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“Females will lead to Extinction” because they don’t know how cars work, MGTOW scientist declares

Damn you, Thelma and Louise!
Damn you, Thelma and Louise!

The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has become a fertile breeding ground for some of the Internet’s most delightfully unhinged misogynistic rants.

But lately it’s been outdoing itself. And so today I would like to present to you a 2-for-1 MGTOW special, not one but two unhinged misogynistic rants, each with its own post devoted to it, both from the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.

First, we have a dire warning from a MGTOW scientist, who presents his highly scientific theory that women — sorry, females — will soon drive our species extinct, because they don’t understand how cars work. Or something.

Honestly, it’s a little confusing. Let’s try to work our way through it.

“Females will lead to Extinction and I am not talking about climate change,” a newly minted Redditor called Colmaxhoffmann declares.

I am scientist that has studied the future of species and human sustainability for years.


My conclusion is that we will go extinct if we continue to allow females to take control of our world.

The reason is quite simple: since the dawn of time males have needed to please females to breed. This has become unsustainable as their demands have become increasing technology based.



Technologies that burn oil a non-renewable resource: oil. Oil has become the dominant means of providing the energy for all other forms of energy and technology. 


Oil though is non renewable. It also has an energy cost to extract. The deeper the oil the more energy used. In 1900 it took 1 barrel of oil costing $1 to extract 100 barrels. … Now having exhausted the oil fields we get a ratio of 7:1. It is predicted by 2046 this will be 1:1 making it from then on unprofitable to extract. By then there will also be a massive fall in quality of the oil. This means that oil will cease to be viable.


People believe by then we will have found substitutes for oil. Unfortunately so far not one has proved to be portable, safe, cheap to access/produce … Static energy requires can be met by renewable energy and nuclear power for a time but eventually these will be unable to replicated or repaired as oil is the very basis of making such technology viable … . 


Food sources will be quickly impacted as food is transported by plane, ship and articulated lorries all of which rely on cheap fuel to be profitable. 


The demands of post-war (ww2) females will cease to be practical. They will no longer be able to titillate their desires with decorative jewelry or lipsticks since the markets will be running on an emergency basis.


As hyperinflation takes hold money will devalue. Women will be forced to resort to their baser occupations since it will be better to become a whore than starve to death.


Cars will be a thing of the past … Society and civilization will simply disintegrate.

Women will find that males are required for protection and hunting.


(In some case1s scavenging on dead bodies will be required).


All of this must happen because humans live under a female misapprehension due to a lack of scientists amongst them that men will solve these problems. They thus vote in people who have not a single clue that oil which raise a global population from a few billion to 7 billion and perhaps by 2050 25 billion is unsustainable.


Most women don’t know how a car works. They don’t know that 80% of the fuel it burns is lost in heat and friction. This ignorance has contaminated the male world because males are now subservient to females. Consider Donald J Trump.


He lives to enjoy women and the sex they provide. All else is just a means to gain more females. His entire life has been enslaved by the desire to breed. This desire whilst being natural has diverted men from seeing the future threat that the loss of oil creates.



Stay tuned for the second half of today’s MGTOW Two-fer, tentatively titled “Females are breeding with f***y weak men at the behest of corrupt elites.”


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Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago

Women are ruining the world because they love iPhones and cars, and men, who totally hate their iPhones and cars, have to STEM for their boners. Except MGTOWs, who of course, would never own an iPhone or a car.

8 years ago


Right? Why don’t they GTFO the internets, then? Saves so much electricity not to have to hear from whiny migtoes. Keeps the air so much cleaner and nicer smelling, too…

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Ok, lemme get this…

When women run things, men don’t want to breed

When men don’t want to breed, women use more lipstick

When women use more lipstick, we use too much oil

When we use too much oil, we run out

When we run out of oil, humans go extinct

Women, don’t let humans go extinct: don’t run things….

Izzat it??

