butts entitled babies evil moms evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Men Going Their Own Way stand firm against the misandrist tyranny of loose toilet paper rolls

The empty toilet paper roll of doom
The empty toilet paper roll of doom

With all the terrible things going on in the world today, it’s nice to be reminded that some things remain unchanged even in Trump’s brave new America.

The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, I am happy to report, remains a small oasis of stability in a rapidly changing world. Reddit’s MGTOWs are the same creepy weirdos they’ve always been.

Today, for example, the regulars in the MGTOW subreddit are waxing indignant about a young woman who had the temerity to take a butt-selfie in her bathroom while carrying a baby in a baby sling. As bathroom butt-selfies go, it’s pretty tame; she’s wearing underwear, and it’s not even particularly scanty. And the baby clearly has no idea what’s going on.

But the MGTOWs manage to work themselves into a frenzy nonetheless. Not so much about her butt or even the baby but about her UNFORGIVABLE FAILURE TO PUT THE TOILET PAPER ROLL IN THE TOILET PAPER DISPENSER.

Campoloco 30 points 12 hours ago Too lazy or stupid to put toilet paper on the the toilet paper dispenser. Just one of the many fucked up things I see. What other bullshit do you see in this pic?

skeletonized 12 points 7 hours ago This is an epidemic I have not yet been to a girl's place and found the spring loaded stick adorned with the roll. THEY EVEN DO IT WITH PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS IN THE KITCHEN They wont but the roll onto a stick that gives you leverage to rip off a square. They subconsciously wont put the stick (penis) through the cardboard tube (vagina) I'm convinced this is Freudian. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Tyler_Gatsby 11 points 11 hours ago I don't think women do that anymore- put toilet paper on the dispenser. They'll set it everywhere they can sit it except there. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]PipBoyTInkerer 15 points 11 hours ago BUT MEN SHOULD PUT THE TOILET SEAT DOWN, AMIRITE GRRLS?

PipBoyTInkerer 8 points 11 hours ago Or they put it the wrong fucking way so the shit-tickets dispense behind the roll

I dunno, dudes. It could be that the loose-toilet-paper-roll gals of the world know that if they put rolls in the dispenser, this will happen:


Or this:


Or possibly this:


I mean, it’s cute and all, but these little monsters can rapidly deplete even the most substantial hoard of toilet paper.

Back on Reddit, meanwhile, other MGTOW subreddit regulars are working themselves into a lather over the smudges on butt-selfie-gal’s mirror.

rat-biker 4 points 5 hours ago She's taking the pic into a pretty dirty mirror. Notice smudges center right side. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]vanets 1 point 2 hours ago Chad and Tyrone's seed

Chad and Tyrone, that is really very impolite. I expect more from you, Chad and Tyrone!

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8 years ago

This reminds me of one of the many problems I have with Jonathan Franzen. He once wrote a (male) character who peed sitting down because the character thought it would “atone for his maleness” to his feminist wife.

Dude, no. You pee sitting down so you don’t splash your urine all over the damn place. THEN you atone for your maleness by prostrating yourself before Katie and lighting a scented candle.

@Imaginary Petal
I agree, the three-shakes rule is barbaric and outdated. It’s especially ineffective if you still have your foreskin. That’s where the toilet paper comes in handy.

…or just pee in the sink, whatever.

8 years ago

@Mrex: Nitpicky, but I’m going to take issue with the idea that humans don’t like to feel subservient. Some of them do. They just don’t like feeling subservient to the wrong person, and would like the power to choose whoever they would consider to be the right person.

…And then I just re-read it in order to comment on a different part and realized you were talking about certain types of people who tend to turn things into power struggles, not that it’s your own view, necessarily. Never mind then.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Save the lecture, I’m referring to society’s ableism here, not my own

Yeah… We do understand how quotation marks work, ya know?

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


I see, so it’s like some sort of career specialization. Ok, then yeah, that definitely should be a greater determinant than gender.

