a woman is always to blame alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism evil single moms gender policing literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism women shouldn't work women's suffrage

Daily Stormer wins Nazi of the Day award with bizarre racist argument against women’s suffrage

White babies, the solution to everything? One Nazi dude says yes!
White babies, the solution to everything? One Nazi dude says yes!

One day before American voters quite possibly elect their first female president (fingers crossed), Trump supporter/Hitler fan Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has come up with a new argument as to why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or really be permitted to make any decisions at all.

Well, it’s a new argument to me, anyway, so I am hereby awarding Anglin with the prestigious Nazi of the Day award that I just made up.

As Anglin sees it,

women should have their voting rights, as well as all of their other rights, stripped from them and be forced to allow men to make every single decision for them.

And why is this? Because white women — sorry, White women — aren’t racist enough for his taste, a sorry state of affairs he blames on 1) women not having enough babies and 2) the Jews.

If it weren’t for these dastardly Jews, you see, young White women would be popping out babies to “pour their womanly affections on.”

But, alas, many of these women are choosing to wait before having all the babies. Because Jews.

We live in a Jewed-out nightmare dystopia where women are told that the only way their lives will matter is if they go pretend to be men, pay taxes and put off child-birth until their so old their eggs are dried up and no men are attracted to them.

Deprived of actual children to feel tender towards, these women (presumably Anglin means white women) end up directing their motherly instincts towards black dudes.

[T]hey have to put these womanly affections somewhere. So, onto the Negroid man-children they go.

They love this idea that they are mommies to these monkeys.

Anglin has apparently deduced all of this by watching non-baby-having women pet dogs and cats.

Watch a childless woman with a dog or cat. Watch what they do to it. It is actually bizarre, and very sad.

These women are not happy. They want babies. The female of every species wants babies. Besides eating, sleeping and keeping warm, reproduction is the most powerful human drive. Ignoring biology does not change reality.

This is a huge aspect of the female support for the [immigrant] invasion. Part of it is definitely sexual, but a big part of it is this need to take coddle things which are viewed as weak and helpless.

It we don’t do something about the out of control biological drives of women, we are utterly doomed.

Alas, Anglin laments, his plan to take away all the rights of women probably isn’t going to go anywhere any time soon. Luckily, he’s got a Plan B. B for Babies, that is.

Removing women’s right to vote is a good long-term goal, but we basically want to abolish the vote completely anyway, or at least restrict it to a very small percentage of the population (and limit its application). But an attainable goal in the now that can be achieved through basic normal policies is creating a social and economic climate where it is viable for young, fertile women to get married in their late teens or early twenties and produce children.

Anglin’s Six Point Plan for saving the world with babies involves, among other things, tax breaks for young women who have babies, the end of “no fault” divorce, and high school

sex ed courses that focus on saving virginity for marriage and paint promiscuous women as disease-ridden and miserable (this is the reality, which can be easily demonstrated with data that schools currently suppress)… .

Oh, and Anglin wants to get the pesky women out of the workplace, too, by ending

affirmative action programs for women [and] bringing back real competition instead of forcing businesses to function as charities for women who want to pretend to be men.

Donald Trump is reportedly making a list of names to fill the cabinet positions in his hypothetical administration. Maybe Anglin can get a position as Secretary of Keeping Women From Becoming Secretaries or Really Anything Other Than Baby Machines.

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

😮 I missed you up there Jamborina! Welcome to the party! Just in time for the election party too. I’m sure there’s gonna be a thread for that tomorrow. I for one will be bringing alcohol and popcorn for all. Thank you for sharing, and do contribute whenever you feel the urge 🙂

Jamborina Squib
Jamborina Squib
8 years ago

*Waves to Axecaliber & Scildfreja*

I will be watching with my dad – we’re Canadian but are generally interested in politics, and this election has been interesting to say the least. Maybe a drink or two and some leftover Hallowe’en candy.

It will also be interesting to see how the manosphere responds when Drumpf loses (please let him lose, reinforce my faith in humanity!). Thank goodness we’ve got David to help soften the blows of asshattery with humour and sarcasm. If it weren’t for that, I probably would keep my head firmly in the sand so my anxiety doesn’t trigger too badly.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I will be watching with my dad – we’re Canadian–

Can the Americans crash at your place if Trump wins?




Jamborina Squib
Jamborina Squib
8 years ago

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack

Definitely, we even have a spare room in the basement. I’ll even clean it first! I’ll just have to hide away the occasional Canadian who actually supports Trump (like my half-brother, I am so ashamed).

