aggrieved entitlement antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Mr. Smallestpenisever the MGTOW demands: SHOW ME THE EFFORT CHICKENS!

An Effort Chicken hard at work
An Effort Chicken hard at work

There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.

Yesterday, one such fellow, calling himself Smallestpenisever, deposited an amazing, angry, incoherent, and defiantly unproofread rant in the comments to one of my posts on MGTOWs from earlier this week. I only now forced myself to read the whole thing, and it’s really too good not to share with the world.

Mr. Smallestpenis begins by quoting a passage from a commenter here who had taken aim at those “whiny white men” who long to return to some imaginary misogynist golden age in which women were little more than submissive slaves to men.

“’Tiny whiny white men’????,” Mr. Smallestpenis quotes indignantly, and inaccurately, adding the word “tiny” to the quote for no apparent reason — perhaps it reminds him of his smallestpenisever?

How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.

Apparently calling whiny men whiny is such a crime against humanity that feminists have to be read out of the human race.

So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.


Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

CHAEKMATE, FEMINESTS! feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price” or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.

Owh, yeas, et’s Leadies’ Nieght

Annd tha fealing’s reaight

You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.

Er, the wage gap is about women being paid less for the same or comparable work. Feminists aren’t demanding that women be paid more for working less. Even if they do enjoy the apparently intolerable luxuries of coffee and weekends off.

Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.


Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??

You should probably ask this guy:

Captain Kidd has the answers
Captain Kidd has the answers

Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”. You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…

Pretty much every time I have moved I have asked for help from women — and gotten it. And after several truly hellish moves I started hiring movers. Because furniture and boxes of books are heavy and moving is hard.

Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).

Being a single parent is tough. I imagine that single mothers ask female friends for favors more often than they ask men, if only because the women are far less likely to be creepy dudes who think that doing a woman a favor entitles them to sex.

Also, though this may come as a shock to Mr. Tinywhinypenis, sometimes people ask single parents for favors.

In fact, people ask other people for favors all the time. And they pay people with specialized skills and/or equipment to do work that they aren’t able to do (or do as well) themselves. Because we live in a society, and that’s how societies work.

Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.

Weird, because MGTOWs tend to sound a lot like toddlers having tantrums.

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,

Er, being adopted isn’t some sort of moral failing; neither is being a survivor of abuse.

I do not have problems with errection and I am not sad.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t a moral failing either. And jeez, dude, you’re the one who brought up the whole penis thing.

I don’t know about you being “sad” — also not a moral failing — but you do seem just a tad angry.

I have to mention that otherwise you start making comments by suspecting what could happened to me.Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.

I’m going to let someone else handle the reply to this last mess of text because I’ve reached my limit here, and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with asking other people for the occasional favor.

So come on, effort chickens, help a fella out.

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Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

I agree with the ‘clearly not English [primary language] speaking’ comment. So in this case I feel uncomfortable mocking the poor spelling and grammar, and the apparent disdain or ignorance or drunkenness that not using spellcheck would imply, if the commenter was an EFL western person.

But, this commantariat is full of awesome ppl who do communicate cogent ideas cogently in English, despite it not being their first language.

Maybe because the zero-th language valued here is [at least internal] logic?

This gentleman’s style and content: Brazilian? Plausible. Also very compatible with, among others, subcontinental India region men I often see harassing the feminists I follow.

They like considering themselves global citizens. They follow Western male supremacists. They join in Western flying monkey attacks. They get very cranky and parochial when their womz, in their lives, behave in a feminist manner. Patriarchy as usual.

8 years ago

Delicious, delicious irony of whiny white guys whining about being called whiny white guys.

I love the internet…sometimes.

Ranks right up there with trump supporters yelling at democrats that their side lost and to get over it while waving confederate flags.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Oh, this post and the resulting commentary – I am even more grateful for you people than usual, right now. Much laughing, many snort. Also very happy to see ‘effort chicken’ and ‘effortless chicken’ on some nyms already. Very nice work 🙂

Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

Why … why would a migtoe ask a feminist on a date? Is it just so he can do this little ‘gotcha’ thing? And how does he find out beforehand? Do we give off secret signals?

