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Breitbart’s Milo Y: “We need to make America hate again”

Milo, saying something terrible

We haven’t heard much from Breitbart “journalist” and self-proclaimed “supervillain of the Internet” Milo Yiannopoulos since he was booted off of Twitter. Sad!

But he’s kept himself busy with his Dangerous F****t “lecture” tour of American campuses, delivering deliberately offensive speeches in hopes of ginning up controversy and garnering publicity for himself.

Alas, I am going to add another dollop of free publicity to Milo’s publicity pile.

And why is that? Because in a recent speech at Ohio State University, Milo declared himself in favor of hate.

In a rambling monologue filled with Trumpian talking points and endless stale jokes about his (Milo’s) oft-professed love of sex with black men, Milo rhapsodized about the sheer manly masculinity of Donald Trump, the man Milo has nicknamed “daddy.”

“Daddy will restore strength and masculinity as a virtue in America,” Milo declared.

No, he really said that.

We’ve had enough nurturing, we’ve had enough coddling, we’ve had enough safe spaces: we need to make America hate again.

And how do you do this? With a lot of “tough love.”

“What Donald Trump will really do is bring tough love back into vogue,” Milo declared, according to the transcript of his remarks posted on Breitbart.

Apparently his version of tough love involves a lot of yelling and crawling through the dirt.

My legions of veteran and active duty fans know a thing or two about tough love. They got it in boot camp and it turned them into men. …

Think about some of your fellow college students. Surely everyone in this room knows someone that by age is a young man or woman, but acts like a child. America is turning into a nation of crybabies … .

You mean like all those guys who got so mad about Lady Ghostbusters that they complained that the film had “raped” their childhood memories? You mean like the presidential candidate who has cried “foul” and “rigged” every time some new awful revelation about his awful self hits the news and knocks his poll numbers down?

You mean like the journalist who demanded that the White House do something about him losing his “verified” checkmark on Twitter?

Oh, wait, Milo probably isn’t referring to any of these crybabies, because Milo is all of these crybabies rolled into one. Milo helped to inspire a massive harassment campaign against comedian/actress Leslie Jones for the crime of appearing in a Ghostbusters reboot while female and black. Milo decries the alleged “rigging” of the election as petulantly as Trump himself does.

And, yes, when Milo was lucky enough to get himself into a White House press briefing this spring, he complained to press secretary Josh Earnest that “my verification check [on Twitter] was taken away for making fun of the wrong group of people.”

It was a tragedy of roughly the same magnitude as the confiscation of Richard Dawkins’ tiny pot of honey by airport security, even though he didn’t look like a terrorist!


As Milo sees it, only a giant infusion of manly masculinity can save “the Cis-Hetero-Patriarchy, or as we used to call it, civilization … .”

Apparently, this manly masculinity is inversely proportional to the tendency of grown men to suck their thumbs.

Back before our civilization despised itself, we applauded tough men. But you can’t produce tough men – or honorable women – without tough love. If you want to keep civilization, you better start by insisting that boys grow up, instead of trying to infantilize them so they’re afraid to stop sucking their thumbs.

I can’t imagine Donald Trump sucking his thumb, except perhaps after a Zinger Tower Burger.

I can, alas, and now that you mention it I can’t get that image out of my mind.

In case you, dear reader, are not so great at visualization, perhaps this badly photoshopped picture I found on the internets will help.

He's got the best thumbs. Truly stupendous thumbs.
He’s got the best thumbs. Truly stupendous thumbs.

You’re welcome!

H/T — GamerGhazi

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Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago


We’re about to get the results of the most consequential election in our history (or so it seems). Surely Milo must know that we could care less about him. He’ll have to do something really outrageous to get our attention. My suggestions would get me banned here.

8 years ago

Milo Yawnopoulos.

He does realize that he’s not even American, right?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

But you can’t produce tough men – or honorable women – without tough love.

Honorable men and tough women being undesirable.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

And why is that? Because in a recent speech at Ohio State University, Milo declared himself in favor of hate.

Has this man ever been injured by someone else because of something he couldn’t control about himself in his life? Ever? Or has he been in a protective cocoon where he’s distant from actual hate?

Like, not hate because he’s a fucking asshole who talks shit, but, like, legitimately people trying to hurt him physically because he’s gay or whatever? Because it sucks, and he’s trying to cultivate that hate which will inevitably fuck himself over.

Does he have a sense of self-preservation?

8 years ago

If you want to keep civilization, you better start by insisting that boys grow up, instead of trying to infantilize them so they’re afraid to stop sucking their thumbs.

This from a man (or overgrown child, rather) who insists that the internet be one vast safe space for coddled boys with silly quiffs, who infantilely refer to an old man not their father as “Daddy”, and to retain their sexism and never have to grow up to see women as the strong, courageous equals they in fact are.

Irony, thy name is Milo.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

We’ve had enough nurturing, we’ve had enough coddling, we’ve had enough safe spaces

Who is this “we”? I still want Streisand and appletini night

They got it in boot camp and it turned them into men

“Soldiers, don’t give yourselves to brutes! Men who despise you, enslave you. Who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think, and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle. Use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men. Machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!”

Or, in other words: Bullshit!

tough men – or honorable women

Says it all really…

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

we need to make America hate again

Well, I have to admit that Milo’s efforts are having some effect — I certainly hate his fucking guts now.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Oh snap, Bina. You are on form today.