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I’ll even clean it first! I’ll just have to hide away the occasional Canadian who actually supports Trump

At least they can’t vote…unless they have dual citizenship, the most dangerous of Canadians.

They can vote without having anything actually effect them, like my uncle, who lives in Israel and supporting Trump. (Well, I mean, there’s effects but still.)

8 years ago

@Robert Walker-Smith

He’s really going for the hearts and minds with that rhetoric, isn’t he?.

You have to remember that in his mind, cishet white guys are the only people whose opinion matters, and this is appealing to the hearts and minds of far too many of them.

Hi! Welcome in.


The world of Andrew Anglin has no humans in it. Only the glorious state and the devils from beyond the border. No people, just flags and guns.

Hey now, be fair. Anglin pribably thinks he’s a human, and some of his associates (I hesitate to describe the people he hangs out with as friends, since I’m not at all certain that their repertoire of human interaction actually contains anything that I’d call friendship. It would mean actually trusting others, and a mindset like theirs doesn’t really lend itself to that) too; that’s why they deserve to rule all the sheep and lead them against the devils from beyond, to their greater glory.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

Can the Americans crash at your place if Trump wins?

You can come to my place and join the resistance. We have snickerdoodles!

…most dangerous of Canadians.

Ah, no, that’d either be WIlliam Shatner or Christine “Moose” McGlade.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Waiting for the results of our territorial election at the moment. Yukon Party (right wing) seems to be lagging behind the Liberals. Wish the NDP were doing better. We’ll see, it’s early in the counting yet.

So I’m hiding out here. LOL! Good luck tomorrow, USA! Any Alaskans are welcome. 🙂

8 years ago

Ah, yes. It’s dudes like these that make my childfreedom as a lily-white, blond haired, blue eyed woman of german descent all the more sweet. I get to avoid raising any squawking brats AND I get to piss off bigots. Win-win.

8 years ago

Devils from beyond…you mean like zombies who were devil-worshippers before dying and coming back zombie?

Aliens? From galaxies far far away?

And sheep deserve to be herded/owned/looked after by a much better sort of people than Anglin and the alt-whinnnnnneeeeee.

8 years ago

You know, I’m starting to think that nazis just don’t have a very good understanding of people.

8 years ago

Hello. Long time lurker first time commenter.

I need to vent cause this guy, what a trip this guy is huh?

[T]hey have to put these womanly affections somewhere. So, onto the Negroid man-children they go.

They love this idea that they are mommies to these monkeys.

Pardon me asshat but my black partner isn’t a monkey nor a bub. He’s a grown man with dreams, aspirations and more heart and soul than you’ve got mate. If I was treating him like you’d say he’d have dumped my white arse ages ago and rightfully so. He hates being coddled and loves honesty and enjoys having someone to talk to and treat him like a person. Something you like to remain willfully ignorant about.

These women are not happy. They want babies. The female of every species wants babies. Besides eating, sleeping and keeping warm, reproduction is the most powerful human drive. Ignoring biology does not change reality.

I don’t want kids. Look I think they’re cute and all but hearing one cry or scream or whine makes me grit my teeth and I have try not to lash out. I’m not fit to be a parent and I’d rather just offer a helping hand to others. Plus my family history is kind of garbo genetics wise… My Partner doesn’t want any either. He’s happy being an uncle and again helping out.

You need patience, time, space, understanding, compassion, and a truck load of other stuff to raise a kid and while I’ve got compassion I crack under pressure and I don’t wanna end up having a kid who grow up wondering why was mum such a jerk all the time to me?
Kids aren’t robots you can program and make you obey every command. They aren’t trophies nor the bane of society because spending money, time etc they are human beings with thoughts and feelings.

Turning white women into nothing more than broodmares for uber strong white guys to herd up and dominate ain’t going to fix anything. Nor your gross fantasies about killing off Jews and Muslims either. Nor screwing over black people because you could care less about them and maybe going “Hang on maybe these folks are alright and maybe this idea is really, really terrible?” Nah kill ’em all and let God roast them amiright?

Folks like him are the reason why I don’t care what happens to grown Nazis. Maybe the odd one will gain some common sense and reject this toxic, dangerous way of thinking but for many they’ll end up rotting in jail, bitter and miserable for acting upon their hateful urges and hopefully never get out again.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

Oh, golly gosh, Mister Anglin! I didn’t know you knew what I wanted all this time was babies! That’s so weird!

