To say that the Daily Stormer’s Nazi-in-chief Andrew Anglin is excited about Trump’s electoral victory is a bit of an understatement. Anglin, one of the most influential figures in the so-called alt-right, is so overjoyed by Trump’s success that he’s … encouraging his readers to harass depressed Hillary supporters until they kill themselves.
In a post on Wednesday (archived here), Anglin pointed his readers to dozens of tweets from Hillary supporters publicly declaring themselves scared by Trump’s win.
“You can troll these people and definitely get some of them to kill themselves,” Anglin happily tells his readers.
Just be like “it’s the only way you can prove to the racists that Hillary was right all along.”
“Mass Suicides After Trump Victory” would be a headline the media would play up, but all it would do would demoralize the left even further.
Our dear old friend Matt Forney is also quite excited at the prospect of Trump-related suicides.
This guy took things a bit further.
Unfortunately, those in charge of Twitter don’t really seem to care much that their platform has become the enabler of this sort of harassment. Forney, for example, only got a brief timeout after repeatedly harassing a Republican strategist who was and is a vocal critic of Trump.
Twitter, in other words, is giving alt-right harassers the tools to be the worst human beings they can possibly be.
Wendy is in a better state here, yes….though she can still play the morbid card if it amuses her. Plus, now that she’s back in civilization, I like to think she enjoys learning and reading and so forth–resulting in research sessions with Dipper.
And then Maxwell finds them passed out in the library, surrounded by various ancient tomes that even give him a headache.
And he just leaves them some buttered toast with jam for when they wake up.
(Also, related to DS: please tell me you know about the William Carter Puzzles.)
Davis aurini also did it. He sent pictures on how to tie a noose to people who don’t like trump. I’m not saying I preferred clinton over trump, nor trump over clinton, I am not a feminist unlike you,but seriously this shit is going too far. Same would obviously be the case if clinton won and her supporters told trump supporters to commit suicide.
I also don’t get why matt forney and roosh v are verified on twitter. Are they really that influential/important? Forney has 11k followers, roosh 32k.
Finally caught up with all the threads up to here. I’m too numb and scared for all marginalized people in the US of A right now to have anything of substance to say.
(I’m sorry, I’ve always wanted to use that gif.)
I can’t believe I’ve been arguing for two days over fascism with my parents, who basically insist, without knowing the first thing thing about it, that fascism is not that bad since it’s right-wing but communism is way worse and Mussolini just wanted to build a glorious new Roman empire and was a pretty nice guy until Hitler (who was probably a socialist anyway) affected him and by the way did we mention that communism is like Hitler except worse because the left is always worse than the honest, hard-working right?
What? Trump said terrible shit and now his supporters are committing hate crimes? Well, we don’t know the whole story anyway, there could be a conspiracy, and still, a leftie would have been a worse choice because Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot and communism is bad and I say we all trust God and pray even though you are not a Christian which I will say is a hindrance to you, as is your empathy, you should learn to suppress your empathy and trust that God makes everything okay eventually and if some people do get hurt in the process, they may have deserved it because God is good and just and fair and yes, we will keep mentioning God even though you don’t believe in God because I dunno, free speech or something. Also, fuck you for not believing in God. Also also, communism is bad. Did we mention communism is bad?
*phew* Sorry for ranting. Anyway, as hollow as it sounds at this stage, I hope you are all still staying safe as best as you’re able.
Awww. Someone needs to teach them better habits. (I doubt their uncles will.)
Well, I know who WIlliam is, along with Charlie, and a vague idea of what happened to them.
I can also think how Ford and William could have some things in common; even Stan and William have some, too, in a way; and how Wendy, Abigail, Dipper and Mabel could bond; but I don’t think Maxwell and Bill would like each other much.
But, you know, scant ideas. Whispers, really.
Your parents sound like my dad, minus the religious stuff. :/ So, I’m sorry.
Bill is classed as PAC: Presumed As Canon. That is, completely annihilated.
