So “Hamilton” has gotten pretty much unanimous praise from critics and those lucky (or rich) enough to score themselves tickets to it. Even Mike Pence, despite that thing that happened when he attended the show Friday night, declared on Fox News Sunday that “Hamilton’ is just an incredible production, incredibly talented people. It was a real joy to be there.”
The Trump-loving, Muslim-hating racist behind the blog Diversity Macht Frei begs to differ. As he sees it, Hamilton is basically an act of “white genocide” set to music. In Hamilton, you see, all the Founding Fathers are played by people of color, a deliberate choice by the show’s creator designed to make the cast “look … like America looks now.”
Well, Mr. Macht Frei is having none of it.
This entire spectacle is simply white genocide turned into entertainment. It retells American history with the roles historically played by European Americans instead performed by brown-skinned people of varied ancestry, the whole thing set to music of a style typically associated with those of African race. This is racial appropriation. One race is written out of history, replaced by another. Europeans are being asked to celebrate their own demise, their own effacament from America’s story.
I’m going to let Nathan Fillion take this one:
The blogger continues:
Imagine if someone made a musical about Zulus and all the Zulus were played by Europeans, played to Mozart-like music. You can imagine the outrage that would provoke. But, somehow, when it happens to Europeans, this racial usurpation is OK? No, it’s not OK. In the age of Trump, maybe white people need to establish a new political correctness of their own.
Yeah, it’s not as if white actors have ever played the parts of non-white characters in movies and TV and Broadway spectacles. (Oh, wait.) It’s not as if Jesus, a middle-eastern Hebrew, is ever depicted like some blue-eyed, dirty-blond-haired, white-skinned surfer dude. (Oh, wait.) It’s not as if Fox News anchors have ever worked themselves into a frenzy insisting that Santa Claus — who I am told is not even a real person — is white. (Oh wait.)
It’s not as if a horde of white Harry Potter fans threw a fit when a black actress was chosen to play Hermione in a London theatrical production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child — even after JK Rowling declared that the complainers were racist “idiots” and that “Hermione can be a black woman with my absolute blessing and enthusiasm.” Oh, wait.
It’s not as if the casting of Hamilton is a conscious response to this long tradition of whitewashing people of color out of history and culture.
Oh wait.
Anyhoo, Mr. Macht Frei goes on to demand the inevitable phony boycott of this allegedly white-hating play.
We need people to picket, protest and boycott this so-called musical. There can be no place in modern America for racially inflammatory spectacles masquerading as entertainment. And don’t give me the argument that this is free speech. This isn’t free speech. It’s hate speech. And hate speech doesn’t cease to be hate speech just because it’s set to music. Especially when that style of music is rap*.
Now, Mr. Macht Frei follows up this post with a wry little “disclaimer” suggesting that maybe he’s just trolling, ha ha — which would presumably make his post a sort of parody of the things those evil SJWs say when they object to white people playing people of color.
But the point of his post, if we assume it’s meant seriously, is pretty much identical with the stated aim of his blog — “chronicling the Genocide of the European peoples, the greatest crime in all of history.” If that’s not meant as a joke — and there’s no indication that it is — then it’s pretty much impossible for me to believe that his Hamilton post was meant as a joke.
Tellingly, when The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin reposted Diversity Macht Frei’s post on his site, he left off the disclaimer. And his commenters don’t seem to be in on any joke.
“All of the Founding Fathers are played by n***ers while the “bad guy”, King George III, of course remains white,”one Daily Stormer commenter complains. (Asterisks mine.)
“The tide is turning , all can see the black nightmare that is all around us,’ writes another, using the logo of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) as his avatar.
Destroying one city after another. We are going to win but it will cost many lives because of cowards.
Yeah, kind of hard to see the joke here.
You folks need to give the white race a break on this stuff…. Whites are so endangered, genetically, socially, economically…. Actual genetic “Whites” (according to census definition and data) are only just BARELY 60+% of the U.S. population, so close to extinction it’s barely… uhhh, oh, wait…. Economically! Economically, though the population is so marginalized, the top 1% of the income bracket is only 96% white, it’s a wonder they can surv… ohhh, uhhh, oh, wait…. SOCIALLY… Have you even SEEN a Hollywood film with a white leading actor or actress? It’s so rare as to be…. uhhh… oh, wait…. HEY, THO, whites have been chased completely out of the top levels of business. How many CEO’s of top corporations are there??? Even the blatantly anti-white Fortune 500 lists only 91% of CEO’s as being white. They’re being EXTERMINATED, I tells ya!!!
(for those who can’t tell… /s)
Fer fuckin REAL?!?!?!?!?
Nh. I practically cringed on seeing the title of this jerk’s blog, “Diversity Macht Frei.” I’m sorry, but if you are thinking of naming your blog in a snarky pun on the motto of a death camp where the freedom was execution, I don’t think you have anything worthwhile to add to the conversation.
Any fact or opinion that can possibly twisted into supporting the aggrieved entitlement of these assholes will be twisted.
Me too…but only because some asshole who doesn’t believe different colors of people should, you know, COEXIST IN PEACE somehow thinks it’s his right to mix English with German.
Fick dich, du miserabler Nazi-Schweinhund.
Ohmigosh Bina, you’re so right. All the poor German people, getting their language and history co-opted by a bunch of asshole racist Americans. I’m not even joking about that, that’s fucked up.
Is that a winning strategy? Telling these nazi shitheels that they’re the ones erasing European culture with their shitty appropriations? That’s exactly the sort of turnaround they love doing in general.
