And welcome to Part 2 of today’s MGTOW 2-fer! In Part 1, we examined the somewhat controversial theories of a Scientist Man Going His Own Way who believes the human race will soon go extinct, after a brief period of postapocalyptic cannibalism, because women don’t understand how cars work.
Now we will examine the teachings of a wise gentleman by the name of lolz_69, which he helpfully posted to the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.
First, a warning: You may find it a little difficult to see how the various threads of Mr. lolz_69’s rather elaborate argument relate to one another. That is probably because you are a women. If you’re not a woman, then it’s probably because you’re a mangina. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the quality or lack thereof of Mr. lolz_69’s arguments.
Mr. lolz_69 starts out with a strong assertion:
Females are breeding with f*ggy weak men at the behest of corrupt elites through indoctrination (that anyone with a brain can see through) so that everyone is controlled easily.
I would draw you a picture of this but honestly I’m not that good of an artist.
Females bought into the propaganda and broke up families because they had shiny stuff (goodies from divorce, etc.) dangled in front of their eyes.
And what female can resist the divorce goodies, I mean come on, they’re SHINY.
99% of women do not want to admit their inherent weaknesses and will bring down civilization literally because their egos can’t handle the truth that they need to be controlled by someone.
They actually had the choice of that someone being a loving husband who devoted his life to her, or big daddy government who just wants slaves. Guess who they choice?
Er, big daddy?
I mean, come on, who can blame them, that guy has A GIANT MURDER-SCREW FOR AN ARM!
Also, I don’t think the Big Daddy is actually the boss in that relationship but whatev.
NO FEMINISM IS ACCEPTABLE AT ANY TIME. Women have always had equal rights. They just didn’t want to put in the same amount of work as a man did. So they do the typical Marxist move- change the definition of a common word.
Damn those typical Marxists and their newfangled definitions of common words!!1! Which they come up with so that women don’t have to work as hard as men!!11! Which is the fundamental principle of Marxism, in case you forgot!!1!
“A specter is haunting Europe,” the Commie Manifesto declared, “the specter of lazy-ass females sitting on their fat asses eating bon bons while their dudes do all the work, and that is exactly what we the Communists want!”
Someone stumbling upon my post blue-pilled would never believe how I could say something like that. The mainstream meaning of feminism is “equal rights for women.” Only a monster wouldn’t support that, right? Wrong.
So, two monsters then?
What “feminism” claims to want was something THEY ALREADY HAD. Feminism means “gimme free shit and power without any consequences.” THAT’S why feminism is evil.
Huh. That’s an interesting REDEFINITION OF A COMMON WORD now isn’t it?
In my opinion, anyone who creates division amongst people who were already in harmony is a terrorist. This is what women now are.
Men and women had no issues with one another before feminism!
They fucked up the relationship between men and women because the government wanted more slaves. Taking care of kids at home with a loving providing spouse is literally the best situation ever.
Weird how few MGTOWs seem to be champing at the bit to take up life as stay-at-home dads.
Women threw that all away to sleep with Chads and become corporate whores.
Wait, I thought women were all supposed to be “breeding with f*ggy weak men at the behest of corrupt elites.” How is Chad (and his other brother Chad) getting himself into the mix?
Every potential woman you choose to associate with owes you an apology for how their actions have ruined gender relations. Never forget that.
The line to apologize to lolz_69 starts over there. Way over there.
I’m willing to work with them again if they learn to shut up and apologize, but there is a greater chance of hell freezing over than that happening.
Lolz_69 has accidentally stumbled onto something true. Which he promptly forgets.
That’s why we are MGTOW and not going to interact with them. We are adults willing to associate with anyone who has a sense of decency and realizes our actions affect others, and that means the current batch of argumentative whores need not apply.
Dude, I don’t think you need to worry that anyone will be applying for that particular position.
Basically, women must not be negotiated with, because everyone knows you never negotiate with terrorists.
Also, never get into an arm-wrestling contest with an octopus.
(Because they have eight arms! Ba-dum-tssh! I’m here all week. Try the calamari!)
Historically, society crumbles as soon as men forget the fact that women have the logical ability of a child and that All Women Are Like That™. The difference this time is that men are so weak that they will give destructive technology to a creature who makes decisions based on her vagina.
I think lolz_69 may be confusing vaginas with Magic 8-Balls.
Won’t end well. Let this be noted for any potential future civilizations.
I’m pretty sure that the writings of Mr. lolz_69 will not be of any interest whatsoever to future civilizations. They’re barely of interest to me.
immediately proceeds to change the definition of a common word
I finally found a haircut in fiction more ridiculous than Yugi Muto’s…
So, corrupt elites are part of an obvious government conspiracy to breed weak government slaves. (Because husbandry usually aims to breed weaknesses in to the line.) And women are so stupid because we fell for this obvious ploy and thought shiny divorce goodies were even better than bonbons.
Women were always this stupid, but now they and faggy men have bred a bunch of weak men who can’t put women back into their places. So as soon as the human race is weak enough, the government will enact its master plan to enslave us all and then women will use technology and their vaginas to blow up the world.
And all this poor guy ever wanted was to be a loving husband and dedicate his life to a woman (even though women don’t like to work very hard and have the logical ability of children). And he totally would have done it, too, if not for the fact that women ruined the harmonious relations between the genders.
