So I took a look at the Donald Trump Pepe blog today, for the first time in a long time, and the memes on display there seem to be getting darker and cruder and more violent as election day draws closer.
It’s not as if the blog — a storehouse of sorts for, well, Donald Trump Pepe memes — had been lacking in crudeness before. Donald Trump meme-makers, after all, are the sort of people who think that it’s just plain hilarious to joke about throwing enemies out of helicopters and gassing the 7-year-old daughter of a writer they don’t like in a Nazi death camp.
But the newest memes are, if anything, worse — more graphic, more personal, more threatening than even the Holocaust memes that have been a staple of Trump’s volunteer mememakers for the last year. The newer memes, which seem more openly sadistic than those from months past, show Hillary being raped, being led to the guillotine, killing herself with a gunshot to the head.
There’s blood. And diarrhea. Lots of diarrhea.
Here’s a sampling from the memes posted recently on the Pepe Trump blog; I’ve censored the most graphic parts, but, seriously, if your day is going well and you want to keep it that way, you may want to stop reading here.
If not, let’s start with the murder-themed memes.
While their fellow Trump fans chant “lock her up” at Trump’s rallies, the mememakers fantasize about Hillary’s execution at the hands of a triumphant Trump.
Others fantasize about alternate ways she could be killed.
There are memes in which Pepe goads Hillary into killing herself.
And others (too violent to post here) imagining the same fate for Hillary’s “shills.”
There are numerous animated gifs depicting The Donald violently raping Hillary. Here’s a censored, non-animated version of one of them.
And then there are the scatological memes. This is the most presentable one of the bunch.
I guess the, er, joke here is that evil SJW Hillary fans are always complaining about racism. How a frog pooping on a poster for Hillary is supposed to relate to this I have no idea.
Another even more crudely scatological meme depicts a nude Hillary lying on the floor shitting herself while watching Trump’s victory on TV. I’m not going to post that one here, but if you have the stomach for it, take a look at it on the Trump Pepe blog.
And there’s a weirdly elaborate meme depicting Clinton diving into a big pit of money a la Scrooge McDuck, only to find that most of the money has been replaced with shit by a sneaky Trump fan.
After all these, it’s almost a relief to find a meme featuring a Pepe who’s merely peeing.
I mean, sure, “globalism” is a dogwhistle for “the Jews,” but at least there’s no blood or poo.
I’d rather not, at this time. Though I can say that I do not live near Louisville, so it’s unlikely that we’ve met. (I’ve visited Louisville, of course, but it’s still unlikely with so many people.)
I do love how the Pepe peeing meme manages to be two copyright violations that go completely counter to the creator’s will in one image. (Side note: For cripes sake, Calvin might be a brat, but he’s smart enough to argue against things he doesn’t like with his words and not his bodily fluids.)
Also, Troubelle. I also live somewhere where it’s 80 degrees in November. Georgia. At least I’m getting plenty of time to build my insect collection when reasonable temps would have sent most arthropods into hiding by now.
As for marshmallows, +1 for completely charred. Doesn’t get all nice and gooey unless it’s lit on fire.
Obviously thats a false flag by liberal democrats because they started the klan /massive sarcasm
I’m expecting that to be the party line for the alt-reich.
And to think; if rich people actually spent some of all their money and riches on their various and sundry communities instead of hoarding their wealth like Smaug, these poor, rural-based, white people would have much better lives. It would have been a good idea for them to vote for someone who might try and make rich people pay their taxes for a change, wouldn’t it? And yet…

I would also like to second/third the motion to rescue Pepe from his Alt-Right captors.
@Troubelle @impatiens
I live in Southern California, and it’s been 80+ degrees here until maybe a week or two ago.
This nightmarish stuff just makes me appreciate Hillary more.
Can you imagine what it’s like to be the most viciously harassed, threatened, and bullied woman in the US? Granted, she has access to resources (like the Secret Service) that the average Jane Doe doesn’t when facing this deluge. But it still must be horrible.
