aggrieved entitlement antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Mr. Smallestpenisever the MGTOW demands: SHOW ME THE EFFORT CHICKENS!

An Effort Chicken hard at work
An Effort Chicken hard at work

There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.

Yesterday, one such fellow, calling himself Smallestpenisever, deposited an amazing, angry, incoherent, and defiantly unproofread rant in the comments to one of my posts on MGTOWs from earlier this week. I only now forced myself to read the whole thing, and it’s really too good not to share with the world.

Mr. Smallestpenis begins by quoting a passage from a commenter here who had taken aim at those “whiny white men” who long to return to some imaginary misogynist golden age in which women were little more than submissive slaves to men.

“’Tiny whiny white men’????,” Mr. Smallestpenis quotes indignantly, and inaccurately, adding the word “tiny” to the quote for no apparent reason — perhaps it reminds him of his smallestpenisever?

How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.

Apparently calling whiny men whiny is such a crime against humanity that feminists have to be read out of the human race.

So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.


Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

CHAEKMATE, FEMINESTS! feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price” or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.

Owh, yeas, et’s Leadies’ Nieght

Annd tha fealing’s reaight

You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.

Er, the wage gap is about women being paid less for the same or comparable work. Feminists aren’t demanding that women be paid more for working less. Even if they do enjoy the apparently intolerable luxuries of coffee and weekends off.

Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.


Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??

You should probably ask this guy:

Captain Kidd has the answers
Captain Kidd has the answers

Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”. You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…

Pretty much every time I have moved I have asked for help from women — and gotten it. And after several truly hellish moves I started hiring movers. Because furniture and boxes of books are heavy and moving is hard.

Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).

Being a single parent is tough. I imagine that single mothers ask female friends for favors more often than they ask men, if only because the women are far less likely to be creepy dudes who think that doing a woman a favor entitles them to sex.

Also, though this may come as a shock to Mr. Tinywhinypenis, sometimes people ask single parents for favors.

In fact, people ask other people for favors all the time. And they pay people with specialized skills and/or equipment to do work that they aren’t able to do (or do as well) themselves. Because we live in a society, and that’s how societies work.

Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.

Weird, because MGTOWs tend to sound a lot like toddlers having tantrums.

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,

Er, being adopted isn’t some sort of moral failing; neither is being a survivor of abuse.

I do not have problems with errection and I am not sad.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t a moral failing either. And jeez, dude, you’re the one who brought up the whole penis thing.

I don’t know about you being “sad” — also not a moral failing — but you do seem just a tad angry.

I have to mention that otherwise you start making comments by suspecting what could happened to me.Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.

I’m going to let someone else handle the reply to this last mess of text because I’ve reached my limit here, and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with asking other people for the occasional favor.

So come on, effort chickens, help a fella out.

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8 years ago

I’m still confused why he would even bring up not being adopted. Where did that even come from?

8 years ago


I believe this was the one. My long, ridiculing response to a Reddit OP was what apparently touched off the tirade.

8 years ago

Guys…dunno if this is the best time to raise this or if there IS a best time, but, uh…

Anyone willing to hear me out on eliminating adultist language from this space?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Adultist? If this is about swearing, I can stop that. If adultist is, like, a weird word for ageism, I can do that too.

8 years ago

Swear all the fuck you like, as far as I’m concerned.

Adultism is contained under ageism, I suppose, but I also like it as its own term to describe the ways children are disrespected and objectified. Been reading a lot of Alice Miller and well, Fred Rogers. I think watching ourselves on things like calling people “childish” or “babies” and the like as insults would be a very good direction to go.

8 years ago

@Faolan McEain
I don’t have the energy right now to tutor you in why it’s harmful to come into feminist spaces and go on about how bad the oppressors have it. Did you read what WWTH wrote? That scratches the surface.

I looked it up and I’d be open to that. I already do try not to be adultist, though I might be guilty of it in some respects.

FYI to anyone about to Google that term, it does bring up some NSFW websites. Try the Wikipedia article.

8 years ago

Sure, Kupo. Me too. That kind of change is always hard to do.

But lately I’ve been thinking that not being jerkasses to children is, like, ground zero of all social justice causes.

8 years ago

I like your blog. You seem very thoughtful, and it sounds like you’ve got a lot of empathy. I hope you can hold onto that, too. I’d probably want to sit down with him and talk about this sort of thing if it were real life too – that is, if I could do so at all. I’m no good at that stuff and I doubt he’d take me at all seriously.

I tried such a thing with Davis Aurini. I added him on Facebook, which led to a huge argument between the two of us for about 2 weeks about Feminism, Trump, religion, MRA’s etc.As our conversation came to a close, and realising that i wouldn’t accept his toxic ideology he started throwing out slurs like “Sodomite” and “f****t”, as well as purposefully misgendering the person im dating. He knew what would hurt me the most and he went there. What an asshole.