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


Right? Why don’t they GTFO the internets, then? Saves so much electricity not to have to hear from whiny migtoes. Keeps the air so much cleaner and nicer smelling, too…

Well, of course, they don’t actually want to be on the internets or own computers or contribute to all that nasty world-ending technology. But as the only men who aren’t enslaved by their boners, it’s morally imperative to go on the internets to fight all the evil female overlords. 😉

8 years ago

@The Adjunct: you’re not alone. I’ve heard variations on the theme from most the women I was close with who were in grad school (both when I was undergrad and grad).

Given the number of stories that have been breaking lately, I’m hopeful that rape culture in academia is in decline. It’s going to take a lot of work.

Her Grace Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
Her Grace Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
8 years ago
Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
8 years ago

They really do like the ‘women will have to sell sex post-apocalypse’ thing.

They do realize, don’t they, that there are women NOW who sell sex, and they don’t actually have to wait for the destruction of civilization to purchase some? Not that I would advise any sex worker to actually take any of these people on as clients. If nothing else, I suspect them of not bathing, and tipping very badly.

8 years ago

I find it somewhat amusing that AdBot decided to put a picture of the Nomad from the new Mass Effect in the middle of that rant.

@Sinkable John
Combine that with our new VP wanting publicly funded conversion “therapy” and Texas is going to have a lot of traumatized youth on its hands.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

@Podkayne Lives

Yeah, but that’s illegal and looked down upon now. As soon as the apocalypse happens, like right away, society and decency are thrown out the window so they can rape fuck anyone without people saying they can’t or thinking they’re scum.

That’s what it’s like in Akira and Fallout, duh.

8 years ago

Thanks for the props guys, I get so frustrated with idiots going around claiming they can STEM inherently while i’m busting my butt actually doing the work (my residency program requires we take a graduate level course in biostatistics, and my final is tomorrow and oh god oh god).


I’m so sorry. I know i’m in the wrong field, but you can come science with me any day. (People are like insects, right? Some more than others…)

8 years ago

I wish I could say I was surprised. *hugs* or other supportive gestures as desired.

8 years ago

Interesting thing about peak oil… there am scientists who working on some promising research projects involving nifty photosynthetic devices where you feed water and air into one end, and get various useful industrial chemicals out of the other. Stuff like ammonia and methanol. Combustion engines exist that run on both of those, and given sufficient energy and enthuisiasm you can turn methanol into more complex hydrocarbons. Carbon neutral, by way of a bonus. Give it a few years.

Damn technological progress ruining perfectly good post apocalyptic harem fantasies 🙁

8 years ago
8 years ago

I understand tractors, does that count?

tim gueguen
8 years ago

I love that picture at the top. It looks like a flying car.

8 years ago

So, did I get this right: Super-alpha-male Trump, now that he has been elected turns out to be Subservient To Females? Is he secretly a Beta-Mangina? Oh the conspiracy!
It is FEEEMALES all the way down!

8 years ago

Even if the apocalypse *did* happen the way these numpties imagine, we have firearms now, and it is a curious but well phenomena that one doesn’t need testicles to shoot a gun.

Oh, it’s true.

Fortunately, the evidence for functioning car-less societies is laying around everywhere, *and* we have a better chance of solving our problems now that half the population isn’t automatically excluded from the drawing board. It would be even better if half the population didn’t have to endure so much bullshit to be allowed in. More brains at work equals more work accomplished. SCIENCE!

8 years ago

Pie: peak oil is probably about now. We’re not likely to run out of the stuff; we’re instead going to just stop burning it because electric cars will have become cheaper and more convenient — that and less polluting.

Cheaper probably happened this year; if not, it’ll happen next year (depends on oil price).

8 years ago

I am scientist that has studied the future of species and human sustainability for years.

Already one sentence in and my bullshit alarm is going off. That field is called “sustainability studies”

I know this because I am not a scientist but I have studied sustainability studies for two years as a college minor.

Oil though is non renewable. It also has an energy cost to extract. The deeper the oil the more energy used. In 1900 it took 1 barrel of oil costing $1 to extract 100 barrels. … Now having exhausted the oil fields we get a ratio of 7:1. It is predicted by 2046 this will be 1:1 making it from then on unprofitable to extract. By then there will also be a massive fall in quality of the oil. This means that oil will cease to be viable.

