The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has become a fertile breeding ground for some of the Internet’s most delightfully unhinged misogynistic rants.
But lately it’s been outdoing itself. And so today I would like to present to you a 2-for-1 MGTOW special, not one but two unhinged misogynistic rants, each with its own post devoted to it, both from the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.
First, we have a dire warning from a MGTOW scientist, who presents his highly scientific theory that women — sorry, females — will soon drive our species extinct, because they don’t understand how cars work. Or something.
Honestly, it’s a little confusing. Let’s try to work our way through it.
“Females will lead to Extinction and I am not talking about climate change,” a newly minted Redditor called Colmaxhoffmann declares.
I am scientist that has studied the future of species and human sustainability for years.
My conclusion is that we will go extinct if we continue to allow females to take control of our world.
The reason is quite simple: since the dawn of time males have needed to please females to breed. This has become unsustainable as their demands have become increasing technology based.
Technologies that burn oil a non-renewable resource: oil. Oil has become the dominant means of providing the energy for all other forms of energy and technology.
Oil though is non renewable. It also has an energy cost to extract. The deeper the oil the more energy used. In 1900 it took 1 barrel of oil costing $1 to extract 100 barrels. … Now having exhausted the oil fields we get a ratio of 7:1. It is predicted by 2046 this will be 1:1 making it from then on unprofitable to extract. By then there will also be a massive fall in quality of the oil. This means that oil will cease to be viable.
People believe by then we will have found substitutes for oil. Unfortunately so far not one has proved to be portable, safe, cheap to access/produce … Static energy requires can be met by renewable energy and nuclear power for a time but eventually these will be unable to replicated or repaired as oil is the very basis of making such technology viable … .
Food sources will be quickly impacted as food is transported by plane, ship and articulated lorries all of which rely on cheap fuel to be profitable.
The demands of post-war (ww2) females will cease to be practical. They will no longer be able to titillate their desires with decorative jewelry or lipsticks since the markets will be running on an emergency basis.
As hyperinflation takes hold money will devalue. Women will be forced to resort to their baser occupations since it will be better to become a whore than starve to death.
Cars will be a thing of the past … Society and civilization will simply disintegrate.
Women will find that males are required for protection and hunting.
(In some case1s scavenging on dead bodies will be required).
All of this must happen because humans live under a female misapprehension due to a lack of scientists amongst them that men will solve these problems. They thus vote in people who have not a single clue that oil which raise a global population from a few billion to 7 billion and perhaps by 2050 25 billion is unsustainable.
Most women don’t know how a car works. They don’t know that 80% of the fuel it burns is lost in heat and friction. This ignorance has contaminated the male world because males are now subservient to females. Consider Donald J Trump.
He lives to enjoy women and the sex they provide. All else is just a means to gain more females. His entire life has been enslaved by the desire to breed. This desire whilst being natural has diverted men from seeing the future threat that the loss of oil creates.
Stay tuned for the second half of today’s MGTOW Two-fer, tentatively titled “Females are breeding with f***y weak men at the behest of corrupt elites.”
I think every muscle in my body tensed at that word. Regular statistics was bad enough, I can’t even imagine something called biostatistics. Good luck on your final!
Yeah, their scenarios are always that the uppity womenfolk will have to trade sex for the protection of the manly man after the apocalypse. Women will be forced to offer sex or they will die, mwahahaha! It never crosses their minds that after the apocalypse women’ll have even less use for them then we do now. ETA (The douchecanoes, not men in general.)
@chesselwitt One of the big things they never fucking consider is that for a lot of women in the modern world, the prospect of pregnancy post-apocalypse WITHOUT a very, very strong structure of community is terrifying if not deadly. Why would I trade sex for temporary protection if there was a high chance I would be pregnant and then die in childbirth given the dire straits of the situation?
I’m late to this thread, and I’ve had some wine, but has MGTOW just discovered that fossil fuels are not infinite? And found a way to blame it on lipstick?
@The Adjunct
I am in awe of you. You are welcome here, to share your experiences (or insect pictures, if you’d prefer). Your story isn’t over yet, and I’d love to hear about it (even if it doesn’t feature a *traditional* win; if you’re happy, it’s a win).
