
ONE DAY LEFT, so here’s an accordion army playing The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown Party comes to an end today. Rest up for the big day tomorrow!

In the meantime, here’s a cat going for a walk.

H/T — Thanks to TZer0 for recommending the accordion video!


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Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

It’s almost over.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Speaking of walking cats

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


I dunno if you caught this, because I’m late on the pickup, but someone defaced the Hillary chalk. Now, the Trump chalk from before was also defaced, and turnabout may be fair play, but someone took note of a bit saying “PRO-BLACK ISN’T ANTI-WHITE” and scratched out the fuckin’ N’T.

Aside from “almost definitely white,” I’ve got nothing on whodunnit, but I find this horrifying in many senses, and also really assholish. God, some people….

8 years ago

Seriously? How can anyone think something like that? It boggles the mind.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


There are some people who look for any excuse not to lose their privilege. This has been noted again and again, and not by me–by others here in the comments section.

It’s pathetic and disgusting, but it will not change in a day.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Some people think that it’s a zero-sum game, that anything gained by a minority is something lost by the majority. That’s the whole “white genocide” argument, as I see it. Fear of the outsider coming in and destroying things, even though minorities aren’t mysterious outsiders and they aren’t gonna destroy things. It’s all overinflated by polarization and right wing talk radio-style media and hypernationalism and so many other stupid things.

Makes me upset to think about all of the cynical rich assholes who lit this fire, because it’s not the sort of thing you can put out easily.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

In any case: ladies, gents, and esteemed individuals of neither title….cross your collective fingers.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

…fasten your seat belts, take note of the emergency exits…. 😛

Weird (and tired of Milo, et. al.) Eddie
Weird (and tired of Milo, et. al.) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Troubelle, Scildfreja

CW: This post contains sarcasm, but really only slightly…

I believe that the roots of that “zero-sum” mentality are in the “arrangement” that white society forced on the former slaves after emancipation.

1) Whites will no longer hold blacks in chattel slavery, but
2) Blacks are not allowed to participate in white society in any way
3) Blacks are free to build their own society, but
4) Any non-surplus resources available to blacks will be taken by white society.

This leaves everything in the control of whites, so if blacks DO have anything, it must have either been given by whites as SURPLUS, or TAKEN FROM whites in violation of the social arrangement. We are now in a time of perceived lack of surplus (I say “perceived”, because America still has plenty, it’s just been shifted to the control of a very wealthy elite), so if blacks have anything, it must have been taken from whites. This idea can be expanded to any group that’s not cis, het, white male.

Not that any of this is actually TRUE (except maybe the attitude), but I think it explains white society’s blindness to everything except it’s own needs.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The Dow is up almost 300 points on the news that once again, the FBI didn’t find shit on Hillary Clinton. Apparently the markets are more confident she’ll win now.

8 years ago

How can anyone mention accordions without this?

8 years ago


The Dow is up almost 300 points on the news that once again, the FBI didn’t find shit on Hillary Clinton. Apparently the markets are more confident she’ll win now.

Something something Wall Street, something something Jews.

8 years ago

There is one thing that really gets my goat with this ellection cycle (being Canadian I got the same thing earlier in the year). That thing is, people bitching about folks not voting, without providing any solutions.

I don’t know of anything that could help, like ride sharing etc. But please, if anyone has/knows of any resources to help get people to vote, please share it instead of moaning about the non-voters. Not that I see much of it here, its just a pet peeve.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Yeah, I caught it 🙂
TW: vulgar racism

Good on the students confronting the racists, undoing their bullshit. It may not seem like it helps, but it does. It’s a known, psychological phenomenon that people form political views not based on sage study of the evidence but peer pressure. If everyone you know and admire thinks a thing, so will you most likely. Part of ‘fixing’ (lack of a better term) the ‘white working class’ is to make their thought processes untenable by ostracizing them in their own communities. Not the nicest way to do it, but a necessary component


cynical rich assholes who lit this fire

Fanned. The fire’s been lit for centuries…

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


Uh…you may have parsed that the wrong way, dude. The original text was, “PRO-BLACK ISN’T ANTI-WHITE.” Which is A Good, because it reinforces the notion that supporting a particular minority will not inconvenience a given majority. But someone slashed out the N’T, which gave it the opposite meaning, which is A Bad and clearly racist.

