alpha males alt-right evil SJWs gloating men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism rape culture return of kings rhymes with roosh sexual harassment trump

Gross PUA Roosh V thrilled to have a president-elect who calls women “fat pigs”

Roosh V: Really likes rating women on a scale of 1 to 10
Roosh V: Really likes rating women on a scale of 1 to 10

Grotesque pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V is thrilled to finally have someone like him on the way to the White House. That is, a fellow male human who also likes to rate women on a scale of one to ten.

You may not have realized this was an issue in the election. But to Roosh it’s apparently the most important political issue of our time. In a post on his Return of Kings site (archived here), Roosh declares:

I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude.

What’s more, Roosh exults, this manly man of a man president is also a staunch opponent of fat chicks.

“We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as ‘fat pigs,'” Roosh reminds us.

The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.

Roosh is alto thrilled that Trump was elected president even after he boasted about sexually assaulting women, suggesting to Roosh that regular dudes will soon be able to take up sexual harassment again without a fear of repercussions.

Roosh doesn’t quite phrase it like that, though.

“What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech,” Roosh asks, now that we have a president-elect who likes to brag about grabbing women by the vagina?

Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.

Now Roosh and others like him can really let their freak flags fly.

“There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before,” Roosh happily declares.

What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? …

Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly.

So now Roosh thinks that whenever he gets called out for doing or saying anything terrible in public, all the Trump-voting men in his immediate vicinity will stand ready to defend him, as if they were all members of the same gross misogynistic brotherhood.

It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid. 

Roosh doesn’t care if Trump never actually changes any of the alleged anti-male laws on the books; his mere presence in the White House will enable Roosh and others like him to be the politically incorrect alpha males they were born to be.

His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. … Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left. 

In your face, liberal stewers!

This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors. 

My only question is this: How did Roosh get the bull in the closet with him in the first place?

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Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

….In unrelated news, I helped my roommate make shrimp. It’s not going to get any Michelin stars, but it was quite tasty.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@Rhuu (with the criminally adorable avatar)

Can I go on the record by saying how much I hate terrible people like this using the ‘closet’ metaphor to describe their awful opinions?

It does not work like that. Stop it. *smacks metaphor away from them* Bad! Think about what you did.

Thank you.

Also appreciating how many commenters have noted the rich, thick irony in Roosh’s “ha! we have free speech now, so you lot have to shut up!” 😐

8 years ago
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


good bull.

8 years ago

Don’t you mean…incrediabull?×426-124175.jpg

I should say something else, but seriously, Roosh. What’s the point.

8 years ago

Congrats! Shrimp can be really difficult to do well.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


She’d gotten a pound frozen a while back and got around to making it. After thawing the lot, I got the shell off, she deveined them and did the actual cooking.

8 years ago

His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors.

Given how high people’s emotions are running these days, he says the wrong thing in from of the wrong person and he’s going to get the crap beaten out of him, despite his veiled threat that it’ll be too costly.

Not that I’ll care if it happens. Not going to wish for it because I’m a better person than your average shitlord, but I’m still not going to care if it comes to be.

Trump’ll do his four years, spend it totally overwhelmed and decline to run for re-election. I hope.

8 years ago

Last time he got shouted and marched out of a bar and had beer poured on his face when everyone get the notice that he was a serial rapist. The fact that now of all times he thinks that same crowd wouldn’t have just one more reason to get punchy.

8 years ago

A small offering to maybe lift some spirits here.

English article in a German newspaper. It expresses what I’ve been trying to hold on to whenever the parallels of what happens now and what happened in the past get me too depressed: “This isn’t the end of history, it’s the middle.” Nothing has to repeat itself, we can change it this time. It’s also what I keep thinking in regards to Roosh and his friends: The future is going to happen anyway. They can’t prevent it, no matter how many tantrums they throw on their websites.

The article is by no means perfect, but I’m really glad that parts of our media are taking what happened in the US as a wake-up call. Because now we get analysis of the problems here as well and ideas on how to counteract them. Instead of the usual claims that this is just some American “weirdness” or something.