1)Does he mean “breed”, or does he mean ‘have sex’. Cos, that ain’t remotely the same thing these days. It never was really…
2)Of course he can’t imagine (cis) women enjoying/seeking sex, but he also can’t imagine (cis) men needing to be convinced beyond ‘I am girl with girl parts. Want snu snu?’ Some of us have standards *harrumph*
Why do I have a feeling he’s not mad at the frivolity of it? I’m thinking maybe he’s… Like, he wants… That is, he thinks they should… For him… Nope, lost it. Nevermind
10. Not 25. 10. Maybe. Scientist my ass
@Adjunct + Cranelady
<3 <3 <3
And totally talk about bugs. All ears 🙂
Ok, fair enough, I misunderstood what that figure meant to represent. And you’re right, the problem has never been ‘running out of oil’ so much that the damage we’d cause to get the that point
Hugs. That’s unbelievably shitty that you got victim blamed for it despite him having admitted it. And fuck those guys for not respecting your lack of attraction to their entire gender. You’ve every right to feel objectified the way you did and I hope they’ve realized it was a really shitty thing for them to do.
Amazing that men will more readily believe that a lesbian woman ‘led on’ a straight man than the idea that a man sexually assaulted a woman.
I wonder how many migtoes are aware of global warming?
They’re very similar to conspiracy theorists, but they don’t necessarily buy into all the conspiracies. They probably believe we went to the moon (and they likely believe it was all men who did that).
Part of rape culture is the belief that rapists are monsters who grab you in the alley; part of our homophobic culture is believing that lesbians just never met the right man. Both are false, but engrained.
If faced with the choice between believing one friend is an alley monster, versus believing another friend just never met the right man, which belief is more comfortable?
Awful, but not exactly amazing.
Thank you, thank you everyone.
(TW, rape)
numerobis, I saw some truth in that with my experience. It’s natural to evaluate people you like more positively, but what was really amazing to me was the default position my friend, and *everyone,* seems to take: “hmm, this woman is claiming she was assaulted. I need to hear every excruciating detail and decide for myself if she really was, because obviously women have tremendous personal benefit in disclosing, and could *just as easily* be lying.” Or women “misinterpreted” a situation or claim rape all the time to excuse their sexual behavior, because whether a man made you feel violated is apparently some ambiguous thing we can’t wrap our heads around and the personal consequences of disclosing are somehow equal to or easier than just admitting we had sex.
My friend had also rationalized her own experience with sexual assault; even though she describes herself as a feminist she thought a man conspiring to get her drunk and following her home, treating her in forceful ways she had not consented to, was just “being taken advantage of,” losing a hand in the game that is male-female gender relations.
I am also a feminine lesbian, and my friend knew that I had experimented with men in the past. I am mystified by how many people think telling them I’m a lesbian is just me being a hipster or being confused. My mom didn’t even want to tell my dad until she knew I was dating someone.
I should clarify. I’m not saying these results are “amazing” as in “shocking an unprecedented” but more like “amazing” as in “The problem is so shockingly bad that…”
Not the best choice of word on my part. “Sad that…” or “really sums up rape culture when…” would have been better.
Oh, so the reason Donald Trump doesn’t care about global warming is because he likes sex too much, thus he has to please women, and women are greedy and want all the world’s oil? MAKES SENSE.
@The Adjunct & @Cranelady – So sorry about what happened to you, and that people were making excuses and outright denials.
@Flora – Best of luck with the exam!
@numerobis – Going back a bit, to electric cars: I think right now the infrastructure is the main challenge, not the price of the cars themselves.
I think I remember you live in Quebec? We’re pretty good for charging stations, better than most states/provinces so far. My parents got an electric car last year and can drive around here pretty well, but can’t go to Kingston (Ontario) without taking a ridiculously convoluted route. I was surprised how few charging stations there are in Ontario.
The car’s a Mitsubishi – not a huge battery, but quite adorable looking, sort of like this but a different colour/pattern:
@the Adjunct & Cranelady: My sympathies and respect to you both.