These jackasses always believe they’re so logical. Yet they make no sense whatsoever.
Long ago, the genders lived together in harmony.
Then, everything changed when the Feminists attacked.
I still hold that Lobo had the worst hair. It’s cut into a triangle in front but short in the back with the exception of a rattail and some hair in front. Lobo has to comb up and down, too.
(Pictured: Lobo having no tact or self-awareness.)
But it gets better(?) while Bek’s hair got bigger/longer. He just had a short, plain flattop in the beginning.
Excuse me, is this the line for a Chad? I’m fresh out.
Ooooh! Taking care of kids is LITERALLY the best situation ever. Literally! And we know if Mr. lolz_69 says the word LITERALLY, he means it in a literal way! The best way EVER!
@Handsome Jack – I am in awe!
Ha ha ha fuck no I have no desire to make anyone have to raise kids. Kids terrify me in real life.
EDIT: I just finished Pokemon Moon, and I got to say, I REALLY enjoyed this one. I loved the pokemon designs, the being able to play dress up, the trials give you different challenges, the cinematics were on key, I loved the misic especially for team Skull and I especially liked the charm of the characters and how they grew.
Seriously I just adored how down to earth Team Skull was. All the other Organizations, Rocket, Magma/Aqua, Galactic, Plasma and Flare all had these huge facilities, fully staffed labs and international renown and respect with tons of talented and loyal hands who fully believe or are willing to go along with the master plan.
Team skull’s base is a run down gated community full of people who fell off from society and suffer from things like poverty and never get respect from anyone. Everyone else gets a form of badass theme to try to indimidate, team skull when you raid their base is a run down mansion, it rains when you get there, their pokemon center is run down and most of the grunts are casually talking about their life problems.
I’m apparently still in my nursery-school-teacher mindset and misread ‘f—y’ as ‘forty’.
‘The feminists bred with forty men. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s terrible.’ (We’re learning about space at the moment, and I’ve overheard two wee girls saying authoritatively ‘We’re the mums and we’re going to the moon, but the dads have to stay home to look after the baby.’ Is this misandry?)
@Witch of Endor
That is some high-profile misandering. The Feminist Hivemind Army needs kids like that in school to spread propaganda !
I see no problems with this.
Hashtag Ravenclaw:
But is his last name Thundercock? (Hufflepuff forever!)
Anyway, sometimes I want to have a serious discussion with these guys. Preferably not face to face because that would require being near them. Then I remember I have had discussions with guys like them before and nothing was accomplished.
This guy in particular is especially ignorant of things like history, social science, equality, rights, and how words work.
What divorce goodies?
Is that what these assholes call child support?
Divorce is hard. Going from a two parent household to two single parent households is hard. People are not seduced away from their marriages by promises of prizes. They leave because they need to for a variety of reasons that are not anyone else’s to judge. People can leave relationships of all kinds. It is not the end of civilization that they can. It is an indicator of civilization. Some marriages should be disolved. This ridiculous inability to accept rejection is probably a pretty good indicater as to why these bitter men can’t quite seem to find happiness in a relationship or on their own.
“Well, which is it, young feller? Do you want I should freeze or get down on the ground? I mean to say, if’n I freeze, I can’t rightly drop. And if’n I drop, I’m gonna be in motion.”
Project much?
Lolz_69, you need an editor — someone whom you pay well — to control you.
It’s not “Guess who they choice?”
It’s “Guess who they choose?”
Or if you want to be excruciatingly correct, it’s “Guess whom they choose?”
(Okay, I’m done.)
It’s amazing how many words it takes for these men to argue “we’re inherently better than the yucky old women who won’t obey us, and the fact that the yucky old women aren’t falling over themselves to obey us just proves it, because if they could brain as good as us then they’d know that they need to obey us.”
They really love “A few good men”. No wonder there are so many alt-right/MRA/MGTOW memes using this “you can’t handle the truth”.
But i am still wondering why they call their meatstaff “the Truth”. It may be usual for kids to give a name to their weewee, but adults ? Unless there is a trend i am not aware off to baptize it ?
But i agree with you, this one is less interesting than the former. Lolz_69 (hey, 69 ! wink wink, nudge nudge) (sarcasm – middle school pun for pseudonym choice still at work, it seems) just seems to have use the hatotron machine with women, pardon, females as first argument.
Final mark : 1/20 – You have to write 100 times “I must not copy the ludicrous rants of my comrades during examinations”
Have a nice day.
The only thing MGTOWs have accomplished is to make this Chad guy sound super hot. I kinda wanna have sex with Chad just to see what it’s like.
I thought I’d want to avoid WHTM a bit after all of the awful things happening lately, but the commentary is damned hilarious and actually cheered me up. Top stuff.
No idea whether Chad is hot or not, but I’m 100% certain he’s more intelligent than they are.
I’m going to go out on a theological limb here and say that Chad may well be involved with our Katie. They’d make a great couple.
Chad is hotter and smarter, but he’s also a lot nicer.
@occasional reader
Your comments never fail to crack me up.
But I have to respectfully disagree : 69 is a perfectly legit number to have on a nym ! It was a great year.