Nope, that just means the price of oil will go up. Guess this guy studied sustainability “for years” without ever studying economics.

What a fake scientist boy. Like, what? Oil is non-renewable? You don’t fucking say!

Food sources will be quickly impacted as food is transported by plane, ship and articulated lorries all of which rely on cheap fuel to be profitable.

Yep, and clearly the only way for us to get food is by plane, ship and whatever the fuck articulated lorries are. It’s not like community gardens exist or that the slow food movement exists (and people who actually give a fuck about sustainability studies are actively pursuing ways of transporting food from farm to table within the smallest distance)

Also, not even a mention of Monocultures? Factory Farming? Overuse of pesticides? Bee Colony Collapse Disorder? Overfishing?

This guy studied environmental sustainability yet seems to think our biggest food sustainability problem is just “the oil used to transport it”? I call 100% Bullshit.

In fact, the only ‘enlightning’ thing he’s described is that oil isn’t renewable! No way!

As hyperinflation takes hold money will devalue. Women will be forced to resort to their baser occupations since it will be better to become a whore than starve to death.

comment image

Or, y’know, grow food. These misogynists seem to forget that they need to be fed as well, or do they think that an environmental apocalyptic will lead to an infestation of mammoths?


So gross and creepy. Hugs if you’d like.

It’s funny (the sad funny), reading your post made my jaw drop to the flour and filled me with shock and disbelief yet I’m seeing a lot of people’s reaction being “yep, sounds about right”. My emotional response to this message of “shock and outrage” demonstrates privilege very clearly.

Specifically, I’ve never had someone use sex as leverage against me. I’m trying to imagine what I would do in a situation where someone said the more subtle version of “if you want [job enhancement] you’re going to have to have sex with me”. Like, that’s scary as shit to imagine that scenario happening just once. I have no idea what I would even do aside from ‘resist the urge to vomit’.

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago

@The Adjunct

I’ll add my support to everyone else’s, though I’m afraid I don’t have any gifs to go with it. No one should have endure that kind of bullshit and be told to just deal with it.

8 years ago

They don’t want women to sell sex, I think. Selling involves trading for money, which can be spent on anything.

They want women to barter sex for something that is consumed right then and there – protection from some guy down the road, immediate food, something from the company store.

Barter is the fantasy because effectively it’s people ‘willingly’ having sex with you in the hope it will lead to survival without you necessarily having to do anything.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

Sigh. Like some other people already mentioned, this is an awfully elaborate chain of events this guy is making up so he has a possibility of getting his dick wet. Which says something about the ridiculous odds of someone right now willingly touching him, which also says a lot about how repellent his personality must be.

@Chie Santonaka

Given he thinks his entire experience and perspective is all that matters, and given his idea of sex is probably *hump hump* *squirt* *snore*, no wonders he can’t imagine women enjoying sex.

8 years ago

I also get the irrits every time this shows up because these people do not seem to understand how small scale farming and agriculture works. It is inconvenient, and subject to weather, but it is something a family can often do very effectively – especially if in coordination with other families, so that your society can absorb problems without collapse.

Damn it, I have bees, chickens for eggs and meat, and grow fruit, vegetables, salad, and mushrooms in my back yard. I do it because it is pleasurable (and I’m self indulgent), but women have always been farmers. I can tell you a good deal of what we can eat locally, but during the apocalypse, my money is going to be on the local Koori people so the weird stench of white supremacy these dudes always reek of can go fuck itself too.

( Oh, also, in Antarctica there are female scientists. A doctor there performed her own biopsy for breast cancer. My organisation sends people there – and we send women. 🙂

8 years ago

Sorry if this is unacceptably long!!

@LindsayIrene, thanks for brightening my day with those STEMming, as-ridiculous-as-a-female-scientist (/s) doggies. GAY FEMALE HAVE STEREOTYPE IRRATIONAL OBSESSION WITH DOGGIES.

It’s actually kind of hard to devise a statement as grammatically incorrect as that. When you’re literate, anyway.

