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As election day draws nearer, the Trump memes get darker

One of the few presentable memes on the Donald Trump Pepe blog
One of the more presentable memes on the Donald Trump Pepe blog

So I took a look at the Donald Trump Pepe blog today, for the first time in a long time, and the memes on display there seem to be getting darker and cruder and more violent as election day draws closer.

It’s not as if the blog — a storehouse of sorts for, well, Donald Trump Pepe memes — had been lacking in crudeness before. Donald Trump meme-makers, after all, are the sort of people who think that it’s just plain hilarious to joke about throwing enemies out of helicopters and gassing  the 7-year-old daughter of a writer they don’t like in a Nazi death camp.

But the newest memes are, if anything, worse — more graphic, more personal, more threatening than even the Holocaust memes that have been a staple of Trump’s volunteer mememakers for the last year. The newer memes, which seem more openly sadistic than those from months past, show Hillary being raped, being led to the guillotine, killing herself with a gunshot to the head.

There’s blood. And diarrhea. Lots of diarrhea.

Here’s a sampling from the memes posted recently on the Pepe Trump blog; I’ve censored the most graphic parts, but, seriously, if your day is going well and you want to keep it that way, you may want to stop reading here.

If not, let’s start with the murder-themed memes.

While their fellow Trump fans chant “lock her up” at Trump’s rallies, the mememakers fantasize about Hillary’s execution at the hands of a triumphant Trump.



Others fantasize about alternate ways she could be killed.


There are memes in which Pepe goads Hillary into killing herself.


And others (too violent to post here) imagining the same fate for Hillary’s “shills.”

There are numerous animated gifs depicting The Donald violently raping Hillary. Here’s a censored, non-animated version of one of them.


And then there are the scatological memes. This is the most presentable one of the bunch.


I guess the, er, joke here is that evil SJW Hillary fans are always complaining about racism. How a frog pooping on a poster for Hillary is supposed to relate to this I have no idea.

Another even more crudely scatological meme depicts a nude Hillary lying on the floor shitting herself while watching Trump’s victory on TV. I’m not going to post that one here, but if you have the stomach for it, take a look at it on the Trump Pepe blog.

And there’s a weirdly elaborate meme depicting Clinton diving into a big pit of money a la Scrooge McDuck, only to find that most of the money has been replaced with shit by a sneaky Trump fan.

After all these, it’s almost a relief to find a meme featuring a Pepe who’s merely peeing.

pepepeeI mean, sure, “globalism” is a dogwhistle for “the Jews,” but at least there’s no blood or poo.

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


We all need to accept sacrifices to beat the corruption

Ya see, that’s a pretty lackluster translation from the original Russian. What Stalin actually meant was ‘You all need to accept sacrifices’. Common mistake ?
comment image
I fuckin hate white ‘liberals’. Present company excluded of course…

8 years ago

Double think a its best.

Ableist, homophobic and transphobic.

8 years ago

@Empathy for Trump fans
Because when a group calls Chinese people like your closest relatives “heartless greedy sociopaths who punish samaritans”, you’re the bad guy for not courting them.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


White Liberalism™. Remember, it’s a trademark, part of the White Family of Movements©, along with the ever popular White Feminism™ and the “new” and “improved” AllLivesMatter® (which we all know is just that 60s shit rebranded with less overt racism).

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


=accepts exclusion=

I at least try not to be That Sort Of White (well, more like pink) Person Who Makes Up Shitty Things Every Two Seconds. Being two hours away from my family helps, I suppose.

Still. I like to learn from y’all about how to reduce remaining shittiness. It’s a good thing.

8 years ago

What’s the opposite of a boycott?

Whatever it is, Chobani Yogurt deserves one.

Xenophobes turn their hatred toward . . . Greek yogurt–greek-yogurt/2016/11/02/bc6d5de4-a06f-11e6-a44d-cc2898cfab06_story.html?utm_term=.a02b3af583f4

Hamdi Ulukaya, the immigrant founder of Chobani Yogurt — an ethnic Kurd from Turkey, where Kurds are oppressed — is living the American dream. He also seems to be a really good guy who treats his workers very well. In addition, he speaks up for refugees and hires them at his Idaho plant.

The alt-right doesn’t like that. (They don’t like anything, but that’s another discussion.) He’s gotten death threats. His wife has gotten death threats. There’s talk of a boycott.

I suggest that we start an antiboycott.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


part of the White Family of Movements©

Ha! Aight, I was wrong. You win ??

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Ha! Aight, I was wrong. You win ??

For once in my life, I have succeed at something.

8 years ago



8 years ago


I’ve got little sympathy for anyone making the vile shit posted above but I just have an automatic kneejerk opposition to writing off 133 560 000 people as just garbage people who don’t deserve empathy.