I bring it up because William had a brother–coincidentally around you, Jack Carter–whom can be assumed to be the father of Wendy and Abigail. He’s only mentioned in 2 letters in the puzzles, but I wound up stringing together some things to make him an actual character, if only for use there. He’s a good person in general, but relies a bit too much on his brother for validation (at least, again, with what I made of him.)
I also had a thing where, before the show concluded, Maxwell was desperately trying to rekindle the relationship between the Stans.
Maxwell gets batted around a lot here….
I agree with you for the most part, but this here caught my eye and got me thinking:
You know, I’m not really sure that would actually be an issue. Everything’s possible, of course, but it is highly unlikely that it would have actually happened. I’ve been hearing the “both sides are just as bad!” rhetoric for a while now in my country’s political scene, and seriously, I’m not buying it. It’s a sentiment usually put forth by people who decide to be “neutral” as a way to feel superior to everyone else (see South Park and its supposed “neutrality” for further examples of this). Was there a large epidemic of Obama supporters telling Romney supporters to kill themselves in 2012? Anyone know of anything like that happening? There might have been some ridiculing going on, but hardly anything as malicious as what these guys are doing.
Personally, I feel the whole “kill yourselves because you lost” thing is more in line with right-wing authoritarian types, who think winning a popularity contest means that they’re right (might makes right, as they say). Paraphrasing something that someone said earlier somewhere on this very site: by and large, when progressives score a victory, they celebrate it by being happy and spreading joy, like when same-sex marriage was ruled legal and people celebrated by getting married and being all-around excellent to each other, not by telling antis to kill themselves. Most progressives are too busy being happy over a victory, however small, than bullying the opposition.
Anyway, it’s not just Clinton supporters who are targeted by these shitstains. They also victimize women and minorities regardless of vote because their president built his whole campaign around sexism, xenophobia, and general assholery, and now they think they have free reign to harass, attack, sexually assault and hurt disadvantaged groups because Trump set an example in his campaign and has not renounced this behaviour. Since Clinton, AFAIK, did not blame any of the nation’s ills on any disadvantaged group and did not make fun of them, there is just no way anything similar would have happened had she won.
Also, being an asshole to people who are born a certain way is not exactly equal to being an asshole to someone whose political stance is being an asshole to people who are born a certain way (the “you must tolerate intolerance” fallacy applies here). Telling anyone, even a Trump supporter, to kill themselves is not okay, but a marginalized person doing that to a Trump supporter is not really the same as the other way around.
Anyway, this wasn’t an attack on you or anything, you were probably just being hypothetical there, this is just something that’s been bothering me for a while. Someone tell me if I was being out of line here.
@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
Thanks. Likewise. :\
I’ve been mulling over possible ways to demonstrate to POC reasons to trust people like me who look like these asshole alt-righters…and make reparations…such as: quit with the notion that white people, specifically white men, know what’s best for POC. Acknowledge the siphoning of funds and ripping away generations of young people from neighborhoods and communities POC live in which has been going on for…well pretty much forever. Realize that being white and living in these communities doesn’t mean you ‘know what it’s like for them’ because even there we have the invisible layer of privilege to cover us like one of those thin silvery emergency blankets. Being white, poor and struggling to get by doesn’t mean that thin silvery blanket isn’t there either.
But how to do this in actions not words? Unity is important if we’re going to stand up to the alt-right, we need to do it together.
I’m asking myself this. I’m considering going to BLM protests, looking into volunteer opportunities in my area, donating to ACLU. I’m not sure what else I can do. We have to do something. This is truly frightening.
@Imaginary Petal
Your comment just made my day. 🙂
I don’t know if this has been posted before. If so, apologies. Tbh, I’m not sure if changes any minds. Trump apologists seem to be stuck in their own rationalisations, but it’s possibly easier to just post a link to this than keep banging your head against the wall and go round in circles with them.
That’s a nice read. I think “why did you vote for sexism/racism?” will be my go-to question for trump supporters who play the “I’m not racist” game. (reminds me of the two republicans on election night I saw on TV. Black, and wearing “Republicans are not racist” shirts)
@Alan Robertshaw
Thank you for that link. I’ve had the same experience, for the most part – the people in my community who voted for Trump (64%) are not actively racist for the most part. Make no mistake: this is a 98% white area and there is definitely a lot of racism but it is “undercover” as I’ve said in other threads.
