And welcome to Part 2 of today’s MGTOW 2-fer! In Part 1, we examined the somewhat controversial theories of a Scientist Man Going His Own Way who believes the human race will soon go extinct, after a brief period of postapocalyptic cannibalism, because women don’t understand how cars work.
Now we will examine the teachings of a wise gentleman by the name of lolz_69, which he helpfully posted to the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.
First, a warning: You may find it a little difficult to see how the various threads of Mr. lolz_69’s rather elaborate argument relate to one another. That is probably because you are a women. If you’re not a woman, then it’s probably because you’re a mangina. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the quality or lack thereof of Mr. lolz_69’s arguments.
Mr. lolz_69 starts out with a strong assertion:
Females are breeding with f*ggy weak men at the behest of corrupt elites through indoctrination (that anyone with a brain can see through) so that everyone is controlled easily.
I would draw you a picture of this but honestly I’m not that good of an artist.
Females bought into the propaganda and broke up families because they had shiny stuff (goodies from divorce, etc.) dangled in front of their eyes.
And what female can resist the divorce goodies, I mean come on, they’re SHINY.
99% of women do not want to admit their inherent weaknesses and will bring down civilization literally because their egos can’t handle the truth that they need to be controlled by someone.
They actually had the choice of that someone being a loving husband who devoted his life to her, or big daddy government who just wants slaves. Guess who they choice?
Er, big daddy?
I mean, come on, who can blame them, that guy has A GIANT MURDER-SCREW FOR AN ARM!
Also, I don’t think the Big Daddy is actually the boss in that relationship but whatev.
NO FEMINISM IS ACCEPTABLE AT ANY TIME. Women have always had equal rights. They just didn’t want to put in the same amount of work as a man did. So they do the typical Marxist move- change the definition of a common word.
Damn those typical Marxists and their newfangled definitions of common words!!1! Which they come up with so that women don’t have to work as hard as men!!11! Which is the fundamental principle of Marxism, in case you forgot!!1!
“A specter is haunting Europe,” the Commie Manifesto declared, “the specter of lazy-ass females sitting on their fat asses eating bon bons while their dudes do all the work, and that is exactly what we the Communists want!”
Someone stumbling upon my post blue-pilled would never believe how I could say something like that. The mainstream meaning of feminism is “equal rights for women.” Only a monster wouldn’t support that, right? Wrong.
So, two monsters then?
What “feminism” claims to want was something THEY ALREADY HAD. Feminism means “gimme free shit and power without any consequences.” THAT’S why feminism is evil.
Huh. That’s an interesting REDEFINITION OF A COMMON WORD now isn’t it?
In my opinion, anyone who creates division amongst people who were already in harmony is a terrorist. This is what women now are.
Men and women had no issues with one another before feminism!
They fucked up the relationship between men and women because the government wanted more slaves. Taking care of kids at home with a loving providing spouse is literally the best situation ever.
Weird how few MGTOWs seem to be champing at the bit to take up life as stay-at-home dads.
Women threw that all away to sleep with Chads and become corporate whores.
Wait, I thought women were all supposed to be “breeding with f*ggy weak men at the behest of corrupt elites.” How is Chad (and his other brother Chad) getting himself into the mix?
Every potential woman you choose to associate with owes you an apology for how their actions have ruined gender relations. Never forget that.
The line to apologize to lolz_69 starts over there. Way over there.
I’m willing to work with them again if they learn to shut up and apologize, but there is a greater chance of hell freezing over than that happening.
Lolz_69 has accidentally stumbled onto something true. Which he promptly forgets.
That’s why we are MGTOW and not going to interact with them. We are adults willing to associate with anyone who has a sense of decency and realizes our actions affect others, and that means the current batch of argumentative whores need not apply.
Dude, I don’t think you need to worry that anyone will be applying for that particular position.
Basically, women must not be negotiated with, because everyone knows you never negotiate with terrorists.
Also, never get into an arm-wrestling contest with an octopus.
(Because they have eight arms! Ba-dum-tssh! I’m here all week. Try the calamari!)
