
Four Days: The Final Countdown Video Party goes metal

Four days left to election day. Today’s cover version of The Final Countdown is METAL AS HELL, if by “metal” you mean “the lead guitarist apparently thinks he’s so cool he doesn’t have to hit any of the notes at the correct time.”

Today’s bonus video: Nicolas Cage goes for a short drive.


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8 years ago

Wouldn’t be the first time. That’s why one EJ is The Orphic Lizard; there’s another ej around who isn’t.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Okay, so day update: I had a bit of a depressed moment, so I decided to channel that energy I was using to feel awful about things* into cleaning. I had already cleaned the kitchen, so I cleaned and organized my room to the best of my ability at the moment (I’m still lacking in bookshelves so I can’t organize my books or my crafting materials or my dolls like I’d like).

*My job’s really the only bad thing left in my life right now, so I feel bad about complaining about it, but it’s an awful job and I can’t wait to be actually in the field I studied for and out of a workplace that literally gives me anxiety attacks at the thought of going back.

8 years ago


out of a workplace that literally gives me anxiety attacks at the thought of going back.

All my sympathies and condolences. I’ve been there, and it damn near killed me; I still have a stomach ulcer as a legacy to remember it by. *big hugs* and hope you have a new position soon.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


I’m so happy i could help make that happen. I can’t even remember how i stumbled upon it. Snopes is also a good resource to help disprove myths about Hillary. I’ve encountered people who actually believe she defended a child rapist and other such flimsy accusations.

8 years ago




Agreed, my fave is metal cover of “Maniac” from Flashdance.

8 years ago

The 11/03 episode of Rachel Maddow was pretty interesting/irritating. Pretty sure it was 11/03 anyway. It was about the guy that funds Breitbart and how he has also been funding Trump’s run in a big way. Plus how some of the leaks from FBI were straight Breitbart conspiracy theory bullshit. And the fact that it seems Rudy Guliani(sp?) knew the leak was coming days beforehand. The whole thing is very frustrating. I hope many people aren’t duped by it and still gt out and vote blue.
It’s an extra layer of terrifying how many law enforcement types are Trumpets who believe this stuff.

8 years ago

Apparently Scott Adams has apparently seen a precipitous drop in his speaking invitations since he got on the Trump train.

8 years ago


Well defended a child rapist is true…
in the sense she was the public defender assigned to do it, because, you know, in America everyone has the right to competent legal representation no matter what they are charged with

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

But Dalillama (I say with surprise in my voice) surely Adams is pro-Clinton? I recall him saying that he had become pro-Clinton to avoid the violent gangs of Clintonistas who would beat him up of he wasn’t one of them. Adams would never adopt a disingenuous, dishonest stance on any matter, would he? He’s too persuasive for that.

(/s, naturally.)

Also, how can any Trump supporter oppose Clinton for having defended a child rapist? In December, Trump will be taking the defendant’s booth against charges of raping a twelve-year-old. How can they be in favour of child rapists but against the legal counsel that those child rapists retain?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Dalillama You don’t say! How terrible. 😉 And I suppose the writer of the article thinks that Drumpf ‘Master Persuader’ can do no wrong? Yes, many of us on the ‘Left’ are intolerant – of extreme willful ignorance, dishonesty and hatred.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Welcome to the show, people!
Yes, you read that URL correctly. Wikileaks is trawling thru r/the_Donald for scoops, looking explicitly to hurt Clinton

Meanwhile, Marco Rubio is tryna tell Republicans to ignore wikileaks, or else risk legitimizing that shitpit any further. Then who knows what’ll happen when the snakes turn on the tamers. A little late for the ‘principled’ stand, but at least he’s being smart…

4 days. Just 4 more days

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Wikileaks stopped being Wikileaks the moment it began to post hacked information. The power of a leak is that someone in the know thought that what was going on was wrong, and broke protocol to leak it. None of the shit they are posting these days is leaked, which shows how little they think of their supposed core mission.

I am working tomorrow on an optional-yet-fun assignment, so they let me out early today and I took an epic nap from 1 PM to about 6. I wish I could get away with that every day.

*My job’s really the only bad thing left in my life right now, so I feel bad about complaining about it, but it’s an awful job and I can’t wait to be actually in the field I studied for and out of a workplace that literally gives me anxiety attacks at the thought of going back.

