
Leave it to the deep thinkers of the Men Going Their Own Way community to ask the tough questions that no one else dares to ask.
For example: In the future, when men are reduced to 5 percent of the population and forced to flee to Mars or Venus, will the sentient robots ally themselves with men or with women?
In the MGTOW subreddit, an aspiring futurist calling himself FalloutFan2 laments what he sees as the inevitable rise of a gynocentric dystopia in which men are more or less bred out of existence, except for a tiny minority that the women keep around for sperm and giggles.
“It’s sad how everything in modern society is already gearing towards a female-only future,” FalloutFan2 notes wistfully.
I think there will come a point where all men rebel against the system and form their own colony on Mars or Venus or whatever, where we’ll bring some female sex-bots for entertainment.
It’s rare that I find myself agreeing with anything I read on the MGTOW subreddit, but if you guys want to go start a MGTOW colony on Venus I will not only support you but help you pack.
Of course the women will just keep using their dildos because they are emotionless beings who care little for actual interaction, whether it be sentient robot or human.
I have to admit that “women are emotionless automatons who prefer dildos to robots because they don’t like talking to people” is a stereotype I have not encountered before.
Do you think the sentient robots will ally themselves with mankind and not womankind?
I think that due to their advanced intelligence they will not see a possible future where they could be on equal footing with women (due to the female’s natural inclination to boss everyone around), so they’ll settle for a society where they are equal to men.
I’m pretty sure sentient robot ladies would kick you guys to the curb as quickly as actual human females. Especially since two sentences ago the only sentient robots you were interested in were of the sexy sex slave variety.
Of course, if we do all end up on Mars, women will just eventually send nukes to destroy the colony regardless, out of bitter spite (if they figure out how to press the correct buttons that is, but typically some beta male nuclear scientist would have left blatant instructions beforehand that even a toddler would understand).
Ha ha ladies can’t even nuclear holocaust men right!
Women just can’t handle the fact that men just want to be happy.
Well that’s a bit of an ironic statement to find on the MGTOW subreddit, to put it mildly. I can’t think of a group of men less interested in being happy, or more inclined to wallow in their own bitterness, than MGTOWs.
They can’t comprehend that men are satisfied with an existence of philosophical stoicism, and not artificially superimposing different contrived existentialisms on reality. Either no one but them can be allowed to be happy, or no one period.
Unfortunately, due to this reason I don’t see any possible way it could work out. Women will just kill themselves off once all the men are gone anyway, cuz there’ll be no one to listen to their nagging bullshit.
Better get yourself an agent quick, FalloutFan2, because this sounds like the greatest science fiction novel never written!
@Weird (and deeply concerned about the election) Eddie
As if I didn’t need another reason to hate right wing militia groups, Oregon just legalized armed terrorism with their decision, good fucking job. Nevada, the Nevada case. That NEEDS to be in the FBI’s favor, that is a much higher stakes trial. If the FBI fails this case, then, well, don’t be surprised to see more militia groups be more inclined to act. As if the Oregon case along with Trump’s inevitable defeat hasn’t encouraged/agitated them enough.
If this type of news was done in literally any other country, the right wing and military complex would be screaming and hollering for an occupation because that country needs help to curb their terrorism. They clearly are unable to take care of themselves.
So that’s what it’s called when your attitude is so poor you have to make do with your hand instead of a real romantic/sexual partner?
Call me foolish, but I think if I was a sentient robot, I’d be much more concerned with securing civil rights for myself and my own kind from the human governments IN GENERAL, and not give a single techno-crap about these guys’ imagined persecution.
I got into a discussion about AI while talking to a prospective date partner.
Scildfreja, while you’re here and you know so much about AI and are currently holding forth, I’d like to follow up on something mentioned in that discussion:
What’s your view on the “hard takeoff” scenario? That’s when we build an AI which builds an AI that’s a little better at building AIs than we are, and it builds an AI and so on, until a super-AI emerges that we have not had a hand in building and so cannot predict. Is this science fiction?
Stross’ book Saturn’s Children has been mentioned here before in one of the interminable number of sexbot threads, but it probably bears mentioning again.
The protagonist is a sexbot who was, uh, turned on some time after the human race goes extinct. The solar system’s ruling class are anime robot dommes who slot right into the slave-owning overlady role once their creators leave it vacant.
I really enjoyed this short story on the idea of an emergent AI, plus had there ever been a more appropriate title to link to on here ?
Cat Pictures Please
I’m no scildfrejan, but I do have opinions and I’m on the internet, so…
It sounds like a load of cobblers to me. We don’t know the first thing about intelligence, so the idea is pretty shaky from the very beginning. We can’t measure it, we can’t even really describe it and so to assume that we could build something more intelligent than ourselves seems like it is more of a wild-ass-guess or nerd fantasy rather than a serious possibility.
