Tila Tequila is a bisexual former reality TV star of Vietnamese descent whose stage name incorporates the name of an alcoholic beverage made in Mexico. She’s also a Hitler-loving Alt-Right Trump fan who likes to joke about the Holocaust.
And so it’s perhaps less weird than it might seem at first glance that Tila spent the weekend at the annual National Policy Institute conference in Washington DC, a gathering of Alt-Rightists and fellow travelers, where she treated the attendees (and her Twitter followers) to Nazi salutes, anti-Semitic jokes, and an assortment of baffling pronouncements — ranging from an assertion that she’s an “alpha male” to a claim that she “willed Trump into [the] Presidency.”
Let’s take a look at some of Tila’s more, er, colorful Tweets from the convention.
It was a busy weekend for Tila, clearly, but she managed to find time for some anti-Semitic antics that she, at least, seems to have considered utterly hilarious.
She also posed with an assortment of Alt-Right personalities and fellow travelers, including “journalist” and beard-haver Chuck C. Johnson.
She lashed out at her critics:
And somehow managed to claim credit for Brexit and Trump’s electoral college win:
Apparently she’s taking lessons in reality-manipulation from Mike Cernovich and master persuader Scott Adams:
Given how this year has gone so far, I fully expect Donald Trump to name her to a cabinet position. Is there a Secretary of Delusional States?
@Alan: It may have been because Hitler was overly fond of Karl May’s Westerns. (I have also heard the idea that someone important in the Party was found to have Amerindian ancestry…)
I guess I can still be surprised. Today I discovered that Tila Tequila is an even worse person than I thought she was.
Ok, I’m a bit late to the party but I have to say the mental image of Richard Spencer and his Nazi buddies getting their comeuppance from the protesters made me laugh my ass off. I wish I could have been there.
I hope it happens every time those wastes of skin try to get together in public. They might think they’ve won, but we’re not going to idly sit by while the fascists take over.
Update: A total of 3 Bills were printed due to scale being a tricky mistress to figure out. But I got one that’s a size I like! Just need a chain or particularly hospitable piece of thread.
Also, I was correct in predicting that time needed seems to increase exponentially. 3.0 scale Bill took 4 minutes. 6.0 scale Bill took 17 minutes. 12.0 scale Bill (final product) took 55 minutes.
So’d I, and yup. He saw Jews as parasites out to destroy the world (sound familiar?). Never mind that there was a genocide of First Peoples on this continent. No, the problem wasn’t Whitey McAnglo trying to wipe him out, or Hitler following McAnglo’s lead…it was TEH JOOOOOOOOS! Who never expressed the slightest interest in anything of the sort, outside of the Likudniks in Israel maybe, doing the same to the Palestinians.
This onion is just ironies all the way down.
(Also: Now would be a good time to go back and read Mother Night, and find the passage about the cuckoo-clock in Hell.)
@ Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Another one on my “list of people that disappoint me with their unbridled bigotry.”
One thing that makes me laugh with these uncle Tom/Chan/etc. types is when they oh so boldly claim they’d lay down their lives in a blaze of glory or would be fine with having themselves and their country people die for the good of the empire. They’re cowards at heart and would flee at the first sign of danger. “They didn’t know” is the mantra for gun dicks first questions never.
Nothing inconsistent there at all. A tactical decision to help your enemy’s enemies if it’s convenient doesn’t at all mean they’re not your enemies too, just lower priority.
Are you telling me…Jon “JonTron” Jafari fucking did an interview for Breitbart?? About people trusting the media??
Jon Jafari did an exclusive interview for Breitbart??
@ dalillama
Yeah, not unlike what the Brits did during the American revolution or even the promises made to black soldiers by the Union in the civil war.
And I very much doubt those promises would have been kept either. But a trail of broken promises is pretty much the Indian experience.