It only convinces me further that she’s running because she *actually wants to help people in this country*. Otherwise, why endure these escalating horrors? Pure ambition? Not worth it.
(That’s not to say she’s beyond criticism or shouldn’t be held accountable for fuckups, but seeing her push forward in the face of hatred of this caliber cements for me that she has fundamentally good intentions.)
That rape one is shocking. It makes me wonder, even if Trump was charged with indecent assault or for raping that girl of thirteen, it would in the eyes of his fans make him all the more popular. Dangerous times.
@Virgin Mary
It would cause another schism among the the core of his base.
@Troubelle, @PoM, etc.
I grew up in central Kentucky, and I remember balmy days up into early October.
I’m in Tennessee now, and I don’t remember it being quite this hot quite this late before. The forecast is for warm weather through election day, though, so maybe that’ll help turnout.
I miss Kentucky something fierce, though. Everything’s opposite here. Orange instead of blue. Hound dogs instead of wild cats. They farm the hilltops and put roads through the valleys.
Why a schism? They are MRA, Patriarchalist, rape apologist, white supremacists aren’t they? Surely the girl was being blessed with Trump holy (white pure blood) semen? And having money makes him a target for gold diggers amiright?
@Virgin Mary
Like with the “grab them by the pussy” and the Protector of Women narrative, bringing harm upon a child to that degree is against the Protector of Children narrative. Aside from those that associate sexual assault and abuse on a minor to minorities that they hate, there are still those who hold some form of familial affection to the point where supporting a child rapist would force them to withdraw their vote.
Should that happen, then you can put the list to, corrupt, bigoted, classist, sexist, racist, genocidal and pedophilic. Are there any other terms that haven’t been added to the gunk pile?
Does anyone listen to the Best of the Left podcast? They basically have a topic and then gather clips from left leaning media that fit the bill. I usually love it and I’d still recommend it. Anyway, the latest episode was in the same vein as that article. The entire thing was different interview clips from the same woman who wrote a book about Tea Party/Trump supporters. She acted like we’d be amazed to find out that a lot of them seem like decent people who care about the environment and love their families. And I thought we were supposed to be the patronizing ones! It went on about how sad it us for these poor white folks to feel marginalized in “their own” country.(nevermind that they prop up actual marginalization of people, also in their own country as white dudes aren’t the rightful owners of America ffs) Apparently the changing world and economic constraints are justifiable reasons to support far right wing bigots and we’re just supposed to deal w/ that and find a way to bring them into the fold. It was so fucking tone deaf and out of character for that podcast. I’ve been trying to find the words to leave a voicemail saying as much so I can see what the guy has to say.
I’m at a loss for words as to why they would bother with racist white apologia when last time I checked, when an individual from a group is actively going out of their way to hamper the rest of the members of that group, that individual gets the boot. Last time I checked if a person is saying they would harm you at their own expense, actively do harm you and shall continue to harm you no matter how much you try to court them with reason, passion and otherwise, you take their word for it.
I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, in cases like this young girls are treated like they’re “older than their age” and thus aren’t children. Hopefully these girls aren’t treated that way, but it happens so often I’m not going to assume these girls will be treated like the children they were at the time of the incident.
Yea, I’m still scratching my head about it. It’s not as if people on the left don’t realize we may have some things in common with Trump supporters. A stopped clock and all that. It’s that they’re asking many of us to build coalitions with people who don’t believe we’re fully human, but we should ignore that because money in politics! Orrr wage stagnation! Or whatever other issue is effecting these racist white folks who can’t help but be racist.
If what was shown with Trump’s tape and multiple unendorsements that followed, I would like to believe that event would have the same effect. It’s more likely I am vastly overestimating what little moral fiber is left in that voter base.
I don’t get why we have to turn the other cheek hold ourselves to a much higher standard, it feels patronizing that we are expected to act prim and proper and treat them with kiddy gloves. I’ll meet them halfway the minute they start walking instead of trying to make me draw the line closer to them.