8 years ago

Milo making a speech decrying whining is about as absurd as David Duke making a speech decrying racism.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I really want to know how these chucklefucks are defining civilization. Because if you look at the actual stats, women having equal rights is better for progress and economic growth than patriarchy is.

Hit post too soon. I just mean that the scaremongering about how giving people rights is going to end civilization is just really silly. It’s based on emotion, not on anything rational.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Yeah, I think it’s silly that Milo seems to think that “Hey, could you not treat us like shit solely based on [insert thing we have no control over here]?” is somehow equivalent to “coddling”.

And I dare say I’ve been through more awful shit in my lifetime than any of Milo’s “tough guys”.

Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack | November 6, 2016 at 4:52 pm
Has this man ever been injured by someone else because of something he couldn’t control about himself in his life? Ever? Or has he been in a protective cocoon where he’s distant from actual hate?

See, that’s the thing though: He’s thrown in with the hateful people, so he thinks he’ll be safe from the brunt of it because he’s espousing their views and parroting their lame talking points.

He’s throwing everyone else under the bus (especially those gay black men he loves so much) so he can essentially be the gay white dude equivalent of “The Cool Girl Who Isn’t Like Other Girls (Until She Is)”.

Bina | November 6, 2016 at 4:57 pm

If you want to keep civilization, you better start by insisting that boys grow up, instead of trying to infantilize them so they’re afraid to stop sucking their thumbs.

This from a man (or overgrown child, rather) who insists that the internet be one vast safe space for coddled boys with silly quiffs, who infantilely refer to an old man not their father as “Daddy”, and to retain their sexism and never have to grow up to see women as the strong, courageous equals they in fact are.

Irony, thy name is Milo.

8 years ago

I recall when the perception is that Milo was playing everyone for his gratification, now that the truth is that he does believe this drivel I can’t be surprised that he’s willing to sink with the ship with literally a couple days left.

8 years ago

He’s a Stockholm syndrome candidate for sure. The really sad part is that even if his side win he’d still be at just as great a risk as the rest of us LGBT folks that don’t try to simper and suck up to our oppressors.
His love of trump won’t save him from being beaten to death if he hits on the wrong guy at a bar. The neo nazis won’t spare him just because he spouts their talking points.

8 years ago

You say it’s Milo, but all I can hear is

Just one long, endless screaming fall into obscurity.

EDIT: Okay, this isn’t working. How do I embed YT videos into comments here?

8 years ago

You already have.

8 years ago


Before we get any further, might I suggest you read through the comments policy, especially the part on mental illness and internet diagnosing.


Apparently I have 🙂 It didn’t show up the first couple of times I refreshed the page, so I was wondering if I’d made a mistake somewhere.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


Post a link to a youtube video and refresh the page. That seems to work.

Robyn Blanpied
Robyn Blanpied
8 years ago

Whiney little priss.
Start tough love with him.

8 years ago

Imagine him visiting a hell-house – one of those American super-Christian ones that seeks to scare teenagers out of their sexuality. Imagine it focuses on Milo’s identity.
I wonder what he’d think of that.

8 years ago

I’d imagine that if that weren’t enough to pierce his overdeveloped and misguided sense of self preservation by appealing to his empathy via misery of people who share the same sexuality as him, nothing less than an event that happened to him personally would change his mind. Seeing as he wouldn’t visit the former, and I don’t advocate harm of him in the latter even though with the company he keeps the latter is less of if than when, it’ll be a while before he can even perceive some form of non self loathing.

8 years ago


Weird (and ready for the "Anti-Trump" to come) Eddie
Weird (and ready for the "Anti-Trump" to come) Eddie
8 years ago

Milo, you need to understand something… you are NOT “one of the Chosen”. No matter how you crow Trumpisms, you are still sub-human to the people you want in power. When you have exhausted your usefulness to them, they will crush and discard you. Wake up, fool.

8 years ago

My legions of veteran and active duty fans know a thing or two about tough love. They got it in boot camp and it turned them into men. …

Legions, huh? Is that the French Foreign Legion? Or a unit of men in the ancient Roman army? Or somethingsomething?

Here’s the thing, Milo: Just because you (allegedly) have fans in the military or who are veterans of the military, that doesn’t mean that you’ve ever been in the military.

So you want others to toughen up — but you’ll never do it.

It’s just as well. Your complete and utter irresponsibility and lack of regard for others’ lives and well-being would get you kicked out of the military pronto. Or court martialed.

So you’d better keep on lecturing others to “do as I say, not as I do” and tweeting about the virtues of hatred from the sidelines.

8 years ago

Oh snap, Bina. You are on form today.

(Note: The above is also irony.)

8 years ago

In an urgent attempt to remain newsworthy (blecch), Milo has been very, very busy:

Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos burns Pride flag in vile election ad

While claiming Trump is the saviour of gay people, Yiannopoulos fails to address any of Trump’s anti-LGBT policy proposals in the ad.

In a bid to attract support from evangelicals, Trump confirmed he would “consider” appointing ultra-conservative Supreme Court justices to repeal equal marriage, come out in favour of North Carolina’s anti-trans law, and confirmed he would sign a Republican-backed bill to directly permit religious homophobic discrimination – while his running mate Mike Pence has confirmed he would dismantle Barack Obama’s protections for LGBT people.

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