aggrieved entitlement antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Mr. Smallestpenisever the MGTOW demands: SHOW ME THE EFFORT CHICKENS!

An Effort Chicken hard at work
An Effort Chicken hard at work

There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.

Yesterday, one such fellow, calling himself Smallestpenisever, deposited an amazing, angry, incoherent, and defiantly unproofread rant in the comments to one of my posts on MGTOWs from earlier this week. I only now forced myself to read the whole thing, and it’s really too good not to share with the world.

Mr. Smallestpenis begins by quoting a passage from a commenter here who had taken aim at those “whiny white men” who long to return to some imaginary misogynist golden age in which women were little more than submissive slaves to men.

“’Tiny whiny white men’????,” Mr. Smallestpenis quotes indignantly, and inaccurately, adding the word “tiny” to the quote for no apparent reason — perhaps it reminds him of his smallestpenisever?

How come men never assign feminists to any human race.Only feminist can be so aggressive.

Apparently calling whiny men whiny is such a crime against humanity that feminists have to be read out of the human race.

So when you state men f.. d up relations between women and men so what is your point???They went with naked bodies on the streets protest against women’s oppression?haha.


Every time Mgtow asks a feminist on date “do you consider yourself and independent woman”… she replies “Well,yes”….He replies”then you pair 50% as you want

CHAEKMATE, FEMINESTS! feminists do follow own agenda only when suits you.You claim to be always opressed and not treated equally but when yoh gonto some bars and clubs its always “leadies night drinks half price” or any women’s health related problems have about 8x more support from government then men have.

Owh, yeas, et’s Leadies’ Nieght

Annd tha fealing’s reaight

You want earn same money men earn but you prefer a coffee and shopping every weekend and less hours ag work complaining about “wage gap”.

Er, the wage gap is about women being paid less for the same or comparable work. Feminists aren’t demanding that women be paid more for working less. Even if they do enjoy the apparently intolerable luxuries of coffee and weekends off.

Ok so how many of you are electricians,plumbers,car mechanics,protect own country from terrorists???YOU state tk be equal so go and show the effort chickens.


Still women complain about being depressed and down wben men’s happienes go up.How long will you kidd yourself??

You should probably ask this guy:

Captain Kidd has the answers
Captain Kidd has the answers

Ahh.I forgot its about feelkng factor..”I want to be treated like a princess and control sex life with my man dosing it carefully checking if he took rubbish bags out”. You claim to be independent but when it comes to moveing the house or changing a flatten tire you suddenly ask for men’s help??Haha…

Pretty much every time I have moved I have asked for help from women — and gotten it. And after several truly hellish moves I started hiring movers. Because furniture and boxes of books are heavy and moving is hard.

Using your male friends for tasks when you live as single parent not wanting anything from man?It must be double standard policy(quite popular in 3rd wave).

Being a single parent is tough. I imagine that single mothers ask female friends for favors more often than they ask men, if only because the women are far less likely to be creepy dudes who think that doing a woman a favor entitles them to sex.

Also, though this may come as a shock to Mr. Tinywhinypenis, sometimes people ask single parents for favors.

In fact, people ask other people for favors all the time. And they pay people with specialized skills and/or equipment to do work that they aren’t able to do (or do as well) themselves. Because we live in a society, and that’s how societies work.

Worry not,more and more men are going mgtow and they dk not need babysitting.

Weird, because MGTOWs tend to sound a lot like toddlers having tantrums.

And one more thing at the end.I am healthy,never been adopted not abused kn childchood,

Er, being adopted isn’t some sort of moral failing; neither is being a survivor of abuse.

I do not have problems with errection and I am not sad.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t a moral failing either. And jeez, dude, you’re the one who brought up the whole penis thing.

I don’t know about you being “sad” — also not a moral failing — but you do seem just a tad angry.

I have to mention that otherwise you start making comments by suspecting what could happened to me.Remember Mgtow is not a movent,its way of life.Feminism.became like religion.Feminist always state”everyone should be a feminist”,”If you are not feminist you are against us” Bezzzt thing feminist claim for equality for hoth genders whole name stands for “femine”….Do not tell me that I did not caught you on lie again.

I’m going to let someone else handle the reply to this last mess of text because I’ve reached my limit here, and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with asking other people for the occasional favor.

