I admit I probably write about pickup-artist-turned-alt-right-opinion-haver Heartiste a bit more often than he merits. But his combination of furious bigotry and purple prose is irresistible.
Consider his brilliant new plan to defeat Hillary Clinton by impugning the masculinity of her male supporters.
“All politics is gonadal,” he declares in a post on his blog today.
Given this reality, the most effective political persuasion techniques are those that evoke the ancient rhythms of the sexual market.
Heartiste ‘s favorite “persuasion technique?” Calling people names in order to make them feel bad about themselves. In this particular case, he hopes to make Hillary’s male supporters so ashamed of their alleged betahood that they can’t bring themselves to actually vote.
[I]f sufficiently shamed and ostracized by effective [counterpropaganda] that leverages the power of anxiety over one’s sexual market status, many nominal males who plan to vote for Inmate Hillary can be dissuaded from exercising their right to notarize the featherweight class of their shrunken scrotes.
Yeah, I don’t know why he writes like that.
Much as virulent homophobia can force gays into the closet, Heartiste suggests, shaming male Hillary supporters as “manginas” will keep them from going to the polls.
Just as a healthy and strong society with rock-ribbed shitlord norms can keep gays far enough in the closet that their petri dish flamboyance doesn’t creep out the kids, so can a fearless embrace of immutable and omnipotent sexual market law — and the exploitation thereof — cow mincing betaboys from pulling the lever for thec*nt.
In case you’re having a little trouble parsing the end of that sentence — I had to reread it several times myself — he’s using “cow” as a verb. “Cow-mincing” isn’t a real thing, though perhaps it should be.
Also, thec*nt (with its “u” uncensored) is Heartiste’s favorite nickname for Hillary, though you probably figured that out already.
You may be wondering how exactly Heartiste’s brilliant new strategy differs from the traditional alt-right strategy of calling everyone “cucks.”
For one thing, it uses a greater number of words, castigating Hillary’s male fans as “nominal males,” “mincing betaboys,” and “f*ggy Millennial manlets with incipient bitch tits.” Obviously this is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than just calling them “cucks.”
Heartiste also suggests that his fans make use of a helpful visual aid in their efforts to shame the aforementioned “mincing betaboys” into non-voting. Namely. this little meme here.
The picture at the top of the meme is, as you’ve probably gathered, a still from Mad Max: Fury Road.
I’m guessing Heartiste has not seen the film.
@Jesalin – You’d be hard-pressed to find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than incel forums like SlutHate and r/incel. Bunch of budding Elliott Rodgers, the lot of them. The other day on Reddit, one of them was insisting that date rape drugs (specifically, scopalamine, aka “Devil’s Breath”) should be distributed free to incels so that they could enjoy guilt-free sex with women unable to exercise their free will or form memories. It’s beyond disgusting.
Anyway, I came back in here to point and laugh at “incipient bitch tits”, which has got to be one of the weirdest and most toothless insults ever. Like, “I’m going to call you this crass name, but then I’m going to qualify it with a flowery word that means you aren’t that thing, yet.” I’m picturing Heartiste 100 feet away from the polling station yelling “Potential mangina! Inchoate betacuck!” at men who don’t look sufficiently ignorant and angry enough to be Trump supporters.
If only I hadn’t changed my nym fairly recently…
@EJ – 😀 Along with Pepe, we need to free Heartiste’s thesaurus.
The thing that really bothers me about incels is the way they treat people not wanting to have sex with them like rape. Or sometimes they even act like it’s somehow worse than rape and use that to justify rape. It makes me feel ill.
“cow mincing”?? What the heck is “cow mincing”???
This fool writes like an igno-right propaganda minister. Oh, I forgot… HE IS!!!
Funny thing is, by the definition of Heartiste and his ilk, I am a beta. I generally put the needs of my friends and family at the same level as my own, I actually listen to people (including ‘gasp’ women), I eagerly sacrifice my own time and resources to help out other people, and I will always do all in my power to support my significant other. I used to think that was called ‘being good people’. I have now learned that this is also called ‘beta-male behavior’. Who knew?