OT (again..sorry):
My approval letter for out-of-province (bottom) surgery is on it’s way!! I just got the travel reimbursement forms, the actual approval letter will be close behind.
OT, but speaking of white nonsense:
If Bernie Sanders doesn’t shut the fuck up!!! He can’t go a few fuckin days without saying something stupid! Since the 9th! Repeatedly! Meanwhile, the Dem politicians, as a united front, are letting shit slide on the daily. Quit. Acting. Like. Losers!
The boycott of Rush Limbaugh this is not.
People want to boycott bullies and bigots, like this guy and his idiotic blog.
What people don’t want to boycott are actually intelligent pieces of fiction that rise a level above all white historical films from the fifties
Best White People Fails of 2016:
(No, really, give this one at least a few seconds of your time.)
So, like…Donald Trump’s entire campaign?
@Jesalin – W00t! Happy news!
Right? They think there should be no such thing as a mingling of cultures…but then they ASSume that there is one monolithic race-culture called “European”. WRONG. Europe is a continent, not a color or a singular, unvarying culture. It’s a landmass. People came to it from all over, waaaayyyy back in prehistoric times. No one has the right to claim any pretensions about being a “pure” whatever.
Even a “pure” German like me is actually a mix of peoples. Germany itself is made up of 16 lands, all of them named for the different tribes that lived there in ancient times, and I am a mixture of several of those tribes, thanks to my south-German/French border mom’s side, and my north-German dad’s. (I haven’t been genetically tested yet, but I’m willing to bet I have a smidgen of “non-European” DNA in there too somewhere. Maybe from several somewheres.)
Point being, unless you’re from a very isolated island culture, and horribly inbred to boot, you don’t get to make noises about racial purity OR “white genocide”. It’s an illusion, it’s idiotic, and the sooner we all admit that (and the more our various cultures reflect it), the better.
@Jesalin – Congrats!
Y’know, I remember when Nazis were the go-to choice for villains. And now they’re rising in power? Bah.
Time to listen to my copy of the OBC recording of Hamilton again.
Thank you! As a German, it makes me so damned irritated when people use my language for that sort of purpose, ignoring the fact that Germany has so many more, better, elements to it than idiotic Nazi propaganda and misinterpreted Nietzsche. I mean, if these people love German so much, I’d love to see them read Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason or Johann Wilhelm von Goethe’s Leiden des Jungen Werthers in the original German, rather than using the language to further an idiotic ideology that led directly to the deaths of millions.
Europe doesn’t even qualify as a continent; it’s just a part of Asia but Europeans long ago didn’t want to be considered part of the same continent as Asians so they pretended they were separate continents. That’s why some people say there’s only Eurasia and Europe is a region of it.
Yeah, the right wing assholes using German pisses me off on so many levels.
I’m German. A very left wing German even from a German point of view.
The majority of Germans isn’t right wing assholes.
And to top it all off?
Those fucking right wing assholes constantly miss spell EVERYTHING!
I’m of Austrian descent.
On my mum’s side I likely have a ton of Slovenian and Italian ancestry, on my dad’s side I probably have a ton of Czechs and Hungarians.
No European is ‘pure’ anything.
Hey Scildfreja, I’m doing a quick post on Mike Pence’s cartoons, do yo want credit for bringing them to my attention?
@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
The DNC’s establishment style catering to rich people was their biggest downfall. Every stage they could have embraced populist narratives even in name, but instead in a climate that people demanded change, however malicious those intentions are, decided to ignore that and handed the entire country to the GOP on a silver platter. Right wing pivots and compromise and “being glad to work with Republicans” was the key failing move.
@Knitting Cat Lady
It’s the equivalent of a person wearing Greek Togas and worshipping Zeus in 21st century Greece, just without the whole “I wish everyone else dead and in pain.”
Okay, how you gonna boycott a musical that’s been out for months? Is this an boycott message?
It didn’t work. At all.

And if it isn’t, it’s equally as pathetic.
Bernie, you have one job, Bernie. For someone who has a record for fighting for people’s “identity politics”, I think maybe you need to think that phrasing over.
Bina said:
Speaking of said types of assholes, I wanted to point out this petition (in case some of you are not ACLU members). 🙂
At this point saying you’re going to boycott Hamilton is like saying you’re against unicorn racing. You can try all you want, but I think an important part of a boycott is the part where you actually have an opportunity to do the thing you’re boycotting.
And you’d think that, if anyone would’ve learned that lesson, it’d be Sanders. Nope! Dude’s practically bending over backwards to ally himself with Trump and the “white working class”. Yes, he specifically said white. I know he’s a decent person, but he’s making it really hard not to hate him for gross naivety right now ?
And, on top of that, he’s fuckin Jewish, which is just… Bruh, the other side are nazis, stop it
This is really reminding me of a “scandal” we had over here in Finland a few years ago. Basically, in 2012 there was a little news item in our largest daily newspaper about a movie that was being made in collaboration between Finnish and Kenyan filmmakers. It was partly funded by the Finnish public broadcasting company YLE and it was to star local Kenyan actors and be filmed in Kenya. On a budget of €20k. The subject matter: The Finnish Field Marshal and later President, C. G. E. Mannerheim. Obviously what followed was a huge campaign of letter writing and public furore over how they could have an African actor portray the great and heroic Marshal of Finland. In the end the movie was only shown once in Finland, at a film festival in Helsinki. Basically, a storm in a teacup, but it did reveal that racism is still alive and well over here in the frozen north, as if that needed to be revealed.
You know, an “I am not throwing away my shot… at committing white genocide” meme might actually be funny. Not convincing, of course.
Shorter DMF:
Yay! congratulations!