a woman is always to blame alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism evil single moms gender policing literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism women shouldn't work women's suffrage

Daily Stormer wins Nazi of the Day award with bizarre racist argument against women’s suffrage

White babies, the solution to everything? One Nazi dude says yes!
White babies, the solution to everything? One Nazi dude says yes!

One day before American voters quite possibly elect their first female president (fingers crossed), Trump supporter/Hitler fan Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has come up with a new argument as to why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or really be permitted to make any decisions at all.

Well, it’s a new argument to me, anyway, so I am hereby awarding Anglin with the prestigious Nazi of the Day award that I just made up.

As Anglin sees it,

women should have their voting rights, as well as all of their other rights, stripped from them and be forced to allow men to make every single decision for them.

And why is this? Because white women — sorry, White women — aren’t racist enough for his taste, a sorry state of affairs he blames on 1) women not having enough babies and 2) the Jews.

If it weren’t for these dastardly Jews, you see, young White women would be popping out babies to “pour their womanly affections on.”

But, alas, many of these women are choosing to wait before having all the babies. Because Jews.

We live in a Jewed-out nightmare dystopia where women are told that the only way their lives will matter is if they go pretend to be men, pay taxes and put off child-birth until their so old their eggs are dried up and no men are attracted to them.

Deprived of actual children to feel tender towards, these women (presumably Anglin means white women) end up directing their motherly instincts towards black dudes.

[T]hey have to put these womanly affections somewhere. So, onto the Negroid man-children they go.

They love this idea that they are mommies to these monkeys.

Anglin has apparently deduced all of this by watching non-baby-having women pet dogs and cats.

Watch a childless woman with a dog or cat. Watch what they do to it. It is actually bizarre, and very sad.

These women are not happy. They want babies. The female of every species wants babies. Besides eating, sleeping and keeping warm, reproduction is the most powerful human drive. Ignoring biology does not change reality.

This is a huge aspect of the female support for the [immigrant] invasion. Part of it is definitely sexual, but a big part of it is this need to take coddle things which are viewed as weak and helpless.

It we don’t do something about the out of control biological drives of women, we are utterly doomed.

Alas, Anglin laments, his plan to take away all the rights of women probably isn’t going to go anywhere any time soon. Luckily, he’s got a Plan B. B for Babies, that is.

Removing women’s right to vote is a good long-term goal, but we basically want to abolish the vote completely anyway, or at least restrict it to a very small percentage of the population (and limit its application). But an attainable goal in the now that can be achieved through basic normal policies is creating a social and economic climate where it is viable for young, fertile women to get married in their late teens or early twenties and produce children.

Anglin’s Six Point Plan for saving the world with babies involves, among other things, tax breaks for young women who have babies, the end of “no fault” divorce, and high school

sex ed courses that focus on saving virginity for marriage and paint promiscuous women as disease-ridden and miserable (this is the reality, which can be easily demonstrated with data that schools currently suppress)… .

Oh, and Anglin wants to get the pesky women out of the workplace, too, by ending

affirmative action programs for women [and] bringing back real competition instead of forcing businesses to function as charities for women who want to pretend to be men.

Donald Trump is reportedly making a list of names to fill the cabinet positions in his hypothetical administration. Maybe Anglin can get a position as Secretary of Keeping Women From Becoming Secretaries or Really Anything Other Than Baby Machines.

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8 years ago

“The People don’t behave according to the Theory; thus we have to change the People!” …sums up his justification for his call to let men make choices for women. Like everyone he has pre-concieved notions of what women are like, but unlike you or me, he doesn’t let reality get in the way of his grand ideas.

8 years ago

What fucking planet is this guy from? Seriously. What kind of man would WANT to make every decision for the women in his life? Who could be bothered?

I love babies – adore them – but am not able to have them. I also love animals, and am – amazingly – able to tell the difference between my cat and my baby niece.

I cast my vote for Hillary last week. Early voting DOES rule. When do the taco trucks arrive?

8 years ago

These women are not happy. They want babies. The female of every species wants babies.

If ignorance is bliss, this guy is fuckin ecstatic.

Among my friends, I have three who are straight, white, cisgendered women who, like me, are childless by choice. All four of us are married and none of us are unhappy. Mind reading fail, Mr. Nazi-of-the-Day! Perhaps it’s time to order another pamphlet off of a bubble-gum comic.

I also doubt that he can read the minds of other species.

Hey, Bananana dakry! Long time, no see.

8 years ago

“The reality, which can be easily demonstrated with data that schools currently suppress.”
Funny how all the “data” that would so easily demonstrate whatever these nutbags believe is always being suppressed by somebody. If it ain’t the Commies, or the CIA, or the UN, or the Illuminati, it’s “the schools.”

8 years ago

I work with six childless women. What they do with dogs and cats is vaccinate them, bandage them, bathe them, draw blood from them and, sometimes, help neuter them. These are all normal medical procedures and not bizarre or sad. Sometimes they are hilarious (see: cat that launched like a rocket when the clippers were turned on).

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


whatever these nutbags believe

Comments policy. Thanks

8 years ago

Nice pic of Hitlery at 4 years old. Good work digging that up from the buried pile of feces.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


I’m glad you voted with your conscience, oh Enlightened One.

8 years ago

OK, prior was just for fun, but on a serious note: I’m against the entrenched political establishment that has screwed this country over for their own benefit, both Dem’s and Rep’s – if you can’t see that, then you are politically ignorant.

Best, to a non-socialist future.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


The important thing is that you feel superior to both.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

I’m against the entrenched political establishment that has screwed this country over for their own benefit, both Dem’s and Rep’s


And what did you do to change that? Vote for Trump? Vote for a third party candidate? Didn’t vote?

When everything you do against the establishment is work within the establishment, you don’t change anything.

But as Makroth said, at least you can look down on others and be content with that.

The Real Cie
8 years ago

I think the utter wing-nuttery of this made my head spin around at a high rate of speed. I now need to go retrieve it from the laundry hamper.

Steven Dutch
Steven Dutch
8 years ago

The baby Hitler looks like a picture that once ran in The Onion, with the caption “Anne Geddes Starting to Lose it.”

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