Yes, Hambeast covered this well. MOS stands for military occupational specialty. When I was in the army, women couldn’t have basic infantry specialties and couldn’t be rangers or special forces. (I haven’t kept up with whether that has changed.) I always thought, well, you have these physical fitness tests and requirements. If the argument is that women aren’t physically able, why not let them have these specialties (if they want them) if they are able to pass the tests at the men’s level. The push-ups are a bit of a high bar for most women, but some women could do them. Of course, the tests are also scaled by age. I always maintained that if the 37–41 age requirements for men were the minimum requirements to do the job, then they should be the minimum requirements for everyone. If the 37–41 requirements for women were the minimum, then same deal.


In the AF, if you work in an admin job, you also get trained in a “war skill” AFSC for purposes of, well, war and also to participate in base-wide exercises. I would assume that this happens in the Army, too. Maybe Belladonna can confirm.

I don’t believe there were cross-training requirements in occupational specialties. If you were, say, an Administrative Specialist (71L), you didn’t have to also train as something else. But everyone had to qualify in basic rifle marksmanship (and renew the qualification periodically) and everyone had to pass the army physical fitness test annually. Basic training was all about basic combat skills, too, of course. Bayonet training, grenades, M60s, field first aid, MOPP gear and levels, and so on.


I know, it’s a shocking conclusion, and highly contentious. I have a pretty high burden of proof here.

My sarcasm detector is beeping. 😉 I think you are right that you’ve cracked it!

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago

All, I’m sorry to make two separate posts, but I know a lot of you probably won’t be very interested in all that military stuff, and I wanted to ask if anyone else is noticing the same trend I am and is just as terrified about it.

This comment from moocow seemed like as good a lead-in as any:

So many of these inequalities come back to the same problem. Male = default. I started noticing over the past year or so how many commercials assume a male audience.

So here it is. I feel like I’m noticing an almost deafening silence in the mainstream media and even liberal-leaning places like Huffington Post. They talk, for example, about how Bannon is racist, homophobic, and antisemitic. They talk about how he wants to tear down the establishment. Is it just me, or is anyone else noticing how they’re totally leaving something out there? Has feminism become such a divisive topic that even liberal sources (other than more dedicated feminist ones) don’t want to mention sexism and misogyny?

Please tell me if I need to check my white privilege, but this has me almost more scared than the usual garbage from the right-leaning sources.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

V@ belladonna

the tests are scaled for age

That is a bit weird for the reasons you point out. You can either do the job or you can’t; and the standards should reflect that.

In the UK the tests are officially the same for all ages. I raise that caveat though. It’s been made clear unofficially that in regard to some areas where there’s a shortage of qualified people they’ll allow a bit of leeway for older applicants. The principle is of course ‘Soldier first, (actual job) second’ and that’s not unreasonable especially in modern combat. A truck driver is as likely to find themselves engaging the enemy as an infantry soldier. However they’re willing to take a pragmatic view when there’s a shortage of doctors and the like.

The biggest fitness issue here is between full time and reserves. Theoretically the same selection criteria apply to both branches and everyone does the same tests with the same pass requirements. However full time personnel take the tests on sequential days whereas part time recruits can take them at intervals when their commitments allow the time. So obviously there’s more recovery time which arguably allows for a lower standard. That gap was highlighted in the ill-fated Bravo Two Zero mission. The troopers who died (of ‘natural’ causes) were all from 23 SAS which uses the part time standard and the troopers who survived (who weren’t shot) all came from 22 which had the full time selection standard.

8 years ago

@Axe, sorry if that seemed aggressively redundant but I was trying to be sure that my intent was completely obvious. Obviously I expect people to understand the meaning of scare quotes if I used them. At the same time they are easy enough to miss.

Although I probably would have done just as well by shaving down that rant. Oh well, I’ve certainly have never been accused of being concise.


Yeah, I think this boils down to language, not ideas. 🙂 Is someone really being subservient if they’re *choosing* to be subservient? I would argue that this is *delegation*, not *subservience.*

Thoughts? 🙂

@Belladonna, it’s not just you.

8 years ago


Why men don’t change the roll at home.

Cuz they never kill it. A man looks at what’s left on the roll, knows what he just did, and the cleanup required; if the roll ain’t enough, he’s into the shower for less time than wiping and new roll would take.