@Chie Santonaga, if your only concept of sex is a gameified transaction between a master and his child-like, genetically subservient conquest, would you have many experiences that confirm women can enjoy it?

@The Adjunct, PZ Meyers’ confrontational style might do well among people who can acknowledge a logical argument in a statement they disagree with, but a big problem on the internet especially is that people dismiss confronting arguments as stupid, factually incorrect and completely illogical before they even make an attempt to understand the logic a person was trying to use. You can still reject the premises of an argument while acknowledging that if they were correct, the offensive argument would make rational sense (much less so in this specific post, of course.) I have actually thought the opposite, that hateful people feel so fragile outside these self-affirming bubbles and feel so persecuted by people reacting with anger to their toxic beliefs, that while anger might be just it only further entrenches these people’s self-image as martyrs. It’s just an idea of mine, that maybe kid-gloves, politesse and superficial respect, validation of fears and that their arguments are logical given a set of incorrect premises might lead to more productive communication. I’ve also tried acknowledging their experience of women as valid to them, based on their perceptions– dismissing personal testimony is bad for both sides. I admit it’s usually failed spectacularly where I’ve tried it (these people have anger and hostility on hair-triggers), and I may be optimistic from a lot of DBT and communication training. 😛

(TW: rape)
But I mostly wanted to share sympathy and solidarity with your experience. Even though I am out of the closet and have a lot of male friends, I literally don’t have a single one that has not still tried to sleep with me during a late night of hanging out. They are good people and pretty feminist in talk, I think too many beers and lust overriding compassion is to blame (SO NOT AN EXCUSE), but it still makes me feel undervalued, objectified, slightly unsafe every time. Like no matter how well we get along, I am still Just A Woman and my identifying as lesbian is just some silly female pretension. It was in this context that I was actually raped, and got blamed for it in spades. One of my closest friends made her doubts *very* apparent until the guy actually told her in so many words that he did it, then had the bright idea to confront him on my behalf– so I got being called a liar, hysterical, and descriptions of how I totally came on to him to boot. She has since called it a “grey area,” and when she was talking about forgiving him she described being plied with alcohol and “taken advantage of” herself, which is a devastating example of a self-described feminist buying into rape culture hook, line and sinker. On another fairly liberal site several men thought it was perfectly acceptable to react to women’s stories with things like “Well, you hung out with him, isolated in his car– what did you expect to happen?” Like if a man comes to assume you want sex you have a social obligation to give it to him– I think people’s monkey brains assuming that women either “give” or fail to give a man sex as Gatekeepers is the biggest factor in rape culture. It was well over a year before I could have open conversations about my experience with my closest, and until that point I had totally projected a lot of the blame and doubt I perceived I was getting, because society teaches me to expect it and because on some not-yet-healed level I hold those beliefs myself. If you see this and hold on through the blathering I go through intense periods of isolation myself due to depression/anxiety, and would love to talk to you. <3

8 years ago

Moocow: the argument about the ratio of barrels spent mining versus how many barrels you mine is basically a simplified version of the EROI (or EROEI) — energy return on [energy] investment. The price is expected to grow according to 1/(EROI – 1) as EROI falls to 1.

Price goes to infinity when EROI approaches 1 from above: No matter how many dollars we give Shell, if Shell will use two barrels of oil to dig up one barrel, it’s pointless. In the end we would have had more energy by burning the two barrels than by scrounging for more.

But that’s the supply-side peak oil problem, which people were worried about in the 1970s and 80s. That problem is generally viewed as being irrelevant now: Long before we run out of oil supply, we run out of carbon budget (aka global warming kills us all).

The demand-side peak oil concept is far newer: we now have the technology to keep our economy running almost without oil, on largely renewable resources. We just need to deploy it.

In either peak-oil scenario we see oil production go up and up and up (as we have), then plateau, then fall precipitously, because nobody is going to be burning it anymore. The curve looks the same, but one scenario (supply-side peak) ends in civilization collapse and the other (demand-side peak) leads to a life much like today’s but less polluted.