And welcome to Part 2 of today’s MGTOW 2-fer! In Part 1, we examined the somewhat controversial theories of a Scientist Man Going His Own Way who believes the human race will soon go extinct, after a brief period of postapocalyptic cannibalism, because women don’t understand how cars work.
Now we will examine the teachings of a wise gentleman by the name of lolz_69, which he helpfully posted to the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.
First, a warning: You may find it a little difficult to see how the various threads of Mr. lolz_69’s rather elaborate argument relate to one another. That is probably because you are a women. If you’re not a woman, then it’s probably because you’re a mangina. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the quality or lack thereof of Mr.Β lolz_69’s arguments.
Mr.Β lolz_69 starts out with a strong assertion:
Females are breeding with f*ggy weak men at the behest of corrupt elites through indoctrination (that anyone with a brain can see through) so that everyone is controlled easily.
I would draw you a picture of this but honestly I’m not that good of an artist.
Females bought into the propaganda and broke up families because they had shiny stuff (goodies from divorce, etc.) dangled in front of their eyes.
And what femaleΒ can resist the divorce goodies, I mean come on, they’re SHINY.
99% of women do not want to admit their inherent weaknesses and will bring down civilization literally because their egos can’t handle the truth that they need to be controlled by someone.
They actually had the choice of that someone being a loving husband who devoted his life to her, or big daddy government who just wants slaves. Guess who they choice?
Er, big daddy?
I mean, come on, who can blame them, that guy has A GIANT MURDER-SCREW FOR AN ARM!
Also, I don’t think the Big Daddy is actually the boss in that relationship but whatev.
NO FEMINISM IS ACCEPTABLE AT ANY TIME. Women have always had equal rights. They just didn’t want to put in the same amount of work as a man did. So they do the typical Marxist move- change the definition of a common word.
Damn those typical Marxists and their newfangled definitions of common words!!1! Which they come up with so that women don’t have to work as hard as men!!11! Which is the fundamental principle of Marxism, in case you forgot!!1!
“A specter is haunting Europe,” the Commie Manifesto declared, “the specter of lazy-ass females sitting on their fat asses eating bon bons while their dudes do all the work, and that is exactly what we the Communists want!”
Someone stumbling upon my post blue-pilled would never believe how I could say something like that. The mainstream meaning of feminism is “equal rights for women.” Only a monster wouldn’t support that, right? Wrong.
So, two monsters then?
What “feminism” claims to want was something THEY ALREADY HAD. Feminism means “gimme free shit and power without any consequences.” THAT’S why feminism is evil.
Huh. That’s an interesting REDEFINITION OF A COMMON WORD now isn’t it?
In my opinion, anyone who creates division amongst people who were already in harmony is a terrorist. This is what women now are.
Men and women had no issues with one another before feminism!
They fucked up the relationship between men and women because the government wanted more slaves. Taking care of kids at home with a loving providing spouse is literally the best situation ever.
Weird how few MGTOWs seem to be champing at the bit to take up life as stay-at-home dads.
Women threw that all away to sleep with Chads and become corporate whores.
Wait, I thought women were all supposed to be “breeding with f*ggy weak menΒ at the behest of corrupt elites.” How is Chad (and his other brother Chad) getting himself into the mix?
Every potential woman you choose to associate with owes you an apology for how their actions have ruined gender relations. Never forget that.
The line to apologize toΒ lolz_69 starts over there. Way over there.
I’m willing to work with them again if they learn to shut up and apologize, but there is a greater chance of hell freezing over than that happening.
Lolz_69 has accidentally stumbled onto something true. Which he promptly forgets.
That’s why we are MGTOW and not going to interact with them. We are adults willing to associate with anyone who has a sense of decency and realizes our actions affect others, and that means the current batch of argumentative whores need not apply.
Dude, I don’t think you needΒ to worry that anyone will be applying for that particular position.
Basically, women must not be negotiated with, because everyone knows you never negotiate with terrorists.
Also, never get into an arm-wrestling contest with an octopus.
(Because they have eight arms! Ba-dum-tssh! I’m here all week. Try the calamari!)
Historically, society crumbles as soon as men forget the fact that women have the logical ability of a child and that All Women Are Like Thatβ’. The difference this time is that men are so weak that they will give destructive technology to a creature who makes decisions based on her vagina.
I think lolz_69 may be confusing vaginas with Magic 8-Balls.
Won’t end well. Let this be noted for any potential future civilizations.
I’m pretty sure that the writings of Mr.Β lolz_69 will not be of any interest whatsoever to future civilizations. They’re barely of interest to me.
Hahah, good luck with that!
Well, this f***y man certainly has a lot of women (and men) trying to breed with him. Thanks Obama! However, we have double-crossed the elites by the power of birth control! Haha! Take that Illuminati!
I like to think that there’s at least one bitter incel or MGTOW out there who’s called Chad.
The scientist was way more fun. This one isn’t even trying to make an argument.
Typo alert: contest became context.
