So “Hamilton” has gotten pretty much unanimous praise from critics and those lucky (or rich) enough to score themselves tickets to it. Even Mike Pence, despite that thing that happened when he attended the show Friday night, declared on Fox News Sunday that “Hamilton’ is just an incredible production, incredibly talented people. It was a real joy to be there.”
The Trump-loving, Muslim-hating racist behind the blog Diversity Macht Frei begs to differ. As he sees it, Hamilton is basically an act of “white genocide” set to music. In Hamilton, you see, all the Founding Fathers are played by people of color, a deliberate choice by the show’s creator designed to make the cast “look … like America looks now.”
Well, Mr. Macht Frei is having none of it.
This entire spectacle is simply white genocide turned into entertainment. It retells American history with the roles historically played by European Americans instead performed by brown-skinned people of varied ancestry, the whole thing set to music of a style typically associated with those of African race. This is racial appropriation. One race is written out of history, replaced by another. Europeans are being asked to celebrate their own demise, their own effacament from America’s story.
I’m going to let Nathan Fillion take this one:
The blogger continues:
Imagine if someone made a musical about Zulus and all the Zulus were played by Europeans, played to Mozart-like music. You can imagine the outrage that would provoke. But, somehow, when it happens to Europeans, this racial usurpation is OK? No, it’s not OK. In the age of Trump, maybe white people need to establish a new political correctness of their own.
Yeah, it’s not as if white actors have ever played the parts of non-white characters in movies and TV and Broadway spectacles. (Oh, wait.) It’s not as if Jesus, a middle-eastern Hebrew, is ever depicted like some blue-eyed, dirty-blond-haired, white-skinned surfer dude. (Oh, wait.) It’s not as if Fox News anchors have ever worked themselves into a frenzy insisting that Santa Claus — who I am told is not even a real person — is white. (Oh wait.)
It’s not as if a horde of white Harry Potter fans threw a fit when a black actress was chosen to play Hermione in a London theatrical production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child — even after JK Rowling declared that the complainers were racist “idiots” and that “Hermione can be a black woman with my absolute blessing and enthusiasm.” Oh, wait.
It’s not as if the casting of Hamilton is a conscious response to this long tradition of whitewashing people of color out of history and culture.
Oh wait.
Anyhoo, Mr. Macht Frei goes on to demand the inevitable phony boycott of this allegedly white-hating play.
We need people to picket, protest and boycott this so-called musical. There can be no place in modern America for racially inflammatory spectacles masquerading as entertainment. And don’t give me the argument that this is free speech. This isn’t free speech. It’s hate speech. And hate speech doesn’t cease to be hate speech just because it’s set to music. Especially when that style of music is rap*.
Now, Mr. Macht Frei follows up this post with a wry little “disclaimer” suggesting that maybe he’s just trolling, ha ha — which would presumably make his post a sort of parody of the things those evil SJWs say when they object to white people playing people of color.
But the point of his post, if we assume it’s meant seriously, is pretty much identical with the stated aim of his blog — “chronicling the Genocide of the European peoples, the greatest crime in all of history.” If that’s not meant as a joke — and there’s no indication that it is — then it’s pretty much impossible for me to believe that his Hamilton post was meant as a joke.
Tellingly, when The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin reposted Diversity Macht Frei’s post on his site, he left off the disclaimer. And his commenters don’t seem to be in on any joke.
“All of the Founding Fathers are played by n***ers while the “bad guy”, King George III, of course remains white,”one Daily Stormer commenter complains. (Asterisks mine.)
“The tide is turning , all can see the black nightmare that is all around us,’ writes another, using the logo of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) as his avatar.
Destroying one city after another. We are going to win but it will cost many lives because of cowards.
Yeah, kind of hard to see the joke here.
At this rate, she’ll be screaming about blowjobs and body doubles before the day’s out.
I’m just going to point to everything Axe has said and leave this gif under it:
One, she never said “vote for me or you’re [flavor of bigot]”, what she did say was “Holy shit Donald Trump is a fucking asshole of the highest order, and here’s some clips of what he said. Do you think that’s okay for the PotUS to say?”
And two, it’s kind of hard for her to focus on her fucking plans when she’s being drowned out by OMG EMAILS from all fucking sides.
I’ve had to repeat myself a few times on this now, and other posters have mentioned it, but hopefully that’s enough emphasis this time.
She was literally surrounded by assholes jumping on her about her emails and having to constantly defend herself about fucking three year old emails that weren’t important by the FBI’s own admission.
No one asked her “Hey, what’s your economic policy, Hillary?” Or “Miss Clinton, what’s your plan for dealing with ISIS?”
They were too busy talking about how sick she looked and how she wasn’t wearing a flag pin and about her unimportant emails and expecting her to constantly defend herself from their accusations, while tacitly suppressing all this shit about Mango Mussolini being a child rapist, a bankrupt business man, and a general, all around asshole.
Because that’s fucking sexism.
Clinton is human. She made plenty of errors. Did you see the 1st debate? ‘Trumped up trickle down’ almost made me turn the damn TV off. ‘Basket of deplorables’ is a magnificent phrase but not worth the shit that she had to know would come from it. She fucked up regularly. Everyone does. Not everyone gets judged on it like a woman who dares have power gets judged. That’s what’s being said here. Nobody here (most of whom like her less than I do) claimed that she did nothing wrong. It’s just a tiny bit suspect when the raging well of bigotry is treated as a footnote with her missteps as the focus. Which I don’t think you’re tying to do, but still…
Almost didn’t. Again, ya welcome
Thanks a lot, buddy! :3
It’s important to remember that ‘white working class’ does not actually mean the same thing as ‘working class white people’. The white working class, in fact, has been the downfall of labour unionism in this country (see the Tim Wise link from earlier for some detail on that), because they prioritize the ‘white’ part, not the ‘working class part’, identify with the interests of rich whites over working class PoCs, and vote conservative to sabotage the economy and keep ‘those people’ in their place. Anyone who would count themselves among that number is, if I may be so gauche, a class traitor. Worse than scabs, the ‘white working class’ has gleefully destroyed the very principles of unionism with their insistence on maintaining caste privilege. If Clinton’s campaign made a major mistake, it’s the same one that Democratic campaigns have been making for decades: they keep trying to appeal to the white working class. (See Jade Hawk’s post I linked to above).
I suspect that honestly, this is due in large part to the DNC being pretty racist, and spending more time patting themselves on the back about not being racist than examining the racist nature of their policy positions.
mrex: how about you call them, I don’t know, issues? Cause that’s what they are and not something that just effects urban elites?
Shit I got threads mixed up