I found it strange at the time because I was pleasant with him throughout the entire conversation. Oh yeah he’s a devout Christian creationist now, (which probably surprises nobody) which i suppose conflicted so much with my anarchism, feminism and nihilism that it sent him into a frenzy.

I gave up and blocked him immediately.

At one point he began psychoanalysing me, saying strange things like due to my childhood abuse I saw him as a father figure and a childhood friend or something. Weird. There was another point in the conversation though when he did open up to me, and Davis told me about his father. I took this as him empathising with my childhood . Guess I was wrong.

Every time I poked holes in his irrational, paranoid arguments it made him increasingly angry, which led to him insulting my beliefs instead of admitting he was wrong.

I learnt a lot more about Davis, and I sincerely believe he’s incapable of admitting fault or wrongdoing (believe me empathy was a one way street) . I imagine its the same with many in the alt right, and therefore pointless to even try and change their mind.

First time posting here, been a fan of this site for a long time. Just thought what I had to I say would be a tad interesting for everyone.

Thanks for reading, Im going to sleep and will reply to any replies in the morning.


Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Yeah, I getcha. I try not to use insult regarding age myself anyway, although I’ve likely slipped up here and there, so I’m on board with it.

(I’ve been thinking about switching up my fav “fuck” for “frag” but it doesn’t roll off the tongue in the same way. Def practicing sprinkling “bastich” here and there, though, because I’m disgusting and it’s the greatest I fucking love it.)

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Interesting article and also

Individually, adultism leads to many of the consequences we associate with “being a teenager”: anxiety and depression, a sense of worthlessness, feeling alone, acting in or acting out to be heard, and the displacement of powerlessness onto peers (also known as bullying).

That hurt.


Oh my god those are beautiful.

Nothin’ wrong with corksuckin’, though. I don’t really like that as an insult.

8 years ago

Welcome and thanks for sharing. Honestly, that’s about how I expect that would go. I’m sorry Aurini was a fargin bastage to you.

Edit re corksucking: I’ve never understood why it’s an insult. I always thought it was considered an awesome thing to do, so long as everyone is consenting. (I mean, I know why, but still find it to be a weird insult.)

8 years ago

This doesn’t seem to have been addressed yet; please forgive me if it has:

Do effort chickens have anything to do with the cock carousel?

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
8 years ago

Interesting read, LG. I’m definitely down with working to change my language and become more aware of adultism within and around me.

It was particularly poignant to read shortly after the link Misha posted over in the never ending Cassie Jaye thread, which had a number of horrifying stories of children whose testimonies of abuse were discounted in Australian Family Court. (There was also a hopeful anecdote about a 14-year-old survivor who has organised a support and lobby group, though: good reminder that young people’s political voices are valuable.)

ETA Sorry, I meant Mish not Misha! This is the link they shared:

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oh yeah he’s a devout Christian creationist now

Jesus fucking Joseph. I think I read that wrong.

I need to google this sentence to make sure it’s grammatically correct because I don’t think a noun that refers to “Aurini” can be in the same sentence as “devout”, “Christian” or “creationist” or else the man is just going for broke and rejecting all the science ever

I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but, like…I am.

But, like, are you sure? You sure he just wasn’t being an ass as usual? Because I’d hate for him to be another reason to hate Christianity, if I’m honest.

8 years ago

Welcome and thanks for sharing. Honestly, that’s about how I expect that would go. I’m sorry Aurini was a fargin bastage to you.

Thank you Kupo. My sentence structure and grammar may be a little weird for a while, since my laptop is busted and the only other alternative is this outdated phone that refuses to let me see what I’m typing while i type it.

My interaction with Davis was a huge wakeup call for me – that the bigotry and vitriol these manbabies spew forth is as authentic and deep seated as it gets. Before that i was under the impression the majority of the alt right are mostly just trolls who act bigoted and hateful just to get a rise out of people.

I’m less optimistic about human nature than ever before. Human cruelty (of a certain demographic) knows no bounds online.

Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
8 years ago

The reason buying women expensive junk to guilt-trip them into spending time with me keeps pissing them off must be because they want me to buy them even more!

This reminds me of a piece I once read about housecats. The author explained that when they bring in dead mice and such, you shouldn’t freak out, because the only way the cat can interpret your displeasure with their gift is that it wasn’t big enough. The cat will find a way to do better in future.

Of course, the cat will be content if you take the mouse and praise the cat. The MGTOW wants sex.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

As promised, I am now home from work.

So…*cracks knuckles*

How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.

Wait, so the first part is a question, but then the second part has nothing to do with it?