Or am I bungled? Are we both bungled?

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent (Now Mobile!)
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent (Now Mobile!)
8 years ago

also hello this is mobile trou

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Nah, I got it. I was kinda fusing the whole graffiti saga together, including the back and forth on the Clinton stuff as well as your wish to ‘reface’ this particular slice of nonsense. Bullshit fights hard when it’s cornered. It’s good we have people willing to do the cornering

Also, I just find it funny that, somewhere in central Kentucky, there’s a raging, ideological turf war, being fought with chalk. It’s quaint. And they said kids today weren’t exposed to differing opinions 😛

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent (Now Mobile!)
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent (Now Mobile!)
8 years ago


turf war

And now I’m thinking of Splatoon. Great.
(Trivia: the colour rotation in Splatoon does not contain red vs. blue because studies show that the red team has a biased win rate. Take that as you will.)

It is a bit quaint, yes…. but it is getting a bit worrying. You can draw anything with chalk, after all.

If things get bad, I’ll go out and buy a box of my own. I fancy myself….not terrible at art.

8 years ago

It isn’t almost over.
A guy told me yesterday that he believes there will be a revolution in the streets if Hillary wins. He sincerely believes she is evil and that her supporters tried to assasinste Trump. He doesn’t think he’s racist. He just thinks black people are whiny and this new generation is soft and blah blah blah…
He really isn’t as bigoted as many of the people I live around. He’s fairly cosmopolitan in comparison.
I believe she will win. I also believe that will piss off a lot of white men with guns and no love for democracy or equality. Trump’s supporters aren’t done burning churches and kicking kid’s wheelchairs.

Whatever we’re in, it’s just winding up.

8 years ago

I sincerely believe that there will be far too many incidents in the coming months, it’ll be a dark time indeed. Hopefully this is a sign of an extinction event so we can finally move past this and the cancerous root of the GOP.

8 years ago

Got my DVR stocked with some movies off of TCM for tomorrow night in case Husbeast can’t/doesn’t want to watch Once Upon a Time with me (we’re watching season 3 right now off of Netflix.)

Got a marinaded and cooked pork loin to make into something yummy for dinner and yesterday, I made oatmeal cookies with toffee bits for dessert.

Got my edible cannabis meds to keep me calm, pain-free and happy.

Other than a trip to Trader Joe’s for some sides for the pork loin, I think I’m set.

edited for tpyos

All ready for election night!

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I want everyone to know a 4 year old gave me a cold and children are the goddamn devil, especially the ones who don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.

Anyone of you that has children I consider a traitor to the cause of not making me sick.

At the very least, teach them to cover their fucking mouths.

That is all.

P.S. Children are gross, sticky, slime-covered germ buckets and I hate them.

Weird (and tired of Milo, et. al.) Eddie
Weird (and tired of Milo, et. al.) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Scildfreja

‘fixing’ (lack of a better term) the ‘white working class’

I believe these things change over generations, and they change because more and more people demand change

8 years ago

If, and only if, you aren’t stressed out enough by the election

The most dramatic 2 minutes of footage I’ve ever seen.

8 years ago

So Trump came to Minnesota yesterday to tell us Minnesotans how terrible our Somali immigrants are, and how they shouldn’t be allowed to “roam our communities”. It’s like he was talking about bears.

There are a lot of Somali people in my neighborhood, and I’d be happy for there to be more. My white non-immigrant neighbors are dealing meth in broad daylight, having screaming fights in the middle of the street, and wandering around outside in nothing but their underpants.

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