So come on, effort chickens, help a fella out.

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8 years ago

…wait, is there an “anti-consent” concept that I need to know about??


8 years ago


I found the “time /attention” complaint odd too. It appears Atom is annoyed because he just wants casual sex but most women he meets only want sex in the context of a relationship.

So he “deserves” access to their bodies based on his expectation, but they shouldn’t suggest said sex only happens within the context of a relationship. That makes them “entitled” or something.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Atom needs to buy a FLESHLIGHT. And put a RED SASH on it for authenticity. And he can name it NELL to his SNIDELY.

(That meme is a think of beauty.)

Atom Ant
Atom Ant
8 years ago


“What’s that, Atom? Women won’t just flop on their backs immediately and let you sex at them? You have to, like, have conversations with them and shit first?”

I know–isn’t it awful??

(I’m mostly kidding…but, yeah, I’m not much of a conversationalist. This is the most I’ve spoken with anyone in days!)


“Like, when you were younger, everyone was less experienced and tolerated you better, but now that they’ve had more experience and can spot someone who’s not going to meet them on their level, they’re less patient?”

Yeah, there’s definitely some truth to that, but it isn’t usually the case. Most of these women are people I didn’t know when I was younger. Then again, maybe they’re just perceptive…and there’s also the fact that I’m upfront about what I want and don’t want.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@Atom Ant

In brief:


8 years ago

“Yes, but this wasn’t in the context of relationships. It was “No, I’m not interested in you, but I still want/expect you to do this, that, and the other thing.”

So what did they “want/expect” you to do @Atom Ant?

Do you mean they said “I am not interested in a romantic relationship with you but happy for us to hang out as friends?”

8 years ago

@PeeVee: You know, I didn’t realize it until recently, but Nell is really, really into Dudley’s horse. Like, a lot.

Nell is going to be eternally disappointed in mere men, is what I’m getting at.

… Did I miss a meme about a red sash that wasn’t the picture posted on the last page?

Skeptical Skully
Skeptical Skully
8 years ago

@ Atom

wait, is there an “anti-consent” concept that I need to know about??

Yeah. Being an MGTOW, or PUA, or an MRA, and so on and so forth. They’re really not about this whole “consent” business.

Ha! Do I feel that I deserve it? Yes.

Differentiate that, again, from feeling that women owe you sex.

Also, that bit about financial contribution:
Many women, including myself, do… you know, Have jobs. And pay bills. And buy stuff, sometimes, even for their significant others. (gasp!) But that involves talking to women, getting to know them, and treating them like a human instead of a construct.

8 years ago

@Atom Ant

Atom Ant
Atom Ant
8 years ago

“Damn those women. He is entitled to sex with you,”

That…is the exact opposite of what I said. I can take being mocked, but, please, don’t put words in my mouth.

@steph toe:

“So what did they “want/expect” you to do @Atom Ant?”

After rejecting me, they still expected time, attention, and in some cases, financial assistance. (I kid you not.)

“Do you mean they said “I am not interested in a romantic relationship with you it happy for us to be friends?””

That too.

@ Skeptical Scully:

“Yeah. Being an MGTOW, or PUA, or an MRA, and so on and so forth. They’re really not about this whole “consent” business.”

Huh. I’ve always been fine with consent, and vastly prefer it over the more patriarchal ways of doing things.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago



Is this not a simple enough concept for you to grasp?

8 years ago

@Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent

Blarargh, I try to embed directly and gets all squirrelly

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

wait, is there an “anti-consent” concept that I need to know about??

Um. The entire manosphere?

Seriously, read the archives. The manosphere is based around anger at having to get consent or looking for ways to get around consent.

8 years ago

“Damn those women. He is entitled to sex with you,”

That…is the exact opposite of what I said. I can take being mocked, but, please, don’t put words in my mouth.

You said you deserve sex. You also said that you don’t want to be bothered with giving women the time of day.

So you think you ought to get the one without giving the other.

That certainly sounds like entitlement to me.

And with that, good night, folks. In about 90 minutes, if the pattern holds true, one of my darlings is going to get up and come looking for me, and I need to get some sleep first.

