aggrieved entitlement antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Mr. Smallestpenisever the MGTOW demands: SHOW ME THE EFFORT CHICKENS!

An Effort Chicken hard at work
An Effort Chicken hard at work

There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.

Yesterday, one such fellow, calling himself Smallestpenisever, deposited an amazing, angry, incoherent, and defiantly unproofread rant in the comments to one of my posts on MGTOWs from earlier this week. I only now forced myself to read the whole thing, and it’s really too good not to share with the world.

Mr. Smallestpenis begins by quoting a passage from a commenter here who had taken aim at those “whiny white men” who long to return to some imaginary misogynist golden age in which women were little more than submissive slaves to men.

“’Tiny whiny white men’????,” Mr. Smallestpenis quotes indignantly, and inaccurately, adding the word “tiny” to the quote for no apparent reason — perhaps it reminds him of his smallestpenisever?

How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.

Apparently calling whiny men whiny is such a crime against humanity that feminists have to be read out of the human race.

So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.


Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

CHAEKMATE, FEMINESTS! feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price” or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.

Owh, yeas, et’s Leadies’ Nieght

Annd tha fealing’s reaight

You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.

Er, the wage gap is about women being paid less for the same or comparable work. Feminists aren’t demanding that women be paid more for working less. Even if they do enjoy the apparently intolerable luxuries of coffee and weekends off.

Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.


Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??

You should probably ask this guy:

Captain Kidd has the answers
Captain Kidd has the answers

Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”. You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…

Pretty much every time I have moved I have asked for help from women — and gotten it. And after several truly hellish moves I started hiring movers. Because furniture and boxes of books are heavy and moving is hard.

Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).

Being a single parent is tough. I imagine that single mothers ask female friends for favors more often than they ask men, if only because the women are far less likely to be creepy dudes who think that doing a woman a favor entitles them to sex.

Also, though this may come as a shock to Mr. Tinywhinypenis, sometimes people ask single parents for favors.

In fact, people ask other people for favors all the time. And they pay people with specialized skills and/or equipment to do work that they aren’t able to do (or do as well) themselves. Because we live in a society, and that’s how societies work.

Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.

Weird, because MGTOWs tend to sound a lot like toddlers having tantrums.

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,

Er, being adopted isn’t some sort of moral failing; neither is being a survivor of abuse.

I do not have problems with errection and I am not sad.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t a moral failing either. And jeez, dude, you’re the one who brought up the whole penis thing.

I don’t know about you being “sad” — also not a moral failing — but you do seem just a tad angry.

I have to mention that otherwise you start making comments by suspecting what could happened to me.Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.

I’m going to let someone else handle the reply to this last mess of text because I’ve reached my limit here, and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with asking other people for the occasional favor.

So come on, effort chickens, help a fella out.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Satanic degenerate sounds like a title that should be worn with pride to me!

8 years ago

Sorry for the double post. My edit window ran out. That should say @Lera not @Let.

8 years ago

I’ve got nothing to add except it’s awesome that so many other people picked up on “Hoth genders” too. (Sometimes) the internet rocks.

I was unaware that planets had genders but, if they did, I’m guessing that in the MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/etc minds Hoth would be a woman what with all the ice, frigid temps, man-eating creatures and what not; whereas Coruscant would be a man what with all the technology and being the center of the Republic and such.

Also, if this dude is looking for effort chickens, I’d suggest talking to Von Miller. He keeps lots chickens, some of them must be of the “effort” kind.

8 years ago

I tried (and failed, evidently) to be clear that it was primarily the rural working-class voters

Do you have a source for this? Because right now you’re extrapolating based on numbers of rural people that rural working class people are the people who “primarily” voted for Trump. When we know that working class people voted in higher percentages for Clinton, that doesn’t follow. It’s speculation based on rumors, lies, and fake news unless you can prove otherwise. My numbers show it was rural people, rich people, and white people who voted in larger percentages for Trump.

Edit: the post I was replying to with this disappeared, but I’m going to leave this here for anyone who does still want to argue that it was the rural working class who voted Trump in.

8 years ago


I deleted my post after reading your follow-up, and deciding that it was better to do more research before mouthing off again. Consider me told.

ETA: There is a linked story which references the NYT exit polls that asserts that the Republican candidate won favor among whites without college degrees, and among rural voters. I’m not sure as to its credibility (since it is political analysis, and, well…)

The link in question:

8 years ago

No one here but us effort chickens.