The peeing Calvin was never in any way, shape, or form official Calvin and Hobbes merchandise. Watterson was very inflexible on allowing anything official to exist outside of the collected strips. (I understand he felt things like notebooks and TV shows would’ve destroyed the essence of the characters that existed in the comic strips. Or something along those lines, anyway.)
And even if Watterson did allow more official C&H product to exist, I doubt he would’ve approved THAT piece as one of them. That…just wasn’t the way Calvin was in the strips. Bratty, yes. But not as profane and destructive as that, if that makes sense?
It’s not a bother, it’s a tactic. When you see the world exclusively as the 99% vs the 1%, the ‘white working class’ is an ally. If you can convince yourself that economic disparity makes people racist or that bigotry is invented by the elites, your simplistic worldview keeps making sense
There’s a pretty significant segment of the ‘left’ for whom a Trump administration has only abstract consequences. They want to deal with ‘money in politics’ (which is quickly becoming my most hated phrase), but they don’t need to. They’ll live comfortably enough regardless of outcome. No skin in the game…
When you put it that way it clears up alot of things. Yes while it is evident that right wing machines and their donors do churn that toxic well for personal gain, those groups would have been racist on their own regardless of economic status.
This really bugs me too – slightly differently, but same idea. A pretty large chunk of my friends are like this. They’re white, they’re middle class (ish), and they don’t really like Trump so much as desperately want the Establishment out, and have been told for thirty years now that Hillary is the paragon of Elite Liberal Corruption.
Many of them are living paycheque to paycheque, so it’s not like they’ll live comfortably enough regardless of outcome – it’s that they believe Hillary will give them a worse outcome than anyone else. And that’s pretty much all that matters to them.
I’ve talked to them about the consequences of a Trump win for minorities, for women, for LGBT people, for Muslims, for foreigners – none of it matters to them. They acknowledge that Trump would be bad for them, but then do two things. They soften it with “It won’t be *that* bad, He doesn’t *mean* what he’s saying,” and then follow up with, “We all need to accept sacrifices to beat the corruption.” Which makes my eyes cross, because we have no reason to think he doesn’t believe the things he’s said repeatedly on national television for his entire goddamn life, and it ain’t your place to force other people to suffer in order to accomplish your goals!
Sigh. Has not been the best of days.
Ah well! At least life’s interesting!
The one about farting on a poster is a ripoff of a much better political cartoon from 1798.
Ugh, so sick of that. I was told I shouldn’t be voting based on Trump’s policy because he just says what he thinks people want to hear. I mean, how is that a defense? “Don’t vote for crooked Killary the liar! Vote for Trump!” “But he literally wants to take away some of my rights and deport a bunch of people who have done nothing wrong and he hates my entire gender just because.” “Oh, but he doesn’t mean any of that, he’s just a habitual liar.”
I love how Trump “tells the truth”, “says what everyone is thinking”, and “isn’t afraid to be un-PC”, but then when you call him out on his awful rhetoric: “Oh no, he didn’t mean that.”
@Imaginary Petal
Hey, this is the same decision I made! Join the club, we have debilitating drinking problems and/or tenuous sobriety! It’s great!
Seriously, though, I’ve had to start asking my partner not to turn on the news or Majority Report right when I wake up. Majority Report wouldn’t be so bad if they’d stop being thoughtless ableist douchebags. When they’re not talking shit about “crazy” people or talking over anything Kelly has to say, their commentary at least makes current events somewhat tolerable.
@Empathy for Trump fans
Oh you mean that thing that they constantly ridicule people for feeling? That empathy? We’re supposed to feel empathy for them while they excoriate us for possessing any emotions at all other than blind, xenophobic rage? HAHA. HAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HA. HA.
Thanks for the reminder!
I actually have some lemon balm in my cupboard.
I bought it in bulk but forgot to put the name on it — and pretty soon forgot what it was called. (I did remember its effects.) Then one day the name popped into my mind. And then I forgot I had the herb. And now you’ve reminded me.
My life is complicated.