One day before American voters quite possibly elect their first female president (fingers crossed), Trump supporter/Hitler fan Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has come up with a new argument as to why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or really be permitted to make any decisions at all.
Well, it’s a new argument to me, anyway, so I am hereby awarding Anglin with the prestigious Nazi of the Day award that I just made up.
As Anglin sees it,
women should have their voting rights, as well as all of their other rights, stripped from them and be forced to allow men to make every single decision for them.
And why is this? Because white women — sorry, White women — aren’t racist enough for his taste, a sorry state of affairs he blames on 1) women not having enough babies and 2) the Jews.
If it weren’t for these dastardly Jews, you see, young White women would be popping out babies to “pour their womanly affections on.”
But, alas, many of these women are choosing to wait before having all the babies. Because Jews.
We live in a Jewed-out nightmare dystopia where women are told that the only way their lives will matter is if they go pretend to be men, pay taxes and put off child-birth until their so old their eggs are dried up and no men are attracted to them.
Deprived of actual children to feel tender towards, these women (presumably Anglin means white women) end up directing their motherly instincts towards black dudes.
[T]hey have to put these womanly affections somewhere. So, onto the Negroid man-children they go.
They love this idea that they are mommies to these monkeys.
Anglin has apparently deduced all of this by watching non-baby-having women pet dogs and cats.
Watch a childless woman with a dog or cat. Watch what they do to it. It is actually bizarre, and very sad.
These women are not happy. They want babies. The female of every species wants babies. Besides eating, sleeping and keeping warm, reproduction is the most powerful human drive. Ignoring biology does not change reality.
This is a huge aspect of the female support for the [immigrant] invasion. Part of it is definitely sexual, but a big part of it is this need to take coddle things which are viewed as weak and helpless.
It we don’t do something about the out of control biological drives of women, we are utterly doomed.
Alas, Anglin laments, his plan to take away all the rights of women probably isn’t going to go anywhere any time soon. Luckily, he’s got a Plan B. B for Babies, that is.
Removing women’s right to vote is a good long-term goal, but we basically want to abolish the vote completely anyway, or at least restrict it to a very small percentage of the population (and limit its application). But an attainable goal in the now that can be achieved through basic normal policies is creating a social and economic climate where it is viable for young, fertile women to get married in their late teens or early twenties and produce children.
Anglin’s Six Point Plan for saving the world with babies involves, among other things, tax breaks for young women who have babies, the end of “no fault” divorce, and high school
sex ed courses that focus on saving virginity for marriage and paint promiscuous women as disease-ridden and miserable (this is the reality, which can be easily demonstrated with data that schools currently suppress)… .
Oh, and Anglin wants to get the pesky women out of the workplace, too, by ending
affirmative action programs for women [and] bringing back real competition instead of forcing businesses to function as charities for women who want to pretend to be men.
Donald Trump is reportedly making a list of names to fill the cabinet positions in his hypothetical administration. Maybe Anglin can get a position as Secretary of Keeping Women From Becoming Secretaries or Really Anything Other Than Baby Machines.
It’s so bizarre to me that these men want women to go out and have more (white) babies, but they don’t give a rat’s ass about the children once they’ve been born, just like most anti-choicers and male politicians.
They don’t give a rat’s ass about children, or the care thereof, until they become “productive” members of society (or the military, but then no person in power seems to gives a fuck what happens to soldiers after they come home, or if they come home at all).
For all Anglin’s talk about “women need to care for babies” he certainly doesn’t seem to want to facilitate the necessary economic expansions for it to happen. If every woman dropped out of the workforce to solely care for children, that would be a significant chunk of the current workforce, even if it was just American white women.
The economy wouldn’t be able to handle that without a hell of a lot of retooling, especially for social safety nets for things like welfare (what if the father dies or goes into the hospital or can’t pay the bills?), or social security (what happens once these children leave the nest and Mamma and Papa are too old to work anymore?), or any other social safety net.