8 years ago

@Atom Ant

It’s not actually the opposite of what you said – it is exactly what you said, you stated you “deserved” to have sex with more women then you currently are. That sir is entitlement writ large.

You don’t “deserve” sex with somebody. Nobody does. You can hope to have sex with somebody. You certainly don’t deserve it.

Incidentally what is wrong with suggesting friendship with somebody you think would be a good friend?

I think it points to your low opinion of women when a woman wanting to be your friend is a point of objection for you.

Out of interest if a guy told you he would only be your friend if you agreed to have sex with him, would you find that reasonable?

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
8 years ago

After rejecting me, they still expected time, attention, and in some cases, financial assistance. (I kid you not.)

I’m not certain why the actions of individual women suddenly mean all women are evil and one must consequently embrace a misogynistic, anti-feminist movement.

I’m also not at all certain these demands were unreasonable. I suspect these women, perhaps foolishly, thought Atom Ant might be a friend to them and, even more foolishly, expected him to reciprocate the emotional labour that goes into a friendship.

Come on, Atom Ant. Regale us with an anecdote. I wanna know just what those frigid bitches did to you.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Falconer, no, Boink just had that woman labeled as a total whore, the woman was wearing a red sash, Atom wants to GHOW, and I just went with it.

…I may have an absurd sense of humor.

8 years ago

““Damn those women. He is entitled to sex with you,”
That…is the exact opposite of what I said. I can take being mocked, but, please, don’t put words in my mouth.
You said you deserve sex. You also said that you don’t want to be bothered with giving women the time of day.

So you think you ought to get the one without giving the other.

That certainly sounds like entitlement to me.”

Thanks Falconer for putting it a tad more eloquently than I did.

Atom Ant
Atom Ant
8 years ago

@ Troubelle

“Is this not a simple enough concept for you to grasp?”

Well, I have no idea what that word means, but I’m guessing “Go away.”

And that’s what I’ll do. I enjoyed having a dialogue with you, but I’ll now take my leave and stop disrupting your weekend. I don’t post on any MGTOW sites, so I don’t have a “clubhouse” to go back to for gloating, I’m afraid. I actually plan on playing video games and going to bed early.

Good luck in the struggle against Trump–he’s certainly a maniac–but, with such an unfriendly-to-males atmosphere, I think that you’re going to struggle to attract men (and many women) to your cause. That’s a bit concern troll-ish, I admit, but I feel it’s valid. And I’m sure that you really care about what I feel, lol.

Have a great Saturday night, everyone!

8 years ago

Paint us a grand tale
A tragedy when one’s spurned
by frigid frost queens.

Oh the cruelest cut.
We’ll never find some husbands
None to call our own.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@Atom Ant

nyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom. God.

also, we don’t recommend using the word “maniac” (corrections aside) because ableism, check comments policy.

See ya round….

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Why do you deserve sex, Atom? You already said you weren’t a good conversationalist. You aren’t willing to wine and dine. You aren’t willing to hang out as friends. You don’t like people. Maybe you’re good looking, but since you haven’t boasted about being hot, I’m guessing you’re average. What are you bringing to the table that you deserve sex?

8 years ago

“Good luck in the struggle against Trump–he’s certainly a maniac–but, with such an unfriendly-to-males atmosphere, I think that you’re going to struggle to attract men (and many women) to your cause. That’s a bit concern troll-ish, I admit, but I feel it’s valid. And I’m sure that you really care about what I feel, lol.”

Why do men like Atom think an atmosphere that is unfriendly to misogynists is unfriendly to all men?

I don’t get it.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

To clarify my comment on casual sex: I believe that it’s still relatively easy to get, compared to other eras in recent American history…but I believe that it’s getting more difficult. I think that the ’00s were better in this area than our current decade.

Atom Ant, are you extrapolating a general trend from your personal experience? Are you saying that you got casual sex more easily 10 years ago than you do now?

Are you sure the change is due to politics? If the women you approach are the same age group now as they were then, maybe you have now entered their CreepyOldMan zone.

If your target group have aged along with you, perhaps the proportion of them currently interested in casual sex has decreased. Proportions do shift with age for all genders. Or perhaps their interest in casual sex with someone like you (physically, financially, attitudinally, what ever) has declined.

8 years ago

*waits patiently*

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