Because as far as I know, I never fucking wanted anything occupying my uterus, even when I had one! How strange is that?

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

@ Catalpa

Ha! I know that feeling. Really, that’s the only perk of being close to the physical female ideal as defined by the Nazis*. It doesn’t nearly make up for having to go through life (or rather, youth) as a creep magnet, or the super gross self image people were trying to inculcate me with when I was growing up. But I’ll take what I can get: slightly increased ability to upset assholes just by living my life as best as I can and exercising my autonomy.

*ok, so yes, it coincides with many, many different kinds of privilege. But I can’t think of a single one for which it’s actually necessary to match Nazi fantasy quite this closely, that is to say, that wouldn’t apply to any young apparently healthy white cis woman** of average conventional attractiveness.

** I’m not a cis woman, or any kind of woman. It’s not really relevant here, but it’s a bit uncomfortable to imply I am one so I prefer not to, whenever possible.

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

Yeah, tell me how that works out for you, Anglin.

@impatiens: You think this bozo knows that worker and soldier ants and bees are females? I’d say he probably gets all his ideas of eusocial insects from Dreamworks’ Antz, except even that film might be out of his intellectual league.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago


I can’t get over how he seems to think women are squeeing over all the adorable cuddly immigrants and collecting them like Beanie Babies.

Obviously any calm, rational human sees immigrants as ravening bloodthirsty hellbeasts from the foulest cesspools of outer perdition.

Anglin seems to have a little black and white view on how white women vs. white men generally view immigration.

I guess for “men” he primarily thinks his neonazi buddies, being socially estranged from everyone else.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I’d say he probably gets all his ideas of eusocial insects from Dreamworks’ Antz, except even that film might be out of his intellectual league.

I can’t see this guy sitting through a movie where the bad guy is a sexist genocidal eugenicist who gets his ass thoroughly stomped, the good guys are saved through the power of teamwork COMMUNISM and – worst of all – the lowly feeemales are in charge.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Antz would have been a better movie if it had more closely mimicked a real ant colony. Picture it: because the males are cared for without being required to work, they get it into their heads that they are the colony’s leaders. They try to overthrow the queen. The workers (all female natch) stop them and inform them that they are just short-lived freeloaders who aren’t needed, and they are booted out of the colony to fend for themselves in a world rapidly cooling into winter.

8 years ago

@ Aunt Podger

Ah, no, that’d either be WIlliam Shatner or Christine “Moose” McGlade.

Wait, is Shatner dangerous? I thought he was just funny in a bit of a sad way.

(If this is just a regular Shatner joke, I’m sorry to ask, but I haven’t been following anything he’s been doing since the wedding invitation boogaloo, and as a Trekkie I’d be slightly uncomfortable to learn that I’d been spared his murky secrets.)

8 years ago

To all the USA-ians

Vote – vote -vote like a baby stoat
comment image

8 years ago

Ooh, this reminds me that we had the cutest little fluffybutt at the clinic this weekend. When we were examining her much-larger son, she insisted on being on the table so she could get some human attention too. If she wasn’t being scritched she let out the most pitiful little meows. Stayed friendly through her exam, too, except that after the thermometer her tail stayed down.

Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
8 years ago

OT but still important.

I HAVE VOTED. I look forward to welcoming our new feminazi overlord.

8 years ago

Has anyone else noticed how jealous these dudes are of women’s pets?

8 years ago

My last kitty let the vet take her temperature as many times as he wanted to, feed her wet cat food by hand, pretty much anything…I think she luuuuuuuuuuurved him, but it might have been because he freed her from the torturous kitty jail box I put her in to ride in the car. I locked her up (for my safety and hers on car trips!) and he set her kitty-ness free. 😛

Those car rides it was like I had a cat-siren – the volume of her yowls would peak right as we pulled into the parking lot of the vet’s office, to be fair it was either for vacs or she wasn’t feeling well when we made those trips but the plaintive yowling was hard to bear (the sad feels) and LOUD.

*I can’t say I’ve met anyone or any creature who likes the thermometer in their tush. If I had a tail and endured the thermometer, I’d keep it down (the tail) thereafter too!

8 years ago

How would he know a woman he sees playing with a pet has kids?

I have four kids, three cats and two dogs. I baby talk the critters and fuss over them all the time. It’s fun and the adorable stinky babs love it.

These creepy racists fail so spectacularly at empathy and logic.