And we would also have to raise the minimum wage (or effectively lower the cost of living) so people could get by living on one (or in a strenuous scenario, two) paychecks that only the (preferrably white) father would bring in. Even in the grand ol’ 1950’s that so many of these kinds of people worship (most of them without living through it), the cost of living and wages were balanced enough that most upper-middle class families could get by with one paycheck.
But, as most people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about would tell you, that was only upper-middle to upper class families, and not the working, blue-collar class or even the poor. Those people had to have women working, or else they couldn’t make ends meet.
It’s so fucking baffling to me how many blind spots this plan has and how obviously silly and undoable it is. Anglin’s literally working on a hope and a prayer that someday women won’t be able to participate in his “man’s world”.
Of course, if I were ever dealing with a man who wanted to make all my decisions for me, I’d be petty as fuck and ask him before I do anything at all, just to see how quickly he gets fed up with it. :3
“Honey, what color nail polish should I use?”
“Dearest, should I get up from the couch now?”
“Darling, should I do the dishes?”
“Love, should I breathe today?”
I hear this argument A LOT from the alt-right.
That and women are irrational and they “vote for leftists”.
Want to see the most absurd alt-right forum masking itself as a science forum (well, it’s HBD, which is a racist concept) you will find it on http://www.forumbiodiversity.com
That place is such a sesspool
It was a joke, albeit a strange one that was probably only funny to me.
Still. You must have gone through some effort to retrieve that from the belly of the blockquote mammoth.
It always cracks me up that they think that. It’s actually quite rational for women (or any other group that’s been marginalized) to vote for candidates who don’t promise to oppress them. What rational reason has the alt-right ever given me to vote for their preferred candidates? Other than “because I said so?” I can’t say I fill out ballots with the priorities of dudes who hate me and many other people I care about in mind. Why the fuck should I?
Oh, I see what you mean!
Yeah, I was horrified to look back and see that everything was in a block quote. I had to hurryupandfixit.
Actually, it’s not bizarre or sad at all! It’s a lot more fun than holding a baby. I don’t like holding babies, because I’m unmaternal that way. I do love holding kitties. Kitties PURR.
NOPE. I’m nearing the end of my reproductive years, and I could not be more relieved at the prospect of no more chance of pregnancy, EVER AGAIN. No babies for me; I even had my tubes tied, and no regrets.
This is so fucking clueless I don’t even know where to start. (A) it’s not an “invasion”, you dolt; (B) no, it’s not “definitely sexual”, it’s NOT FUCKING SEXUAL AT ALL, it’s just human nature to want to help other humans when you see them suffering; (C) “coddle things”? Fuck off, you moron, people are not “things”.
Work on your own, Anglin, you fucking wanker. You are so obsessed with that sad, droopy thing in your pants that you’re doomed to a life of Teh Stoopid. Women don’t owe the whole idiotic concept of “race” a goddamned thing.
Speaking of pets, Titania spent a good hour or so laying on my chest. And Alley is hogging my blanket. I’m not very good at pretending to be annoyed.
@Handsome Jack
I would love to hear his explanation for the eusocial insects where a lot of the females don’t reproduce at all. Oh, and all the males are haploid.
All I could think of was this:
Alright I don’t know how I keep screwing up my YouTube links but it’s the scene from It’s a Wonderful Life when George learns Mary’s terrible fate… As an unmarried librarian! Gasp! Shock! Horror!
All I’ll say about this jerkbutt is that his arguments are the most blatant argument from i-really-really-want-things-to-be-how-i-want-them I’ve ever seen. That’s pretty much the level of argument I’ve come to expect from him and those like him.
He’s really going for the hearts and minds with that rhetoric, isn’t he?
My younger sister is child free by choice, and I’ve never had the slightest clue that she regrets that choice. She’d probably be flattered that an ambulatory fistula like Anglin disapproved.
One out of two “their”s, not bad Anglin. Perhaps you should go back to elementary/primary school where you obviously failed science and possibly English. I mean really, just look at seahorses, which most children know that the male is the baby-making machine.
Yes, I know those would be high school courses, just bear with me here :p
Better lay off the Trump speeches, Anglin, they’re affecting your vocabulary! As well as your habit for run-on sentences. And the content of your message.
