hillary clinton trump

And Then There Were Five (Days): The Final Countdown Video Fest heads to Argentina

Today, the Final Countdown Video Party takes a trip south of the border — south of the Uruguay border that is, for this amazing clip from the Argentinian show Si lo sabe, cante  (If you know it, sing it).

A truly magnificent vocal performance. And I’m pretty sure that Katy Perry later hired a couple of the dancers and put them in giant shark costumes for her Super Bowl show.

Big thanks to the new commenter who posted the link to this.

Oh yeah, and there are five days left until ELECTION DAY.

Today’s BONUS VIDEO is the greatest stock footage ever.

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joekster (Bearded Beta)
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago

Someone (I think it was WWTH) mentioned ‘Dark Mirror’.

Does someone know if the episode titled ‘Waldo’ in the second season was made before the current election? If not, it’s a scarily close parallel.

8 years ago


I think it was the tobacco segment

8 years ago

I’m getting taco fixings so I can celebrate Taco Tuesday. I refuse to accept any other reality.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago
8 years ago

@ Scildfreja

Trump TV is for if he wins. Pence handles the policy and government. Trump rallies the crowds and the hate through his own network that comes right from the top instead of going through the media. His own network, the Official Media Network of the US President.

Shit. We’re going to have an actual two minute hate, aren’t we?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@chesselwitt, I was gonna make a comment about Fox News being a thing for a long time now, but, well. Fox News isn’t run by the office of the president. Trump TV? That would be.

8 years ago

Tovius – I looked over both Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez, slightly favoring Sanchez until I saw her website where she identifies as a Blue Dog Democrat (fiscally & socially conservative, essentially a DINO) so I went with Harris.

I just wish we were replacing Feinstein instead of Boxer! Not that I think Senator Feinstein is a bad senator, she’s just a bit more hawkish than I like but I really admire Barbara Boxer and wish she’d stay.

So many propositions this time. 17 of them!

I had to vote no on prop 51 because of one small blurb in the rebuttal section of the pro argument that said, in essence, that the money would probably go to schools in affluent districts first because they tend to have the wherewithal to hire grant writer-types to apply for the funding.

Hope you don’t run into any Trumpster poll-watchers! I voted week before last; I’m a permanent voter-by-mail (and extra thankful for that this election) because I live in a very red part of this blue state.

Also, please vote yes on 64 to legalize cannabis!

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Nice little bit just now from Emily Maitlis, the BBC’s election correspondent.

“She (Melania Trump) then went on to condemn the problem of cyber bullying. You do find yourself wondering if she’s actually met her husband”

The Lady Amalthea
The Lady Amalthea
8 years ago

“She (Melania Trump) then went on to condemn the problem of cyber bullying. You do find yourself wondering if she’s actually met her husband”

I saw that she was looking to tackle cyber bullying, and immediately wondered if the alt-right is hoping Melania will be crusading against those damn SJWs…

8 years ago
8 years ago


Thanks. I hadn’t heard that about Sanchez.

I’m super white, so Trumpster poll watchers probably won’t bother me, but I really hope there won’t be any at all.

8 years ago

This is totally off topic but, haha, my student health benefits refused to cover any part of my ADD medication, because why would a school ever want to help a disabled student learn? And after having to spend hours in testing to get a shitty educational assessment that made a point of me being “tall, thin and well-dressed,” and stated BOTH that my language skills were far better than average AND that maybe I would benefit from adult literacy classes, just so I can get my student loan (still pending FYI), I’m juuuuust about ready to throw in the towel. But I won’t. I’ll talk to the benefits people tomorrow and find out about whatever bullshit letter I’m sure they need from my doctor and then I’ll find some way to get that letter even though I live in a different fucking city now. Because when people come to you and say “I am disabled and struggle to organize my time and get things done” the correct response is “you need to jump through a bunch of hoops and waste a bunch of time on shit we would never ask other students to do.”