@ Hippodameia

*shudder” That brought back memories of high school. I once made up a song called, “If These Are the Best Years of My Life, Kill Me Now”. Those were not even close to being the best years of my life. More like the “more sexual assault in one week than you will experience during the entirety of your post-high school life” years of my life.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Fun tidbit from the exit polls: Trump voters were less interested in the economy than Clinton voters. Terrorism and immigration, aka browns and other kinda browns. Then again foreign policy and the economy are also often stand ins for browns. Point is, ‘economic anxiety’ is bullshit

8 years ago

@Smallestpenisever: you’re a bit FLORID, aren’t you?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


You’re here. Oh goody.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

and also victimhood “noone want to have sex with somebody treating you as slave” well….if you feel as such why won’t you leave him?

Leave who? David? Don’t worry. He’s not treating us as slaves and as far as I know, none of the commentariat here are having sex with him.

How many contraception methods women have in comparison to men?If you go to any shopping centres and you enter clothing store how many sq meters are dedicated to women and how many to men?Equality??hahaha.

There is a male birth control pill but there were side effects. No worse than the side effects of female birth control mind you, but it was enough to pull the drug. Apparently men’s bodies are considered worth more and you shouldn’t be expected to suffer for the sake of family plan like us.

And shopping malls? Really? I’ll bet you don’t actually have trouble finding the clothes you need. But women are judged on our looks more and expected to spend more of our money on trendy and flattering clothes. Men can just throw on shirts and pants. You think this is a female privilege? Really?

I do not care about how you feel and your assumptions who I am and how I look like.Its an experiment to see feminist’s reactions and so how they judge others based on input on web site.

You care so little that you keep coming back here to tell us about it. I know I’m convinced. I’m happy to hear that we’ve been chosen for this experiment though. I look forward to seeing the results. What journal is it going to be in? Who was your control group? What is your hypothesis? What are you measuring? Please, do tell!

Seriously, if shopping mall space, paying for dates and ladies nights are men’s oppression, that’s a pretty good signal that men are not the oppressed gender.

8 years ago

@kupo. I think it’s a fair extrapolation based on the following facts:

1) Rural counties overwhelmingly went for Trump

2) There aren’t many rich people in these counties

3) Whites without college degrees overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

4) Trump appears to have won more votes in union households than any Republican candidate in decades (though he still lost that demographic)

Note what these things do not mean:

1) Trump was favored by the working class in general

2) That Trump was favored by the financially downtrodden (in fact, on average, Trump voters had a higher income than Clinton voters)

3) That “economic insecurity” is a necessarily useful explanation for the vast majority of Trump voters, or a complete one for the rest.

First, economic insecurity is almost universal in this country. Second, such insecurity tends to interact with other insecurities, including those having to do with race and gender. Thirdly, as a result, people’s political reactions to the economic security they feel vary greatly by ideology and by attitudes about race, gender, etc

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

There aren’t many rich people in these counties

There’s plenty of rural poverty, there’s plenty of poverty everywhere in the US but rural areas aren’t entirely poor. There’s lots of middle and upper class neighborhoods in small towns. Farming is a pretty lucrative occupation despite what the stereotypes put forth.

Trump appears to have won more votes in union households than any Republican candidate in decades (though he still lost that demographic)

Since union members tend to make significantly more money than non union members, I’m no sure how this fits with the economically anxious working class narrative. It seems just as likely, if not more likely that there are lots of white union members who cared more about the racism than their union.

8 years ago

1) Rural counties overwhelmingly went for Trump

No one is disputing this

2) There aren’t many rich people in these counties

Citation needed. Specifically of the segment of the population in these counties which are eligible and registered to vote.

3) Whites without college degrees overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

What do college degrees have to do with anything? Are you extrapolating from this that people without college degrees are rural? Or that they’re poor? Honestly, this is a non-sequiter. Those numbers are independent of these other factors.

4) Trump appears to have won more votes in union households than any Republican candidate in decades (though he still lost that demographic)

What does this have to do with rural working-class voters? Are you trying to say that rural working-class voters are all in unions? Do you have a source for this?

economic insecurity is almost universal in this country

And people who were primarily concerned with the economy voted in larger percentages for Clinton.

Why do you want so much to hold on to this belief that it’s rural working class citizens who voted for this guy? What’s at stake for you that you have to defend it even though the numbers don’t add up? I thought that was the case, too, until I saw the actual facts. Why are you so invested in this that you can’t let it go when shown the actual numbers?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


white union members who cared more about the racism than their union

Remember, many unions, including the AFL, excluded women and minorities as members for a long ass time. Bigotry and unions are not at all mutually exclusive. Just sayin…

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Yup. Women and POC were always excluded from the labor movement even though they always had even worse working conditions and pay than white men. One more reason it’s so laughable when people act like white men are the richest because they’re either inherently superior or just make better choices.