My father is exactly the same way. In fact, he’s so beta that when his father passed, he’d drive up to Montana three times a year to help his mother keep up her house (grans arthritis made it difficult for her to do a lot of the bigger things, like setting up the sprinkler system in spring or re-roofing the house before winter). Then, when it became clear her dementia was too far progressed for her to safely look after herself, he took early retirement to move up to Montana and care for her.
My fathers father was also the same. He was so beta that when the family business went under in Southern Minnesota and his siblings moved to Canada looking for work, he stayed to look after his parents (that would be my great grandparents). Why? ‘Because that’s what the oldest son did back then’.
It works for us (if it didn’t neither my father nor I would exist). Contrary to what the self-proclaimed ‘alpha males’ tell themselves, many women actually respect a person who will treat them as fully realized human beings, share decision making with them, and who will always have their back. Many women will even respond in kind (you know, like regular people do).
Also, we’re voting for Hillary. I voted last Monday. Dad’s voting on election day. Grandpa’s dead, but if we could swing it, he’d vote for Hillary too (I’m sure he’d be as offended by Donald Trump as the rest of us are).
Betas for Hillary 2016.
Also, I’d never heard of ‘incel’ before. After reading the comments, I don’t think I want to learn more about them.
For the record, for about a decade, I assumed I was never going to be in a romantic relationship, but I never blamed that on anyone but myself. I just wasn’t interested enough in romance to put any effort into it, I knew that, and I wasn’t particularly unhappy that way.
Then I met my spouse, and I changed my mind 😉
It’s been Disney (as far as the relationship goes, at least) for the past year and a half. Here’s hoping that trend continues.
There was once an economist (whose name I don’t want to look up) who made the argument that if you have sex with someone who doesn’t remember it afterward, no crime was committed. The rationale was that the trauma of rape is in the memory of the rape, so no memory = no trauma, and no trauma = no crime. It would actually be an efficient use of resources and increase the world’s utility.
He claimed he did not pose this as something he was arguing to be true, but rather as an interesting discussion question for his students and others to examine.
This guy would totally be okay with it if we drugged him and tortured him, then, as long as we kept him drugged long enough for all physical wounds to heal before his mind is able to form memories again. Right? Just an interesting thought experiment I came up with. I’m not arguing for it to be true or anything.
(/s, in case that wasn’t obvious)
Congratulations, joekster. I hope it continues to be Disneyland for as long as you both want it to be.
As I recall, a similar argument was made back at him (would he feel the same way if he was the one being raped) and he calmly asserted that his opinion wouldn’t change. Most of the action I saw was happening on a message board online and you can guess what kind of responses resulted. I found his sense of privilege a little breathtaking – it was obvious that the threat of rape wasn’t real to him.
Re: incels
I could wax lyrical in my extreme distaste for these..individuals, but I doubt I’d say anything that hasn’t been said before. I usually have sympathy for anyone afflicted with social anxiety, I deal with it myself. But instead of doing anything constructive, these useless piles of sentient toxic shit cry and rage like it’s the end of the world and dream about rape being easy and legal, just because they can’t get their dicks wet. If my *only* problem in life was a lack of sex I’d be freaking ecstatic…
Yeah, I think I should stop before I have an aneurysm.
@EJ: Thanks 🙂
@Jesalin: yeah, I hear ya. If a person wants to have sex and isn’t having sex, than it is in no way the responsibility of anyone to provide that person sex. Sex is not a service or a product to be provided, nor is anyone not currently sexually active being ‘deprived’ sex. It’s an activity to be engaged in by two mutually consenting people.
It’s been awhile since we had an incel troll here, but even the ones who say they’re not in favor of rape and don’t hate women are still pretty bad. They have the unpleasant tendency to treat every space as a free therapy and dating advice service and make everything about them and their sad boners all the time. If we express a desire to not spend all our free time lavishing them with attention, then we are meanie pants who can’t possibly understand what it’s like to be rejected or feel insecure and awkward. When it’s pointed out that their self centeredness is likely a big part of why they have trouble finding a partner, it doesn’t even register. They just go right back to assuming no woman would ever date a shy guy.