If they wanted empathy from worthwhile human beings, they should’ve tried not supporting open fascism. But they chose… poorly. And as far as I’m concerned, they seceded from the part of humanity I will ever give a rat’s ass about when they made that choice.


This really bugs me too – slightly differently, but same idea. A pretty large chunk of my friends are like this. They’re white, they’re middle class (ish), and they don’t really like Trump so much as desperately want the Establishment out, and have been told for thirty years now that Hillary is the paragon of Elite Liberal Corruption. Many of them are living paycheque to paycheque, so it’s not like they’ll live comfortably enough regardless of outcome – it’s that they believe Hillary will give them a worse outcome than anyone else. And that’s pretty much all that matters to them.

Ok. Leaving aside the fact that Trump, openly fascist (fascism, historically, kinda sucking for the working class), leaving aside that he literally embodies big money in politics, which is what most of these jackasses mean when they talk about corruption, name one single 6 month period during any Republican administration that was better for the working class than their choice of any 6 month period under a Democratic administration and any time since 1965. They won’t be able to, because there hasn’t been one. I’ll be the first to say that the Democratic party sold out the working class in the 80s, but they’re still leaps and bounds better than the GOP on economic matters. (and basically everything else, really)

I’ve talked to them about the consequences of a Trump win for minorities, for women, for LGBT people, for Muslims, for foreigners – none of it matters to them. They acknowledge that Trump would be bad for them, but then do two things.

What about how disastrous he’ll be for them?!. They won’t get it as bad as the rest of us, but it’s the difference between a kick in the face with a sneaker and a kick in the face with a hobnailed combat boot. Sure, one’s worse, but given the choice between a kick in the teeth and not being kicked in the teeth by anyone, the choice for anyone who’s not a raging bigot is pretty clear.

They soften it with “It won’t be *that* bad, He doesn’t *mean* what he’s saying,” and then follow up with, “We all need to accept sacrifices to beat the corruption.” Which makes my eyes cross, because we have no reason to think he doesn’t believe the things he’s said repeatedly on national television for his entire goddamn life, and it ain’t your place to force other people to suffer in order to accomplish your goals!

Trump doesn’t pay his taxes, he doesn’t pay contractors, he doesn’t pay his employees, and he’s supposed to reducecorruption? This shit right here, this is why I think we need to just take the vote away from white people until they’ve proved they’re mature enough to handle it. Maybe in 25 or so years, half a vote each.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


JoeB: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Hell’s frozen over or a whole bunch of Cub fans gotta answer for all the bad luck that’s happened in 2016.

8 years ago


This shit right here, this is why I think we need to just take the vote away from white people until they’ve proved they’re mature enough to handle it.


How could we — I mean, how could white people — prove their maturity?

Asking for a friend.

PS, everyone: How about those CUBS!

the real cie
the real cie
8 years ago

You have my undying respect for finding actual intelligent words with which to discuss this garbage. The only thing I could muster were a bunch of swear words strung together in a less than brilliant way.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Fuckin finally! Who has the longest streak now? Cleveland, huh? Well, fuck that team and their name. Next is the Rangers? OK, if neither of my teams make it, I’ll root for the Rangers next year 🙂

8 years ago

I’m not very good at this, but I’m going to try….

I’d like to know what I can do to make POC feel they’re being heard (because I’m listening, or trying to), that their lives matter, their experiences may not be the same as my own but that’s ok – I already know me…what are the things that POC would like to tell me about *themselves*? How do I help? Can I?

I just feel so…incapable. And sad.

8 years ago

I’m just going to borrow the idea from a tweet from someone on this whole empathy for Trump voters:

comment image

8 years ago

We could try not lynching anyone or firebombing any churches for a period of several consecutive years. I think that would be a good sign. After that, I dunno. I guess we’d have to leave that decision up to the people who’d have the vote.

8 years ago

Okay, you make a good point.

But my friend is gonna stick with a case-by-case basis approach.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


How do I help? Can I?

^Good job so far ?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

yeah, @Dalillama, I know. It’s upside-down with them. Like, I was thrilled when we had our recent provincial election because a major part of the platform was raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour! But they didn’t care about that – they were upset that taxes were going up and that businesses would have to spent more on their employees. That’s the goddamn point. Not everyone can afford a house and two cars and two adorable little doggies and a motorbike and a second rental property.


I skipped on the studying i was supposed to do and played Factorio instead. Industrial Tetris! It has improved things. I am glad that your Cubses finally won the sports game. (That’s about all I know about that, but I know they’re sorta long overdue!)