8 years ago

Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date

comment image

Why… the fuck would a MGTOW ask a feminist on a date?

He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

“Sure”, she replied. And then she deleted his contact info and lived happily ever after.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Why … why would a migtoe ask a feminist on a date?

Why… the fuck would a MGTOW ask a feminist on a date?

Why would MGTOW ask anyone on a date? Their whole schtick is that they’re strong, independent men who don’t need women.

(It’s because they say they don’t need them because they can’t get them.)

Faolan McEain
8 years ago

I feel really sorry for this guy. He’s clearly angry and hurt, and feels like he needs to lash out at someone, because someone has to be to blame. It’s just really, really crap that he’s decided to lash down, and not up. Or even better, to not lash out at all and funnel that energy into something productive.
This does, admittedly, show all the signs of a rant rattled off either too quickly or too drunkenly to care about accuracy, but it also looks like something written out of real emotion. This guy really feels this, and it is (to me) so sad that he does. I want to at least try to sit this guy down and just try to work out how he thinks this all fits together. I get that a lot with the alt-right, I just want to know how the hell they actually arrive at the conclusions they do, and maybe then how to talk them down.
Regardless, it was also pretty funny to read, and has been a welcome end to my day, especially now that several of my other sources of internet funny seem to have been infected beyond salvation (I used to be a regular lurker on Imgur, it is not a pretty place anymore).

8 years ago

Hah, Mish totally beat me to it.


Indeed, it’s about the only thing I legitimately encourage MGTOWs to follow in their noxious ideology (stay faaaaaar away from dating/relationships TYVM).

LaterSpaceCowboy - a Production Poultry
LaterSpaceCowboy - a Production Poultry
8 years ago

Good. Grief.

So much letter-salad barfed up in this mess.

NicolaLuna - epic slut
NicolaLuna - epic slut
8 years ago

”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”

This is the bit that really confuses me. The lack of punctuation makes it really difficult to see what he’s saying.

OK, so I get the first bit is “I want to be treated like a princess” – not sure if he means being made to marry other royalty to strengthen alliances, beheaded, what??

But I’m not sure where that sentence ends. Although it sounds like he’s angry about women saying no to sex.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


Nah, it worked out perfectly – my comment, then yours, then Handsome Jack’s with the conclusion. Plus, you had a cool pic 🙂

8 years ago


I assume he’s talking about women withholding sex in order to control their partners; e.g. no sex unless the garbage gets taken out, etc.

8 years ago

@Faolan McEain

I feel really sorry for this guy.

I’m really, really tired of men coming in here talking about how sorry they feel for these guys. This guy is an asshole. He makes a choice to be an asshole. He makes a choice to take his anger out on easy targets (women). Why do you feel sorry for him?

I get that a lot with the alt-right, I just want to know how the hell they actually arrive at the conclusions they do, and maybe then how to talk them down.

K. While you feel sorry for bigots and spend time bonding with them over how they can be less assholish about it, I’m going to be over here worrying about the muslims I know who might get deported.

8 years ago

I get that a lot with the alt-right, I just want to know how the hell they actually arrive at the conclusions they do, and maybe then how to talk them down.

I think the process of making an MRA goes something like this:

1) Dude is raised with toxic masculinity ideology, and is told that if he behaves like a macho manly man, he will be rewarded with a submissive HB10 who lives to serve his every need.

2) Dude finds himself in a changing world where toxic masculinity is deprecated. Every HB10 he meets expects to be treated like a person and wants nothing to do with him.

3) Dude is lonely and in pain from constant rejection. Also angry, because he held up his end of the deal by acting like a macho prick, but women aren’t holding up their end of the deal by marrying/fucking/submitting to him. Dude was sadly never taught to deal with his emotions, because he’s supposed to have a wife to do his emotional labour for him.