Historically, society crumbles as soon as men forget the fact that women have the logical ability of a child and that All Women Are Like That™. The difference this time is that men are so weak that they will give destructive technology to a creature who makes decisions based on her vagina.
I think lolz_69 may be confusing vaginas with Magic 8-Balls.
Won’t end well. Let this be noted for any potential future civilizations.
I’m pretty sure that the writings of Mr. lolz_69 will not be of any interest whatsoever to future civilizations. They’re barely of interest to me.
I don’t understand why, if they think staying at home taking care of the kids is so great, they don’t do it themselves. Andrew in the other thread never did explain why, if he thinks it’s some kind of privilege that his ex-wife works part time and stays home with the kids the rest of the time, he doesn’t opt to do that himself. His only answer to that was that he takes care of the kids in addition to working, which just avoids the question. All parents who work do that. But all the stay-at-home moms and dads I know say it’s harder work to stay at home and take care of the kids. I think these guys imagine that stay-at-home parents spend all day playing or something. They have no idea how anything works.
I kinda ship Chad and Tyrone. I think they’d be a great couple.
I hear all too many people who would say this is an awful statement. I had a friend, a playwright and very liberal, who wrote a play positing that people should stay together “for the kids”. When I made a comment that this was a marriage that should probably be broken up (the one in the play), I was greeted with horror and distaste by this liberal group, because they want to go back to the way things were when women had to stay with abusive men “for the kids” and men had to stay with women who didn’t love them “for the kids” – and because divorce was so difficult that you often had to pretend to have an affair to set up conditions for divorce!
As someone who’s parents stayed together “for the kids”, may I please, please, please beg you – Don’t do that! Kids watching their parents hating each other every day of their life is not conducive to growing up well. Thanks. End of rant.
Y’know, for all the regular takedowns of meektoe rhetoric that happen on this blog and in these threads, complete with arguments and a healthy heaping of mockery… I think what you just did is what would hurt them the most. You gay’d up their fantasy.
I’m gonna get a hat and take it off.
When observational evidence does not match a hypothesis, you discard the hypothesis.
When observational evidence does not match biotruths, it’s a conspiracy by the Marxist je.. ELITES! Yes, elites. Cough.
Interesting. Incels believe that we should be made to breed with ‘f***y weak men’ at the behest of the government. (As they’ve decided they fit in that category and they’re definitely not getting any action).
MGTOW apparently believe that this is already happening.
Elsewhere in the neo-nazi manosphere I have read that we only become aroused by criminals and thugs whose skin-tone is deemed to be ‘undesirably to the dark side of beige’.
All of the misogynists here are motivated by the deep conviction that somebody, somewhere is getting all the honeyz and it’s NOT THEM!!!!
They should team up, compare notes and realise that none of them are successful in love, all the spurious reasons for that they’ve invented cannot all be true at the same time and realise that the common denominator of why they’re unf*ckable is because they loathe the people they’re trying to f*ck.
*No virgin-shaming here or whatever, but if my main problem in life was just that people didn’t want to sleep with me, I would consider myself very fortunate.
Sure. That’s fine for you and me but these men are entitled to at least one conventionally attractive, sexually available but never demanding servant who never complains and lives in gratitude that she is allowed to to serve her superior and raise his children.
The future of civilization depends upon it.
Because science.
And 99% (I’m being generous here) of MGTOWs do not want to admit that they are responsible for their own misery and loneliness because their egos can’t handle the truth that women don’t want to be with someone who only wants to control them and nothing else.
If only one side viewed as harmony and people from the other side said ”we’ve had it”, you can’t claim it was a harmonious relationship. Just because the whole thing worked for you doesn’t mean it worked for the other party.
@Witch of Endor
I salute your “forty”. I keep reading it as “farty”, and am as bemused as the MGTOWs on why women seek out only gentlemen with unfortunate bowel tendencies to make a life with. Then I remember what it actually means, and think a farty man would be a vast improvement on anyone using that word.
Notice what?
Whine! Whine! Stomp! Pout! Widdle Junior is vewy, vewy ANGWY!