Coincidentally that is exactly the solution to fixing the broken mindset of manospherians.
God, they’re just so full of themselves, aren’t they? I mean, seriously: if they ever do finally go their own way, how long do you think it would take before the rest of use even notice?
Man, I couldn’t even finish.
He’s wrong, I don’t use my vagina. I use my uterus. I ask it questions and make decisions based on where I feel a twinge first. Left ovary is a yes. Right ovary is a no. Uterus is a try again later.
Funny how people who obviously never read Marx (or any other marxist writer) talk about “communism”…….Jeeez!
My takeaway from this screed is that lolz_69 is pissed that I, as a faggy weak man, apparently have more sex than he does.
Hey, small victories, alright. It’s been a shitty two weeks. I’ll take whatever.
I recently listened to the audio book version of Unmentionable by Therese Oneil, which is about the literature written for Victorian ladies by folks claiming to have their best interests in mind (along with the lousy fasion, pardon the pun), and I must say that these people argue like they are victorian “doctors”. That is to say with many assumptions, little proof, with made up credentials and even more made up annecdotes. It is funny how much confidence the position of ignorance seems to give.
“… potential woman…” ?
You guys, I was trying to think logically about these important arguments but all I come up with is that I need cookies and Legos. Good thing I have a vagina to tell me what to do. Do you guys know where Chad is at?
/s (Except for the Legos. That would be awesome.)
I have no idea where these… is “screeders” a word? It is now…. where these screeders get the idea that bearing and raising children and keeping house with none of the modern conveniences was the very lap of luxury.
Not that it matters, I suppose. By this one’s definition I am a monster and a terrorist. Yay!
Dear lolz_69,
I’m sorry you’re an embittered and irrational jackass.
Sincerely yours,
Argumentative Whore
“99% of women do not want to admit their inherent weaknesses and will bring down civilization literally because their egos canβt handle the truth that they need to be controlled by someone.”
…. projection much? I mean, the whole thing was like an IMAX, this was just the first thing that stood out to me, but… wow.
I’m a little curious what he means by ‘potential women’. I mean, I suppose that on the Internet anyone you encounter is potentially a woman, and preadolescent children are potentially women, but neither of those really makes sense (to the extent anything this buffoon says makes any sense) in context.
OT, has anyone read any Alan Watts? I just read The Book and if you’re into Eastern Spirituality it can be life-changing. Thinking of the universe as a single, inherently connected entity is hugely empowering. It undid a lot of the exceptional individualism and mechanistic philosophy I got into as a teenager, which unless you’re a genius capable of bending reality to your will just makes you feel incompetent.
The main myth/metaphor that he uses is a Hindu offshoot, in which the universe is a dream God is having, where it plays pretend as as all the conscious life, and subsequently forgets that it is God. It addresses duality in that we can’t define what something is in language unless it’s opposite also exists– so there is some value in our ideological opponents, in that they allow us to define our values– very helpful for finding acceptance in the Trump age. And Feminism would not be so strong and definite without assholes like this, nor would liberalism in general. Unsurprisingly, the book was big with hippies in the ’60’s. He lists acid and shrooms along with meditation and prayer as legitimate spiritual practices. π
You know what makes more sense than this?
Whatever the fuck this hairdo is suppose to be:
Someone needs to explain one) how this works and two) who thought this was a good idea.
And no Peridot jokes.
I couldn’t figure out a good one so none of you get to either.
(The answer to who thought it was a good idea is “1990”.)
How to be an MGTOW in three easy steps!
1) Think of a problem.
2) Think of what causes that problem.
3) Research to determine if you’re correct.3) Write an essay on why it’s the fault of women.
See? Easy!
According to MGTOW ideology, I’m a beta. I’ve only bred once, my wife got almost nothing in the divorce (except some minor things I accidentally left behind), and she hasn’t had another kid with her also beta new husband.
How curious. Guess we didn’t mince enough cows.
re: Big Daddies
-one Wikipedia check later-
I think that’s our side, to some extent…. -hyeh-
Comic Hairdos That Make More Sense Than MGTOW Rants Number 2:
OT again, forgot to mention in my previous post– the is some hilarious sexism in The Book, as the author considers femininity/masculinity a duality– which I *guess* it is?– but he sees femininity as a rigid, inferior complement of masculinity given the time. It leads to some funny (for me, as I didn’t quite live it) unintentional comedy: “you put your hand on a beautiful woman’s knee, she tell you stop that… what’s her problem?” This coming from a liberal amoung liberals. π
Hawk Atreides, are you my ex? Seriously, the idea of shiny goodies and not working as hard… I worked 12 hours a week more than my ex, brought in 70% of the money, did 99% of the house work, and walked out of our divorce with two broken pans and my clothes. He even kept things that were mine before we married.
Yeah, obviously a lot of shiny goodies. The two pans weren’t even shiny, because they were very old. My lawyer had no interest in protecting my interests, especially since I was in treatment for depression and he figured the court would be sympathetic to my ex.