook-up sites for sex (Blendr being my site of choice) and it was great fun and very hot. Completely not something I am interested in now but it served its purpose at the time.

“If more men would oppose misogyny and rape culture, it would be so much easier for them to get laid. It baffles me when anti-feminists whine about how having to obtain affirmative consent makes it order to get laid. It’s just the opposite! Imagine what would happen if women didn’t have to be afraid of men!”

Right?! If women weren’t slut shamed and personal safety wasn’t a concern how many more women would be on bord with casual hook-ups!

8 years ago


I was unfamiliar with Stefan Molyneux so my initial reaction was, “the Fable guy?!” But I Googled him and agree with the ugghhh

Stefan is if Davis was more articulate and had 500,000 subscribers. Its terrifying that someone with those views has that much support. Molyneux is arguably more misogynistic than Davis.


I remember some fella was in the “free speech zone”/usual demonstration area on my campus. He said I was a hell-bound sinner (I mentioned I was pan). I told him okay, and that I’d see him there. Pretty sure he and Aurini aren’t connected, but the name-calling’s the same, I suppose.

Im sorry you had to go through that, the same has happened to me and my trans girlfriend. It really shook her up, because she grew up with a father who had the same views as the preacher.

The interaction set off my anger issues and I told the preacher in a much more viscous way that if heaven is full of hateful people like him then hell seems like a pretty tolerant, queer friendly place (and i couldn’t wait to rank up my sins to be let in).


Please Facebook, let it be possible.

Im looking now haha =)

8 years ago


I know Garnet’s deconstruction of love at first sight, ahem:

“Love at first sight doesn’t exist. Love takes time, and love takes work.”

But yeah, I wouldn’t mind knowing where Viscaria’s (?) deconstruction is, too.

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