I admit I probably write about pickup-artist-turned-alt-right-opinion-haver Heartiste a bit more often than he merits. But his combination of furious bigotry and purple prose is irresistible.
Consider his brilliant new plan to defeat Hillary Clinton by impugning the masculinity of her male supporters.
“All politics is gonadal,” he declares in a post on his blog today.
Given this reality, the most effective political persuasion techniques are those that evoke the ancient rhythms of the sexual market.
Heartiste ‘s favorite “persuasion technique?” Calling people names in order to make them feel bad about themselves. In this particular case, he hopes to make Hillary’s male supporters so ashamed of their alleged betahood that they can’t bring themselves to actually vote.
[I]f sufficiently shamed and ostracized by effective [counterpropaganda] that leverages the power of anxiety over one’s sexual market status, many nominal males who plan to vote for Inmate Hillary can be dissuaded from exercising their right to notarize the featherweight class of their shrunken scrotes.
Yeah, I don’t know why he writes like that.
Much as virulent homophobia can force gays into the closet, Heartiste suggests, shaming male Hillary supporters as “manginas” will keep them from going to the polls.
Just as a healthy and strong society with rock-ribbed shitlord norms can keep gays far enough in the closet that their petri dish flamboyance doesn’t creep out the kids, so can a fearless embrace of immutable and omnipotent sexual market law — and the exploitation thereof — cow mincing betaboys from pulling the lever for thec*nt.
In case you’re having a little trouble parsing the end of that sentence — I had to reread it several times myself — he’s using “cow” as a verb. “Cow-mincing” isn’t a real thing, though perhaps it should be.
Also, thec*nt (with its “u” uncensored) is Heartiste’s favorite nickname for Hillary, though you probably figured that out already.
You may be wondering how exactly Heartiste’s brilliant new strategy differs from the traditional alt-right strategy of calling everyone “cucks.”
For one thing, it uses a greater number of words, castigating Hillary’s male fans as “nominal males,” “mincing betaboys,” and “f*ggy Millennial manlets with incipient bitch tits.” Obviously this is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than just calling them “cucks.”
Heartiste also suggests that his fans make use of a helpful visual aid in their efforts to shame the aforementioned “mincing betaboys” into non-voting. Namely. this little meme here.
The picture at the top of the meme is, as you’ve probably gathered, a still from Mad Max: Fury Road.
I’m guessing Heartiste has not seen the film.
This will probably be marginally more effective than JuiceBro’s strategy of claiming the Podesta emails have coded messages, probably about a child sex trafficking ring.
What does petri dish flamboyance even mean?
I’m pretty certain that’s how they make burgers.
I wonder if the creator of that meme involving ‘Fury Road’ is aware of ‘Immortan Don’ on Tumblr, where Trump’s quotes are matched to .gifs of that film’s villain being villainous?
Apologies if that page has been mentioned on WHTM before.
I’m always morbidly amused that the person who refers to themself as “Heartiste” is in fact completely and utterly heartless.
A little point of contention, the war boys in mad max are shown to be sexless slaves to the master immortal Joe. The only one on that side getting any was Immortal Joe. The rest were just violent slaves.
And while, it might not be everyone’s kink, the guy in the bottom picture is probably getting what he wants.
I don’t know, maybe that being sufficiently gay is contagious?
Also, “rock-ribbed shitlord norms” – rock-ribbed or not, I thought the shitlords’ shtick was that they supposedly flaunted society’s norms.
Yep, a little bit, and too skinny for the last one. Anything else?
I haven’t seen Fury Road either, but aren’t those the bad guys? Because, you know, a meme saying ‘Trump voters are coming to tear down the last vestige of civilization to rule as savage warlords over the wasteland’, while not inaccurate, is something I’d expect their opponents to say.
This is the same group of people that voluntarily identify themselves as deplorable.
This guy is bizarre. “Pizza-related is code for something and I totally know this because I’m totally a real lawyer who represented badass drug dealers! I’m really a real lawyer, guys, really!”
