Grotesque pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V is thrilled to finally have someone like him on the way to the White House. That is, a fellow male human who also likes to rate women on a scale of one to ten.
You may not have realized this was an issue in the election. But to Roosh it’s apparently the most important political issue of our time. In a post on his Return of Kings site (archived here), Roosh declares:
I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude.
What’s more, Roosh exults, this manly man of a man president is also a staunch opponent of fat chicks.
“We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as ‘fat pigs,'” Roosh reminds us.
The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.
Roosh is alto thrilled that Trump was elected president even after he boasted about sexually assaulting women, suggesting to Roosh that regular dudes will soon be able to take up sexual harassment again without a fear of repercussions.
Roosh doesn’t quite phrase it like that, though.
“What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech,” Roosh asks, now that we have a president-elect who likes to brag about grabbing women by the vagina?
Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.
Now Roosh and others like him can really let their freak flags fly.
“There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before,” Roosh happily declares.
What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? …
Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly.
So now Roosh thinks that whenever he gets called out for doing or saying anything terrible in public, all the Trump-voting men in his immediate vicinity will stand ready to defend him, as if they were all members of the same gross misogynistic brotherhood.
It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid.
Roosh doesn’t care if Trump never actually changes any of the alleged anti-male laws on the books; his mere presence in the White House will enable Roosh and others like him to be the politically incorrect alpha males they were born to be.
His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. … Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left.
In your face, liberal stewers!
This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors.
My only question is this: How did Roosh get the bull in the closet with him in the first place?
@Troubelle Oh gods no, don’t start smoking! I was just using it as an example.
You might consider, if things are amping up and you can tell they’re going to go sideways within, say, half an hour, having a friend you can text privately so that they can call you before things explode, giving you an excuse. “Sorry, gotta take this, be right back.” *step outside* Or even set an alarm or timer with the same sound as your phone’s ringtone and pretend to get a call.
As far as what you say, shorter is better, it gives them less time to come up with a rebuttal.
Also I forgot to include the Captain Awkward website before: https://captainawkward.com/
Again, I’m not sure that will completely work, as a. none of my friends ever call me (not as depressing as it sounds–we use textual media) and b. my mom will likely be upset that I’m prioritizing friends over family. If things get that bad, excuses are out the window. Assuming I haven’t already hit the gas emotionally, I’m going to nope my way out of there. That’s the current battle plan.
Miso paste should be in the fridge case with the tofu. It’s on the pricey side, but you use a little at a time and it keeps for a long time.
I keep little misogyny soup packets in the pantry. Keeps for longer. 🙂
Edit: Not even going to change that autocorrect; it’s too hilarious.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
….was ‘a conscious effort’ by Russia to achieve ‘a specific effect’
lol autocorrect
those are good, too! I use lots of miso. Those might be better if Troubelle can find them.
I’m going to start making a batch of cashew/miso cheese tomorrow…wish me luck!
Misandry packets are far more nourishing though.
Re: ramen: my 9 year old has a terrible habit of stealing the blocks of ramen and eating them uncooked. It makes a huge mess and it’s irritating when I want ramen and it’s gone.
I had some dried seaweed flakes last year, and after soaking them in water, I’d add them to ramen and OMG SO GOOD.
ETA: re: arthritis injections: I had something similar back when they thought I had RA. They’re weird but it didn’t take long for me to adjust. I hope it helps!
Thanks for the location tip!
@Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent,
Ask your friends to be around their phones if they can. And if things get ugly, just ask them to give you a phone call. Voila, instant reason to bail from a terrible conversation.
(I may have used this once or twice)
EDIT: @Phryne, Bonito flakes. Look for bonito. The seafood version of caramel.
Ooh, I enjoy making cheese but have not tried non-dairy. Let us know how it goes!
Again, I’m not sure a phone call from a friend will be enough of a reason to bail in Mom’s eyes. Current plan is either verbally nope out or simply silently walk away, judgemental glare optional. She’d rather I just leave then be evasive, I believe.
I’ve only heard of bonito flakes in the context of Neko Atsume….
I will! It’s aged so it will be a while. I have to make the culture first.
Miyoko Schinner’s recipe. I recently splurged on some at Whole Foods and it was so delicious. But it motivated me to give it a go. I’m going to make a pepper-jack style first because I still have SO MANY hot peppers from my tiny container garden.
She insists that it takes very little effort and it’s foolproof. We’ll see.
You know your situation best, Troubelle! sounds like you have it well in hand.
Bonito is a particular fish, preserved by fermentation and drying. It’s hard, so when you cook with it you shave off super-thin shavings that actually melt in your mouth to nothing at all. It’s the foundation of Japanese soup stock and a number of other things, and, well. very flavourful. Super tasty.
Ahhh, thank you! I’ll see if I can get my paws on it.
Perhaps my umami/udon soup with bread could be of interest?
get your paws on it!
Looks delicious!
This is hilarious to me for reasons best unrevealed.
Also, the fire alarm here just malfunctioned (as I learned from the Sargent) and went off.
…oh geez, that’s right, Thanksgiving is next week, isn’t it? I hope the discussion never turns to politics, but it’s gonna be a strange sort of awkward if it does. This is my family’s first Thanksgiving that my girlfriend’s whole immediate family – all of them non-citizen Filipino immigrants – might be able to join us.
I’m actually not sure of everyone’s voting and affiliations (I think it’s pretty evenly split; mercifully, my parents are almost as liberal as I am, and properly horrified), but I know at least one aunt and uncle who are going to be there voted Republican. My uncle’s pretty conservative, but also intelligent enough to read the room and might not bring it up. My aunt, though, is conservative and has just the perfect blend of obliviousness (she’s Jewish and voted Trump) and lack of self-awareness (before the election, she apparently tried to make the case for voting Trump to my second mother…a Muslim-American Iraqi immigrant) to make things awkward.
@ Troubelle
Now I want to try cooking an egg in my ramen…though given that my method of cooking is to throw ramen into water, boil it for roughly ten minutes or until it starts boiling over, and throw in whatever spice enters my mind (chili oil, scallions, sesame, paprika, garlic bread sprinkle…), I think I’m going to have to either adapt your recipe or get less lazy.
Haven’t had Maruchan in years, though (I miss the roast beef and creamy chicken flavors). Dad got me hooked on the stuff in Japanese markets that costs $1 a package rather than 10 cents.
I don’t have advice, but my sympathies and thoughts for your upcoming Thanksgiving.
Speaking as someone who has more liquid-variety of IBS, I find it that “excuse me”-jetting to the bathroom CAN be an occasional sanity-saver on a bad day.
I’m just sayin’, a case of trots, runs and gallops could develop and you might need to occupy the loo now and then?
High five for socialised medicine! I hope the new medication works out for you.
I am so fucking glad my family:
1) Has always made Thanksgiving more about just relaxing and having fun rather than discussing topics that are sensitive. We all just do our own thing and eat whenever-wherever. (I usually hung out with the cousins and played video games, and dinner’s usually done by 1PM and we all just kinda buffet-style the dinner. Come in, get what you want, come back for seconds when you want.)
2) Doesn’t like to discuss politics that much outside of Facebook.
3) And are all the way on the other side of the country this year.
I don’t have much else to be thankful for. Thanks, Electoral College!
I have a feeling that Roosh only believes that only assholes should have the right to say whatever they want
I am not American so Thanksgiving’s a month ago, but I am thankful for all you guys.
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes Seconded. 🙂
absolutely, there’s a difference between getting promoted into a position that makes you feel over you’re head and running to be the leader of the country when you have no political experience