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
8 years ago

Every time David writes about this guy, all I can think is that what Roosh says is so poorly worded, so inarticulate that David is going to put “bazinga” at the end of it.

8 years ago

I hate to be one of those who point this out, Roosh, you putrid, rotting sack of shit, but there are more of us then there are of those like you. If you think, for one teensy little minute that we are going to quietly accept the new paradigm that you, Trump and all your sick, twisted ilk want, you got another think coming. I am old enough to have seen it all and, dude, I and all MY sister’s and brothers, here and everywhere else, eat better assholes than you for breakfast. Not my president, not my society, not my way of life.

You want a war? Bring it on, you pathetic, useless excuse for a Human being and a man. Of course you want to legalize rape. It’s the only way you can get anyone to have skin to skin contact with you.

8 years ago

They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly.

Ooh, Roosh, we’re going to bite our lips? Sexxxily, right? You’ve gotta get that in your next “book”: Bang USA: Under Trump, Formerly Snotty American Women Are Now Docile.

8 years ago

Over at New York magazine, there was this exchange between what appeared to be a Russian commenter, perhaps a bot, and some human US commenters:

@MC0325 Trump was all inclusive to help all legal Americans with out pandering to minority or social groups, like did Hillary with each opportunity.. Racist because he is against invaders? People of any national origin that storm our borders.I suppose you would be surprised that out of the 195 countries in the world, they all have immigration laws. Most harsher than ours, at least 65 of those have or are building walls. Sounds as you are the hater, the intolerant, the anti-Semitic, and no doubt racist behind closed doors.

@DeckerG Are you a Russian bot? Putting periods after a string of words doesn’t make it an actual sentence.

@andypmonty I am not a Bot Russian or otherwise, but really to resort finding fault with punctuation.Very lame.

@DeckerG @andypmonty Finding fault with syntax, word usage and actual understanding of how to form complete sentences is, however, not lame at all.

You are unintelligible, which is not lame at all.

@DeckerG Sounds like English is not even your second language. Are you a Russian hacker?

Very well, I will speak on a level that even this group will understand. In the words of the old race-baiter and riot inciter himself, Barack Husain Obama. “Elections have consequences.” It’s the political way for winners to tell losers: “Tough luck, you lost. Get over it.”

@DeckerG It’s Barack Hussein Obama. You’d be more credible if you learned how to spell, Putinbot.
10 hours ago

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
8 years ago

“A renaissance of masculinity wherein men can take pride in being men.”
Except that men don’t think like this. Toxic manbabies do.

8 years ago


Melania looks terrified, as well. She has no clue what that bloviating tangerine has gotten her into.

It seems that none of them have any idea what they’ve got themselves into.

Watch all of this Rachel Maddow segment. The scale of ignorance and incompetence is staggering, breathtaking, absolutely incredible.

8 years ago

You guys are amazing. Reading your snarky comebacks and comments filled with absolute determination to be a force that pushes back the conservative ideals that have taken a foothold in our politics fills me with joy and inspiration. I love this place.

Some people said earlier, when the shock of the outcome of the election was too fresh in everybody’s minds, that anger is a much more useful feeling than sadness, and that we should never lose hope. And they may be right. Maybe some people cannot face hopelessness or despair, because they need to feel like fighting, they can’t afford not to. Some people are way too close to the problem to have the luxury of despair.

To me, as someone who is way too far away, way too privileged and way too deep in my own depressed shit, I think I needed the moment of desperation and hopelessness to burn them out from my system and to realize that there is now more need than ever to step up and end this charade, to send the message to all conservatives, be it of the more subtle “I’m not a bigot, but” kind or the more honest kind, that the times, they are a-changing, they have been a-changing since forever, and there’s nothing those clusterfucks can do about it.

