Tila Tequila is a bisexual former reality TV star of Vietnamese descent whose stage name incorporates the name of an alcoholic beverage made in Mexico. She’s also a Hitler-loving Alt-Right Trump fan who likes to joke about the Holocaust.
And so it’s perhaps less weird than it might seem at first glance that Tila spent the weekend at the annual National Policy Institute conference in Washington DC, a gathering of Alt-Rightists and fellow travelers, where she treated the attendees (and her Twitter followers) to Nazi salutes, anti-Semitic jokes, and an assortment of baffling pronouncements — ranging from an assertion that she’s an “alpha male” to a claim that she “willed Trump into [the] Presidency.”
Let’s take a look at some of Tila’s more, er, colorful Tweets from the convention.
It was a busy weekend for Tila, clearly, but she managed to find time for some anti-Semitic antics that she, at least, seems to have considered utterly hilarious.
She also posed with an assortment of Alt-Right personalities and fellow travelers, including “journalist” and beard-haver Chuck C. Johnson.
She lashed out at her critics:
And somehow managed to claim credit for Brexit and Trump’s electoral college win:
Apparently she’s taking lessons in reality-manipulation from Mike Cernovich and master persuader Scott Adams:
Given how this year has gone so far, I fully expect Donald Trump to name her to a cabinet position. Is there a Secretary of Delusional States?
Tila, sweetie, if you want to be taken seriously as one of the Nazis — you know, the scourge of humanity — you’re going to have to learn how to spell. The real Nazis are picky about this stuff.
It’s Sieg Heil.
Plus both words are capitalized for Germanic reasons.
@Handsome Jack, re: triBill
I’m pretty sure he holds (held….) all of humanity in equal regard: playthings to manipulate, and nothing more. Still, equality ?
Now I can’t help but wonder about everything Bill was involved in. WWI happened in the GF ‘verse–presumably since they’re calling it that, so did WWII. With Bill’s thumb on the events of humanity, could he have been involved….?
re: TT exploiting her bisexuality?
As a pan individual, I concur. It’s, uh….
….ehh. Reallyreallyreally uncomfortable.
Unrelated news, I downloaded The Battle Cats yesterday! Free little thing for Droid at least. There is some ablelist language at times, but it is an amusing diversion, and there’s even a character (well, a cat) who utilizes they/them pronouns–though they’re always out on expeditions, so don’t expect to see them much.
It warms my heart that the CBC, Canada’s central news organization, frequently posts opinion pieces like this one:
and in my province,
“A Shot At Love” was one of my earliest introductions to the idea that I didn’t have to be either straight or gay, so I can’t really judge whether it was exploitative or not. I do remember there was this really cute girl and I kind of hoped they would hit it off…
I have myself been accused of being “bi for the male gaze,” and so I’m a bit uncomfortable with that phrase. It always reads to me as a condemnation for not being queer enough. I suppose maybe if I better understood what was meant by it I might agree?
Other good news: I sent off Skiriki’s tiny Applejack a couple of weeks ago, and it arrived safely to Finland! Hooray!
As soon as Walmart restocks, and I have more money to spend, I’m off to go get more ponies!
Hopefully this explains
@Dalillama: thank you! That was helpful. And I’ve always hated I Kissed A Girl for exactly the reasons laid out in the piece you’ve linked.
I’m still uncomfortable with having that phrase applied to TT, though, as she’s a self-professed bi woman. It feels to me like if she said “I’m bi y’all!” and we’re saying “no, no you’re not.” This in contrast to Katy Perry, who has never claimed to be multisexual, but is just presenting the idea of kissing girls as a sexy, transgressive thing.
On Twitter, someone defended Tila’s “oy vey” tweet by invoking Lenny Bruce.
What I particularly hate about Katy Perry’s song is that it totally eclipsed a rather charming song by Jill Sobule also called “I Kissed a Girl”:
I do like their coverage of LGBT issues. The comments (are generally) a different story though 🙁
Hooray Tiny Applejack! She was always an adventurous pony.
@Jesalin, well. Yeah. I’ve pretty much sworn of comment sections for most websites by now – nothing of value to be had there.
It would explain the Eye of Providence. I’d say any large movement that involved occult stuff or that eye, Bill probably had a hand in. He’d probably get frustrated with them quickly when he figured out they couldn’t help him break into their reality and moved on.
But, I’d say, if Bill had anything to do with the world wars, like the supposed occultism the nazis participated in, I’d say he’d almost screwed the pooch on that one.
@Handsome Jack
Well, he could have wanted to set it up for a reason. Perhaps scaring other nations into a greater level of acceptance, for whatever ends that would accomplish…or making them fear, which would mean more influential people who are desperate to make a deal.
He was trillions of years older than us. I doubt he would have found it that significant in his own game, being what he was.
Also, what’s with the new avi?
@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
That Lobo?
Well, I mean, there’s at least one reason that nazis would have been a bad choice for that.
@Paradoxical Intention
Yes! Tiny Applejack is keeping me company by the computer, and I’ll snap a pic of her later today, after I’ve woken up properly. She also seems to be of a right scale, so she’s also gonna join me in tabletop games as my paladin’s miniature steed.
re: Alex’s tweet
Okay, first and foremost:
I will admit that Bill actually doing so would be in….terrible taste, for many reasons. But I wouldn’t put
thatanything past Bill, strictly in theory.Speaking of Bill, I need string or something. A pendant’s not much use if it’s not attached to something.
I’ll never question TT’s status as bi.
I am however familiar with reality TV being scripted TV, as i have been in contact with people who have been on reality TV shows in various circumstances.
TT was fine with going with the typically biphobic storyline that the producers of the show had devised. That doesn’t make her not bi. That makes her a collaborator.
Hey, I said it would have screwed him over, didn’t say it was past him.
(Also, side note, John DiMaggio is going to be voicing Lobo in Justice League Action, and that makes me so happy. That’s the voice I use in my head while reading.)
@Handsome Jack
You have to remember, Bill probably doesn’t share our priorities in terms of goals. He’s beyond our comprehension entirely.
-is somewhat aware of DC properties in general and thinks she has an idea of who Lobo is-
-she hopes-
All I’m hoping is that Justice League Action doesn’t have the New 52 Lobo. New 52 Lobo is…nothing like…Lobo Classic.
N o t h i n g
But, if you’re interested, here’s Classic Lobo and New Lobo.
@Handsome Jack
I know that the New 52 is kind of A Big Thing, but the details aren’t all known to me.
Perhaps this is for the best.
This is well put. I definitely wasn’t trying to imply that critisizing a bi person for upholding biphobic tropes = questioning the validity of their orientation. It was just that one turn of phrase that made me a bit uncomfortable, not the criticism in general of how she allowed herself and her sexuality to be presented.
In any event I feel like I’m bending over backwards to defend a Nazi, which is weird and gross and probably not the best use of my time.
What Blackbloc said; I was in a hurry and my phrasing could’ve been more precise. Sorry.
No need to apologize! I was being pretty nitpicky. I value what you have to say.