alt-right anti-Semitism grandiosity irony alert literal nazis trump

Tila Tequila brings D-list celebrity glamour to Alt-Right conference in DC this weekend

Detail of Tila Tequila's Twitter header
Detail of Tila Tequila’s Twitter header

Tila Tequila is a bisexual former reality TV star of Vietnamese descent whose stage name incorporates the name of an alcoholic beverage made in Mexico. She’s also a Hitler-loving Alt-Right Trump fan who likes to joke about the Holocaust.

And so it’s perhaps less weird than it might seem at first glance that Tila spent the weekend at the annual National Policy Institute conference in Washington DC, a gathering of Alt-Rightists and fellow travelers, where she treated the attendees (and her Twitter followers) to Nazi salutes, anti-Semitic jokes, and an assortment of baffling pronouncements — ranging from an assertion that she’s an “alpha male” to a claim that she “willed Trump into [the] Presidency.”

Let’s take a look at some of Tila’s more, er, colorful Tweets from the convention.

It was a busy weekend for Tila, clearly, but she managed to find time for some anti-Semitic antics that she, at least, seems to have considered utterly hilarious.

She also posed with an assortment of Alt-Right personalities and fellow travelers, including “journalist” and beard-haver Chuck C. Johnson.

She lashed out at her critics:

And somehow managed to claim credit for Brexit and Trump’s electoral college win:

Apparently she’s taking lessons in reality-manipulation from Mike Cernovich and master persuader Scott Adams:

Given how this year has gone so far, I fully expect Donald Trump to name her to a cabinet position. Is there a Secretary of Delusional States?

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8 years ago

Tila Tequila sucks! Don’t buy any of her music!

8 years ago

Oh, a fellow Vietnamese person on WHTM, I hope she isn’t too harmed by Trump supporters!


Why, why do I keep finding Vietnamese who keep supporting neonazis?

Fallout Troy
8 years ago

She does music? I literally only know about her because of her reality show antics and her serious mental health issues, go figure.

8 years ago


Why, why do I keep finding Vietnamese who keep supporting neonazis?

I guess that there are people everywhere who are morons.

8 years ago

Well at least she’s not trying to pretend she’s not a Nazi.

I remember seeing her on the top 10 “worst texans” list, which featured Paul Elam. This was about a year ago, back when associating with Nazi views was considered an automatic failure-to-ever-be-taken-seriously and clearly-an-immoral-and-indefensible-position. Oh how things have changed.

8 years ago

Fallout Troy,

She does music? I literally only know about her because of her reality show antics and her serious mental health issues, go figure.

Tila Tequila Is a Nazi? in Shocking Anti-Semitic Music Video

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

What a charming young lady. I wish I had offspring so I could forbid them to date her.

(Trying to pace my sarcasm here. It’s going to be a long 4 years.)

8 years ago

I have at long last a political news who is somewhat encouraging : in the primary in France, Sarkozy is third, which is an unexpectedly big defeat for him.

The Republican party in France (formerly UMP, formely RPR) is the “normal” right-wing party. It’s quite a bit less extrem than the US one, but it have its big share of racists and bigots. Sarkozy mostly represented thoses bigots and the people in favor of an alliance with the far right, and was also very heavily involved in a lot of illegal stuff.

His defeat is also a good thing in that in the next national election, about any other candidate had better odds of beating the far right. It’s far from won yet, of course, but it’s a ray of hope.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Tequila is a fool. In the right wing fantasy world she’s shilling for the only role open for her would be as someone’s sex slave, or as forced labour. Most likely it would be “Gee, Tila, thanks for the support. Now get the hell out of America, you aren’t white!”

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Yep. Kinda sad Alain “Mort aux Vaches” Juppé didn’t win though. He makes that party (which I despise) slightly more interesting. Still anxious about the presidential though. That second run is looking bleak from here.

Becky Hopkins
8 years ago

…wait, isn’t she bi? Wouldn’t that and her Vietnamese heritage kinda contradict with Nazism?

Oh wait, I’m trying to use logic here. My mistake.

8 years ago

Well, gosh. (Meant as a quote from the Mayor just before the *spoilers* in Graduation Day, for all the Buffy fans, but I don’t think it loses anything if you don’t have the reference.)

I had never heard of this person before (I assume that CBB is a reference to Celebrity Big Brother, but if she’s been on it, the definition of Celebrity is stretching like bubble gum), but I’m grateful for the heads up so I can give her a wide berth in the future.

8 years ago

@ Becky Hopkins

It would be lovely to believe that all members of a discriminated-against group are rational about what helps or hinders their position. Unfortunately human beings can act in really horrible ways, regardless of their gender, race or sexual orientation. I think we’ve just stumbled across an example.