So no, Roosh, you disgusting piece of rapist filth, this is not your renaissance. This is the beginning of the end of your outdated, toxic worldview. The genie will never go back into the bottle, and oppressed groups are never going to be content with what the privileged throw at them again. You dark triad “alpha male” bullies are doomed to go extinct. There could technically be hope for some of you if you chose to change your ways, but since I know, you know, everybody knows that you’re never going to repent and start swimming because changing your opinion would be “beta”, you’ll sink like a stone beneath the waves of progress. And nothing of value will be lost.

Damn, I love feeling apocalyptic sometimes.

8 years ago

Has anyone else noticed Roosh’s beard looks like it’s related to trump’s wig ? Have they both been taken over by aliens who don’t know how to function among Humans ? Lol.

Neveragaine (got lost in the Iron Republic)
Neveragaine (got lost in the Iron Republic)
8 years ago


Thank you for the link, that presenter/host is great and I haven’t seen her before. Watching this was so satisfying. I’m generally not a very smug/vindictive person, but, well… I’m making an exception here.

*here insert diabolical laughter*

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Trump very evidently has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. Sadly, he has some people lurking behind him who do know what they’re doing: Pence, Gingrich, Ryan et al. Those are the people who scare me.

Valizadeh, on the other hand, doesn’t scare me so much as enrage me. How dare that couch-surfing beer-stained rape-guide-writing failed-Nazi-messiah presume to speak on behalf of my gender?

Valizadeh appears to be under the impression that rapists and harassers like him can now emerge from their hiding places and reveal themselves, like slithering glistening things oozing forth from beneath overturned rocks. He is under the impression that the rest of the male gender is now going to congratulate them for their raping, harassing ways, or at the very least turn a blind eye to it. Has he forgotten a particular bar in Montreal in which a room full of men stood and applauded the woman who beered him? Has he forgotten the alacrity with which he needed to cancel his meetups once word got around, for fear of non-rapist men learning about them? Has he forgotten that his followers blur their faces on video because they’re afraid of what other men will think of them?

The male gender has long had a problem with turning a blind eye to rapists, and with them being camouflaged in our midst. Valizadeh has offered an unexpected solution. Mr Valizadeh, please follow your plan! Proudly identify yourself as a rapist and a harasser! Wear it on a t-shirt! If your Poznan-dwelling couch-surfing ass can’t afford one on the dwindling proceeds of your book sales, I will be happy to buy you that t-shirt. I will be happy to buy “rapist” t-shirts for all your followers. Wear them in public. See what happens.

Slithering glistening things hide under rocks for a reason. Valizadeh would do well to remember that.

Weird (and regrouping quickly) Eddie
Weird (and regrouping quickly) Eddie
8 years ago

You gotta work hard fo dem abs, and those guys are clearly allergic to working hard. Closest either of those two jerkoffs will ever get is a sharpie on a beer gut.


8 years ago

@ EJ (The Orphic Lizard)
I don’t think he’s forgotten that those men exist. He just lives in a parallel universe where those men are just cowards waiting for general approval of bigots and rapists (or something that could be perceived as such) before they too can join the proud ranks and start raping and bigoting.

There’s a student union election coming up at my school. The slogan is “Make [student union’s name] Great Again”. It bothered me already during Trump’s campaign, but now that election is over it’s really started to bother me.

As we’re here in faraway Finland, I don’t think it’s meant as an endorsement of Trump or his campaign. More likely it’s just there to draw attention to the election with something topical. Still seems like a poor choice, though.

Weird (and regrouping quickly) Eddie
Weird (and regrouping quickly) Eddie
8 years ago

Melania looks terrified, as well. She has no clue what that bloviating tangerine has gotten her into.

If she’s paying attention, she’s got to have realized that where before she was a “trophy wife”, she’s now just a trophy…. The Cheeto replaced two other “trophy wives” when he tired of them….

Edit… With The Cheeto and Newt Gingritch, we’ve got, what, SIX wives between ’em?? “Family Values”, indeed! I’m vaguely reminded of the “background decoration” women in the “Goodfellas”-type movies….

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ steampunked

Don’t you mean…incrediabull?

Now I’ve got that General Levy song stuck in my head!