There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.
Yesterday, one such fellow, calling himself Smallestpenisever, deposited an amazing, angry, incoherent, and defiantly unproofread rant in the comments to one of my posts on MGTOWs from earlier this week. I only now forced myself to read the whole thing, and it’s really too good not to share with the world.
Mr. Smallestpenis begins by quoting a passage from a commenter here who had taken aim at those “whiny white men” who long to return to some imaginary misogynist golden age in which women were little more than submissive slaves to men.
“’Tiny whiny white men’????,” Mr. Smallestpenis quotes indignantly, and inaccurately, adding the word “tiny” to the quote for no apparent reason — perhaps it reminds him of his smallestpenisever?
How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.
Apparently calling whiny men whiny is such a crime against humanity that feminists have to be read out of the human race.
So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.
Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want
CHAEKMATE, FEMINESTS! feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price” or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.
Owh, yeas, et’s Leadies’ Nieght
Annd tha fealing’s reaight
You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.
Er, the wage gap is about women being paid less for the same or comparable work. Feminists aren’t demanding that women be paid more for working less. Even if they do enjoy the apparently intolerable luxuries of coffee and weekends off.
Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.
Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??
You should probably ask this guy:
Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”. You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…
Pretty much every time I have moved I have asked for help from women — and gotten it. And after several truly hellish moves I started hiring movers. Because furniture and boxes of books are heavy and moving is hard.
Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).
Being a single parent is tough. I imagine that single mothers ask female friends for favors more often than they ask men, if only because the women are far less likely to be creepy dudes who think that doing a woman a favor entitles them to sex.
Also, though this may come as a shock to Mr. Tinywhinypenis, sometimes people ask single parents for favors.
In fact, people ask other people for favors all the time. And they pay people with specialized skills and/or equipment to do work that they aren’t able to do (or do as well) themselves. Because we live in a society, and that’s how societies work.
Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.
Weird, because MGTOWs tend to sound a lot like toddlers having tantrums.
And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,
Er, being adopted isn’t some sort of moral failing; neither is being a survivor of abuse.
I do not have problems with errection and I am not sad.
Erectile dysfunction isn’t a moral failing either. And jeez, dude, you’re the one who brought up the whole penis thing.
I don’t know about you being “sad” — also not a moral failing — but you do seem just a tad angry.
I have to mention that otherwise you start making comments by suspecting what could happened to me.Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.
I’m going to let someone else handle the reply to this last mess of text because I’ve reached my limit here, and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with asking other people for the occasional favor.
So come on, effort chickens, help a fella out.
Delicious, delicious irony of whiny white guys whining about being called whiny white guys.
I love the internet…sometimes.
when I read the title for this, I felt sort of indignant that you would make fun of somebody’s anatomy like that. but, nope, he picked that name himself. i can’t figure this guy out beyond that he’s apparently intoxicated.
I’ve seen complaints both ways–if she expects you to pay, ask if she’s a feminist, and if she says yes, MAKE HER PAY HALF. But if she just offers to pay, or pay half, SHE’S A FEMINIST.
Of course, I theorize that if you say you’re not a feminist and allow him to pay on those grounds, you’re just showing how society oppresses men by making them pay for dates.
There may actually be no way out of this, short of dine-and-dash. That might be a bonding activity for the dating couple, but I can’t recommend it, ethically.
Kentucky Fried Effort Chicken.
I can be an effort chicken!
Okay, Scildfreja, if you want to communicate with the MGTOW, you have to think like the MGTOW. Let’s practice.
Feminism is a religion! And women are less evolved than men!
No, that’s not enough. I have to try harder… nnngh….
Women is lazy and makes man do all work! Lol, stupid women, think you are as smart as men, Did you make the pyramids? No! That was men! Men built civilization, women just sit in the shade and drink wine coolers!
not … quite … there … ye-
Feminests caused all world wars! All disees comes from filthy woman she dosent bath! Global warming is femanest plot to ruin civalization!
EXCUSE ME MR I have to mention that otherwize you start making comment by suspect a comment what could also happen to me! Remember! Maybe it is Migtow what is a movement, but also what is a movement is FEMANEST. Also, maybe it is Migtow what is not a movement but way of life, but also, FEMANEST.