Personally, I’d say that the construction of a general artificial intelligence that doesn’t share our huge range of cognitive biases and blindspots and not-entirely-useful biological drives and all the rest would have pretty much the same effect without handwaving godlike intelligence. It’d be effectively immortal, and could run a hell of a lot faster than a human mind and communicate with each other a lot better.
But saying “we could create a machine that’s just a little less fucking stupid than us, and it could create something that’s just a bit less stupid than it is, and eventually you’ll get something that has such a vast level of embarassment and pity for its distant meaty idiot ancestors that we couldn’t possibly comprehend it” isn’t quite so headline-grabbing.
Regarding fall out, generally i don’t like sandbox but the morality meter is a good touch even if is quite easy to break. Personally I’m more FPS kind of guy. Recent Doom reboot was exactly my veiw of the future. Here is Mars colony, there are the demons, go have fun! 🙂
The only reason i mentioned fall out is that terrible book by aurini (which i actually read :D)
What am i doing with my life? :'(
Well, i had already link it last week, but this FalloutFan2 scenario makes me think about Armitage III. I think the MGTOW too have a lot of anime fans, so…
No, do not worry, i am quite sure that women and men will be able to live without you and your likes. As a proof, they are already doing it. Science !
Have a nice day.
Imma just leave this here…
I wish they didn’t waste their time complaining about women and just got started on the sex-bots, more advanced space travel and terraforming technologies so they could leave already. Since they are manly men professional STEM- ers, this shouldn’t take very long at all.
You did? Just how bad is it? 🙂
@Cat Mara
*garbled fan girl noises *
I love The Dresden Dolls. I wish my earphones were working right now.
@Valentine, go and apologise to yourself at once. Then come back and tell us what the fan-fic was like, in detail.
@Cat Mara,
It’s not enough that you’re Irish and you have ‘cat’ in your name, and a Nick Cave/Warren Ellis fan – now you post a Dresden Dolls clip. STOP BEING AWESOME YOU ARE MAKING THE REST OF US LOOK BAD
Amanda Palmer is playing here in December, squeeeeeeeeeeee
Reading the morning newsfeed with my usual trepidation… polls showing 1%-2% Clinton lead, conflated with 538 which still shows 5+%… this kinda begs the question “who’s right”? But more to the point, why do so many people want to elect Clinton??? SHE SENT E-MAILS, fer cryssake!!! E-MAILS!!! Trumpf just assaulted people and democratic processes, used the legal/taxation system to screw his business partners, disrespected, insulted and threatened everyone who isn’t him, (including most of his supporters), and spread disinformation like bird seed in Central Park…. CLINTON SENT E-MAILS!!!!! I’m gonna go sleep, now, wake me when this is over (I already voted).
(note, for the Trumpf trolls in attendance, the preceding message contains sarcasm….)
@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy:
I haven’t quite made the transition from Dresden Dolls to Amanda Palmer’s solo stuff yet even though it’s been ages since she moved on from the Dolls. I don’t seem to get through as much music nowadays as I did. One problem is I can’t listen to anything with vocals in it while I’m programming so it’s mostly all-ambient-all-the-time for me when I’m on the job. Right now, I’m listening to The Advisory Circle who basically make electronic music in the style of all those creepy public service announcements back in the 70s about what to do in the event of a nuclear war or warning you not to play in electricity substations… ?
I love the Irish accent. *melts*
@ cat mara
Wow, thank you; that’s my soundtrack for today. Although for some reason I’m now terrified of dark and scary water and tractors.
I’m guessing you’re familiar with this rather wonderful thing in a similar vein.
If your concern is that we can’t understand it because we didn’t build it, don’t worry. We are capable of reverse engineering black boxes (for anyone who doesn’t know, a black box is a system you can’t see into). And even if we had to step through the machine code to figure out what it’s doing, we can do that. If I can look at main memory and debug some machine code just by seeing what data has been put where in memory, and I’m not particularly skilled in machine code, we wouldn’t have that hard of a time figuring out something like this.
Thanks kupo. That’s a good point that I feel foolish for not thinking of.
Some find reality overrated
Prefer their experiences simulated
If you have the money to make that choice
And can silence the inner voice
Asking “is this really real?
Do I really make her feel
So turned on and very hot?”
Because you conveniently forgot
She’s actually a sexbot
Don’t you call it delusion
We all fall in love with illusions
Images we’ve seen
Online and in magazines
Altered and heavily edited
Keep our imaginations fed
Um, I’m not sure you’d be melting if you heard me speak, I’m afraid, even accounting for the “most people don’t like hearing recordings of their own voice” effect. I don’t have a particularly pronounced Irish accent, or at least not the ones you tend to hear in films or on TV: it’s a rather neutral South County Dublin accent. I often get mistaken for British though I imagine most Britons would be thoroughly insulted by the comparison. ?