But I wouldn’t say they voted for Trump *in spite* of his openly racist, sexist, and xenophobic beliefs. I think this was a feature, not a bug.
I think a lot of them actually did want Cinemax, but wanted to cloak it as wanting HBO.
I made the mistake of looking at the “Dear Liberals” posts on Twitter today. Too much spite. Too many lies. Too much smug. Too much hatred.
I’ve made chili since then. It’ll brew for another 4-5 hours and the house will smell delicious.
@Vicky P, can you share the recipe? I love collecting chili recipes, there’s so many ways to make it!
Twitter for me right now is mostly about trying to save our local Conservative party, which is having an identity crisis. The progressive wing (Yes, we have a progressive wing in our conservative party!) is getting bullied out of the party by dirty tricks from the abortion-hating, Trump-admiring wing. Of course, the outspoken voices of the progressive wing are women, who recently withdrew from the leadership race due to death threats and harassment from dudes, with none of the caucus speaking up in her support.
(My favourite part was when a so-called journalist asked her on twitter “why didn’t you speak up before quitting?” when she’d been speaking up loudly the whole time. I excorciated him for his horrible leading questions. It’s nice to have my tweets being liked and re-tweeted by half of the alberta legislature :3 tee hee)
@Scildfreja – Sure. I was worried I’d have to try to type it by hand, but luckily I found the Word document. The recipe comes from my husband’s side of the family. When he talks about a palm’s worth of ingredients, that means 1-2 tablespoons:
1 to 2 lbs coarse-ground beef or turkey
1 large onion (there is no substitute for a good 1015, but less fortunate people can whimper in envy and use a sweet onion instead)
Two 8 oz cans of pinto beans
Cilantro, fresh (to taste) – torn roughly
One chili pepper (prefer Hatch/Anaheim, but any large, dried chili pepper will work)
Cumin (to taste – I like a palm’s worth)
Chili powder (to taste – I like a palm’s worth and prefer a brand made in Texas)
1 green pepper (big ‘un)
Worchestershire sauce (to taste – three or four good shakes of the bottle will work)
Coarse-ground black pepper (to taste – I like a lot)
One can Rotel tomatoes and chilies (I’ve found the H.E.B. house brand to be good too)
Garlic (to taste – a couple of large cloves smashed up is good)
One can coarse-chopped tomatoes
Liquid smoke (just a few drops will work)
One small can tomato paste (3 oz)
Four drops each of green and red Tabasco sauces
Longhorn cheddar cheese
1. Begin browning up meat over medium heat in the biggest stewpot you have.
2. While the meat is browning, chop up the onions, green pepper, onion, and chili pepper to your liking. I like little bits for the peppers and big bits for the onion.
3. When you have the chopped stuff chopped, toss in the green pepper, onion, and chili pepper to cook.
4. Drain grease (if any) when meat is done browning.
5. Throw in everything else except the cheese.
6. Stir very thoroughly and bring up to a boil.
7. Reduce heat, cover, simmer, and stir every 15-20 minutes. Keep simmering for at least 3 hours.
8. Spoon into bowls with grated Longhorn cheddar at the bottom.
9. Add crackers or sour cream if you like them, but I like a big chunk of thick homemade bread for dipping.
@Alan and dreemr
There was a comment on the linked article that made a good point:
If people really didn’t want the racism (and other -isms) associated with a Trump presidency, why are they not out in the streets protesting now? Because it’s already happening. People are already being harassed. If they realy hate racism so much, why are they not protesting?
At best, their actions are saying that they don’t give a damn about the people that are now becoming “collateral damage” to their Make America Great Again plan. And they’re wondering that people who are part of the targeted groups are angry?!
If you aren’t a racist or sexist or homophobe, prove it. Fight what is happening now. And no, the people who suffer because you didn’t care that they might be hurt, do not have to forgive you. Not even if you fight against them being hurt now. You’re not supposed to do this in exchange for forgiveness, you’re supposed to do it because it’s the right thing to do. And if you really weren’t a racist, you’d be doing it for that reason alone.