4) Instead of realizing that toxic masculinity is bullshit, dude doubles down on it. The reason women don’t want me can’t be because I’m an asshole, it must be because I’m not enough of an asshole! The reason buying women expensive junk to guilt-trip them into spending time with me keeps pissing them off must be because they want me to buy them even more! The reason women are turned off by my machismo crap must be because women don’t even like sex!

5) This becomes a vicious circle as the dude becomes more and more of an asshole, which turns women off more and more, which makes him more angry and lonely, which makes him more and more of an asshole.

NicolaLuna - epic slut
NicolaLuna - epic slut
8 years ago


I assume he’s talking about women withholding sex in order to control their partners; e.g. no sex unless the garbage gets taken out, etc.

Ahhh I get it now.

Wow, does he not realise men can also say no to sex?

8 years ago

By MGTOW logic that’s not feasible because for men sex is a need while for women it’s just a thing they can give men when they feel like it.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Faolan McEain, I like your blog. You seem very thoughtful, and it sounds like you’ve got a lot of empathy. I hope you can hold onto that, too. I’d probably want to sit down with him and talk about this sort of thing if it were real life too – that is, if I could do so at all. I’m no good at that stuff and I doubt he’d take me at all seriously.

Kupo’s very right about where sympathy should be prioritized, but there’s no reason that you can’t do both, if you have the empathy to spare.

8 years ago

I feel sorry for this guy too, don’t get me wrong…but there is no point in me or anyone else trying to “talk him down”. He’s only looking for bias confirmation. He’s already got it in his head that Women Are Shit, so there’s not much point in me doing anything but pointing and laughing at his general inanity and ineptitude.

But on the off chance that MosquitoEndowment is reading this — dude, this is why you’re Forever Alone, pretending to be MGTOW just to save face. That’s no way to win friends OR influence people. We don’t want to run after you begging you to forgive us, because we’ve done nothing wrong. You have nothing to offer us but anger and bitterness, and we don’t want that. Here’s a broad hint:

And yes, thinking and composition and writing coherent sentences are all skills.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

-reads over the things-

good thread. tired mime.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Can you point me to the article that prompted MosquitoEndowment’s tantrum? I looked at both MGTOW articles this week and I couldn’t find it…

Thanks in advance!

8 years ago

So he really meant to make his username biggestpenisever, but his poor grammar and spelling got in the way?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I don’t feel sorry for him at all. He stated right up front that he doesn’t think feminist women are human beings. The notion that we just need to reach out to misogynists and understand their pain is literally fatal to women. It’s the kind of thinking that makes women feel too guilty to leave abusive relationships. It’s the kind of thinking that puts men who commit rape, domestic violence or child molestation in prison for far less time (if at all) than people who commit non-violent drug crimes.

Faolan McEain
8 years ago

I can entirely understand that sentiment (though I will never claim I can fully understand the position of those who are not born with the benefits I enjoy), but I can’t allow myself to hate them. This is, I realise, a part of my privilege: I’m a white, straight, cis male: I have (almost) nothing to fear from them in terms of my own safety.
I’m also worried for my Muslim friends, and for my female friends and family members, and for people who aren’t my friends who are at risk, for homeless people and people on benefits who are (over here in Britain) getting slowly strangled out of what little they have because some prick in government thinks they’re lazy. And I’m worried about all the hideous, odious pricks who could maybe be good people, because I see in them what I could have been if life had turned out a little different and how if they could just see how horrible they were so many people could not be hurt.
I understand – no, I don’t, I can’t understand fully what other go through, and I will never, ever blame the oppressed for hating the oppressor, but that doesn’t mean that I get a free pass. I can care, and therefore I must. I’m very good at hating people, so I need to make sure I don’t get to start.
I’m not sure if this is the right thing to say, or even if I am right, but if I am wrong, I would rather find that out than live in fear of finding out. I’d rather be corrected than be wrong in silence. One rarely learns anything if one never attempts to defend one’s position.

8 years ago

You have compassion for scum.



8 years ago

For a second there I actually thought I was reading a string of BirdsRightsActivist tweets, except, y’know, not funny.