
Leave it to the deep thinkers of the Men Going Their Own Way community to ask the tough questions that no one else dares to ask.
For example: In the future, when men are reduced to 5 percent of the population and forced to flee to Mars or Venus, will the sentient robots ally themselves with men or with women?
In the MGTOW subreddit, an aspiring futurist calling himself FalloutFan2 laments what he sees as the inevitable rise of a gynocentric dystopia in which men are more or less bred out of existence, except for a tiny minority that the women keep around for sperm and giggles.
“It’s sad how everything in modern society is already gearing towards a female-only future,” FalloutFan2 notes wistfully.
I think there will come a point where all men rebel against the system and form their own colony on Mars or Venus or whatever, where we’ll bring some female sex-bots for entertainment.
It’s rare that I find myself agreeing with anything I read on the MGTOW subreddit, but if you guys want to go start a MGTOW colony on Venus I will not only support you but help you pack.
Of course the women will just keep using their dildos because they are emotionless beings who care little for actual interaction, whether it be sentient robot or human.
I have to admit that “women are emotionless automatons who prefer dildos to robots because they don’t like talking to people” is a stereotype I have not encountered before.
Do you think the sentient robots will ally themselves with mankind and not womankind?
I think that due to their advanced intelligence they will not see a possible future where they could be on equal footing with women (due to the female’s natural inclination to boss everyone around), so they’ll settle for a society where they are equal to men.
I’m pretty sure sentient robot ladies would kick you guys to the curb as quickly as actual human females. Especially since two sentences ago the only sentient robots you were interested in were of the sexy sex slave variety.
Of course, if we do all end up on Mars, women will just eventually send nukes to destroy the colony regardless, out of bitter spite (if they figure out how to press the correct buttons that is, but typically some beta male nuclear scientist would have left blatant instructions beforehand that even a toddler would understand).
Ha ha ladies can’t even nuclear holocaust men right!
Women just can’t handle the fact that men just want to be happy.
Well that’s a bit of an ironic statement to find on the MGTOW subreddit, to put it mildly. I can’t think of a group of men less interested in being happy, or more inclined to wallow in their own bitterness, than MGTOWs.
They can’t comprehend that men are satisfied with an existence of philosophical stoicism, and not artificially superimposing different contrived existentialisms on reality. Either no one but them can be allowed to be happy, or no one period.
Unfortunately, due to this reason I don’t see any possible way it could work out. Women will just kill themselves off once all the men are gone anyway, cuz there’ll be no one to listen to their nagging bullshit.
Better get yourself an agent quick, FalloutFan2, because this sounds like the greatest science fiction novel never written!
Gert called me a twat.
Nick is the one who came in after he was banned to complain about how mean we were to poor, poor Gert
He swept the misogynistic slurs under the rug and defended his use of dog whistle language.
Then he doubled down on it earlier today and refused to apologize or even acknowledge why people were upset about this, merely saying we should excuse it because he’s a lefty who doesn’t grasp issues outside of class and imperialism.
It really fucking annoys me when people act like an ass in one thread and then post like normal in another as if no one is going to notice. Anyone who thinks I should be nice to someone uses misogynistic insults to me is a misogynist by association in my book.
Like I said, if others wish to engage him, I’m not going to try and stop them, but I’m uncomfortable with his behavior and I’m not going to let him get away with either.
Ohh, sorry, I thought you meant that Nick had called you that.
Not that defending Gert’s use of it is any better.
I’m really sorry, I got super-focused on one part and ignored the rest. Shitty of him to do, and shitty for me to miss it.
No worries. I wasn’t trying to guilt you at all. I’m a forgiving person when someone is actually remorseful and they learn from their mistakes. When they don’t, I’m what one might call a nasty woman. I couldn’t resist bringing it up. Being an ass in one thread and then trying to post normally in the other is kind of…I dunno, gaslighting might not be the right word although that’s what’s coming to mind. It’s manipulative anyway and I’m not surprised it went unnoticed until I pointed it out.
I know you’re not chastizing me, I’m chastizing me 😉 I did notice it, but didn’t want to, I dunno, cross the streams? I heard you’re not supposed to do that. I’m just not very confrontational, really!
FalloutFan2 hasn’t realized that RGTOW (Robots Going Their Own Way) might be a thing once the sentient AI community realize what d***s meatbags (to quote Bender, I believe) and their ilk can be…
I don’t think there’s some kind of line a system crosses to be conscious – rather, it’s a matter of degree depending on the complexity of the processing involved, and particularly on the sophistication of self-modelling – and in borderline cases, of choice – whether we call a system conscious. Indeed we can sees gradations and borderline cases even with human beings – what about someone in a PVS, or “unconscious” from anesthesia but (as it later turns out) still able to hear, or someone with a “split brain”, or Korsakov syndrome, or…
You appear to be assuming I must agree with your assessment of the previous thread. I don’t. Hence, I see no need to apologise.
That’s simply false. It’s false to allege that I was OK with Gert calling you (or anyone) a twat – indeed, I specifically said that he had been unnecessarily rude, and used sexist insults. I questioned whether his use of “articulate” to describe Obama was a “dogwhistle” – that is, a deliberate implied insult to other black people. I still see no reason to conclude that it was.
People can follow your link, and see that it is, again, simply false. I did not say anyone should excuse Gert.
Scildfreja Unnýðnes,
I did not excuse Gert calling weirwoodtreehugger a twat. That’s just false. If weirwoodtreehugger, or anyone else, can quote me doing so, I will indeed apologise.