Also @weatherwax, I really like what you said: “even if it’s not a *traditional* win; if you’re happy, it’s a win.” A really hard part of accepting chronic mental illness is letting go of the expectations you had as a healthy person. Seeing getting out of the house and building support, getting on the treadmill as huge wins, because they are. Dealing with loved one’s expectations based on who you were can be pretty draining as well. With regards to rape, so very few women see the defined win of a prosecution, and those who do go through an unacceptably dehumanizing process to get it– for most of us, the best win we can hope for is finding acceptance and rediscovering what it means to feel happy and safe.
epitome of incomprehensibility: that’s the same car my uncle has!
He has driven to *Toronto* with it, often goes to Ottawa and Québec. He’s hit up the Bas-Saint-Laurent, but you can’t reach Gaspé yet. For a year (until he was forcibly retired) he commuted from the exurbs where he lives to his job downtown. It was about a 75 km commute from home to the metro, in a car rated at 80 km range. In winter, he didn’t have the range to turn on the heat, so he’d drive with windows open.
Now he volunteers to drive senior citizens around (e.g. to the hospital) because he loves his little car so much (and the reimbursement rate on his mileage.
He revels in thumbing his nose at society telling him things aren’t possible. Ridiculously convoluted just makes it more fun.
His project: drive across Canada. Right now there’s a nearly 400km blank spot in the prairies — doable, barely, in a Tesla (we saw an Ontario-plated Tesla at a trailhead in BC), but not in the MiEV.
My in-sins have a Volt, which is a far more practical car for the transition period the plugs become sufficiently ubiquitous.
Ahhhh I had a long response written out, but it got lost….
Thank you so much. I’m honored to be a part of this esteemed commentariat.
I agree wholeheartedly with your first point. Being confrontational doesn’t always work.
Regarding your story.. I feel you so hard. I’m sorry. Rape and sexual violence make people really uncomfortable and most would rather ignore it or explain it away because to confronted with the reality… that it’s everywhere and it happens all the time. People want to believe that if they follow the rules they’ll be safe, and they want to believe that otherwise ‘nice’ people can’t do horrible things. Because to accept the inverse is.. well, it’s reality and it’s pretty scary.
Rape culture is so frighteningly tied in every minute way to mainstream culture it’s indistinguishable. This is why after the whole ‘grab them by the pussy’ thing, when sooooo many men came out to say that they had never heard ‘locker room talk’ I just laughed and laughed. They are definitely either lying or they’ve never paid attention. Come on, guys, really? But I guess it’s easier to completely blanket deny that the problem exists than confront the uncomfortable reality that one may have wittingly or unwittingly participated in rape culture.
This election has been.. horrible and triggering in many ways but it’s also been a validation in a weird sort of way. There does not exist a level of misogyny that will cost a white man his job, which is something I’ve always believed, but it’s now been definitively proven. Also, that a woman, who is better and stronger and more intelligent and more qualified in every conceivable way than such a man, who will suffer unrelenting misogynistic attacks her entire career, will not ultimately prevail.
It’s cynical I know, but the hardest thing for me to accept is that I was told over and over as a child/young adult that you can do anything you put your mind to. I wish I had been warned that life isn’t always so rosy and that this is a fact of life for many women. What these predators in academia (and everywhere else) do is so practiced it’s no wonder they get away with it, over and over again. They understand rape culture and how to use it to their advantage.
I have a lot of sympathy for someone like Gretchen Carlson, because I see a lot of parallels between her experience and mine.
I think I’m losing the plot a little. Thanks again for all your kind words and support. I’m actually oddly functional IRL, I think I’m just really good at compartmentalising.
Moocow: Indeed. Amazing as in amazingly bad as in actually not amazing at all, just bad. English is funny sometimes.
The fact that these conversations are happening with a fairly broad audience gives me hope for a better tomorrow.
Twenty (oh shit… 21) years ago I got to college and somehow got a reputation as a good listener — it shocked me given how antisocial I’d been in high school, but hey, I was a teenager hungry for acceptance so I embraced it and practiced listening. In confidence I was told plenty of stuff that mainstream culture ridiculed or blamed the victim. I was part of the laughing/blaming culture myself: see “hungry for acceptance” above.
Now, mainstream culture still ridicules and victim-blames, but there seem to be a much louder undercurrent of alliance, support, help, and condemnation.
