"ethics" alt-right antifeminism cuck entitled babies hillary clinton irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny none dare call it conspiracy persuasion racism red pill return of kings TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

#DraftOurDaughters: The Alt-Right’s new master (race) plan to defeat Hillary

Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone
Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone

So the Alt-Right and its fellow travelers have a brilliant new strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton — a hashtag (and assorted hashtag-related memes) intended to trick voters, especially women, into thinking that Hillary intends to draft women for an inevitable war with Russia.

Here are a few of the phony Hillary ads they’re posting on Twitter and wherever else dumb memes can be found. (In all the examples below, collected from Twitter and The Daily Stormer, I’ve taken the liberty of obscuring faces, when appropriate, and labeling the “ads” as fake.)


As political dirty tricks go, this is one of the sillier ones, and the alt-right mememakers don’t seem to be trying very hard to make their memes even vaguely plausible:

Others seem more interested in making racist cuck jokes than they are in producing actual propaganda:

On Return of Kings, which is also pushing the phony ads, Michael Sebastian declares that

The #DraftOurDaughters campaign could be the thing that brings down the Hillary campaign. … Up until now, women have been able to support leftist social policy because it did not impact them negatively. If they become aware that Hillary intends to draft them into combat to fight a war with Russia, they may re-think the wisdom of their equalist position.

Yeah, I don’t think so. Somehow I don’t think the women of America are going to be swayed by any of this. Even aside from the racism, are there really a lot of women out there who think that, of the two major party candidates, Hillary is the one who’d be starting wars?

I’m guessing this actual Hillary ad will be far more effective with American women than any alt-right meme:

The folks at the Daily Stormer, lovely people that they are, are also trying to convince Hillary voters they can vote via text from their phones, or by posting messages on Facebook.


I don’t think this one is going to work either.

But I do encourage all Trump fans to heed the words of The Donald himself — and get out to vote on November 28th!

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8 years ago


are you accusing Twitter of treason?

John Howard
John Howard
8 years ago

Egad, what’s next? Women allowed on the course on weekends?

8 years ago

I see it.

8 years ago

A while back I did some writing on representations of women in public art, and one of the good examples I used was this one:

It’s fantastic–it’s designed as a war memorial but also incorporates the images, stories, and actual words of individual women.

8 years ago

Here’s the thing I don’t get. Do they think that women are going to go register for the draft because of these fake ads? That’s…literally not possible. Women are not merely “exempt” from Selective Service registration; as of now, they cannot register, and even the lifting of gender restrictions on military service has not yet come close to allowing women to register, let alone requiring it. This whole campaign makes less sense than I thought possible – it’s like negative sense. There is a distinct debt of sense, so much so that Gravity Falls now has to be retroactively interpreted as stoic philosophy in order to fill the void.


Can we stop pretending that the alt-right support democracy?

Pretty sure the people outside of the alt-right itself who are still pretending that are doing so either to avoid, or alternately to supplement, binge drinking.

8 years ago


“My wife’s son…” Could they sound any more fake and unsure of themselves when it comes to basic human relationships?

No, that’s the whole cuck thing again. See, the grownups are white, the kid is black, so clearly [fascist bs about black men, white women, yadda yadda yadda].


Can we stop pretending that the alt-right support democracy?

I’ve been pointing out for years that conservatives hate democracy.


I’ve been in multiple arguments regarding whether or not it is ethical to call half a voter base “deplorable”

!? Why on earth wouldn’t it be?

@Whoever’s making those memes
If you want so badly to fight in Syria, the Lion Brigades of Rojava are eager for recruits.

8 years ago

Guy’s argument is that you shouldn’t be calling half the country deplorable. My counterargument is that since they do act in ways that can be summed up as deplorable it’s perfectly fine. Since at that point it’s not an insult and more a descriptor. His rebuttal was what if the right said that. My response is if that were true nothing would change, but since the left isn’t for bigotry, sexism, racism, classicism, the insult would be moot. He then said “what if I called you deplorable”? If I did fit the description Hillary put in, no matter what he said would have made me feel angry and insulted. The conversation promptly ended with no resolution.

This was the same guy that I had to explain why a low level intern handling top secret info is a different scenario than a ceo or senator holding said info. Or how the emails stands up to legal scrutiny, despite the fact that some of the contents I personally disagree with highly, is not the same as leaking blueprints and engineering plans for nuclear submarines.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I hate to be the downer, but spreading misinformation on how/when/where to vote DOES work. That one about texting to vote doesn’t look funny to me. It looks like a real attempt to suppress inexperienced voters. Republicans have pulled shit like that off and on for decades. Usually they tell people to vote on Thursday instead of on Tuesday, but telling people they can vote by text is about up their alleys, too.

It says a lot that the right and alt-right know their positions are so unpopular that they need to suppress voting in order to succeed. When too much democracy is a problem for your side, your side is maybe the wrong one? Maybe?

8 years ago

@ HawkAtreides No, what they’re hoping is that women will go, “Oh shit, equality means I will have to go out and die on the battlefield too!” and give up. That, or be “exposed” as hypocrites and cowards for wanting only men to die in wars.

Never mind that (male) soldiers are far from the only casualties of war.

8 years ago

Aren’t these the same pissants that complain about women not being available for the draft?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Jen King

I feel like those guys are the left-wing of the Alt Right

Well, you’re not wrong…
(And welcome, if you’re new ?)

8 years ago


His rebuttal was what if the right said that

…What world is he living in where they don’t, on an hourly basis? (I guess the specific word ‘deplorable’ may not be used much, but still.)

