aggrieved entitlement alt-right antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies milo misogyny trump

Breitbart’s Milo Y: “We need to make America hate again”

Milo, saying something terrible

We haven’t heard much from Breitbart “journalist” and self-proclaimed “supervillain of the Internet” Milo Yiannopoulos since he was booted off of Twitter. Sad!

But he’s kept himself busy with his Dangerous F****t “lecture” tour of American campuses, delivering deliberately offensive speeches in hopes of ginning up controversy and garnering publicity for himself.

Alas, I am going to add another dollop of free publicity to Milo’s publicity pile.

And why is that? Because in a recent speech at Ohio State University, Milo declared himself in favor of hate.

In a rambling monologue filled with Trumpian talking points and endless stale jokes about his (Milo’s) oft-professed love of sex with black men, Milo rhapsodized about the sheer manly masculinity of Donald Trump, the man Milo has nicknamed “daddy.”

“Daddy will restore strength and masculinity as a virtue in America,” Milo declared.

No, he really said that.

We’ve had enough nurturing, we’ve had enough coddling, we’ve had enough safe spaces: we need to make America hate again.

And how do you do this? With a lot of “tough love.”

“What Donald Trump will really do is bring tough love back into vogue,” Milo declared, according to the transcript of his remarks posted on Breitbart.

Apparently his version of tough love involves a lot of yelling and crawling through the dirt.

My legions of veteran and active duty fans know a thing or two about tough love. They got it in boot camp and it turned them into men. …

Think about some of your fellow college students. Surely everyone in this room knows someone that by age is a young man or woman, but acts like a child. America is turning into a nation of crybabies … .

You mean like all those guys who got so mad about Lady Ghostbusters that they complained that the film had “raped” their childhood memories? You mean like the presidential candidate who has cried “foul” and “rigged” every time some new awful revelation about his awful self hits the news and knocks his poll numbers down?

You mean like the journalist who demanded that the White House do something about him losing his “verified” checkmark on Twitter?

Oh, wait, Milo probably isn’t referring to any of these crybabies, because Milo is all of these crybabies rolled into one. Milo helped to inspire a massive harassment campaign against comedian/actress Leslie Jones for the crime of appearing in a Ghostbusters reboot while female and black. Milo decries the alleged “rigging” of the election as petulantly as Trump himself does.

And, yes, when Milo was lucky enough to get himself into a White House press briefing this spring, he complained to press secretary Josh Earnest that “my verification check [on Twitter] was taken away for making fun of the wrong group of people.”

It was a tragedy of roughly the same magnitude as the confiscation of Richard Dawkins’ tiny pot of honey by airport security, even though he didn’t look like a terrorist!


As Milo sees it, only a giant infusion of manly masculinity can save “the Cis-Hetero-Patriarchy, or as we used to call it, civilization … .”

Apparently, this manly masculinity is inversely proportional to the tendency of grown men to suck their thumbs.

Back before our civilization despised itself, we applauded tough men. But you can’t produce tough men – or honorable women – without tough love. If you want to keep civilization, you better start by insisting that boys grow up, instead of trying to infantilize them so they’re afraid to stop sucking their thumbs.

I can’t imagine Donald Trump sucking his thumb, except perhaps after a Zinger Tower Burger.

I can, alas, and now that you mention it I can’t get that image out of my mind.

In case you, dear reader, are not so great at visualization, perhaps this badly photoshopped picture I found on the internets will help.

He's got the best thumbs. Truly stupendous thumbs.
He’s got the best thumbs. Truly stupendous thumbs.

You’re welcome!

H/T — GamerGhazi

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8 years ago

@Axe: Is that quote from The Great Dictator?

8 years ago

Humor from the Borowitz Report — this “news” is only slightly stranger than the real news

F.B.I. Regretfully Announces That Hillary Committed No Crimes

Calling the discovery that Clinton could not be prosecuted for wrongdoing “probably the darkest hour of my career at the F.B.I.,” Comey said that he would try to move on from what he called “a shattering disappointment for me personally.”

Putin Appears with Trump in Flurry of Swing-State Rallies

Infused with a sense of urgency as Election Day nears, the Trump campaign has enlisted President Vladimir Putin, of Russia, to appear with the Republican nominee in a dizzying array of swing-state rallies over the weekend.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


I….I want to say thanks for putting up with me since we started bouncing off each other here. We’ve both got our stakes on this election, and we’ve both been watching intently….but we’ve had time to sorta get on the other’s wavelength.

It’s a little silly, but I like knowing that people put up with me.

@everybody else

Also thanks for the same reasons.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
8 years ago

How can you not imagine Trump sucking his thumbs? Seems like a pretty easy thing to imagine since his hands are the same size as a baby’s.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Tiny pot of honey, eh? Is airport security run by Heffalumps and Woozles these days?

8 years ago

Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos burns Pride flag in vile election ad

Welp, he’s entitled to express himself whatever way he wants. Even flag-burning’s allowed.

However, he’s not entitled to sulk and pout when nobody he wants to fuck wants anything to do with him anymore. Because THEY have a right to express themselves, too, and “fuck you” is about as expressive as it gets.

8 years ago

No one is allowed to take more than 3.4 oz of liquid on a plane, but Dawkins feels like he should be exempt from this rule because he feels like he doesn’t look like a terrorist.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Well, shucks and a half, kid! That’s sweet, but I actually like you. It ain’t a ‘put up with’ situation. We’re buddies! I’ll still take the “thanks” tho ?