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


Factorio has eaten my husband’s brain. If he’s home and has time, he’s playing that mutha. I have no idea how many games he’s completed now. XD

And replace ‘sorta’ with ‘over a century’ overdue, and you get the idea. I live on the US Left Coast now, but I grew up and spent years in Illinois and my brain is still rolling around squealing in joy. 🙂


I’m overjoyed, then, to be part of a household that regularly buys Chobani yogurt, because this guy officially rocks. The fact we are drinking the bitter, whiny tears of reactionary shithead assholes while doing it is gravy. So to speak.

( …um, well, we buy it not so much for us as because the container is the *exact correct shape* that allows the Resident Senior Feline Overlady to get her head in and to lick out the inside once we’re done with it, but I’m happy to find out we’re principled in spoiling her.)

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

@Policy of Madness

God, I love Starling’s cam. I’ve followed her feral colony for years and her since she was a little feral kitten. Now not only is she like 90 percent socialized, she has the kind of stunning ice blue eyes I have never seen on anything other than a pointed cat, let alone a dilute calico. And she is full of the scampitude, along with her six little fuzzy pingpong balls that are cuter than the last.

…Why yes, I’ve been following them a lot to help cope with current shit going on in the world, why do you ask?

8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
I finally finished my paper regarding the mixed blade of the Dragon Princess in the Lotus Sutra and her influence in Japanese Noh plays. Needless to say I probably spent too much time giving summary of the Devadatta. Whether or not my professor will appreciate how much time I ended up blathering about how the Dragon Princess’ awakening to rebuke the sexist Shariputra which should be empowering ended up being more a tool to call Old Buddhists the lesser religion and doesn’t question the aggravatingly paternalistic authoritarian bent the Lotus Sutra extolls. The fact that the Dragon Princess doesn’t question why female nuns and non nuns only get enlightenment after their male counterparts is another mark on the “one step forwards two steps back.”

Fortunately the later Noh plays while also pushing a personal agenda tend to avoid that whole badness by having her be an active agent saving people from sorrow, legitimizing Japan as a Buddhist spiritual center and having people in plays extoll her virtue of activity rather than passivity when seeking salvation. The Chikibushima play did a whole lot to improve the Lotus narrative by making it so a monk stumbles on an island, questions why a woman is on a holy site, and basically learns to respect the divine female Buddhist snake goddess and women in general. Having another female Buddhist diety be respected without the entire indulgent ceremony of the Lotus (seriously I could go on for days on how materialistic that book is and how much of an asshole Gautama is compared to the older tales) pretty much made sure that the Dragon Princess is not a one off occurrence to be explained away by more conservative monks.

Meanwhile in gaming land, Dragon Commander, I managed to get the hand of Dragon dog fighting, Risk, Visual Novel and RTS modes. Funny thing, my generals are a brazen but antisocial war vet, a cunning upper crust Lizard supremacist, one who is in the closet and Catherine. She’s an ardent feminist who probably would cleave me in two should I cross her. Well since I’m not a PUA or MGTOW I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.

8 years ago

Re: reassuring POC

We can’t. When the majority of people who look like us are actively opposing their efforts to move freely about society without being killed on a whim, we can’t. I think of it in terms of an abuse survivor being asked to trust someone like their abuser again, because “not everyone is that person”–they know that, but the smart thing to do is to avoid everyone like that person so that they avoid getting hurt again.

I used to work in a liquor store on the poor side of my city, which is predominantly black (purposely, of course–we have an ugly, ugly history). I noticed that quite a few of my black customers would give me distrusting looks and be very terse with me for a few visits. For a little while, I was irritated by it, but then I thought about it more. Most of the white people I talk to in this town are openly racist. Not some kind of “benevolent” racism thing, either–I’ve been told by more than one employer that my weird name led them to think I was black, and they were relieved that I’m white. Another one actually said, in front of the only black guy on our shift, that our city is “too dark”. My mother has taught elementary school here for decades, and I can’t count the number of times she told me about her and her fellow teachers cracking racist jokes or bragging about being harder on black students, because supposedly their parents just don’t care enough to discipline them and they’ve taken that job upon themselves. Loud-and-proud racist rednecks end up on the poor side of town, too, and they’re the ones these people are surrounded with on a daily basis on top of the systemic bias. How are they supposed to know that I’m not going to treat them poorly like everyone else around them who looks like me? They don’t. When I’m in a situation where I’m feeling potentially threatened, I immediately get defensive, so their initial reactions to me were completely understandable. They warmed up after I proved after enough interactions that I’m not plain fucking terrible, but they had no reason to believe that to begin with.

When White America stops being statistically plain fucking terrible to POC, maybe we can start winning trust. Until then, we’re the douchebags overwhelmingly excusing the murders of their children and trying to vote in a President who discriminated against them in the past and promises to do so even more in the future. We do nothing but earn their distrust, and it’s high time we shut our mouths, put our heads down, and truly fight for their equality without expecting anything in return other than the realization that we’re doing right by our fellow humans. Not trying to be harsh here, just blunt.

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