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
8 years ago

Unfortunately, Clinton appears to be dropping in the polls, and if she wins, it will be close.

On a more amusing note, a Mormon character called Evan McMullin is projected by FiveThirtyEight to have 1.1 electoral votes. He is virtually unknown outside of Utah. His positions are unclear; Mormons seem fond of him because he’s Mormon and he’s not “Crooked” Hillary or Groper Trump.

8 years ago

@ Laugher at Bigots

Mormons seem fond of him because he’s Mormon

You know, I never would have imagined that.

Anyway, I looked into him a little. He is currently being ‘accused’ of being a ‘closeted homosexual’ by a pro-Trump white supremacist, and apparently it has something to do with him not having a girlfriend. There’s so much twisting wrongness with this racist that it is mildly amusing, if also terrible.

McMullin seems quite likeable to me. He’s billing himself as a conservative alternative to Trump, who he rightly calls out as a racist bigot. He also thinks Clinton will win, and wants to focus on beyond the election to the future of the GOP. Very interesting indeed.

8 years ago

The same world where I have to point out when the military said trans soldiers can skip basic training, they meant it specifically when trans soldiers are going through transition. He’s less malicious and more ignorant when it comes the news.

8 years ago


McMullin seems quite likeable to me.

Lemme guess, you’re straight? Cos he strikes me as a homophobic shithead, and I shudder to imagine what he’d think of me being trans. (I don’t give a damn who his parents are, incidentally. He’s in favor of legally allowing discrimination against gay couples, which doesn’t fly with non-bigots.)

He’s billing himself as a conservative alternative to Trump, who he rightly calls out as a racist bigot.

I always find it hilarious when conservatives point at each other and say ‘what a bigot’. Especially when they contrast said bigotry with ‘real conservatism’, as though there was a single conservative position not based in bigotry.

He also thinks Clinton will win, and wants to focus on beyond the election to the future of the GOP.

Bigotry. That’s the future of the GOP. They have no actual reality-based proposals (including McMullin; he’s less openly fascist than Trump, but he’s not any better than, say, Gingrich. Who’s a flaming bigot, among other distasteful traits). They only have a plan to kick ‘those people’ even harder. (Values of ‘those people’ include PoCs, queers, nonchristians, women, and usually poor people).

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I always find it hilarious when conservatives point at each other and say ‘what a bigot’. Especially when they contrast said bigotry with ‘real conservatism’, as though there was a single conservative position not based in bigotry.

Same. They really mean “Trump is upfront on his bigotry and I call my bigotry ‘family values’ or ‘traditional values’ and that makes it sound nice and civil!”

8 years ago

nparker, in a forum like this, having info pays off in spades. A quick google shows that:

• He is anti choice on abortion
• Begrudgingly is okay with same sex marriage
• Supported NAFTA & TPP
• GOP tax reform aka feed the rich & starve the poor
• Supports making the plutocrats even more powerful in the Unspoken Caste System with making them pay less taxes
• Meanwhile the poor should suffer with a means testing aka minority pls go and stay go by slashing welfare programs
• Wants more Scalia type judges on the Supreme Court
• Wants Guantanamo Bay to stay open

Wow this guy must be the FDR’s incarnation.

In summary, this guy is yet another plutocrat bigot with some basic human decencies. Not worth anyone’s time. He’s not even up to Ted Cruz’s level of horror show and influence.

8 years ago

I’m distracted by how beautiful that picture of the barechested man holding his baby is. I’m guessing that is supposed to be a sign of emasculation and the End of Days or something?

Jen King
Jen King
8 years ago

Thanks Axecaliber. I’m a long time reader, just quiet. Usually I’m just golf clapping from the sidelines

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

In the USSR during WWII, there were no highly decorated, all-female units in the Soviet Air Force.

Not the link I would have chosen, but probably more outright informative than my choice.

(huh. Actually, I don’t know how to embed Youtube videos here, or remember if it’s even possible.)

(The video is Sabaton, if anyone’s worried about the link)

@ HawkAtreides

I think they’re referring to that bill that would change the Selective Service to require women to sign up (any woman reaching the age of 18 after 2018, I think).

Though I’ve not been able to find if it actually passed fully or not. I think it did pass in at least one of the houses

Podkayne Lives (Zionist Bonobo))
Podkayne Lives (Zionist Bonobo))
8 years ago

These guys seem oddly obsessed with the draft for a group that, I’m assuming, was nearly all born after it was last used.

The last draft call was six months before I was born. I’m forty-three. There are grown men making these memes whose PARENTS weren’t yet born when the US was last drafting men for military service.

Also, I wouldn’t have guessed these were the type of folks to be opposed to war, at least in theory, but that’s another matter.

8 years ago

They, um, know women are already serving in the military voluntarily, right?

I’m not in favor of any draft, but otherwise those posters look pretty boss. Women defending their families, hot men taking care of babies, and little girls playing princess and soldier: that’s the Vagenda of Manocide I know and love.

8 years ago

A large percentage of Trump’s twitter supporters are Russian bots, which may explain the poor English.

And, more pertinently, the lack of articles like “the”.

Even good English speakers whose native language is Russian (or any Slavic language) occasionally trip up over something like that. I have a Polish friend who occasionally asks me to give her written English a going-over, and nine times out of ten the mistake will be a misplaced article – either omitted or unnecessarily inserted.

8 years ago

@ I think they prefer ‘degenerates’ to “deplorable”.