Grotesque pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V is thrilled to finally have someone like him on the way to the White House. That is, a fellow male human who also likes to rate women on a scale of one to ten.
You may not have realized this was an issue in the election. But to Roosh it’s apparently the most important political issue of our time. In a post on his Return of Kings site (archived here), Roosh declares:
I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude.
What’s more, Roosh exults, this manly man of a man president is also a staunch opponent of fat chicks.
“We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as ‘fat pigs,'” Roosh reminds us.
The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.
Roosh is alto thrilled that Trump was elected president even after he boasted about sexually assaulting women, suggesting to Roosh that regular dudes will soon be able to take up sexual harassment again without a fear of repercussions.
Roosh doesn’t quite phrase it like that, though.
“What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech,” Roosh asks, now that we have a president-elect who likes to brag about grabbing women by the vagina?
Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.
Now Roosh and others like him can really let their freak flags fly.
“There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before,” Roosh happily declares.
What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? …
Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly.
So now Roosh thinks that whenever he gets called out for doing or saying anything terrible in public, all the Trump-voting men in his immediate vicinity will stand ready to defend him, as if they were all members of the same gross misogynistic brotherhood.
It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid.
Roosh doesn’t care if Trump never actually changes any of the alleged anti-male laws on the books; his mere presence in the White House will enable Roosh and others like him to be the politically incorrect alpha males they were born to be.
His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. … Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left.
In your face, liberal stewers!
This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors.
My only question is this: How did Roosh get the bull in the closet with him in the first place?
You mean how like Hillary was “critiqued” by people because she wasn’t wearing a flag pin, and because Agent Orange was, that somehow meant that he was the victor in their debates?
It’s more like “This is Roosh’s deep fantasy” than anything based in reality. 😉
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes,
I said this elswhere: it’s going to be heartbreaking to witness the various Civil Rights battles being fought all over again.
They want the 50’s back so bloody badly? Put the tax rate back to what it was back then. Watch them scream.
I just tried to picture that. I frightened my cat, I laughed so loud. He hasn’t the power to do anything of the sort, and he’ll see that as soon as he’s in office, ha ha.
Aaaand this is why nobody’s in the mood to “Kumbaya” with them, much less accept the outcome of this farce placidly. One voter in every five is asinine enough to vote for that, and apparently as many people are as nasty as that. Who wants to work together with that much fugly?
This screed by Douchenozzle reminds me that I’m seeing a lot of people on Facebook posting how they are “Silent no more”.
Did I miss the era when people weren’t racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc?
I felt like these last years people have been very vocal, but they seem to think they were holding in all their ugliness.
I plan on remaining politically correct because I think people just deserve to be treated as humans worthy of respect.
But if motherfuckers want to pour out their ugly ideas, THOSE are up for smashing. Ideas don’t get automatic respect. And if their ideas leak over into inappropriate action, this too will be dealt with.
You did give me fair warning.
I cannot stand that photo of Trump’s…whatever face he’s making. Angry ferret? Rabid squirrel?
Although I like ferrets and squirrels, so that’s hardly fair…
Oh, I got it! Early Ralph Kramden.
Pretty sure every multi-cellular organism missed that era.
I think he knows it now; if you ask me, he looks a lot less sure of himself and positively terrified.
Melania looks terrified, as well. She has no clue what that bloviating tangerine has gotten her into.
I feel sorry for her, but not him. It serves him right. I hope he stays scared. It will teach all these would-be “alpha males” a good lesson.
I usually have a lot of sympathy towards people who got a lot of responsibility dumped on them and can’t cope.
But in the very special case of Trump?
(from slate which in this case is quoting wall street journal)
If there is something good about this mess it is seeing the cheeto realize how deep the hole he dug for himself is.
I’m not entirely sure whether this is a fear or a hope, but I’m not convinced the cheeto won’t decide to just not do all the hardest parts of the job.
So do I. It will teach them that all of his puerile bravado means fucking nothing.
Roosh has no idea what we do here. Nor does he seem to understand how firing works. Go ahead, trump supporters, please spew racist/sexist crap in the workplace.
