hillary clinton trump

And Then There Were Five (Days): The Final Countdown Video Fest heads to Argentina

Today, the Final Countdown Video Party takes a trip south of the border — south of the Uruguay border that is, for this amazing clip from the Argentinian show Si lo sabe, cante  (If you know it, sing it).

A truly magnificent vocal performance. And I’m pretty sure that Katy Perry later hired a couple of the dancers and put them in giant shark costumes for her Super Bowl show.

Big thanks to the new commenter who posted the link to this.

Oh yeah, and there are five days left until ELECTION DAY.

Today’s BONUS VIDEO is the greatest stock footage ever.

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Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
8 years ago

@ David

David… DAVID, listen to me!! You’re gonna hurt yourself listening these vids, pleeeeeze, stop now, while you still can!!! 🙂

Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
8 years ago

That stock footage is precious! If that guy’s not on a meme or 500, he ought’s be!!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


If that guy’s not on a meme or 500, he ought’s be!!

Considering what this election has done to memes, I’d rather the guy be left in peace

8 years ago

That stock footage is amazing. Since it has no music, play sound of silence while watching it for great effect:

Electionwise, I’m done agonizing over polls, it’s sad how much the annoying orange has regained. I cast my vote but I’m in Cali so not like HC will lose this state.

8 years ago

I always thought that nobody else could sing Sounds of Silence and achieve that same harmonic effect. It was their particular voices that made it sound the way it does.

ETA: That whole album, as low tech and unfinished as it often it, is a masterpiece.

Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Moocow

This was sent to me by a young coworker, wicked eerie, great version (and not at all what I expected!!)

8 years ago

(I know the title is Seven Drunken Nights, but they only sing five, on account of the last two verses not being allowed on the radio in 1964)

Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Moocow

I’m done agonizing over polls

So am I… every time I check 538, the Cheeto has closed another couple tenths… almost 2% closer on the day (O_o). My weekend starts today, I’ma go to sleep and not get up ’till Monday

Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
Weird (and frightened... really) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Dalillama, others

Out good friend Goog of Le has the lyrics

8 years ago

I recognize that stock footage from an episode of John Oliver. (And dammit it’s now going to drive me nuts as to which one it was. Something about lobbyists using stock footage in a misleading ad.)

8 years ago

Is it true that Trump is gaining in the polls?!

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

I actually kinda like this one. She kinda put her own spin on it. Not really a cover. Should have went further.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I said this in the other thread, but Democratic voters are more likely to vote early and I’m assuming that people who already voted aren’t being polled. I’m really hoping that this is a viable explanation. It’s going to be an agonizing few days though.

I’m trying to remember if Romney gained in the polls in the week before the election too. Anyone remember?

8 years ago

Is it true that Trump is gaining in the polls?!

Daily Kos pegged the odds at 96% for a Clinton Victory last week. It’s at 92% now. So… probably.

The good news is that they put the odds of a Democratic Senate majority at 72%, up from 56% last week.

8 years ago

He is gaining in the polls, but not enough to be significant – just maybe enough to avoid the absolute landslide that it was going to be before the FBI came and messed everything up. is a great resource for sober and calm analysis of it – it helps me greatly.

8 years ago

Am still annoyed at home state FL because Rubio is likely to keep his seat. That shitstick PROMISED he wouldn’t run if he lost the nom and I guess no one gives a damn. Also home state now trending red. Dang it.

Also I HATE the #draftourdaughters meme that’s all over tumblr now, a ton of left wingers sharing it unironically from the alt right who post it. Dingbats…

The Lady Amalthea
The Lady Amalthea
8 years ago

Thinking about this coming Tuesday sends me into a dry heaving fit; Trump is disastrous and, though she is definitely the right choice given her orange opponent, I can’t see Hillary being much better in office other than the fact that some of my rights may remain intact. Sadly, this election is happening on my last year of not being able to vote. I am merely a nervous bystander.

Luckily, my school is a polling location, thus I do not have to go Tuesday–I can dry heave in the comfort of my own home. The town I live in is liberal (surprisingly liberal, considering I’m in Georgia) due to a big college being here, but I’ve seen quite a few Trump signs around. Scary.

8 years ago

I’ll be voting early tomorrow in California, and was wondering if anyone had any quick thoughts on the senate race and propositions. (How weird is it that we get to choose between two democrats for senator?)

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

Rather than agonize about the polls, may I suggest some action?

You can volunteer to send out texts in support of the Clinton campaign.
It doesn’t cost anything except time and you don’t need a phone – just a computer with an internet connection.

I spent about half an hour on it today. I doubt Í got any more votes for Clinton, but I’ll try again tomorrow. For me at least, it’s better to try.

8 years ago

That’s a bit reassuring, that the chances of him winning are close to zero. I strongly suspect that he just wants to win the elections, but not to actually become president, but if he does, I just hope that he hires some ”amazing people” to do all the work for him, so that he doesn’t really have to do any pesky stuff like thinking, imagining things from other people’s perspective, learning complicated stuff…

The idea of a ”de facto” presidency of a few people who’re a bit more suited for this kind of job is a tiny bit less terrifying than the idea of a Trump full-on presidency, and that is coming from a foreigner 😛

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

We have decided to make penne vodka with vegan coconut bacon, stay up all night, and sleep through Wednesday. No fucking way I’m gonna wake up at 10 in the morning and see Nazi Trump headlines. Fuck it, we’ll do it live.

The Lady Amalthea
The Lady Amalthea
8 years ago


thanks for letting us know! I’m excited to be able to help in any way I can.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Margot, when they were asking Pence if he wanted the VP spot, he was asked if he wanted to be “The most powerful Vice President in history”. If Trump wins, apparently Pence is going to be in charge of Foreign and Domestic Policy. Yeah, so, in charge of everything. So that Trump can focus on “Making America Great Again”.

This is scary on a few levels. Basic level is because Pence is a fundamentalist big-money conservative who’s fought against social services, abortion rights, womens’ rights, LGBT rights, and… God, so many things. Republican on overdrive.

Second thing, and more insidious, is the fact that it would free Trump to focus entirely on whipping up populist sentiment. You know that Trump TV thing, where he’s starting up his own TV network? And how everyone thinks it’s Trump hedging his bets in case he loses?

I don’t think that’s what Trump’s doing. He ain’t hedging his bets. Trump TV is for if he wins. Pence handles the policy and government. Trump rallies the crowds and the hate through his own network that comes right from the top instead of going through the media. His own network, the Official Media Network of the US President.

Combined with the cries of lugenpresse and the way he’s said he’s going to jail journalists and sue media centres? That’s the death of the free press, right there.

Scary stuff.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

I plan to get two things over the weekend.

For if Hillary wins, I plan to get carbonated grape juice, in lieu of champagne.

For if the worst happens, I’m getting some yeast and I will combine it with my normal grape juice.

In other news, there’s chalk graffiti all over campus. Some pro-Trump chalk has been overwritten with pro-Hillary chalk.

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