>Uses enemies of Fury Road
>The same people who die in a ton of explosions, car crashes and rubble
>As their avi of intimidation
If I can memetext a better counterargument faster than it takes to make that poorly thought out pic, there’s something terribly amiss.
Why do misogynists assume all men are as insecure in their masculinity as they are?!
As David notes in the first paragraph, Heartiste’s prose is indeed unique. The man has a strange way of using the most pretentious phrasing and terms, but then spoiling the intended effect by peppering his sentences with crude words like “shitlord” and “faggy”. I suspect he is the first person in the history of the English language to use the words “incipient bitch tits” in succession.
This a long winded, nastier version of just saying “Clinton supporters are a bunch of weenies!”. Kids stuff. Except even some kids are bold enough to resist obvious peer pressure. Better than some adults at least
I’ve found it hard to laugh at bigots lately, but this one is rather funny, just because of his pretentious prose commingled with words like “shitlord” and “SJW” and constructions like “incipient bitch tits”. It’s like reading The Eye of Argon, but with 30%* more misogyny and 120%* more gender-policing!
*N.B.: I produced these figures from my hindquarters.
Furiosa’s head and Hillary’s face on that cover are at different angles and it’s doing my head in.
Great. Now I want to order some pizza.
Also, most relevant @Handsome Jack: did you know that Doritos were actually invented at Disneyland by a Frito-Lay-backed restaurant that had too many tortillas?
*image of Bill Cipher slowly superimposed onto a Dorito whilst the X-Files theme plays*
The connection was always via Disney.
Yeah I’m willing to bet that guy is living his dream.
He ain’t wrong, though.
I mean, freedom loses when intimidation and voter suppression keep people away, and that’s what he’s sayin’ here. It’s contiguous with the Trump supporters watching polling stations with AR15’s, and the voter suppression laws rolling out in who knows how many states. It’s the tactic of choice for fascists, con-men and bullies everywhere.
‘s’a fuckin’ shame he lives in the United States of America, though.
Kick their asses, guys.
Ah yes, the anapest’s little-known rhythmic counterpart: the sexpest.
Hey, what am I — chopped (cow) liver?!!!
I for one am happy to vote for Imperator Hillarosa.
Translation: A vote for Drumpf is a vote for date rape.
I don’t suppose anyone appreciates being grabbed by the ‘nads at the polling booth, do they?
Not from what I’ve seen, no. Many of them have already done so at early voting, moreover. And WHAT “effective [counterpropaganda]”? Calling people “cucks” and “manginas” has zero effect on voter intent, other than to make them all the more determined to defeat you and your shrimp-fingered idol. Gay-gay-gaiety-gay-GAYNESS and all.
Norm from Cheers, a shitlord? Nuh-unh!
Ahem. Nice of him to equate all Republicans with shitlords. Especially since so many are so horrified by Drumpf now that even they won’t vote for him.
Uh, WHOSE kids? Because some of us (e.g. me) have LGBT friends, and those friends have kids. And if anything, those kids would be creeped out by the likes of this walking fungus culture. And his flamboyantly awful scribblings, too.
(Which would no doubt explain why all the purple prose. He’s got no people to embrace, and certainly no willing female partners, just phantoms and spectres. And Halloween is over. Diddums…)
These guys should realise that humans aren’t computers, they will disregard what is said if they don’t trust or value the speaker. This applies to pick up artistry and their political views.
Gah. I meant “flouted society’s norms” not “flaunted society’s norms” in my first comment. I meant that the “shitlords” who “shitpost” (to the shitty, everything is shit?) think that they’re being all edgy and stuff.
OT: I’ll use tiredness as my excuse. I had only four hours’ sleep and I’m getting ready for this big craft show Friday-Sunday. I will be so glad on Tuesday when both the show and the American election are over. And ended well. Fingers crossed.
@Hashtag_Ravenclaw & @Laugher at Bigots re: Heartiste’s writing style – I think I said last time that he reminded of Ezra Pound in 1) mixing slang and fancy literary phrases and 2) being a bigot and fascist. But I doubt Heartiste is about to get any big writing awards anytime soon.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants – also LOL 🙂