My god…
Could Andrew Anglin be a sockpuppet? A false identity used by The Donald to spread his bizarre conspiracy theories and undiluted Nazism over the internet? The possibilities abound!
I’m pretty sure that ending no-fault divorce would reduce the number of people getting married… unless one also made marriage a virtual economic necessity. And increase the amount of cheating within the marriages which do occur.
A lot of highly patriarchal cultures mostly see women as the means to produce the next generation of men. I bet that’s what’s going through Anglin’s head here.
S’funny. I turn 42 on sunday and have never had cause to regret not having kids (although I am finally a doting auntie now!). Also my cat looks after me, he’s been very sweet while I shake off this mild flu/chest cold. Also my sister who has a kid has a cat, my mum who had three kids has two cats, my other sister who hasn’t had kids yet but might in the future has two cats. I don’t think there is a correlation between loving a cat (or dog) and not loving a kid.
I really hate these arseholes, but what I hate even more is how their words twist a little into my gut.
This summer, I was confirmed to be going through early menopause, and having no children, this means my chances are at zero now to have my own. I’ve even asked myself the things these schmucks say, “Did I waste my years/opportunity?” The thing is, I wasn’t in a good place for the longest time, and it’s ironic that for the first in a long time, I’m mentally doing well and actually have a significant other who I started dating this year, who was there for every step of my diagnosis, and who has decided he loves me more than the desire to have a biological child. (Of course, shitheads like Angling would probably think that’s a good thing since I’m white and my boyfriend isn’t.) We have talked on this and many other things – a more equal relationship than I ever thought I could have – and will adopt one day when our relationship progresses to a more permanent level.
So yeah, fuck these guys. Fuck them for reducing us to a uterus (whether or not as women we even have one). Fuck them for pigeonholing us and trying to tell us what we can and can’t do. Fuck them for preying on the doubts we do have and twisting them to their fucked up ideals.
(Sorry for this being my first post, gang, but it hit too close to home and I needed to vent. *Waves*. Long-time reader since the blog was called Manboobz.)
Um, if that were the case, we’d be having them. Duh. Amazing how some people can’t separate reality from their own wishful thinking.
Nope, Minister of Propaganda… or, in a more Trumpf-ian world, Secretary of Education. No, for all they whine about the Department of Education, they’re not going to eliminate it, they’re going to co-opt it for their “re-education of the masses” program.
I appreciate the opportunity to come here and see these fools mocked for their completely disconnected from reality world view, (and I dislike damping the mellow), but I never want to underestimate how dangerous these people really are, if given political power.
Perhaps the writer might benefit from reading Martin Buber, problematic as he can sometimes be. To have an Ich-Du relationship with a sentient being is by no means “sad,” nor is it “bizarre.” Nor, frankly, do I care if people think it is.
@Snowberry, that’s exactly what’s going on in his head. Women are there to raise the next generation of men, and that’s it.
And not even, really. Women aren’t raising a generation of people, they’re raising soldiers and workers. Muscle and sinew of the State, so that it can wage glorious war against its neighbours, crush them, and enslave them.
The world of Andrew Anglin has no humans in it. Only the glorious state and the devils from beyond the border. No people, just flags and guns.
Perhaps I have drunk too much tonight!
If you have drunk too much, it’s clearly made you even more eloquent than usual – that seems like an excellent summary to me!
That is what happens to me when I drink. The inhibitors come off and I turn into a salubrious autothesaurus. It’s literally the worst kind of dinosaur.
It’s pretty hilarious the way these guys claim to be “rational” by simply declaring their preferences to be the definition of logical, without any attempt at reasoning.
Yeah, he’s Trumpin’ up a storm here.
I can’t get over how he seems to think women are squeeing over all the adorable cuddly immigrants and collecting them like Beanie Babies.
Obviously any calm, rational human sees immigrants as ravening bloodthirsty hellbeasts from the foulest cesspools of outer perdition.
*waves back* Hiya, I’m Axe! You probably already know where the welcome package is. I wanna thank you for sharing your story, and wish you and your fella all the best. And don’t be a stranger, eh? 🙂