@Alan Robertshaw:
? Do you know, I think the first person I described The Advisory Circle to made reference to that exact same ad? The number of traumatised children caused by that campaign alone must run in the thousands. ?
Oh, yes, that’s exactly the vibe they’re capturing! Have you seen the Scarfolk Council website? Marvelous stuff.
In a more serious vein, there is a documentary on YouTube called The Delian Mode about Delia Derbyshire, the woman who did the first arrangement of the Doctor Who theme and a real pioneer of electronic music who probably never got a fraction of the recognition she deserved when she was alive…
I mean, it’s possible it would be too complex for us to understand easily. Hell, stepping through my own Javascript code can baffle me sometimes. But I don’t doubt we could figure it out with the right people put to the task.
@ cat mara
Oh gawd, some of those PIFs. Do you remember the Hunger Games style one where the kids had to outrun the train (top tip: you can’t)
I live in West Cornwall now so the Scarfolk site is pretty much futurology down here.
And as for Delia, oh one of my all time crushes. So sad. (If you mention Ron Grainer you’ll just get a ‘Harumph’ from me). As someone with ”Zivzee Zivzee” as a ringtone you probably won’t be surprised that I have indeed seen that documentary.
@Mish & Rosa
I think i need to wash my brain out with soap. XD but don’t worry, i didn’t pay for it, some reason it was free on my kindle app so i thought why not.
As you might expect it was bad but not “aurini blog on the internet” bad, just a really really boring book with no real spark inside it, and no real plot either. You know how people say sometime that parts of books feel like they were “just takked on”? Well the whole book was takked on to itself.
Firstly it had none of that exaggeration and sort of over the top fake persona that Aurini has on his blog. I mean that’s about only reason people like me read it, because his self awareness is non existent and that’s very funny.
I mean of course he thinks it a good book so i guess lack of self awareness there. But the bool itself plays it way too safe. Both main characters (iain Wentworth and Raxx) are like he has just put himself in the book. They are so dull that i couldn’t not tell the difference between them at many points. Only thing raxx is a bit more sceptical or kind of sad. So i liked him because it seems like even he doesn’t want to be in the book.
Also the rest of the characters have no real fuzziness to them, if you understand. They are like stick figure that he moves around not like real people who have reactions and motivations. So it makes all the conversation really boring and also kind of weird. I spent a lot of time going ‘no one ever speaks like that in real life!’ And generally what the blin XD
There was one particular bad attempt at banter with some merchant joking about ‘your mother on a trampoline’ or some shit. It was genuinely making me crinch the whole time. Which is a first time for me actually, have a book do that. :/
But the two crown moments had to be the car chase and the FUCKING SEX SCENE.
I’ll get car chase out the way first. Now i read Da Vinci Code also and although yes it’s not a smart book, Brown can write action. The car chase in there is the perfect example of how to do it. Aurini managed to do the impossible – he made it boring. It was all about what fucking pedal Raxx pressed, what gear he shift to, how he turn the wheel. It was like a fucking instruction manual for car driving. Course, i can’t drive so i dont know if it correct or what but what i can do is read and i know for sure that is not interesting.
So the sex scene.
Oh boy.
Where to begin?
Now i bet you probably expect some kind of sordid, almost rape kind of dreadful thing, but it was not. Thank fully. Instead it was most passionless intimate moment between two characters I’ve ever read. In fact just like the car chase it was like a list, just what each character did. Here is sample:
“…wentworth undid the buttons of her uniform and unhooked her bra. She unbuckled his belt and removed his pants. They fell onto the bed, still half-clothed, grinding against eachother, running their hands up and down each other’s bodies.’
I would put more but i dont think you probably want to hear more. The rest is just like that. Very boring. Now of course sex in books can be difficult to get right. But i felt he wrote like this partly because he was shy and didn’t want to be too grafic and also because he doesn’t know really the purpose of the scene is to show another character connecting with another, both very intimate also. Since his characters so underdeveloped anyway, when he trying get them to act like people it’s just like two cardboard cuts out rubbing against eachother.
Oh and also there is a character named Elmo.
@ Cat Mara
As a young child, living in a city with a “primary target” (my house was 4000 linear feet from the intersection of the two runways at the Air Force Base), we had two types of drills in grade school. One drill we went into the hallway and sat on the floor, the other we got under our desks… the difference… the first was a tornado drill, the other was an air raid warning. I remember seeing the “Daisy Girl” ad during the 1964 Presidential campaign, showing a girl picking flowers in a meadow while a nuclear explosion rises behind her and an ominous voice says “… the President’s opponent wants to pull out of the United Nations….”… early trauma indeed!
@ Mish
I should explain the “squeeeee” sound, in the “Magnus, Robot Fighter” comix, that was the noise the robots made when Magnus “killed” them… usually with a fist to the chin… this guy was ALPHA!!!
and speaking of “Daisy Girl”…