Also, he needs Mommy to change his diapers, because he nearly stomped in his own poopy!
Are you effin’ kidding me? We put in more than DOUBLE the fucking work, and we STILL don’t have equal rights, you fucking MORON!
And that word was…? Come on, bozo, don’t keep us in suspense!
Oh, I can well believe it. You’re spouting all this inane word soup because you have no idea what words even mean or what reality even is. That’s it, innit?
Oh dingleberry, face facts. You oppose feminism because you ARE a monster, and totally opposed to equal rights. Your idea of “equal” is one where the genders are segregated, and women live in the low-pay (or no-pay) ghetto because of some archaic notion of “natural inferiority of feeeeemales”. And you’re the one changing the definition of words to suit your own agenda, which is…oh, what is the word I’m looking for here? Stupidist? Yeah, that’ll do. For now, anyhow.
Substitute “men’s rights” for “feminism”, and you get the actual truth here. With one exception: Men already had much, MUCH more than equal rights. They had a slew of very unequal privileges, awarded solely on the basis of penis ownership. Still do, and they’re still whining for more. Giant crybabies.
A legally-codified master/slave relationship is NOT FUCKING HARMONY, moron. Look up coverture sometime. Go on. I dare you.
Bullshit, hogsnot, and CODSWALLOP. Who fucked up relations between themselves and us? SEXIST MEN. The government plays no role here at all. The only ones who want more slaves are whiny white men, who are now being denied even the basic domestic tyranny they were brought up to expect as their due. The idea of actual equality with the women who used to be under their thumbs TERRIFIES them. Because who wants to be equal to their former slave-class? White supremacists, from the Civil War on down to the current KKK, obviously don’t. And it chafes their asses that the “uppity” blacks should have anything approaching equal rights, and not even separate water fountains, either! Same goes for women…
And if you think all husbands are “loving” and all children wanted, and that a purely domestic life is endlessly fascinating and a good use of talents, much less that all women want those things, you’re living in a fucking fool’s paradise. The reason we have feminism is because women have found out the hard way that IT JUST IS NOT SO.
And I reject the “terrorist” label, too. If you’re so scared of me not playing by YOUR rules, baby boy…TOO FUCKING BAD. Women are not going back just because you had a temper tantrum at them. The genie is out of the boring old bottle, and none of your whining, stomping, sulking and pouting is going to put her back in.
And don’t expect any fucking apologies from us, either.
I’m confused. Where are my divorce goodies? I get an average of £100 per month in child support from my youngest son’s dad and nothing from my eldest son’s dad. My rent and bills come to over £1200 per month.
Can Katie please tell me how to get these divorce goodies so I can stop working full time while also completing my degree? Because that plus being a single mum is exhausting!
NicolaLuna, it is awesome to see you again! I was getting worried.
It took him literally three lines to come up with his first logicrap. If the indoctrination is SO easy to see though – how come it is controlling *everyone*?
And it is just downhill from there. If these wonks realised how utterly useless they are at *everything* they’d spontaneously evaporate.
Hi Nicolaluna! Good to see you again.
Hi everyone! It’s good to be back. Had a rough few months but I’m getting back on track.
<3 Nicola, welcome back!
Nicola! Glad to see you. Hope all’s well with you…
Weatherwax: I have to admit to being a farty man.
Seems to run in the family, also vegetarian, also maybe I should get my bowels checked out for irritability.
It hasn’t been a barrier to relationships.
Glad you’re back — and glad that life is treating you better than before.
Who’s up for writing lolz_69 a thank you note for choosing not to associate with us “argumentative whores”? Make sure it’s written in crayon too because we have “the logical ability of a child”
Also I don’t use my ‘gina or an 8-ball to make decisions. I use an app called “Random It!”
@NicolaLuna: I’d say welcome back but this is the first I’ve seen you. Nice meeting you.
So at the very least how does this guy explain all the times in history that women literally weren’t allowed to inherit property or attend the same schools/go into the same apprenticeships as men?
Or is he just in complete denial that any of that ever happened?
@Mattie It’s just your typical reactionary revision of history with this knucklehead tbh.