Mystery solved. You’re welcome.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


sorry if that seemed aggressively redundant but I was trying to be sure that my intent was completely obvious

It’s all cool, fam!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ mrex

I would argue that this is *delegation*, not *subservience.*

Bizarrely enough this cropped up in some legal discussions about Brexit. It was related to the constitutional position of Parliament voluntarily surrendering powers.

It was agreed that a downwards transfer of powers (e.g. to the Scottish Parliament) was a delegation but there apparently isn’t a single word for willingly surrendering powers upwards (e.g. to the EU).

Most words for that direction of transfer have elements of unwillingness or reluctance in their true definitions (aquiesce, accede, submit etc). Presumably because it’s not something people normally like to do. So we have to use qualifying words like voluntarily or willingly etc.

8 years ago


Maybe in the future don’t be a condescending ass with your pre-emptive anti-lecture lecturing. Kthx.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

Belladonna – Yeah, now that I think about it (the 80s were a long time ago!) we only had war skill training overseas. We also had to do the dreaded gas mask training using tear gas, which was getting controversial way back in the early 80s. Don’t know if they still even do it anymore. We also didn’t have to re-qualify for marksmanship unless deploying overseas, either.

As far as physical fitness, the AF was a bit ridiculous; once a year you could choose to either run a mile and a half or walk three miles, which I always did and could still probably do even in the shape I’m in. They gave you 22 mins. and it was easy-peasy. I mall walk with a friend and we did 3.3 miles in a little less than half an hour the other day, so…

As far as calling out anti-feminism in the Trumpcamp, yeah. Ever since the “pussy grabbing” furor, it’s been pretty quiet.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
8 years ago

Not done with the thread yet, but I’m heading out for the day, so here’s my contribution:

My last apartment, the dispenser was in an awkward position and was a quarter inch too narrow to handle regular toilet paper rolls (the fault of my building manager—a man—who’d installed it himself to save a buck), so if you loaded it, you’d have to twist your body around and yank out the paper with two hands. I opted for getting a small set of shelves to keep the TP on. The roll in use went on the top shelf with magazines, and refills went on the bottom shelf.

My current apartment is in Japan where instead of the dispenser design with the antiquated (and apparently phallic?) spring-loaded sticks, they use a design with two tabs that flip up like a drawbridge when you push a roll up through them, then snap back down into the tube of the roll. (So, uh… like flicking two clitorises or something? Scissoring?) And this removes the empty tube at the same time. There’s also a weighted lid that helps you tear off the paper (and no doubt frustrates kitties).

8 years ago

@A. Noyd


8 years ago


The only thing I can see is that the ‘incel’ guys are owning the fact that they aren’t getting laid but want to, whereas the MGTOWs are all “fine, be that way! I don’t want you stinky ladies anyways! I’m gonna go my own way!” Otherwise, same damn thing.

But . . . that would mean that MGTOW are liars!

Are you sure you want to make that allegation?

8 years ago


“Why go to that length to exert power and control? Because that’s what abusers value. Not love, not equality, not intimacy — power and control. It makes them feel big and strong.”


“Sink pissing” goes far beyond abusers. Any man who has been brought up to “wear the pants”, and “be their own man” will do it until he questions his beliefs. These attitudes are directly antagonistic to attitudes of equality and cooperation, since no-one can “wear the pants”, or “be his own man”, in situations where everyone cooperates and shares. (This isn’t even getting into how much phrases such as “wear the pants” are inherently shaming, because they imply that any man that isn’t in control, isn’t really a man.)

Going on a bit of a rant-

Uncooperative attitudes may be most obvious in guys that play “king of the castle”, but they also play out in guys who act subservient to girls. (“I’m a jerk if I don’t want to do what she says, so I will treat her like a queen.”) Both types of guys always eventually turn to passive aggressive shit, because both types see relationships as power struggles, and all humans, no matter how “nice”, have an inherent dislike of feeling subservient. So they play petty and passive aggressive games because realize that it’s harder for a girl to leave a guy for “petty” differences.

And yes, I do think that pissing in the sink is beyond “petty”, but it’s also possibly “nuts”** enough that the guy will get away with it. Because women making what are viewed as “crazy”** allegations are automatically viewed as being petty and vengeful. (Ie. “He’s too nice to do that.”)