That or I’m just older and wiser, and the web has allowed me to create a bubble where the sound is loud.
@The Adjunct, @Cranelady
You’ve been through some very difficult experiences. I wish you all the best in the days ahead.
That is terrific! (And I’ve never heard of something that is hard work being called self-indulgent. Damn, you’re a hard worker!)
Yeah, women have always been farmers. But in the USA at least, women have been described as farmers for only about ten years. Before that, they were called farm wives. And don’t get me started on jokes about “the farmer’s daughter.”
Congratulations to all farmer-Mammotheers!
Hey, speaking of cars!
I’m doing a rebuild on my carburetor this week. Been doing a bit of a restoration job on my daily driver and she’s looking really nice.
She’s a ’78 Ford Fairmont with a 3.3L inline 6. Mostly stock but for the ’90 Mustang differential in the back. Been learning a lot working on her. Reupholstered the interior, replaced the fuel pump and the lines, redid most of the cooling system and all of the interior and exterior lights. She complains about the cold this time of year, but once she’s warmed up she handles amazingly well. Gas mileage isn’t terrible either.
My point was that the ability to effectively delay “peak oil” forever is pretty much within our grasp, even in the absense of electric cars.
Wait, you should give Doctor Colmaxhoffmann the benefit of the doubt, because s/he is going to provide the signatures of all the scientific articles, papers and thesis s/he had based his work (and the results he presents in his post) on.
S/he is collecting them from her/his paper, wait.
It must be somewhere under this heap of playgirl/boy magazines
Anytime soon…
By the way, s/he has a perfect white lab coat, that is enough prooves for you, people. And s/he does not see the reason s/he would give you the information on how and from where s/he redacted her/his work, or it will be stolen and someone will appropriate all her/his work ! Just believe her/him ! S/he is a misunderstood scientist, shunned by “mainstream” scientists who are all bought by Wom… Females/Jews/ISIS/Aliens (see how s/he is broadminded ? S/he is even allow you to pick which your biggest fear is) !
But i believe her/him, because i am the Pope.
On a more serious side, all my sympathies to the persons who went through hard times. I hope happiness will hit you soon enough.
Have a nice day.
@The Adjunct: I just wanted to say… what everyone else has said, really. They did not break you. You are stronger and more intelligent than they will ever be.
And while I’m not an entomologist, I find insects absolutely fascinating.
I just kinda love how all these MGTOW post-apocalypse scenarios always involve women coming to them to beg for food and supplies, and in return, the Miggy-Toes get to FINALLY have control over us feeeemales and they’ll finally get the respect (read: subservience) they deserve! Complete with sexy tiems!
Because the Miggy-Toes would have to have some in the first place for women to beg for, and none of these dudes strike me as the “I’m going to learn a valuable survival skill” type. Especially if they’re complaining on the internet that women won’t touch their peens and women are going to cause the downfall of civilization because of lipstick.
And, as many here have pointed out on other post-apocolypse mastubatory fantasies, women aren’t going to put as much effort into their looks post-apocalypse.
We’re going to be gross. We won’t shower as often, we won’t shave our legs, we won’t wear deodorant or lipstick or jewelry.
No HB10s in the wasteland dudes.
Insects are wonderful and lovely. I was looking for “bug hug” animated gifs, but they were all drawings.
I did find this though
@Crane Lady
Yes yes yes yes yes.
The sad truth of activism is that you will have to choose between Expression vs Effect. As justified as your anger is, it often only entrenches the people you want to listen to you. It’s a sucky thing, but I feel it’s better to deal with the reality that most people are self-centred, lazy, averse to change and not good with criticism, than to fight this reality.
Um, yeah. “Peak oil” means “when we run out of oil” like “feminist” means “woman who wants to enslave and/or kill all men”. Or how “climate” means “weather”. Or how “toxic masculinity” means “men are poisonous”. Those darn anti’s sometimes succeed at denying people the language to properly talk about issues by changing the definitions in the eyes of the general public. I call that “defining the problem out of existence”.
In order to “delay peak oil forever” under the original definition we’d have to keep extracting more and more oil until we’re getting infinite amounts of oil per second.