8 years ago

“Hate again?” Milo, you stupid twink, I never stopped hating you.

Too bad a bucket of pig blood was never dropped on Milo’s head at any of his one-man freak shows.

He has nothing valuable or productive to offer humanity (aside from cheap laughs at his expense), so he’ll try so hard to dumb it down. Just look at his braindead fans.

By the way, what happened to all that “charity” money he embezzled?

Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
8 years ago

“We need to make America hate again.” Why? It’s not like the US ever stopped. I mean, the Westborough Baptist Church? KKK? They’re alive and well, AFAIK.

Milo Y is like the Jew Police. He thinks if he makes like a good little Trumpson, he’ll be safe, but it only means he’ll be slaughtered a little later than his fellow degenerates.

Then again: It’s not like the average Trumpson (or daughter, I suppose) is going to be all that much better off, in the end. If Trump should win, he’s only going to make them poorer, to make himself and his ilk richer.

@ Axe: That movie is fantastic. The scene with the globe is nothing short of chilling.

8 years ago

Oh, and Axe’s quote is from The Great Dictator; I checked. Fantastic movie, by the way. The scene with the globe is nothing short of chilling.

other then Charlie Chaplains speech at the end I think the scene with the globe is only part of the movie I’ve seen. wonderfully choreograph ,but yes,chilling.

Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
8 years ago

@ Fabe: The rest of the movie is well worth a watch. Then again, Chaplin’s movies in general are well worth a watch. Also, I tried to edit the last line, since I got ninjaed by none other than Axecalibur himself.

8 years ago

…Is the header image giving anyone else tryphophobic jitters?

I mean, I get that this blog isn’t a safe place, and me feeling itchy and kinda wigged out isn’t really comparable to having to deal with reading misogynistic rapey rhetoric while being a survivor, but… if it bothers other people, could we perhaps not have image manips like this one again?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


At least he admited he wasn’t bothered by the rules until they effected him. I think. I admit, I was too busy with my eyes aching from all the rolling.

Also, question for those who’s know: Is that how the God Delusion is written? Because, if it is, no fucking wonder people who love it sneer and look down their noses at religious people. You’d have to really want to be a hoity-toity fucker to deal with a whole book’s worth of THAT.


They make me feel uncomfortable, too, although the ones with Roosh and Trump make me the most uncomfortable, but I think that bit has to do with more of the person than the effects on the pictures.

8 years ago


Legions, huh? Is that the French Foreign Legion? Or a unit of men in the ancient Roman army? Or somethingsomething?

Possibly the American Legion, who tend to range from right to alt-right, although apparently a number of them take issue with Trump’s personality. Maybe some shitlord (hey, if they wanna be called that, I actually have no objection…) with an unusually strong grasp of history has resurrected the Silver Legion. So that makes two legions, although not ones I’d want to be associated with.

Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
8 years ago

@ Kat & Dalillama: Maybe what that demon in Ghost Rider turns into at the end of the movie? “They call us Leeegion … for we are maaaaany.”

8 years ago

Uncle Toms, no matter which form I can’t help but feel equal parts disgusted and disappointed. FBI director you shame your country by basically allowing yourself to become a fascist and you shame your organization. And that last one, ugh I keep trying to avoid cold war bigotry but seriously you employ a literal dictator and think that’s somehow going to keep everyone from thinking you are somehow not a puppet of Russia or more desirable?
@Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Well I hope we can keep making you feel welcome here.

Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

Huh. I was hoping that between learning that the alt right really does despise half-Jewish gay men, and the reality that “Daddy” is highly unlikely to win the presidency, li’l Milo might have taken some time off to reflect on his life choices.

Silly me.

8 years ago

Hell, they put up with me, don’t they? Speaking as part of everyone else, you’re welcome as far as I’m concerned.

8 years ago

@ Catalpa
The picture does give me some of the feels that pictures intended to trigger trypophobia often give me, but I’m not really trypophobic, so that may not be helpful knowledge.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ catalpa

Is the header image giving anyone else tryphophobic jitters?

I do find myself scrolling rapidly past it. The weird thing is I’d never heard of tryphobia until people mentioned it in relation to those Google dream pictures. When I looked it up though, various images were used to illustrate the condition. Now I’d never actually seen any of those images in real life, but I had previously dreamt about them (and found them really urgh-inducing). I wonder why that is? Is there some underlying memory or association? The nearest I can think of is when we had an outbreak of verrucas in the swimming class at school. That left us all with little holes in our feet; but we found that fascinating rather than disturbing, so I wonder what’s going on.

8 years ago

I was listening to an interview with Richard B. Spencer on the radio this afternoon. He was yammering on about how diversity hurts white men, and I felt like saying, “Should we have some kind of affirmative action for white men who can’t cut it in the workplace?”

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

Late due to having to sleep, but

@Axe and everyone else

I’m glad to hear that y’all accept me, even with my updates about food, dork things y’all may or may not care about, and various random events in my life.

I’m going to say this, in terms of that last string: a few days ago, there was pro-Trump chalk graffiti on this campus. This was altered to pro-Clinton chalk graffiti. All of this was washed off, but last I checked, there was some new pro-Clinton chalk in at least two locations, and it looks far more detailed.

In other news, I managed to talk to my girlfriend last night (her phone’s been shut off, so I had to wait until she got Wi-Fi). She stole my lines.