So in the end, their “I’m not a racist” protests don’t seem too convincing. >:(
All of them. All of them wanted Cinemax. HBO was the bundled part. There are zero Trump supporters who are not white supremacists. None.
No, you don’t. You have a wing that’s been lying to themselves about whether bigotry is a package deal, and convinced themselves that they could keep the party’s bigotry more narrowly focused. Checking the Conservative Party of Canada’s policy sheet, it looks like coded classism is their big selling point, with a soupcon of ‘Fuck the First Nations’ added in. The latter really comes to the fore in the matter of the tar sands, for instance. ‘Law and Order’ is code for ‘keep the [slurs] down’ whereever you are, and sure enough, the Conservative Party loves it. Conservatism is about conserving existing patterns of privilege and oppression. That’s what it’s always been, and always will be, everywhere. There is no non-bigoted conservatism, because there can’t be.
I’m guessing the so-called ‘progressive’ wing are the ‘ fiscal conservatives‘ who insist that free markets and blah fucking blah will solve everything, and how could you ever call them bigots because they support gay marriage. But they don’t support, e.g., reparations to the First Nations, but prefer that they linger in poverty until the ‘free market’ saves them. Or doesn’t.
People see through your phoney altruism and white privilidge. You put them first while they put you last. Illegal immigration and street crime are nothing to be proud of. Enjoy bitches, your avarice and mean spirited and obtuse stubbornness, your blind support for anyone and anything subversive to our collective national interests have come home to roost. You brought this on yourselves. The reason that Truml is president is because of your pathological support of a stone cold shyster and criminal.
The really frustrating part of this is that Trump’s election win will now embolden all the xenophobic, sexist, racist assherders from other countries. This is like a plague and it is spreading.
I addressed this in another thread, but I guessed you missed it. I’ll be brief.
You’re talking about the Federal Conservatives, which are a towering pile of garbage thanks to their merger with the Reform party and the subsequent heavy influence from your Republicans. They were also pretty shitty beforehand. I hate’m with gusto.
I’m talking about the Provincial Conservatives, who have as a party platform things such as:
– Universal, free, ubiquitous health care (2.3),
– Affordable, high quality education for everyone (2.4),
– Deep and meaningful transparency (2.2),
– Social equity sufficient for everyone to live meaningful, dignified lives (2.5),
– Responsible stewardship of the environment (2.6),
– Respect for the individuality of each person (2.9),
– Openness to the contributions of all Albertans (2.10).
There are two wings in this party – the “progressive” wing, which wants to maintain and respect these above clauses, and the “conservative” wing, which wants to merge with the Republican-like, Trump-admiring Wildrose party.
Have the Alberta PCs got a shitty history, with a number of troublesome things in the very platform I quoted? Certainly. I vote NDP every time, the closest serious party we have to a Communist party. But those things up there are good, and I’ll support the people who support those things. People like Sandra Jensen are a fucking firewall against the worst excesses of the right, fighting for progressive values in the very camp of the enemy.
I’m not going to get into an argument over this with you, I’m beyond disinterested. I’ll just repeat what I said in the previous thread:
Canadians aren’t America-lite, our politics is nothing like yours, and you’re in no place to fucking judge us. I am sick to high fucking heaven of your shitty excuse for politics leaking over our border and bulldozing us, and then you have the gall to lecture us about who we are. We ain’t you, we ain’t ever been you, and I’ll bleed maple before we ever are you.
I love you Americans, really, but you can be the worst fucking neighbours sometimes.
Thanks for the Cinemax link. I like it, up to a point. A few weeks ago, I shared the bicycle analogy of race privilege on FB, and was promptly schooled by a black friend on how badly my own privilege was showing; that the analogy, no matter how well-intentioned, trivialised her everyday experience. I squirmed, apologised, and frankly haven’t stopped squirming since when I think about it. I want to do better.
