memes trump

Meme of the Day: Trump has no idea what he’s doing


Hey, I made a meme, inspired by the troubles besetting Trump’s transition team.

In case you haven’t been following the issue, here are a few just slightly alarming quotes from a Huffington Post piece on the chaos.

Donald Trump’s transition team is nearing a state of stasis, causing concern among both Democrats and Republicans in Washington that his White House will be woefully ill-prepared once he is inaugurated. …

The disarray has left agencies virtually frozen, unable to communicate with the people tasked with replacing them and their staff. Trump transition team officials were a no-show at the Pentagon, the Washington Examiner reported. Same goes for the Department of Energy, responsible for keeping the nation’s nuclear weapons safe, where officials had expected members of the Trump transition team on Monday. Ditto for the Department of Transportation. Over at the Justice Department, officials also are still waiting to hear from the Trump team. …

According to several sources close to the Trump transition team and inside the Obama administration, the president elect and his staff have had difficulty finding able-minded Republicans willing to take on critical posts. One Democratic source, who like others would only discuss sensitive talks on condition of anonymity, said transition officials had been informally asking Obama political appointees to recommend Republicans to take over their jobs.

Yeah, that’s kind of what happens when you elect a dude who has no freaking idea what he’s doing to the highest office in the land.

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8 years ago

I pray that he is too incompetent to hurt people.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago


He’s had a lot of stopped-clock moments lately; he supported Black Lives Matter, and even said that he was rethinking things following a speech by Michelle Obama.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

He’s had a lot of stopped-clock moments lately; he supported Black Lives Matter, and even said that he was rethinking things.

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But…good for him. It’s, you know, never too late for change…but also

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8 years ago

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
Jack, did we do something terrible in our past lives? Was our past lives the biggest douchebags and this is our hell?

8 years ago

Glenn Beck becoming somewhat reasonable gives me hope, actually. People can change after all! He’s still far from perfect but as long as he’s learning, I might forgive him for being a shithead all these years.

8 years ago

Welp, all those “alt-right” bros and their “dank” (i.e. moldy, musty, damp and ill-smelling) meme magic are stuck now. Stuck with “Hello, this is Dog” for president. Quite literally, too, seeing as their meme-preznit has an unfortunate habit of humping pretty women’s legs.

It would be funnier if people weren’t being groped, gay-bashed, and subjected to racist and antisemitic threats already.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Jack, did we do something terrible in our past lives? Was our past lives the biggest douchebags and this is our hell?

I wouldn’t put it past myself.

But, anyway, I’ve always have the nagging suspection I’ve done something wrong, maybe that’s why.

8 years ago

Oh yeah, and about that “today in Trump” thing:

NBC: Trump has asked for Jared Kushner to sit in on his presidential daily briefings.
WaPo: Flynn and Kushner are now controlling who gets natsec posts.

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
8 years ago

Well, the Trumpster Dumsters wanted change…..I guess not showing up and having no experience is change. I actually think the Republicans staged this Trump fiasco with Pence in mind because I can’t believe Democracy has been reduced to this shitstain. I also can’t believe Americans are really this gullible….oh yeah, I can. Trump, You’re fired!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

This is like when Gob took over running the Bluth company.

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Except for less funny on account of it being real.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Except for less funny on account of it being real.

And not a fucking country.

Michael Lindsay
Michael Lindsay
8 years ago


He bragged that he could fix things. Let him prove it.

In what sense are we employing the verb “fix”? Like they fixed Iraq?

8 years ago

Off topic, but am I the only one who noticed that while all the Pollsters and Pundits were way off, there was someone who predicted the election results accurately.

8 years ago

You mean Jared his son in law? Isn’t that a conflict of something? Anything? It has to be.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)


Thanks for that!

Having read a little about it, I’m now pretty suspicious. Beck is a grifter and always has been; I find it more plausible that he’s simply moved on to a different grift than that he’s had a change of heart.

As PolicyofMadness said, actual contrition implies a willingness to accept the consequences of one’s actions, including reputational, legal and financial consequences. I have been unable to find any source which says that Beck has reimbursed the victims of (to name just one example) his “buy gold” scam.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

From the Daily Beast article:

NBC News reported Tuesday evening that President-elect Donald Trump’s team has requested top secret security clearance for his son-in-law Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband and publisher of the New York Observer, who played a major role in Trump’s presidential campaign. The clearance would allow Kushner to sit in on Trump’s presidential daily brief, unprecedented access for someone who is not an official member of the White House staff.
Trump is also reportedly seeking clearance for his adult children, who plan to remain in New York and take over his business interests there. A 1967 nepotism law prohibits presidents from hiring members of their immediate family to work in the federal government and includes son-in-laws in addition to other immediate relatives.

