Grotesque pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V is thrilled to finally have someone like him on the way to the White House. That is, a fellow male human who also likes to rate women on a scale of one to ten.
You may not have realized this was an issue in the election. But to Roosh it’s apparently the most important political issue of our time. In a post on his Return of Kings site (archived here), Roosh declares:
I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude.
What’s more, Roosh exults, this manly man of a man president is also a staunch opponent of fat chicks.
“We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as ‘fat pigs,'” Roosh reminds us.
The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.
Roosh is alto thrilled that Trump was elected president even after he boasted about sexually assaulting women, suggesting to Roosh that regular dudes will soon be able to take up sexual harassment again without a fear of repercussions.
Roosh doesn’t quite phrase it like that, though.
“What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech,” Roosh asks, now that we have a president-elect who likes to brag about grabbing women by the vagina?
Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.
Now Roosh and others like him can really let their freak flags fly.
“There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before,” Roosh happily declares.
What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? …
Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly.
So now Roosh thinks that whenever he gets called out for doing or saying anything terrible in public, all the Trump-voting men in his immediate vicinity will stand ready to defend him, as if they were all members of the same gross misogynistic brotherhood.
It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid.
Roosh doesn’t care if Trump never actually changes any of the alleged anti-male laws on the books; his mere presence in the White House will enable Roosh and others like him to be the politically incorrect alpha males they were born to be.
His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. … Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left.
In your face, liberal stewers!
This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors.
My only question is this: How did Roosh get the bull in the closet with him in the first place?
Free speech has been defended.
@snork maiden
“Roosh is going to be a very sad and disappointed little boy on Christmas day.”
Why should his parents be the only ones disappointed at Christmas?
“Gross” is too nice an adjective to describe Roosh. “Repellent” and “execrable” work better.
Defending ourselves from disgusting scumbags like him are a part of how we women take of ourselves.
And his saying Cheeto Mop’s presidency is his permit to sexually assault women is yet more proof of how the campaign is based on misogyny among other bigotries.
Well, it might be a good idea to learn selfdefence….
I imagine Roosh’s parents are over their disappointment by now, after all, they have other children.
Guess what, asshole? Those same rights still apply to us.
And you will hear them, you nasty piece of shit.
I’m saying they’d kill hundreds of more important people before they scraped the barrel to Doosh and Milo, unless they’re sitting in ol’ Daddy Donald Dump’s lap at the time. Which they wouldn’t be because they aren’t important enough, no matter how much they suck up.
I mean, look at the list of people killed. You’ve got chiefs of non-Nazi political groups, physicians, doctors, lawyers, police captains, ex-SS, priests, political dissenters, and their families and friends. “Professional Bootlickers and Brown Nosers” weren’t targets. David would get killed before Doosh and Milo, everyone who’s commented on here with faint praise of Donald Dump would get killed before Doosh and Milo.
Hell, the only person that may even get Donald Dump’s eye is Milo and only because he works for Breitbart. (Can’t wait for the interview Milo is surely pining for with Donald.) Doosh isn’t worth it.
That was a lot of wasted words to show how little Doosh and Milo matter.
(But, for real, David, be careful if Donald gets in.)
I can’t track the leap he’s making here. Why are we going to suddenly have no choice but to sit down, shut up, and stew silently when our “shitlord betters” unleash their powerful non-pc speech?
I think he thinks everyone will be struck speechless from his brilliance.
Well, we usually are, but not from his brilliance, but from being flabbergasted.
Well, bunky if your “alpha-ness” is that fragile, it’s only a matter of a short time before some other perceived slight sends you into another man-crisis.
Nunh-uh, we just have the right to speak freely and to assemble publicly… THEY have the right to throw temper tantrums and hold their breath and kick their feet
What will he have to say about our very own Theresa May?! I bet he will rate her a 1 and a monster hambeast, and ask her if she’s on her period. Can’t wait to read about that meeting in the papers.
VirginMary, from what I’ve read, he and his team “have not forgotten her rude comments.”
Good gravy, that man has very thin skin.
Roosh’s politics always read like parody, and then add the fact that Roosh’s background is Iranian/Armenian, and he quickly becomes the Clayton Bigsby of Trump supporters. Like, that’s the side you’re picking? Good luck with that.
We will never simply endure you and your like, Roosh, so long as you continue to molest us and deny our bodily autonomy. You are repulsive, but we could endure that if you kept your hands to yourself. As soon as you violate our bodies we WILL fight you. We will stand up for each other. We will not cower in fear, you petulant rampallian.
Just what I was waiting for: Will Dooshy-boy respond to the election results with exactly what most people think he would say? And yes, yes he did. Good Dooshy. Let’s reward his long-knives-target-unworthiness by ignoring him until he actually commits a crime or gets another beer shower.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
I do believe you’re right, it’s just so….incroyable!
The more I read this the less it reads like triumphant celebration and the more it reads like desperate wishing against a climate of change he knows is against him.
@Bina, lovely as always. Just one correction from me:
This is why liberals and progressives win. Fascists and conservatives love their nationalism, their flag and country, but they’re just symbols – their unity is skin deep, and they’re quick to turn their teeth on anyone they don’t like. Look at how harshly many politicians were criticized for not wearing a flag pin on their lapels after 9/11!
They care about flags, borders, and anthems. We care about people. That’s why progressives always win in the end.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the alt-right trolls seem to be getting worse online; I had one tell me today that he can’t wait for Trump to throw my emotional cunt back into the kitchen where I belong.
After I stopped laughing, I asked him “What do you think Trump is going to do? Pick me up by the pussy and throw me into my own kitchen?”
He was another one that thought free speech only applies to him. I have seen more people whining after the election than before.
Talk about sore winners!
And how! It’s cause they’re not interested in compromise, they’re interested in destroying their enemies. They’re on the offensive, so there’s no reason to tone it down. The heads of the hydra are a bit more magnanimous, of course (Deportations went down from 11 million to 3 million, isn’t that great? 😮 ) because they can afford it, but the fucking piranhas want blood.
I said it in a previous thread.
When progressives helped win equal rights under the laws with LGBT folk a year ago, we all celebrated by getting married and having parties.
When conservatives and fascists won the presidency (not the popular vote of course) they all celebrated … by harassment, sexual assault, violence, and a glorification of the leader.
Given that? It’s easy as pie to see who the good guys are in this.
Hm, experiment: should mention that comparison to the next Give-Trump-A-Chance troll, see what their reaction is. Far as I’m concerned, if you look at that comparison and your reaction is “I want to support the guys who villainize the defeated”, then you sort of out yourself as a monster-in-training.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
Wow, you nailed that one. Sore winners, exactly!
I had a (woman) Trumpist freak out on me when I called her on some bullshit privilege (calmly and without swearing, I might add). She called me a “f*cking c**t” 4 times and told me “F*ck you!” 3 more – all in a two-paragraph comment on a Facebook post.
Gracious winners, indeed.
Hold on, I need to make a slight edit to an old photo I’ve posted here before.
Fair warning, you may need brain bleach after this.
That’s better.
EDIT: I tried to link it but photobucket and wordpress don’t like each other apparently. Blame Photobucket for the safety link not working.
Good grief, dreemr!
I hope she is not a friend! Holy crap!
No way would either of’em look like that, IP. You gotta work hard fo dem abs, and those guys are clearly allergic to working hard. Closest either of those two jerkoffs will ever get is a sharpie on a beer gut.