Wow, so all you had to do to win an argument vs Roosh was call him a racist or a sexist? And what’s his rebuttal now? “You can’t call me that because Trump is president’?
Ah Roosh, such a laughing stock that he fantasizes about people having no other choice but to listen to him.
President Obama is a class act.
I would offer him Trump something between Jack and Shit.
What exactly is that price?
@PoM: I think it’s a veiled threat.
Well, I’m certainly the sort of woman Roosh would whine about. Fat, liberal, intelligent, chill-less, and actually knows what he’s been fucking doing. Plus, I’m a minor and already all of those things. (And I pack pepper gel!)
I certainly don’t hope to encounter him, but if I do, he’s in for a rude awakening for that day. (It’ll work better than coffee could ever dream to, though.)
I am altogether unsurprised that Roosh is another reactionary who thinks that the Groper’s election will cow mincing betaboys and the alleged targets of their alleged white-knighting into silence. Not so, assholish shit-stain! shit-stained asshole!
@Laugher at Bigots
But what is the threat? Or else what? I’m having a hard time imagining what Roosh thinks is going to happen here.
the threat is that they’ll be able to beat, rape, and kill us, I’m pretty sure.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic – no, she wasn’t a friend of mine, she was a Facebook friend of one of my old high-school friends, a woman who is hispanic and disabled and who dared to post how screwed she felt she was after this election.
Enter Ms. White Woman Trump Voter, who proceeded to hijack my friend’s post, first of all chastising her for being so negative, then denying her that she had any right to feel screwed, and then proceeding to tell her own personal tale of woe that was so egregiously dripping with white privilege that, even though I tried to just ignore it, it just nagged at me and nagged at me until I decided, fuckit, and replied to her. My friend hadn’t said anything, neither had anyone else.
Well, that sure opened up a shitshow! Several people chimed in to say they agreed with me (I remind you, I was as polite as possible, I did not call her names, I just laid out everything she said in it’s decoded form). My friend IM’d me to thank me for sticking up for her, as she hadn’t known what to say.
I did continue to talk with this woman a little bit, asking her to think about some of these things, and she did end up apologizing to both me and to my friend. But still. The fact that she went from zero to Bellicose Vulgar Asshole in .009 seconds told me a lot about how defensive she felt about her own choices and how, to her, human rights for minorities is all well and good as long as white people’s needs and wants are all addressed first.
It’s gonna be a long 4 years.
David said
Don’t you mean their edgy shit-lord troll flags? *bats eyes*
Holy moley, dreemr! Literally, what the fuck?
I am so sorry you and your friend had to go through that.
That’s it.
It can take a lot of guts to confront someone, especially on facebook where everyone you know is watching. Now more than ever, we gotta make sure we send a message – we stand up for each other!
You made a lot of people feel less alone by doing that, and you also opened someones’ eyes to how terrible they were being. I really hope that they keep their eyes open, too!
You should treat yourself, you deserve it! Ya dun good.
Aw, shoot you guys, c’mon. I see you all do it all the time, it’s about goddam time I stood up and declared that “THIS is a NO ASSHOLE ZONE”.
You have all shown me how to do it effectively, and even less-than-rudely (although I realize that is not required, I try to avoid ad hominems or other rude things that make it easier to dismiss me.
Hillary has also modeled some of that gracious yet tough-as-fucking-nails behavior.
Anyway, after this election I decided I wasn’t just going to shut up and sit down and “can’t we all just get along” and be a good girl and not rock the boat. Granted, it is still tricky for me – I live in a very homogenous, very tiny rural community in a red state – but I’m tired of that schtick. Being a polite, don’t-rock-the-boat good girl got me HERE, in THIS fucked-up situation, a fascist wanna-be dictator threatening everything I hold dear, every principle I believe in.
I decided last week that I am simply not going to be quiet anymore. Roosh thinks we’re going to be cowed and whimpering, too afraid to challenge the shitlords trying to take us back to the stone age? I thought they claimed to know American women. Chumps. If they thought we were just going to lie down and take it while they rape and murder and pillage their way through the U.S., they were severely mistaken.
You dudes thought we were shrill, demanding, bossy, and independent before? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.