I agree. Society is shot through with displays of power and control — metaphorical sink pissing. Men do it a lot. But women do it too. Ditto children.

The difference between abusers and nonabusers is often one of degree.

As a culture, we pretty much agree that most of the time pissing in the sink is beyond the pale.

So I’m inclined to say that most able-bodied, nonmetaphorical sink pissers who live with others who object to the practice are abusers. For these sink pissers, attempts to grab power and control are a way of life.

Those people who put on displays of power and control but can also be reasoned with — talked out of abhorrent behavior — are less abusive. The behavior of course is still very offputting.

And yeah, nobody wants to feel subservient — except for those who choose to outsource their power in limited ways.

As for allegations that aren’t believed, let’s just say that I’d already heard enough about my friend’s boyfriend to believe every word when she told me he pissed in the sink. It was of a piece with his I’m too cool for middle-class niceties schtick.

I’ve actually heard other feminists make arguments against promoting “empowerment”, because poor people, and stuff. How cluelessly misguided. Power is something EVERYONE has, yes some have more than others, but just about everyone has *some*. Empowerment isn’t just in gaining more power, but in recognizing the power that’s already there- and not giving it away!

I’m not familiar with the argument against promoting “empowerment,” so I can’t comment on that.

But I believe that part of the job of being a human is to recognize and use what power you have, not to hand it over to someone else. That it’s important to step up to the plate. I’m not trying to say that everyone can face up to every challenge in their lives all the time, but I am saying that it’s important to make the effort and to seize the openings.

When a person or group is kept down, that’s terrible for everyone. Talents atrophy, to the detriment of both the oppressed and the oppresser. Resentment builds. Pretty soon, that resentment will be acted upon. Not a pretty picture!

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago


Huh, there’s a chance we were both at Fort Gordon at the same time, as I did my Advanced Training there as well around that time period.

8 years ago

I’ve got friends with and had acquaintances who happened to have terrible aim/hose control when they peed. Since my house has only the one bathroom, cleaning up the wall behind my toilet and the area that said wall abuts, was not my idea of a fun time – solution was yelling at them to either learn to aim or go to the gas station instead of using my bathroom. There is no longer a problem or mess to clean up. 🙂

I’d probably resort to more extreme measures if I fell into the toilet because the seat wasn’t down, or discovered someone was pissing in my sink or bathtub. The toilet paper is stored in the cabinet immediately adjacent to the toilet for convenient access when the free-standing roll holder needs replenishment. I got the free-stander when the one attached to the wall repeatedly had one side detach, leaving a great big hole in the drywall.

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


Huh, there’s a chance we were both at Fort Gordon at the same time, as I did my Advanced Training there as well around that time period.

Wild. I was there from mid October 1995 through the end of February 1996, or thereabouts. It snowed lightly one day, which I believe was odd for Georgia. Were you signal corps? I was 31U.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago


Wild. I was there from mid October 1995 through the end of February 1996, or thereabouts. It snowed lightly one day, which I believe was odd for Georgia. Were you signal corps? I was 31U.

We were there at the same time! I even remember that one day of snow now that you mention it. I was Signal, 74B to be exact (which had just been created when I got there, they had combined 2 MOS into 1, but we were all basically computer jockeys). I don’t know why I remember this, but my Drill Sergeant’s name was Wandro (well last name, obviously)

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

@Podkayne Lives (Zionist Bonobo))
I love your Chad and Tyrone scenario!

8 years ago


So here it is. I feel like I’m noticing an almost deafening silence in the mainstream media and even liberal-leaning places like Huffington Post. They talk, for example, about how Bannon is racist, homophobic, and antisemitic. They talk about how he wants to tear down the establishment. Is it just me, or is anyone else noticing how they’re totally leaving something out there?

I’ve noticed it, too. I wonder if outlets are spooked about it because of the (unfounded!) public disdain for the “vagina vote”. There were a lot of people during the election bellyaching about how, supposedly, any criticism of Clinton would immediately get branded as being misogynistic, just because she is a woman and therefore the High Feminist Thought Police won’t tolerate dissent, or something. And of course, that attitude went hand in hand with the suspicion that people were *only* voting for Clinton because she is female.