8 years ago

Ugh, I hear you. My student health care plan was extremely expensive and covered nothing, and then they cancelled it in the middle of the year so I had to fill out a bunch of paperwork to get state medicaid which covered even less. I’ve always felt it’s backwards that medical insurance gets less expensive and covers more the more money you make. You struggle to buy food each month? Here, let me charge you $300 per month for health insurance that won’t even kick in until you’ve spent $15,000 per year on medical care. Oh, you make six digits and work for a well-known employer? You only pay $150 per month and you only have to pay a small co-pay each visit.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Ngh, you’re breakin my heart, Viscaria :C Keep plugging at it. I hope it comes through soon.

8 years ago

Thanks kupo and Scildfreja. Sorry got whining.


Ugh, I hear you. My student health care plan was extremely expensive and covered nothing, and then they cancelled it in the middle of the year so I had to fill out a bunch of paperwork to get state medicaid which covered even less.

Good Lord. I’m so sorry. That’s way worse. That shouldn’t even be legal. I actually kind of feel like a jerk now for complaining because, as a Canadian, I pay nothing for GP visits. Benefits here are just to cover things like prescriptions and paramedical practicioners.

What would be most helpful right now would be for Boyfriend to a) enroll in his company plan, because he has no coverage whatsoever right now and b) find out if I meet the insurer’s definition of spouse, which would allow me to do a COB. Fingers crossed.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Viscaria – sorry to hear that. That sucks. I had a similar thing happen at school, where I had to get an updated doctor’s letter for my diagnosis (also ADHD) in order to get an extension on my Master’s project. And after that I had prescription costs for a drug that didn’t work well for me. (Vyvanse works well for some people – one of the students at my tutoring centre says it helped her tremendously – but her problem was focusing on particular tasks, and mine is prioritizing things and being organized about time more generally. Plus, stimulants are not my thing: e.g. a cup of coffee is too much caffeine for me at once.)

One of the good things about being a student in Canada, though, was that the medical visits themselves were covered.

Anyway anyway anyway. I hope things start going better for you, money- and time-wise. Dealing with bureaucracy is no fun.

ETA: Oh, you also mentioned you live in Canada. Sorry for not remembering! I guess I was on “other people here = American” mode since the topic was the election.

8 years ago

Oh man. I had a much easier time getting my accommodations for the same disorder. I didn’t even need a letter from my doctor, I think? They just did something with my medical records. It should be that easy for everyone.

8 years ago

I can one up you on that song.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

It’s possibly small potatoes compared to what a nightmare a Trump presidency would be; but over here we’ve already had a little taste of what a nasty piece of work he is (assuming that was in any doubt). Anyway, someone had made a documentary about that so to get a taste here’s the trailer.

Background: Trump is building a golf course in Scotland. There’s one house in his way. It’s occupied by an elderly couple. They refuse to sell up. So basically he’s spent the last 5 years making their lives hell. Unfortunately for them all their utility supplies run across land he owns, so of course he’s cut that off. If this was he plot of a movie we’d be criticising it for implausible cartoon villainy.

joekster (bearded beta)
joekster (bearded beta)
8 years ago

@Viscaria: I hear you, and that sucks.

I’m currently trying to get a state license in one of the two states I’m supposed to be working in (I won’t say which one), and they won’t give me a license without a letter from my psychiatrist regarding my ADHD.

The annoying thing? the board of medicine in the state I did fellowship in ALREADY HAS said letters from TWO psychiatrists (the one who diagnosed me, and the one who treated me in residency). But, said state board of medicine gave me the ‘every document submitted to this agency becomes proprietary to this board and can no longer be accessed by the individual submitting it’ bullocks when I asked them if they could forward those letters.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I’m sorry to hear that, Viscaria. That sounds like a totally unfair situation. Your venting is entirely legit and your courage in standing up to it is remarkable.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)


Yes he did. Romney made a remarkable last-minute recovery and still lost.

Here are the numbers for Obama vs Romney, over the course of 2012:

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

How strange, that the URL tail for this article is “/__trashed/”…

Anyways, this is fun:

8 years ago

Ugh, what assholes. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

“stated BOTH that my language skills were far better than average AND that maybe I would benefit from adult literacy classes”

I’m sorry, but I laughed really hard at that one. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything at the time or I’d be out buying a new keyboard. But anyone who has dealt with bureaucracies knows how dense they can be.

Good luck and keep up the good fight.