It’s like talking to a brick wall. I can’t imagine why they would have trouble in the dating scene.
@PoM, I don’t recall the argument specifically, but that sounds like Robin Hanson from Overcoming Bias. Considered a founding father of the Dark Enlightenment, that one. He’s practically a contrarian for contrariness’s sake – he won’t write anything on his blog which doesn’t defy some convention or another. Takes particular joy in claiming that there is no virtue but only virtue signalling, no goodness but only selfishness, and no ethics beyond stark utilitarianism. He does have good ideas and can really make you think about stuff, but he’s the sort of armchair philosopher that provides excuse to monsters. His ideas have been chewed up and expanded on by the pseudo-rationalists, and now propagate far and wide across the manosphere.
He’s an… interesting read.
I love (by which I mean hate) the way they don’t (want to) realise there are a great many people in the world who struggle with communication (not just with women) and who don’t feel entitled to other people’s attention, let alone sexual or romantic interest. I really hate how they use, for example, the fact that non-neurotypical people exist as an excuse for their shitty behaviour. It’s not unhappiness that creates (their) feelings of entitlement; it’s feelings of entitlement that determine how they see their unhappiness.
As one might guess from my chosen nickname, people can impugn my masculinity all they like. I’m not using it anymore.
Nah, it’s a Rochester U econ professor named Steven Landsburg, although he appears to share Hanson’s taste for ‘look at how edgy I am’ bullshit.
Economists. Ngh. They need to remember that the idea of a rational economic actor is fundamentally flawed in so many ways. They teach this in undergraduate courses, introductory stuff, and then proceed to throw it aside. Blegh. Never heard of this Landsburg, but I can practically hear his arguments already!
People are economical rational actors in the same way that they’re spherical and exist in a vacuum. (Physics joke)
The idea that people are rational actors is not complete nonsense. If you disregard individuals and look at groups in aggregate, they behave in predictable ways if you correctly account for all inputs. The problem arises when you try to move from aggregate to individual, and when you fail to account for all inputs. The assumption that happiness can be adequately measured with willingness to pay, for instance, erases a lot of inputs that do not exist in a transactional state, and it skews others.
It’s not like economists are unaware of the skew problem, and it’s not like there have been no attempts to fix it. But, like the way that GDP is a terrible indicator of a country’s overall health but it’s still used because it’s easy to calculate and it has inertia on its side, attempts to fix the limitations of the money-as-proxy model turn into great PhD theses and then collect dust on shelves forever after. Using money as a proxy for happiness makes the equations easy, and it has hundreds of years of inertia on its side.
As someone who isn’t an economist but reads quite a bit of it in the attempt to self-educate, the frustration I have is that there is no notion of empirical testing. People seem to be happy with expanding hypotheses into models into theories without any attempt at falsifiability. Is this just my physics-chauvinism speaking or is this a fair complaint?
Spherical masses in a vaccuum is why I picked astro as a field. It’s fun!
Porque no los dos?
Completely valid. The Austrian school is the worst, inasmuch as they explicitly deny that empiricism has any place in economic theorizing*, but there’s a lot of it going around (mostly, IME, among right-leaning types who keep trying to find a way to claim that austerity works, in the face of all historical evidence. This is, as Galbraith put it, merely a way to try to justify their sefishness )
* Von Mises, in Human Action, says that in ‘praexology’, as the Austrian school likes to call their ‘theories’ “[Economic] statements and propositions are not derived from experience. They are, like those of logic and mathematics, a priori. They are not subject to verification and falsification on the ground of experience and facts.”
(Finally I get to use this gif.)
But, like, it seems it would be hard to test economic models, tbh, because you have some systems that work well small scale but shit large scale and there’s no real way to really test that without fucking a lot of shit up or something? Like, you can test something on a hundred people and it’s work, maybe even a thousand, but then you get up to hundreds of thousands and shit falls apart do to a variety of factors. (For instance, it seems communism works better on small scale but impractical on larger scale, at least as far as I can tell?)
IDK. How would one empirically test economics?