hillary clinton trump

6 Days Now: The Final Countdown Video Party continues

Six days left before the weirdest presidential campaign I’ve ever seen (or hope to see again) lurches to a halt! And another terrible cover of The Final Countdown. I think maybe these three should have rehearsed a little more.

In today’s BONUS VIDEO, a somewhat more polished performer plays a somewhat relevant hit.


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8 years ago
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Oh my goodness that’s adorable

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
8 years ago

Oh wow. They were all in a different key! How does one not hear that?!

And here’s more Erasure playing ABBA:

ETA: Now that GEMA and youtube have come to an agreement I can see all music videos!

The Lady Amalthea
The Lady Amalthea
8 years ago

That cover hurt my heart… Those poor kids.

8 years ago

Good lord-of-the-dance whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…?

That’s mostly rhetorical.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Aight, children. Aight…

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago


(Can I just have a moment to appreciate the clothing and set design Keith uses? Clean, clear, very distinctive, and suits him perfectly. GQ colours, but not obnoxiously so, and the red stripe on the right third makes everything seem off-balance, keeping the viewer a bit disoriented. Really brilliant stuff.)

Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Scildfreja

re: Godwin’s Law,

For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress.

… not this time. Horrifyingly, the discussion now STARTS with the comparison….

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Godwin’s Law has been invalidated by a new law: In any discussion of far right politics, if a comparison to the Nazis has not been made, it is an indication that the discussion has not progressed far enough.

8 years ago

I will end up breaking a nerve on the (french) friend who are all “Hillary is crooked”.


HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
8 years ago

@Weird (etc.) Eddie

I’ve always hated that “tradition”. Invoking Godwin should not be a win button, especially when the comparison is apt. I know you’re not advocating it, just pointing it out, but still ugh that whole “you said Nazi so I win” mentality is disgusting.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

We should call the reverse Godwin Trump’s Law.

Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
8 years ago

Phrases such as “never seen anything like it”, “unbelievable”, fall so utterly short of reality. His campaign has not just moved the Overton Window, it has torn the Overton Window out, frame and all!

An acquaintance said back in June or July that “if Trump becomes President, [he’d] be glad [he’s] a white man” I wonder how many of those “undecideds” who are not sliding the polls towards Trump and oblivion are of that mindset??

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I had lunch with a friend today – a very smart person, but still a cishet white male STEM person – who was hoping that McMullen would win because then it would “shake up politics and help the process of reform.”


History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

Godwin’s law says that, the longer a discussion thread continues, the probability that someone will make a comparison to Nazis or Hitler approaches 1. The point is that people make comparisons to Nazis or Hitler pejoratively without understanding fascist ideology, not that it’s never appropriate to make a comparison to Nazis or Hitler.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Oh god, the stage presence. My heart! 😀 I need to have another wedding so I can hire this band.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been numbing your brain with all kinds of drugs and alcohol lately. I’m just gonna post some of the best weed themed songs from recent months, and one fried chicken themed because you also have to eat.

8 years ago

Any Internet law which is distinguishable from Godwin is insufficiently advanced.

Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
8 years ago

@ HistoryNerd

True, and in the overwhelming number of discussions, that’s the case… in this case, there appears, at first to be an appropriate comparison. However, you brought up an important point;

without understanding fascist ideology

It’s certain Trumpf has stirred up the cesspool and the Nazis are rising to the surface, but I honestly believe Trumpf himself does not HAVE any “idology” other than the obsessive pursuit of affirmation for himself.

Comparison is still valid, tho, as he has made it clear that his agenda will be one that the Nazis will love.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Metagodwin’s Law says that as an internet thread gets longer, the probability that someone will mention Godwin’s Law approaches 1.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

I was collecting my drugs from my chemists earlier and they were covering that the (a?) polls has them at 46% each and were showing clips of the Orange Terror telling people who voted for Hillary to vote again for him. Is that a thing? Is that really a thing you can do in the US? :O

8 years ago

I’m wondering if they deliberately played in three different keys as some kind of edgy in joke. The alternative is too horrible.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

What happened to those rumors that there was one more big story that would be the nail in Trump’s coffin? We’re running out of time for that.

Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
Weird (Scientists find the first fossilized dinosaur brain -- IN DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD) Eddie
8 years ago


With all the awful things he has said and done, I just don’t think there is ANYTHING that could come out that his supporters would care about.

A white, cisgender, heterosexual protestant christian man can support him (if that man has no conscience), but ANYONE who does not meet those requirements is just plain STUPID to support him, not to mention self-destructive.

Olberman: “You know this man… You have ALWAYS known this man”

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Policy of Madness,

A youtuber I follow has just started a new Cities: Skylines series that follows a lot of the ideas you had discussed: pedestrian-friendly, social living spaces, minimization of traffic and a focus on sustainable environmental and social living. He’s a Dutch fellow who’s making his fictional planned city in Bahrain. It’s not just music, but a voiceover as he discusses his thoughts and how he’s planning the city. I saw it and thought you might like to watch!

8 years ago


I was collecting my drugs from my chemists earlier and they were covering that the (a?) polls has them at 46% each and were showing clips of the Orange Terror telling people who voted for Hillary to vote again for him. Is that a thing? Is that really a thing you can do in the US? :O

Wut. He actually said that? Heck no, that’s illegal here–it’s voter fraud. I question if his urging people to do so is even legal. What the hell?

Edit: In regards to the polls, it’s only a couple that show it as being close, but it’s still scary. At one point he was getting close to single digits in the chance of winning calculations and now he’s up to a 30% chance.