Seems like at least some of JB’s readers are turning against Suzie because she’s “a girl”. They’re jealous that she got a whole blog post about how she got banned from WHTM, while the poor men who have been banned from here got no attention whatsoever. Boo hoo, they’re being oppressed!
Another example of how anti-feminists always eventually turn and start harassing anti-feminist women. They’re women, after all. Sorry, I mean “girls”.
Warning: brace your sarcasm buffers or overflow may occur.
GOSH! Who could have predicted that!? Especially when she was all “not like all the other girls”, the Cool Girl dissing other “girls”.
So, Mrs Hardie-Bloomfield was a dastardly gynocrat the whole time? Swerve! Also totally has nothing to do with the fact that guy trolls can never even fake civility and thoughtfulness for any extended period of time. Hairt, Miggy, Timmark, etc. Nope, just 2 antifem gals plotting you fellas’ oppression with guest posts…
I know you don’t see the problem with clutching your pearls over how mean we were to an admitted troll who uses misogynistic slurs against women who disagree with him. I wasn’t expecting you to apologize because you showed your true colors in that thread.
For 11th dimensional chess masters they show a remarkable lack of self restraint.
Wow, those guys are angry about getting banned everywhere. Here’s a good one:
That thread goes on to get really pro-abuse really fast. :/
Damn, I’m happy that I would have to take proactive measures to let that message board load on my browser. It sounds like a clusterfuck in the comments there.
Who could have predicted that misogynists would not be down for sympathizing with a woman???
A,defense of Thomas Ball. An oldie but goody.
Are you intentionally misinterpreting what WWTH is saying? She didn’t say you specifically defended his use of twat. She said you swept it under the rug, and you did. You brushed it off as a minor thing and wrung your hands over how mean everyone was being to Gert and how his use of misogynistic slurs and racist dogwhistles* was not nearly as bad as how mean we were to him in response to his behavior. [Source]
*Which you insist he must not know are dogwhistles despite him having already thrown his gloves down and said he was going into full troll mode.
Nick, you are not a good person. You made that choice when you decided to defend a misogynist troll. Don’t expect to be treated like a good person until you actually are one.
The JB commenters are also whining about how oppressed men are in the MRM, since they’re forced to listen to women like GWW, CHS, JB and so on. There’s just no end to how oppressed the poor men are. 🙁
@Nick G,
I’ll take you at your word, that you’re not trying to make trouble, you just hold a different opinion – we all do that. I honestly believe this to be the case, too!
There’s a major perspective clash going on right now. The proper thing to do is to put on the other person’s glasses, as it were. Find the perspective of the person or people you’re arguing against. Try it on, see how the world changes when you look through those lenses. Understand how and why they’re prioritizing the way they are.
You’ve inadvertently hurt or offended. So did I, actually. Find that hurt, find how and why it happened. That’ll be the key to the disagreement that’s going on here. Give that a try, cool down a bit, and then come back once you’ve figured out the difference in perspective.
I hope that helps!
I saw that! They were complaining in JB’s site that JB has created this space for them to use instead of a man doing it. So…um…how hard is it to sign up for WordPress or blogspot and create your own space? You can even make it a no-girls-allowed club.
Men Going Their Own Way from the Men’s Rights Movement! Menception!
Aw, Susan’s little plot backfired on her? This is how sad I am for her.


I’ll be nice and dispense a little feminism 101.
Part of patriarchy is that women are expected to prioritize the feelings and needs of men over ourselves. No matter how shittily they treat us. When you say it’s unjustified to be mean to a man who uses misogynistic slurs, you are committing a misogynistic act. You are enforcing the patriarchal expectation that women put up with misogyny because men and their feelings are more important.
Men do not get a get out of misogyny free pass because they identify as leftist, progressive or liberal. Nor do they get one for identifying as a feminist oriented feminist ally. Expecting women to give sexist behavior a free pass to men just because they claim to oppose misogyny is a misogynist act.
Most spaces online and off allow for casual misogyny and discourage women for objecting to it. This is not one of those places.
Deal with it.
She said, specifically, and falsely, that I excused it.
That appears to me to be a considerable distortion. Here’s what I said in the comment you link to:
The rest of the comment set out why I felt some of the accusations against Gert were unjustified, and which of his criticisms of Clinton I considered justified. I did not “wring my hands”, and I did not compare Gert’s behaviour with the response to him.
Thank you for your assessment of my moral worth, which I will take for what it’s worth. In my first comment on the other thread, I made quite clear that I accepted the Gert had been unnecessarily rude, and had used sexist insults, but that I considered some of his points to be valid. I also thought – and still think – that the accusations of racism with regard to Obama were unfair; and I thought (but was convinced otherwise by good arguments put forward by Scildfreja Unnýðnes and Axecalibur) that the accusation of antisemitism was unfair. My view is that even a misogynistic troll may make worthwhile points, that those points should not be dismissed simply because of their source, and that accusations made against them may also be disputed. It appears that the general view here is the opposite. I’ll bear that in mind.
Scildfreja Unnýðnes,
Perhaps those accusing me of things I did not do could profit from your sage advice? As I’ve no wish to make this thread all about me, I will not contribute to it further, and will take a break from the site for a couple of days. But if others continue to level personal attacks at me on unrelated threads, I think it will be quite clear who is being unreasonable over a difference of view.