That’s a big thing! My first job was in a factory, and it was so physically painful that I would usually start my day by crying over the fact that I had to go to work that day. I worked there for two years and it was the worst two years of my life. I still have some physical problems left over from that glorious time. I have nothing but sympathy for you, and I hope you get into a better employment place soon.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

Scott Adams was never really all that political per se aside from the misogyny (which you can find in the Dilbert comics). He’s promoted himself as something of an expert on project management and business culture. So he’s committed to defending his prediction that Trump will win in a landslide and that commitment pushed him deeper into supporting Trump.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

After I got my followup MRI of the brain today, Mr. Parasol and I tried to vote. But once again, the early voting location we picked was so busy, we didn’t think we could finish before I had to be back at work.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

@PoM Wikileaks apparently isn’t doing anything to verify the authenticity of anything that gets posted. They could easily be publishing whatever the Russian government allows them to publish.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

I spend a lot of time on a liberal political blog, and today it’s being flooded with crap like this (regarding an article by Andrew Sullivan).

Sullivan gets it exactly backwards. His panties are in a wad for fear of Donald Trump but the prospect of a felonious Hillary Clinton and the oligarchic elitist control of the country she represents running th show is just peachy. Jeeez what a blathering idiot. Face it dems your candidate is unindicted merely because the DOJ, and its AG Loretta “Tarmac Friend of Bill” Lynch, are completely politically corrupt. If Hills is elected the scandals we are already involved in, her private email server, and the Clinton Foundation Pay for Play Access and Influence Peddling, Inc for which the private email server was necessary are just the beginning.
Donald Trump could NEVER do the damage that this hateful vengeful, corrupt, criminal, greedy, and power mad cryptomarxist will do. She will push us into a civil war with her “style”.

It seems to me that nobody could expect liberals to buy this stuff, so what they are trying to do is discourage liberals from voting — which is a lost cause, since those of us who can vote early have, and those of us who can’t will make sure to get there next Tuesday. It just does not see to me like the work of people who think they are going to win.

I am concerned that voter suppression may be enough to flip North Carolina, at least, where it’s at its worst.

By the way, IMO Assange is hoping that Trumpster will offer him asylum in the US. It’s interesting how someone’s ideals can suffer when his ass is on the line.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol,
How’s the brain? Is it behaving?

OT whine: yesterday I had to mark an essay that argued feminism was not needed in western countries any longer, and in fact was actively harming men. The depressing thing was that the student’s actual argument made sense aside from that – she wrote about lack of support for men’s mental health issues, and male victims of DV, and so on – real and serious problems. But she then used that to claim that feminism was responsible… :O

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

@Mish — but that’s the standard MRA point of view — feminists are to blame for the effects of toxic masculinity. It must be difficult to see a young women falling for that misogynistic line. Hopefully she will see the light as she gets older and sees how the world really works.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
(whose nym always makes me smile)

Yes, I know that’s the MRA line – you’d only have to read this blog once a year to be familiar with it!
She seemed a bit muddled over whether feminism had done its job (for white women, anyway) and should therefore cease to be, or whether it was actually hurting men. If she’d stuck to the lack of support for men’s health etc., it would have been a kickass essay; she had plenty of peer-reviewed research for that part.
In any case, it was a great test of my objectivity as a marker. I had a colleague moderate it for me, just to make sure 🙂

As for Wikileaks, I can’t even. So disappointed (a former fan). Axe, if you’re around, don’t you dare tease me about this – I’m sad and angry, I tells ya!

8 years ago

I just got back from early voting. Glad that’s behind me.

8 years ago

After I got my followup MRI of the brain today

I have one of those scheduled for later this month. Apparently my prolactin levels are a bit high and the Endocrinologist wants to see if it’s my pituitary’s fault.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago


No idea what the MRI showed just yet. Right now the brain and the rest of me? Dog tired.


Hope your MRI is helpful!

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Vicky P, don’t give up on the early voting! It makes me so upset that voting is so difficult for some people down there – you guys really should have a half-day off to do it!

And, like, an actual half day, not a sure-you-get-a-half-day-but-if-you’re-late-you-have-to-make-up-the-time. Or a be-back-in-a-half-hour-or-you’re-fired. It’s an outright sin to prevent people from voting! And yet they’re still reducing voting locations and restricting voting rights everywhere. Makes me mad!

I hope your MRI turns out well; yours too @Jesalin!

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

@Scildfreja: It is often suggested that Election Day should be a national holiday — and it probably would be, if I didn’t tend to dilute the influence of people who can easily take time off to vote as against those who have little flexibility. Another way of privileging the affluent.

@Mish: I used to be GrumpyOldMan, but I decided that I wanted to state proudly that I am both a Social Justice Warrior and a mangina. The manosphere types get really upset when someone proudly claims what they regard as deadly insults. Because of my use of mangina, Attila Vinczer (former sidekick of Paul Elam at A Voice for Men, until Elam expelled him) called me “of all the people I have encountered throughout this world, you are the most horrid despicable evil freak of nature”. I was highly flattered until I realized that he thought he was talking to our David Futrelle — obviously there couldn’t be more than one pro-feminist man in the world.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja & VP