I’m saying nothing about Kanye, mind. The name never even crossed my lips. (I could wax lyrical about how economic privilege can blind a person to many things, but I shan’t, because I haven’t ruled out in my own mind the possibility he just doesn’t have the reasoning skills the Good Lord* gave him.)

*I’m an atheist, but i like the phrase, and i think the point stands.

8 years ago

Not that I’m seeking to equate this individual with Kanye. It just felt pertinent.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I’m saying nothing about Kanye, mind. The name never even crossed my lips.

It confuses the hell out of me that the guy who pointed out that George Bush doesn’t care about black people recently told his fans that he doesn’t care about black people. It probably shouldn’t, since Kanye has an ego the size of Uluru and would lose a battle of wits to a mouldy gym sock, but it does.

8 years ago

It feels like the openly-a-Nazi shit is getting normalized and it scares the hell out of me.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Gods above, I haven’t heard from Tila Tequila in years it seems.

I don’t suppose it would be too naive of me to consider this a grab for attention? I mean, she hasn’t been relevant in ages. : /

I do remember people being shitty to her about her bisexuality though, which was sad to see. People don’t deserve to get shit on for being bisexual, and it happens even in the LGBT+ community.

Identifying as a nazi though…

8 years ago

It’ll be something when she sets a foot wrong and they all suddenly remember that she’s Vietnamese, female, and bi.

Edit: @Paradoxical Intention

I don’t suppose it would be too naive of me to consider this a grab for attention? I mean, she hasn’t been relevant in ages. : /

I don’t think that’s naive at all. I mean, the woman was originally famous for having a ridiculous number of MySpace friends. You may very well be right. The thing is, being a Nazi for attention is no less harmful than being a Nazi because of your sincerely-held beliefs.

I do remember people being shitty to her about her bisexuality though, which was sad to see. People don’t deserve to get shit on for being bisexual, and it happens even in the LGBT+ community.

Yeah that’s super uncool. I wish people would suck less.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

comment image

Well, this is the first I’ve heard of Tila Tequila in, like…ten years? Maybe a little less?

I was pretty happy not knowing what she was up to. Still am.

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago

@Becky Hopkins

…wait, isn’t she bi? Wouldn’t that and her Vietnamese heritage kinda contradict with Nazism?

I can’t help thinking that there has to be some kind of “collaborator” mind set in psychology. Like, she knows she’ll still be abused and mostly powerless, and end up as the commandant’s sex slave. But she’ll maybe get more to eat and, as a bonus, she’ll maybe get to wield some sort of incredibly petty power and abuse the noncollaborators in her turn. Maybe she thinks being bi will be an asset because the commandant will have her help him rape the “real” scum. And she’ll be safe from the gas chambers. It seems like a really broken kind of self-image.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Belladonna: It’s pretty much just the nazi version of “I’m a Cool Girl who isn’t like Other Girls!”

She’ll continue to be the Cool Girl until she says or does something The Guys don’t like, and then she’s just like those Other Girls and will be condemned, chewed up, and spit out.

All it will take is one bit of human decency or compassion from her.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Kanye is richer now and is married to someone even richer than he is (I’m pretty sure). Any care he had for other people washed away in a wave of cash. How shit is. We still got Beyonce tho!

Tila, well… disappointing but not unexpected. This has been going on for some time. I’d hoped she’d have gotten beyond it by now *shrug*

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Tila Tequila has been like this for awhile. Her social media has been filled with similar delusional talk for a long time. Ever since she had a drug overdose and brain aneurysm a few years ago. She has a young daughter and the father is (last I heard) suing for custody because he doesn’t believe she’s mentally stable enough to be a fit parent. I don’t really think she’s trolling, I think she’s probably unwell. I don’t really comfortable mocking her.

I hope I’m not veering too close to internet diagnosis land, but similar to the break down Amanda Bynes had a couple of years ago, there are some really obvious red flags that she’s dealing with mental health issues and it’s not cool for the whole internet to be making fun.

8 years ago

I think I stumbled across her Facebook page once which is where I discovered that she seems to think she’s a literal angel in human form?

I hope I’m not veering too close to internet diagnosis land, but similar to the break down Amanda Bynes had a couple of years ago, there are some really obvious red flags that she’s dealing with mental health issues and it’s not cool for the whole internet to be making fun.

If it’s true that she really is struggling with mental health problems, then I agree with this statement.

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago

My comment maybe sounded like mocking, but the thing I said at the end is really what I was trying to get at most. Whether it’s internalizing that you will be victimized, anyway, and wanted to grab at some kind of power in a victim hierarchy, or what PI said about being one of the cool girls not like other girls (which, to be honest, I’m not sure is essentially different from wanting to climb to the top of some kind of victim hierarchy), or as you said, that she may suffer from severe mental health issues, I just looked at this and thought, “Here is a woman who seems to have an incredibly broken self-image.”

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