Grotesque pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V is thrilled to finally have someone like him on the way to the White House. That is, a fellow male human who also likes to rate women on a scale of one to ten.
You may not have realized this was an issue in the election. But to Roosh it’s apparently the most important political issue of our time. In a post on his Return of Kings site (archived here), Roosh declares:
I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude.
What’s more, Roosh exults, this manly man of a man president is also a staunch opponent of fat chicks.
“We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as ‘fat pigs,'” Roosh reminds us.
The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.
Roosh is alto thrilled that Trump was elected president even after he boasted about sexually assaulting women, suggesting to Roosh that regular dudes will soon be able to take up sexual harassment again without a fear of repercussions.
Roosh doesn’t quite phrase it like that, though.
“What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech,” Roosh asks, now that we have a president-elect who likes to brag about grabbing women by the vagina?
Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.
Now Roosh and others like him can really let their freak flags fly.
“There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before,” Roosh happily declares.
What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? …
Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly.
So now Roosh thinks that whenever he gets called out for doing or saying anything terrible in public, all the Trump-voting men in his immediate vicinity will stand ready to defend him, as if they were all members of the same gross misogynistic brotherhood.
It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid.
Roosh doesn’t care if Trump never actually changes any of the alleged anti-male laws on the books; his mere presence in the White House will enable Roosh and others like him to be the politically incorrect alpha males they were born to be.
His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. … Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left.
In your face, liberal stewers!
This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors.
My only question is this: How did Roosh get the bull in the closet with him in the first place?
@Anarchonist – I think I might like feeling apocalyptic, too.
I almost have myself convinced that this is the start of a huge backlash against all of this shit – the casual sexism and racism, the anti-intellectualism, the anti-science, the Evangelical Christianity shoved-down-your-throat bullshit.
It is starting to feel (not just here, but in other places I frequent) like we’re just not going to tolerate this bullshit anymore.
Maybe that’s mostly just me, that I’m feeling that way, but I will say it has made me feel much more capable and even hopeful.
Pissed as hell, had-it-up-to-here, but hopeful.
Don’t count on it.
A friend of mine was proverbially pounced in a game store by someone who was doing Trump-loving cheers, and declaring that “you autists are gonna be next”. Then treated with a stream of anti-semitic vulgarities.
It is spreading here.
Aw geez, Skiriki, that’s horrible. Hugs for your friend!
Speaking as someone with high-functioning autism, I could only tilt my head to the side, blink, and query Google Translate as to what the Finnish translation of “‘scuse me, bitch?” if confronted with this person
I know. Also, as a slur, it is completely uncharacteristic to slurs typically found from Finnish language, so yeah, internet is leaking into physical world.
May I recommend “Mikä saatana sua vaivaa?” (loosely translated equivalent of “What the fuck is wrong with you?”) should that sort of situation occur.
This is the nazi mentality… though in this case, I suspect it’s more the mentality of a bully, it fits with the “purest and most perfect in every sense” creed of the “super-race”-ists. Any trait the overlords see as undesirable, whether the existence of that trait reflects a choice or not, must be purged. For the “Inane Clown Posse” that is currently running wild in the streets, this is just carte blanc to abuse whomever they please.
Strangely, I have had great success with this simple query over the last week when the discussion turns to “who’s gonna be deported/jailed/purged from society”… I think it brings out the embarrassed-by-my-own-bigotry in some of the Cheeto-lings. It actually is more effective without the invective, just a simple question; “Excuse me, what is wrong with you?”
Thanks for the translation!
I’ve only heard “autist” used once before I started reading WHTM, and that was on a YouTube video in French by a Frenchman.
A special thank you to the 53% of White women who okayed Trump’s misogyny and racism. It will be so cool once Trump’s SCOTUS completely destroys abortion rights and access to contraception. Sigh.
Me too! I have to be careful on social media because I am looking for a job, but I’m not going to be quiet any more.
I just called someone out for sexism on Facebook. Someone that I know posted an article about the man who is mocking his daughter by remaking her selfies. He commented in support of that, as did a few others (who I don’t personally know). One even said something about doing the same thing to his daughters. Ew.
I posted this:
I was a bit nervous making the post and now I’m just waiting for the responses that are going to come in. So far I’ve just gotten a “Like” (from another woman), but I’m sure I will be told that it’s just a joke and I’m taking it too seriously and that I shouldn’t get so upset, but I’m done with this. It’s stuff like this that makes people think that it’s OK to shame women for any of the choices that we make. The poor girl in the article has chosen to express herself through her photos. She’s not hurting anyone. She doesn’t deserve this and neither does any woman who chooses to express herself in her own way.
@Patricia Kayden
Considering the age spread of Trump voters, I’m going to guess that for many of white women voting for him, contraception and abortion are nothing but a lingering worry and faint memory of days of past.
Watched the Rachel Maddow segment.
That President Obama is willing to show this bombastic chucklefuckle anything other that a solo digitus medius and the door is a testament that the man truly cares about Americans.
Oh, and btw, Trump transition admins? Return your calls, you fucking morons.
@Weird Eddie
Well, and who among us is genetically pure and perfect? How many of Trump’s deplorables have Middle Eastern roots, like Roosh, or a Jewish surname, like Heartiste, or chronic health issues, or an unconventional sexual orientation, or they’re carriers for undesirable recessive inherited conditions, or they have physical eccentricites, or they just LOOK foreign? With that beard, Roosh resembles a deplorable’s idea of a terrorist. They’re fooling themselves if they think they’re immune. One of the ways totalitarian states enforce conformity and maintain their grip is by turning neighbor against neighbor and rewarding snitches, so that people find themselves being hauled off to the gulag in the middle of the night on ridiculous trumped-up (pun intended) charges, all so their informant can have a double ration of bread.