I certainly don’t mean to mock TT for mental illness, if she does indeed suffer from that. But there’s nothing she says in these tweets that goes beyond the sorts of things that a lot of neo-Nazis and fellow travelers who are not mentally ill say on a regular basis. She didn’t have any trouble finding other people to do a seig heil salute with, for example. And I have no idea to what degree she actually believes she willed Trump into the presidency; what she’s saying there isn’t actually any weirder than Mike Cernovich suggesting that he might have willed Hillary into getting sick (and I’m not sure how seriously he meant that either). A lot of people indulge in this sort of magical thinking, though not usually on this grandiose a level.
I’ll look more into TT’s situation if I’m tempted to write about her again.
I’m still…I’m still hung up on the JonTron thing.
Did he not peruse the website before hand? Did he just blindly say yes to an interview with a random website? Did he not hear in the news that the owner is a fucking nazi?
What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. Oooooooooon??
@ Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
Everyone you like is literally a nazi sympathizer. You would think I am joking but frankly that’s been that’s been my reality for alot of people. Wow, you know the world is fucked when the Nostalgia Critic, a guy who repeatedly fucked over and abused his employees alongside his abusive brother and attack dog Mike Michaud, at the very least isn’t a neonazi sympathizer.
On Trump’s attempt’s to speak Hindi: Jimmy Kimmel played the ad to a number of native Hindi speakers to see if they could figure out, through his incredibly thick accent, what Trump was trying to say.
Yeah, those about sum up my reaction to the news.
I just…I just wanna listen to a cover of Katy Perry’s “Firework” and watch biannual videos by a guy named Jon Jafari and not have to deal with the fact he fucking gave nazis and exclusive interview, man.. That’s all I ask, man. That’s all I ask.
It’s all I ever wanted.
At least I got some GOOD news today involving an inanimate object of a senitent one-eyed triangle who wanted to destroy a dimension with weirdness and mentally abused at least two characters from a cartoon show. And wasn’t a fucking nazi.
Tia Tequila is not being mentally ill. She’s putting forward the exact ideology that nazis have always had, which is an extreme form of philosophical idealism, that an iron will triumphs over mere physical matter (hence the title of the Leni Riefenstahl movie).
And that sort of crap is not new to America, you can think of The Secret and zillions of self-help gurus to add to the mix. And it’s no surprise that the sort of people who are celebrities, and therefore used to having the universe fulfill all their whims, could mistake correlation for causality and assume their whims generated their material wealth and power rather than their wealth and power being that which allows their whims to be fulfilled at will.
Who the heck is JonTron?
Take a look.
I have every sympathy for Thien “Tila Tequila” Nguyen if she’s gone through mental health issues. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. That said, having medical issues is not mutually exclusive with being a Nazi.
(Also, on her bisexuality, am I out of line if I find her treatment of it distastefully exploitative? What is the hive mind opinion on that?)
This bi man says “you can say that again”.
IIRC her first season ended with the very predictable “sorry babe gotta get me a man for an actual relationship, but I enjoyed all the wild stuff we did” storyline that everybody who knows anything about media depiction of bi people could have seen coming a mile away. (It’s a phase, it’s all about sex, bla bla bla.)
Personally I think the contestants would have been better off pairing with one another instead of fighting each other for a shot at the host, but what do I know?
Unfortunately, I doubt it’s a mistake, since he was already a #Gater and all.
Hey, since you know way more about the non-gross stuff he’s done than I do: What’s the story behind that picture of him in the tweet thread dressed as an SS officer? Was it just for a sketch, or what? o_O
“I am a naan bread”
I totally LOLed at the “seig heil” in one of Tila’s tweets. It’s a gem on par with “Trump supporter blocks your cat on Twitter”.
…I didn’t know that.
Yeah, I think it was from his recent review of The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf. It was a bit about something or other, like, five seconds on screen at most so I don’t remember it exactly. It wasn’t that funny, to be honest. The Elsa one from Disney Bootlegs was better.
Yes, I’m very much getting a ‘bi for the benefit of male gaze’ vibe here.