You say it is FEMANEST what is like religion but no! It is Migtow what is relgionest. Why I know this? Because you believe it! Also religions believe it! BEZZZT. Name of the femanest is FEMANE but also you see in there it is also MAN. Also how you say it is also has MINE in the word, so it is for all humans that have things!
Do not laugh and say it is a lie, you know it is TRUTH!!
*waves smelling salts under Scildfreja’s nose*
I am so confused trying to translate this into some form of human language
“To train ze dolphin, you must THINK like ze dolphin!”
This guy was clearly not English-speaking. I wonder if this MGTOWer might be Brazilian? In Brazilian Portuguese their word for “chicken” also means “slut”*. Slang words rarely translate smoothly.
*MGTOWers are fond of calling women sluts.
smallestpenisever said
As I said in the other thread, I was taught to change a tire by my dad before I was allowed to make use of my shiny new driver’s license. What I didn’t say was that I made use of that instruction twice; once on my own and the other time I got help with a stubborn lug nut from a trucker in the parking lot at one of the casinos at State Line. I was very grateful that time as I was sick and had already scraped the fuck out of my knuckles. BTW, it took the trucker AND his girlfriend to loosen it!
I’ve also moved myself (*by* myself; going to new bases and didn’t know anyone yet) twice. Guess I was kind of a WIGHOW ;p
smallestpenisever also said
As I said in the other thread, I was taught to change a tire by my dad before I was allowed to make use of my shiny new driver’s license. What I didn’t say there was that I made use of that instruction twice; once on my own and the other time I got help with a stubborn lug nut from a trucker in the parking lot at one of the casinos at State Line. I was very grateful that time as I was sick and had already scraped the fuck out of my knuckles.
I’ve also moved myself (*by* myself; going to new bases and didn’t know anyone yet) twice. Guess I was kind of a WIGHOW ;p
And, apropos of nothing
I’m sad *for* you because you seem to be working under the rather mistaken premise that anyone craves an update on the state of your boner here.
last Mr. tmiabouthispenis quote
Pooping is a movement AND a way of life! (I guess I’m 12 today)
I seem to be repeating myself. Selectively, yet.
Scildfreya, you’re killing it today! I seriously startled poor Catbeast with my loling.
Things I am more than willing to do: pay for half or all of the cost of a date.
Things I am not willing to do: date men who ask questions like “do you consider yourself an independent woman?”
More and more men are going men going their own way?
Someplace where they say “rubbish” instead of “garbage”, at least.
Uh, okay. Like “chickenhead” or whatever. That’s gross.
I like to make fun of the nyms of jerks like these. Too late
Remember when Miggy(?) socked around as ‘MyDickIsBiggerThanYours’ and other variations on said theme? For dudes who’re meant to be going their own way, they seem pretty adamant that the women (femblog = feeemale) they’re going their own way from be cognizant of their phallic dimensions. C’mon, fellas. Masturbate, get it outta your system, and then build trains or go hiking or some such. It ain’t a good look
What is with MGTOW’s and Ladies’ Night? Women face systemic discrimination at work and school, but ladies’ night is a cause for crying? The point of ladies’ night IS TO BRING MORE WOMEN TO THE BAR FOR MEN, for CRYING OUT LOUD. Yes, even the purpose that small discount is for the privilege of men.
Is…is this the Timecube of the Manosphere?
Have I become educated stupid?
I also don’t imagine that, after getting the inevitable “yes”, yelling “Checkmate!”, tossing half the bill worth of cash on the table (and only a 5% tip? the nerve!), and jumping out the nearest window while doffing one’s fedora is the best way to get a second date.
@Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Teehee! <3
Dammit, I don’t visit for a few days and this happens!
What article was this originally on?
Also, whether or not he is ESL, what is his main problem with finding and using the spacebar? It’s the largest key on the keyboard, FFS.
I am on another website that has a commenter that regularly does this. It has been pointed out to him. And he still does it, so at this point I have to think it’s an affectation.
(Pet peeve-o-mine.)
We’ve gotten from cucks to clucks?