The chaos they’ve unleashed is going to engulf them and their loved ones and friends too. Literally no one is above suspicion, when you start to go down THAT path. Rooshie and his minions aren’t in charge of this new paradigm, however much they might like to pretend they are. They’re now at the mercy of Casino Mussolini just like everyone else.
That was the right thing to do and I admire it immensely. I hope that the next person who interviews you for a position has read that comment and admires it as much as I do.
A literal translation of @Skiriki’s phrase: “Which Satan is bothering you?” Finnish has really fun swearwords sometimes.
I was out on a walk late last Friday night here in Helsinki and I saw a group of drunk young-ish men outside a bar, and they started doing Nazi salutes all of a sudden. I admit that I was on the other side of the street and I had no interest finding out WTF was going on there, but it still freaked the fuck out of me. We’re living in scary times, even here in socialist, feminist Utopia! /s
Also, @Skiriki, I hope that your friend is alright. I’m on the autistic spectrum myself and it really annoys me when people use “autistic” as an insult. Out of interest, whereabouts in Finland did this happen? It’s okay if you don’t want to name the town, just a general direction will suffice, assuming that it’s outside “Traffic congestion Finland” (“Ruuhka-Suomi”). 🙂
@ Skiriki
I know I’m probably being too hopeful, but the campaign posters have been up all semester, and I think it’s within the realm of possibility that they came up with it when most people still saw Trump’s candidacy as a joke, maybe? That said, I haven’t had a lot to do with the student union and don’t know who decides these things, so I could be wrong.
Edit: re: autistic as an insult in Finnish
This is one of these things that has me sitting on the fence on whether I’m too much of a social recluse and have to mend my ways in order to hear about these kind of things, or if I’m just lucky to not know what goes on.
One of the frightening things about this situation is, NO ONE is in charge of the mob.
In his perfect world, Roosh would see the brownshirts at his door…. so would Milo. If they don’t believe it, tell them to ask Megyn Kelly… she knows what happens when you don’t meet their standards.
Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, had a limp due to a botched club foot repair as a child. Without the intervention of his fuhrer, he would’a been sacked, at very least.
It was in Helsinki, one of the independant stores, not part of a chain. Yes, my friend is okay, he’s just massively disappointed with the staff’s lack of response. He’s gonna kick it up the chain of command, and if nothing happens, he’s (possibly) gonna name and shame the store in social media.
I got some experience with student unions making the most wrong-headed ideas when it comes to slogans, and also dipshits who run them, so I’m gonna say chances are high it is “both”. This is really not the first time student unions have really stuck their hands into a pile of shit.
Totally OT, and Dalilama may have posted this already, but if not:
@Skiriki, @Patricia Kayden
Hit me like a hammer, watching a news video yesterday.
Trump confirmed that they’ll be de-funding Planned Parenthood and “kicking it back to the States” for “the abortion issue,” as if it weren’t settled in 1973 by the Supreme Court. Trump actually said that women who want abortions would just have to go to states that still have state funding for PP.
The women who voted for Trump don’t give a shit. For two reasons. Married, middle-aged-and-up, middle class – these women either don’t need to worry about it anymore, or if they need to they have the money and time to go get an abortion in another state. Fucking selfish, entitled, smug, weal- nnnngh
“Fuck you, I got mine”. It really is the motto of the right.
The new Secretary of State, a few months ago, said that he wants to open an investigative panel to root out ISIS sympathizers, and said that the House Committee on Un-American Activities should be used as a model.
Gingrich wants to re-start the McCarthy hearings, to jail and terrorize anyone who isn’t “American” enough.
@ej, good job! Please, keep it up! Commenting on feminist and progressive forums only reaches other feminists and progressives. We’ve gotta make this real. #MakeItAwkward.
Wow, that’s really disappointing. 🙁 I was hoping that stores here in the capital would be more conscious of the need to fight harassment. Even if it’s just for the cynical reason of not driving away paying customers. My lifestyle of not leaving my apartment very often beyond the absolutely necessary grocery shopping trips every now and then is proving to be a smart one once again…
@joekster, thank you for sharing that. I’ve been dreadfully worried that DAPL would be forgotten in all of this. I’m really happy it hasn’t for two reasons. One – duh – go to hell, D-A-P-L. Two, it means that the various reasons to protest are all merging together. That’s going to give us so much energy. I was worried that the protests would sort of melt away, but it sounds like this may actually be 4 years of protesting. Wooo!
@Scildfreja and EJ(TOO)
Thanks for the support. I may not be able to do much, but I can call things out when I see them. I’m still working on breaking down the “don’t make a fuss” mentality, so I don’t know if I’d be able to call someone out face-to-face yet, but I’m working on it.
I love the hashtag, by the way. I’m tired of ignoring racism and sexism so that other people aren’t uncomfortable. They need to be uncomfortable so they realize that they are harming others with their words and actions.
Fuck You Pence!
re: Pence and e-mails
Ah, how I hate the smell of hypocrisy in the morning. Accuse the other side of baseless scandals, then promptly do something so very similar to what you accused them of.
re: #MakeItAwkward
Hhhhh….This is just reminding me that I’ll have to temporarily coexist with my extended relatives in just over a week’s time. And they’re all deep re. Somebody’s going to say something. Mom’s going to want me to keep my mouth shut and not make a scene, like she has every day of my life, since apparently me doing something she doesn’t approve of is some kind of insult towards her.
….Can I get some suggestions on how to handle that situation? (And no, I can’t just not go.)