The same friend spent a lot of Thursday sitting in a waiting room for an emergency appointment with her doctor (because the receptionist had fucked up the original booking), only to hear another patient mutter “bloody immigrants think they can skip the queue”. No one said anything. She was born here, as if that makes the slightest difference.
So I’m going to have a go at another analogy. I have no idea what Cinemax is (I’m at least aware of HBO, I’m not completely clueless), but I’m guessing no one – other than the Cinemax shareholders – gives a toss whether I subscribe to Cinemax or not. Although I like the bundling element in the original, we need an analogy with jeopardy attached.
America is a bus. Next to you, a couple of racist assholes are verbally abusing and groping a woman wearing a hijab. People who voted Trump aren’t the passenger who asks the driver to stop the bus and call the police, or the passenger who asks the woman if she’s alright or tells the assholes to shut up or get off the bus. They aren’t the passenger who films the whole thing and reports it to the police afterwards. They aren’t even the passenger who sits silently, terrified at drawing any attention to themselves – which is a natural response to witnessing violence, but gives the woman the message that she’s on her own and her attackers that they’re not. People who voted Trump are the passenger who gives the assholes the thumbs up as they get off the bus afterwards. It’s irrelevant that the passenger meant the thumbs up to refer to the funny Star Wars referencing (or insert other non-partisan popular culture reference of your choosing) Tshirt asshole #1 was wearing, had headphones in throughout the incident, and would never have endorsed such behaviour. The assholes take it as encouragement regardless.
And if you think any passenger in that position would feel pretty crappy when they realised, and maybe would try to do something to rectify what they’d done, this is why I like this analogy. This is why Trump voters are getting this allegation levelled at them. The racism was so blatant during the campaign, we find it difficult to believe you didn’t notice (which means it wasn’t a big enough problem for you to care – so, racist). And you don’t seem to be trying to make amends now, but are rather denying aspects of the story that happened (I just really liked the Tshirt, thumbs up means something totally different from how you’re taking it, that was just banter and she wasn’t hurt). So, racist or in deep denial. If the latter, it’s time to get past it because people are hurting.
What do you think? Does it work any better?
IDK, it looks more like the near future than an analogy.
I feel the same way. My boyfriend has a friend who does exactly this (in the smuggest, most annoy voice possible) and it’s so annoying because half the time he doesn’t know what he’s talking about (for example, he was going on and on about how Trump won because of the rural poor and the loss of manufacturing jobs and he didn’t believe me even after I explained why and even though in our area that doesn’t hold up (Trump won mostly white well off suburbs and Clinton won towns hurt the most by the loss of manufacturing jobs by the biggest margins in the state and swept the 4 most rural counties here in MA) because Obama was elected (even though the number of people who voted for Romney is close to the number who voted for Trump and Clinton won the popular vote by a higher margin than Gore did)) or are not as neutral as he thinks they are (for example, there was a Dakota access protest in our town that he made fun of because he saw the issue as futile)
I’m sorry for the rant, but sitting through hours of this last night made me grumpy
@Weatherwax – jmo, but it doesn’t seem as clear, and it starts off much more aggressively, than the Cinemax metaphor.
Mainly I think the Cinemax metaphor is to use as a more persuasive argument to white Trump supporters, so I’m not sure it has to necessarily resonate with minorities? But also, as far as persuasion goes, I don’t think claiming Trump supporters giving obviously racist behavior a thumbs up really describes the silent acceptance of racism that the Cinemax metaphor is illustrating.
Good try, just, for me, it doesn’t seem as useful as the other argument. Not disparaging you at all for it, and I’m white myself so maybe I have a huge blind spot when comparing them.
@ weatherwax
It’s probably better than my tortuous analogy that Trump voters are like people who claim to buy Playboy for the articles; except there aren’t even any articles, just the pictures.
I also have a weird one about someone stealing a lifejacket from a non swimmer versus someone setting light to the lifejacket.
I’m not sure we need analogies though. We can just say Trump voters are people who voted for someone who offered w manifesto based entirely on hate and nothing else.
In decades to come Trump voting probably will be the analogy for whenever someone does something horrible.