So now, post election, to turn around and get on Trump and his staff’s case for being misogynists–well. What if people think the news reporting is too *gasp* PC? What if people think the reporters are just sore about Clinton losing (who, as we have already “established”, only apparently had any votes because she is a woman)?

Both candidates are white, straight, and gentile, so talking about racism, homophobia, and antisemitism is safely out of the realm of “You’re just a shill for Hillary!” accusations. But Trump is a man who ran against a woman, and so the Trumplings are hypersensitive to potential accusations of sexism. I wonder if that’s why news outlets are reluctant to touch the subject.

This is not to defend that choice, of course. It’s still cowardly, and I agree with you that it’s deeply concerning. But I wonder if this is (at least partially) why it’s happening.

8 years ago

My toilet paper is on a little table next to the toilet. I rent my place, whoever had the condo before me took the toilet paper holder down and the landlords didn’t replace it. Maybe it’s petty, but I already give them a ridiculous amount in rent for this tiny place so I’m not buying them a new one. I’ll cope with toilet paper on a little table until I move out of here. It now has the added bonus of driving MGTOW crazy.

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


I was Signal, 74B to be exact (which had just been created when I got there, they had combined 2 MOS into 1, but we were all basically computer jockeys).

Was 74B any fun? We had one unit on computers, but it was so basic that I was grateful when the instructor noticed how bored I was and asked if I’d like to reformat a stack of floppy disks for him.

I got into all kinds of trouble at Fort Gordon, though. One time I got in trouble for some minor thing or other and my Drill Sergeant told me to write an essay as punishment. So I wrote an essay about how shitty the UCMJ was, and how it was none of the Army’s damn business what I did in my bedroom, and how it wasn’t even any of the Army’s business if I wanted to stand on my car in the middle of a parking lot and fuck myself with a bottle.

I got perilously close to getting a Chapter 13 discharge. My First Sergeant asked me if I would have written such things, using language like that, in college, and I said I absolutely did write such things in college. He seemed taken aback. It was an odd collision of worlds.

@mrex and Kootiepatra
Thank you. I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way. Your reasoning makes me feel a tiny bit better, Kootiepatra. Like maybe (I hope) it’s just a temporary sensitivity. Except my problem isn’t just that it’s the mainstream media. When many liberal sites are also acting like they are terrified to mention misogyny or sexism, while accusing Trump supporters of racism, then I know that they are not afraid of being too PC or setting off Trump supporters. They are afraid of bringing up sexist issues to liberals.

I also keep remembering this article:

It doesn’t have anything earthshaking in it. But the fact that Hillary was, all things considered, a pretty conventional candidate is good food for thought. Especially when there are so many supposedly liberal people who want to harp about what a “deeply flawed” candidate she was. And the liberal sites are just ducking the issue.

And then there’s the interesting merchandise that was being hawked at the RNC. And despite merchandise like that, liberal outlets are still afraid to call Trump supporters sexist, while happily calling them racist. The only possible explanation I can see is that it’s also an incredibly sensitive issue with their liberal base.

8 years ago


I’m glad I’m not the only one grossed out by waking up to a toilet full of pee and I don’t even think he’s trying to be quiet at night or save water because he doesn’t even put the lid down (I grew up in a house with a well and when we lost power we did “when it’s yellow let it mellow” but we always closed the lid because there’s nothing grosser than going into the bathroom to brush your teeth and having to look at someone else’s pee


I’ve noticed something similar, where people can admit that that black people and lgbt people are oppressed but see women as privileged. I think this has less to do with people caring about racism and misogyny more, and more to do with misogyny being easier to hide from


As a side-side rant, I’ve actually heard other feminists make arguments against promoting “empowerment”, because poor people, and stuff. How cluelessly misguided. Power is something EVERYONE has, yes some have more than others, but just about everyone has *some*. Empowerment isn’t just in gaining more power, but in recognizing the power that’s already there- and not giving it away!

I’ve never heard that exact argument. I have problems with feminists promoting “empowerment” because often their using empowerment to mean making someone feel good and not actual empowerment and you could argue that the way that they are trying to promote empowerment is disempowering.