Unless you’re literally saying “Men (like me) don’t think feminists are humans because they’re too aggressive (for my liking)”?

So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.

Word salad. Please revise.

But, the first part I can sort of comprehend, so allow me to answer your rhetorical question.

I don’t feel like “men” (Because men aren’t a monolith, therefore it’s certainly not fair to lay the blame at all men’s feet, especially considering that so many men are making an effort to not be sexist) “fucked” up (You can swear here, it’s okay) relations between men and women. I think patriarchy did. Patriarchy tells men to treat women like possessions and trophies instead of as individual people, and men do this because they think it’s the best way to do things, and don’t know another way.

Feminism is out to teach men that it’s not okay to treat women like this, and a lot of men are very receptive to the idea that women aren’t trophies to be chased, or orifices to fuck, but rather are living breathing people who are just like them in that we have hopes and dreams and ideas and so on and so on.

TL;DR: Men didn’t fuck up gender relations, archaic ideas of Patriarchy did.

Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

And I agree with that. If one half of a date wants to go halfsies on the check, it should be an option.

Your point?

Though, I will echo other confusion expressed here and ask “Why the fuck would an MGTOW be asking a feminist on a date?” I thought y’all were Going Your Own Way and all that. feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price”

You do realize that by giving women discounts on drinks, that’ll bring in more women, and thus more men, who are going to pay full for their drinks, will follow.

This is a bullshit idea, especially from a feminist standpoint, and I don’t frequent any bars that would do this. Not that I frequent bars due to social anxiety, but if I did, I wouldn’t support Ladies’ Night, due to the fact that it’s a way to lure men to bars.

And if you don’t like it at your local bar, try to get a hold of the manager and tell them that you don’t think it’s fair, or just stop patronizing that bar altogether.

I don’t know where y’all got this idea that we feminists support the idea of a “Ladies’ Night” at a bar (most likely from a haystack), but it does seem to be a particular bugbear of y’all’s.

or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.

Then how come the US government won’t let me get birth control on my insurance and instead actively fights against the idea of “taxpayers paying for women to have sex”, instead of looking at all the other health benefits the pill has? How come the government won’t allow for abortions and instead are actively fighting against it with faulty “science”?

Unless you’re talking about breast cancer, but even that support’s shit, and it’s mostly from private sources, like Susan G. Komen, which is a shitty organization that only donates 20% of their money to actual research and they’ve taken a good chunk of their donations and sued “competing” charities, who then had to use their donations to defend themselves.

(If you’re actually interested in good charities to donate to, check out ThinkBeforeYouPink)

TL;DR: You’re full of shit, and we’re not getting “more support” for women’s problems, we’re getting more crap for them due to the fact that most of our legislators failed basic anatomy.

You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.

TIL: Men don’t shop or drink coffee.

Hate to break it to you, but a woman working the same hours in the same field doing the same kind of work as a man will still make less money, regardless of if she’s “out shopping” on the weekends, or “getting coffee”.

Such a terrible thing, drinking coffee! Shame on you feeemales for getting coffee and liking to go shopping on occasion! Especially if you’re out shopping for your children or your significant other! SHAME!

Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.

I think that he’s calling us “cowards” because he thinks we feeemales aren’t out doing the jobs he deems important.

Of course, he could do a Google search for job break downs by gender, but he won’t because it won’t confirm his worldview.

Women have shown the effort. We’ve had to show at least twice the effort of men to prove time and time again, mostly to jerks like you, that we’re worthy of being there in the first place.

So, which is it? Are we too delicate and feminine for these lines of work and they’re MEN’S jobs that we feeemales aren’t cut out for due to [insert bullshit reasoning here], or are we supposed to pull ourselves up and do the jobs we’ve already been doing for decades?

Women are in these jobs, women have always been in these jobs. We just get chased out and treated like shit because of our gender.

Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??

I forgot that women aren’t allowed to be depressed. Shame on me.

Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”.

Dosing what carefully? Sex? What does this even mean?

And yeah, I do want to control my sex life. Everyone should be able to control when they have sex, it’s basic autonomy, and this has nothing to do with gender.

Sounds like you’re just salty that women can tell you “no, I don’t want to have sex with you”, and so you’re conflating it with “I want to be treated like a princess”, when that really means “I don’t want to be treated like shit”.

You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…

Not everyone can do everything, but everyone can do something.

So what if I can’t change a tire? That has nothing to do with gender. I’m sure there’s lots of men who can’t do that either. Just like I’m sure there’s lots of men who might ask me to help them plan a website or to help them design their business cards because they don’t know how to do it. Or they might ask me to sew on a button or help them cook a meal.

Skillsets aren’t gendered, dude. Everyone has different skill sets from how they were brought up or what they studied in school, or what they’re interested in.

It’s one of the cool things about being human.

Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).

Ah, yes, the MGTOW. The true authority on what feminism is. We don’t need to ask actual feminists, oh no, we just need to ask the salty asshole who thinks that women who don’t sleep with him are entitled little “princesses”.

Of course, asking a friend for help is also NOT GENDERED, but I suppose reality’s never stopped a bitter MGTOW before.

Though this bit does sound oddly specific. Did a single parent ask you for help and then turn down your polite offer for them to suck your penis after?

Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.

Kay. Bye.

Seriously, when are you all leaving? I’ll help you pack. I’ll even make you sandwiches.

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,

I don’t know what this has to do with anything, but good for you?

I do not have problems with errection

TMI. No one needs to know about your boner.

and I am not sad.

No, you’re apparently just bitter and angry.

Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.

Because being a movement would require you to actually go somewhere instead of sit in the doorway and scream about how we’ll all miss your bitter, salty ass when you’re gone.

Leave. I release you. Go. You’ll be much happier elsewhere. Go learn to whittle or some shit. Get a hobby.

Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.

Yup, you caught us. Feminism is the movement dedicated to addressing issues that mostly affect women and nonbinary people, who are the lesser genders in comparison to men. Feminism is about treating everyone equally regardless of gender and not allowing oppressive, archaic, and toxic gender roles harm anyone.

Of course, we also do help men and the things we’re fighting for would be of benefit to men, but because we’re not EXPLICITLY about men’s (and only men’s) “issues”, like “Why won’t women sleep with me even though I’m awful to them???”, we’re all evil cultists who hate men.

Just like the NAACP hates white people.

Just like LGBT+ organizations hate cishet people.

Just like Jewish and Muslim organizations hate Christians.

Yup. We all hate men because we don’t drop EVERYTHING TO ADDRESS MEN’S PROBLEMS ABOUT NOT GETTING LAID, and instead we focus our energies on the problems women face, hence the name “feminism”.

You caught us.

8 years ago

But, like, are you sure? You sure he just wasn’t being an ass as usual? Because I’d hate for him to be another reason to hate Christianity, if I’m honest.

Yeah you can never tell with Davis. However, In hbomerguys ‘alt right dogs’ video hbomb goes to Davis’ site to find him whining about a number of things, including evolution.

In our convo he recommended to me a bunch of evangelical literature, which i proceeeded to not read. Even drunk that would be a challenge.

Also love your gifs Jack, they always cheer me up when i come on here. (And remind me that i need to watch Rick and Morty, and whatever that other show is you use gifs from)

8 years ago

@LG: That is a very interesting article! One that I am going to have to think about. I try very hard to not take any sort of babying tone when I’m talking to my nieces and nephews, because I remember hating it so much. I also try really hard not to refer to myself in the third person, because I am IN MY THIRTIES and I still have relatives who do that.

This just reinforces the idea of giving space for children to assert themselves.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

In our convo he recommended to me a bunch of evangelical literature, which i proceeeded to not read.

comment image

Oh my, I am so sorry. So, so sorry. My condolences. No one should have to go through…that.

(Gravity Falls is a good show check it out only 40 30 min episodes and lots of mystery do it do it do it. Hulu, Kiss Cartoon, whatever, go and watch!)

8 years ago

I feel a little dubious about bullying being described as “displacement of powerlessness.” The bullying I encountered was violent enforcement of the status quo, and I was selected as a target precisely because the bullies already had power over me. “Displacement of powerlessness” sounds rather close to “the system made me do it.”

8 years ago


(Warning: Opinions of a straight cis male ahead. May contain blinding amounts of unwitting privilege.)

I guess it’s due to the tendency of everyone to see themselves as the underdog in their own story. Powerlessness is always relative from an objective view, but FEELS absolute from a personal standpoint. The bullies had power over you, but felt powerless in their own (maybe warranted, providing badly not) way.

See how the rural working-class, who felt let down by a society that they perceived to be run by “liberal elites”, flocked to Trump, despite the fact that minorities themselves were being screwed even worse left right center by those very same policies, belying the narrative that they had bought into that their country was being taken over and taken away from them by those same minorities.

Enforcing the status quo is a strategy to cope with this; “I’m just doing what everyone else is doing, so I must be doing it right”.

Which is not to say that they are justified, or should be forgiven, or that one MUST not hate them. That’s a step too far. Bullys CHOOSE who they want to be, and if they choose the coward’s way out, when the status quo is manifestly unjust in the first place, they should be rightfully brought to account for it.

8 years ago

Thank you for the lecture. It puts the whole thing in perspective: the seven boys who surrounded me at my locker every day for a month and threatened to rape me really just felt powerless themselves. Let’s concentrate on them and their problems!

Oh, and thanks for the permission to not forgive them.