How how how how how how how????? Isn’t anyone going to stop this bullshit and tell that goddamned fuckhead that he just can’t do what he wants when he wants because he wants to???


David Gerard
8 years ago

I understood his very good friends at the Heritage Foundation had been sweeping in to help. I’m surprised the career Republicans haven’t been all over this one.

8 years ago

Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon [‘s appointment] as chief strategist … delighted the ardent, anti-establishment wing of the party, but has given others pause because of his history peddling anti-Semitism and white nationalism.

‘given pause’.
‘given pause’?
‘given pause’??????????? WTF??????

If a vicious white-supremacist anti-semite with a hisory of (alleged…) violence and assault merely ‘gives you pause’ instead of setting off howling air-raid sirens, you have a problem.

The normalisation is already pervasive.

8 years ago

They might be thinking about their future job prospects if they openly criticise Il Deuce. The more paranoid amongst them might be thinking about their future health prospects if they offend a panicing tyrant and his mob of white supremacists.

8 years ago

Even if Mango Mussolini is a wreck, all he really has to do to make everything worse is sign the bills that land on his desk. I’m sure there will be no shortage of them with all the capable and terrible people we have representing us at the moment.
Even the thought of 2018 depresses me. The left isn’t exactly known for our turnout in off years and our senate chances are not good in the first place.
I also see too many people putting so much stock in Bernie. It seems obvious at this point that a lot of POC (at least that I am friends with from all over) are not as enamored with his inability to shift from economics. Hell, a lot of them can’t stand him just because of the bridges that were torched by Bernie Bros. I know white people seem to be absolutely smitten with the man but…it seems we are not payin attention.
I hope I can crawl out of this funk before Christmas time as I have turned into the ultimate Debbie Downer.

8 years ago

Yeah, it’s funny . . . and terrifying too to know that CNN characterizes the selection of the Trump cabinet as a knife fight.

‘Knife fight’ as Trump builds an unconventional national security Cabinet

8 years ago


I saw a lot of “raised eyebrows” in headlines about Bannon today:

Eyebrows raised as Trump hires Breitbart’s Bannon to run presidential campaign

“Raised eyebrows”? That’s the reaction to a daring evening gown, not a Nazi.

But OTOH, there’s this:

Why Trump’s Appointment of Steve Bannon Has Raised So Many Alarms

8 years ago

Actually, Glenn Beck has been speaking out against Trump for quite some time. Back in March Beck was backing Cruz for the nomination and called Trump immature and said he abused women. Then Trump insulted him and he’s hated Trump ever since.

So for once in his life, Glenn Beck was right about something. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would agree with Glenn Beck on anything, but here we are.

In other news, did you know the Trumplings have convinced themselves that he won the popular vote now? I’ve been reading a lot of stories on Trump’s cabinet picks and bunches of them are claiming that Hillary only won the popular vote because 3 million illegal immigrants voted.

8 years ago

Incompetence is the best we can hope for. It is literally as good as it gets. The most not-awful thing within this administration’s reach. Our closest approach to a silver lining. He might refrain from doing bad things to people, or even do some not-bad things to people, accidentally.

The problem is the stupid, malicious asshole we elected is surrounded by competent malicious assholes—the ones in Congress and the ones from his campaign, who are apparently the only acquaintances he has.

They have no intention of improving his voter’s lives, but it’s okay because his voters are perfectly willing to eat scapegoats instead, and boy howdy do we have a lot of those lined up.

8 years ago

Today in “people who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, IBM has reached to Trump and they are waving their arms frantically “ooo pick me, pick me!” Sauce:

Let’s not forget that IBM literally-literally made holocaust easier in Nazi Germany.

Intelligence community is currently worried that outings while they are undercover becomes a tool for control and retaliation, as Pumpkin Nazi gets debriefed.

But I guess that anything goes, as long as it isn’t emails oh lol and of course Republicans doing it, hmmm, wonder who did it last time…
