"ethics" alt-right antifeminism cuck entitled babies hillary clinton irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny none dare call it conspiracy persuasion racism red pill return of kings TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

#DraftOurDaughters: The Alt-Right’s new master (race) plan to defeat Hillary

Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone
Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone

So the Alt-Right and its fellow travelers have a brilliant new strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton — a hashtag (and assorted hashtag-related memes) intended to trick voters, especially women, into thinking that Hillary intends to draft women for an inevitable war with Russia.

Here are a few of the phony Hillary ads they’re posting on Twitter and wherever else dumb memes can be found. (In all the examples below, collected from Twitter and The Daily Stormer, I’ve taken the liberty of obscuring faces, when appropriate, and labeling the “ads” as fake.)


As political dirty tricks go, this is one of the sillier ones, and the alt-right mememakers don’t seem to be trying very hard to make their memes even vaguely plausible:

Others seem more interested in making racist cuck jokes than they are in producing actual propaganda:

On Return of Kings, which is also pushing the phony ads, Michael Sebastian declares that

The #DraftOurDaughters campaign could be the thing that brings down the Hillary campaign. … Up until now, women have been able to support leftist social policy because it did not impact them negatively. If they become aware that Hillary intends to draft them into combat to fight a war with Russia, they may re-think the wisdom of their equalist position.

Yeah, I don’t think so. Somehow I don’t think the women of America are going to be swayed by any of this. Even aside from the racism, are there really a lot of women out there who think that, of the two major party candidates, Hillary is the one who’d be starting wars?

I’m guessing this actual Hillary ad will be far more effective with American women than any alt-right meme:

The folks at the Daily Stormer, lovely people that they are, are also trying to convince Hillary voters they can vote via text from their phones, or by posting messages on Facebook.


I don’t think this one is going to work either.

But I do encourage all Trump fans to heed the words of The Donald himself — and get out to vote on November 28th!

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8 years ago

It’s amazing the mental contortions that they go through regarding the draft.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago


A significant slice of them are making these ’cause they’re funny, and it’s obvious to see how ridiculous it is.

An even bigger slice take’m at face value.

This really has been some campaign.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

I think it’s funny that they think I wouldn’t support women in the draft if we must have one. I also think it’s funny they don’t seem to think I’d be all for abolishing it altogether as a more preferable option.

(But, of course, we feeemales haven’t served our comeuppance for men making laws to prevent us from being in the military for hundreds of years by being forced into service and dying for their petty revenge, so they’re not against the draft either.)

And even if Hillary was pushing for women to be in the draft, I’d still support her over a man who would, in all likelihood, get into a fucking nuclear war over a goddamned tweet. He wants to sue people for making fun of him on television. He gets into twitter wars at 3AM because someone said something about him that wasn’t glowing fucking praise.

I don’t trust that man with the nuclear codes. I wouldn’t trust that man with anything more powerful than an empty squirt gun.

I’ve played enough Fallout to know that not many people (who aren’t rich enough to have access to vaults that aren’t most likely elaborate “social experiments” if not absolute death traps) will survive that shit. And anyone would be deluding themselves if they thought otherwise.

8 years ago

Take out the warmongering BS and they’re basically saying “Oh no, hillary plans to give women the same rights and opportunities as men!!!!!”

What’s next: “Hillary wants women to made decisions about their own body!” “Hillary thinks people of different ethnicity should be treated as equals!!”

Ah, the fears of a misogynist.

8 years ago

I’ve been in multiple arguments regarding whether or not it is ethical to call half a voter base “deplorable”, things this underhanded pretty much proves my point. And to meme text for a bit

>says they are against corruption
>literally tricking voters and spreading malicious lies intentionally

Same, at this point Imma just sit back and find some relief before this fucking election is over and done with.

8 years ago


No, that’s it. I’ve run out of witticisms for these people and anything else I am tempted to say wouldn’t fly here.

Jen King
Jen King
8 years ago

I saw some of these on those Bernie or Bust/”dank meme stach” pages as well. I feel like those guys are the left-wing of the Alt Right.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

And, of course, these chucklefucks can’t talk about women without a possessive pronoun

8 years ago

Can we stop pretending that the alt-right support democracy?

8 years ago

No, that’s it. I’ve run out of witticisms for these people and anything else I am tempted to say wouldn’t fly here.

Seconded Nequam.

8 years ago

Words. What do they mean?

Well, I know one word that’s taken on a whole new meaning, thanks to these cuckheads: INANE.

8 years ago

Who said we ever did?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I can see it, David.

8 years ago

“…while I fight Putin regime”. Note the missing “the”. Further proof that these clowns can’t even master the most basic rules of their own language. And some of them really believe this shit will swing the election!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

A large percentage of Trump’s twitter supporters are Russian bots, which may explain the poor English.

“My wife’s son…” Could they sound any more fake and unsure of themselves when it comes to basic human relationships?

8 years ago

Hey, “Princess Solider” meme-maroon: You spelt that wrong.

Also, princesses CAN be soldiers. I give you the current Queen of England:

Yes, that was PRINCESS Elizabeth of the House of Windsor, in the British Army. In World War II.

Please feel free to tell us again how spoiled women are.

Worried Hobbit
Worried Hobbit
8 years ago

I haven’t commented on here before, but I just need to say this: whenever I think about the possibility of Trump winning the election, I literally start to panic. I’m not even American but I cannot handle that thought, it’s too terrifying…

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

Even if it wasn’t faked, I would be okay with it if (seconding PI) a draft was absolutely necessary.
On the other hand, I have cream of chicken soup and bread, so….83

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The alt-right isn’t doing anything different than the establishment right has been doing. They have a long history of trying to deceive Democratic voters into voting on the wrong day.

8 years ago

The #DraftOurDaughters campaign could be the thing that brings down the Hillary campaign. … Up until now, women have been able to support leftist social policy because it did not impact them negatively. If they become aware that Hillary intends to draft them into combat to fight a war with Russia, they may re-think the wisdom of their equalist position.

Oh, absolutely, this could be The Thing that destroys Hillary Clinton.

Because women have never volunteered for the women’s auxiliary armed forces. Never tended to the wounded on the battlefield. We’ve never been camp followers, taking up arms when men fell. (There was no Molly Pitcher!)

In ancient Israel, the prophet and judge Deborah was not a general. And in modern-day Israel, women aren’t drafted.

In the USSR during WWII, there were no highly decorated, all-female units in the Soviet Air Force.

No way did Deborah Sampson disguise herself as a man to fight in the American Revolution.

You’ll see no women at US military academies. And this certainly never happened:

In 1980, 66 percent of the women in the first coeducational classes graduated—comparable to 70 percent of the men whose attrition rate due to academic failure was twice that of women.

Plus, women — none of whom are at all bright — will definitely fall for your fake draft-women shenanigans, you rascally alt-right scamps!

8 years ago

The alt-right. Saving western civilization by harassing women on Twitter, typing the word “cuck” over and over and over again, posting Pepe the Frog memes, and disliking YouTube videos. I’m sure Clinton and George Soros and ISIS and the Zionist Occupation Government are just quivering in their shoes.

8 years ago

@David, it shows as the first tweet for me. No SHADOW BAN TREASON today, I guess.

8 years ago

They really are this desperate, aren’t they?

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