Yet we’re still supposed to feel bad about the “economic insecurity” of white men. Right.

8 years ago

“economic anxiety” is bullshit created simply because the truth, that Trump supporters are driven primarily by hatred and bigotry, is too tough to swallow. Trump supporters are more well off than the average population.


Nice word salad. For someone with such a strong “logical” brain you seem to have a hard time finding the enter key on your keyboard.

NONE of comments describe facts or any logic backed by proven points.You simply use “shaming tactics” as always.

Well first of all, you started it. Second of all, in a forum where everyone will be quick to call feminists all sorts of mean things, it’s kind of odd that our incredibly tame insults offend you. Third of all, I didn’t use any shaming tactics, all I said in my post was “Why is a MGTOW going on dates, let alone with a feminist?”. The only logic I use is that “a men going his own way” is someone who wants to avoid any sort of interpersonal relationship. Are you saying that’s wrong? Does MGTOW actually means “a man who blames all his problems on women and invents elaborate revenge fantasies”?

Also, since you evidently didn’t read my response: Feminists would happily pay for their fair share of a meal on a date Benevolent sexism is still sexism*. Every date I’ve gone on has been either a split or an “I’ll get this one you get the next one” if I like the person enough to expect a followup date.

So in modern western society women have choices,use that than instead being bitter complaining how opressed you are.

Such as the choice to report sexual harassment and get accused of “starting drama” and possibly lose a job, or just go along with it and get sexually harassed. Options!

Where I simply use arguments and points feminists always use poisoned input

You say this, yet you provide no such argument. And I for one would love to hear what this supposed “poisoned input” is.

If you go to any shopping centres and you enter clothing store how many sq meters are dedicated to women and how many to men?Equality?

Wow. “Women’s clothing sections are bigger then Men’s; Discrimination! Oppression!”. You’re beyond parody. Also, clothing is just clothing, nothing is stopping you from buying your clothing from the women’s section if it really bothers you that much therefore you are not being oppressed. I remember when I was a kid it was a fad for boys to wear girl’s jeans. Is that still a thing?

*Fun fact on benevolent sexism, I think it was a Michael Moore tweet saying “women didn’t create the atomic bomb or start wars so they are naturally peaceful” or some nonsense like that and Rebecca Watson had an epic rebuttal basically saying “fuck you, women scientists exist and plenty of them helped on the Manhattan project” It was great.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I remember that! Like, some people really need to have their hot take privileges revoked

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


@Smallestpenisever: you’re a bit FLORID, aren’t you?

Eleven times over. Or is that eleventy!!!111!!!?

Paul Beaulieu
8 years ago


Why do you want so much to hold on to this belief that it’s rural working class citizens who voted for this guy?

I did not even make such a claim. My claim is that “rural working class citizens” are among those who voted for Trump, and that indications are (although we do not have strong proof one way or the other from the exit polls) that a majority of them did, possibly an overwhelming majority when we consider the factors I cited. As I said, it’s a reasonable extrapolation, not an actual proof, which again is not given to us by the exit polls. You are right to say that the numbers don’t offer proof, although the fact that, on average, Trump supporters have higher incomes and are, again on average, less concerned with economic matters overall is not actually a refutation of the very narrow claim I did make.

I must say I am having trouble understanding your tone here, since, on the essentials, we are not really in disagreement. Read what I wrote again – especially the second half. We agree it’s wrong to say that Trump’s victory was really all about “working class economic insecurity”. Where we do disagree is that I don’t think the issue of so-called working class support for Trump is quite as simple as you are suggesting. If I am “clinging” to anything, it is to the need to avoid flocking too quickly to answers that are simple, easy, and ideologically convenient for me.

8 years ago


Eleven times over. Or is that eleventy!!!111!!!?

Tonight at eleventy…DOOOOOOOOOOOOM

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I am having trouble understanding your tone here

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Tonight at eleventy…DOOOOOOOOOOOOM

With a poison imput chicken?

8 years ago

(I have to say, on this asshole being brazilian: chicken can mean slut in portuguese but that’s a very childish and oldschool term, at least in my experience (i’m Brazilian. I only remember hearing it in middle school, and I went to IT school in BR with a bunch of dudebros so yeah) and he doesn’t sound very BR to me. I hope to god he isn’t. ew!)

8 years ago

Cuck cuck, motherfucker!

Speaking of, ever notice how much more satisfying chicken nuggets are now that assholes have made “cuuuuuck!” a thing?

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