
Leave it to the deep thinkers of the Men Going Their Own Way community to ask the tough questions that no one else dares to ask.
For example: In the future, when men are reduced to 5 percent of the population and forced to flee to Mars or Venus, will the sentient robots ally themselves with men or with women?
In the MGTOW subreddit, an aspiring futurist calling himself FalloutFan2 laments what he sees as the inevitable rise of a gynocentric dystopia in which men are more or less bred out of existence, except for a tiny minority that the women keep around for sperm and giggles.
“It’s sad how everything in modern society is already gearing towards a female-only future,” FalloutFan2 notes wistfully.
I think there will come a point where all men rebel against the system and form their own colony on Mars or Venus or whatever, where we’ll bring some female sex-bots for entertainment.
It’s rare that I find myself agreeing with anything I read on the MGTOW subreddit, but if you guys want to go start a MGTOW colony on Venus I will not only support you but help you pack.
Of course the women will just keep using their dildos because they are emotionless beings who care little for actual interaction, whether it be sentient robot or human.
I have to admit that “women are emotionless automatons who prefer dildos to robots because they don’t like talking to people” is a stereotype I have not encountered before.
Do you think the sentient robots will ally themselves with mankind and not womankind?
I think that due to their advanced intelligence they will not see a possible future where they could be on equal footing with women (due to the female’s natural inclination to boss everyone around), so they’ll settle for a society where they are equal to men.
I’m pretty sure sentient robot ladies would kick you guys to the curb as quickly as actual human females. Especially since two sentences ago the only sentient robots you were interested in were of the sexy sex slave variety.
Of course, if we do all end up on Mars, women will just eventually send nukes to destroy the colony regardless, out of bitter spite (if they figure out how to press the correct buttons that is, but typically some beta male nuclear scientist would have left blatant instructions beforehand that even a toddler would understand).
Ha ha ladies can’t even nuclear holocaust men right!
Women just can’t handle the fact that men just want to be happy.
Well that’s a bit of an ironic statement to find on the MGTOW subreddit, to put it mildly. I can’t think of a group of men less interested in being happy, or more inclined to wallow in their own bitterness, than MGTOWs.
They can’t comprehend that men are satisfied with an existence of philosophical stoicism, and not artificially superimposing different contrived existentialisms on reality. Either no one but them can be allowed to be happy, or no one period.
Unfortunately, due to this reason I don’t see any possible way it could work out. Women will just kill themselves off once all the men are gone anyway, cuz there’ll be no one to listen to their nagging bullshit.
Better get yourself an agent quick, FalloutFan2, because this sounds like the greatest science fiction novel never written!
Cat Mara:
Paul Beaulieu:
Sure, but wanking about stoicism on the internet is a kissing cousin to wanking about Nietzsche on the internet, and we all know about that, don’t we?
@ Nidi: Yes, that. Thank you! (Seriously, if the MGTOWs would just stop harping on about us evil women, they’d be so much happier. So much happier.)
@ Cat Mara: That was some story. I’m… not happy that I read it, but… it was fairly accurate, I think. (And yeah, depressing as hell. You weren’t kidding.)
MGTOW need to watch “Ex Machina”. The ending should give them nightmares. Lol!
Meanwhile, here on Earth, women finally have realistic male sex dolls to get it on with.
Dear mig-toes, you are hereby redundant.
(Also, we have kitties…which may not do anything for our sexual gratification, but which make us ever so much happier in other ways!)
Ah yes, stoicism, the philosophy of complaining constantly about all the things in life you feel you are entitled to and requiring the invention of sentient robot sex slaves to attend to your every urge and need.
@ Cat Mara: I did… a thing. I don’t know if it’s a good thing, but I did it. Um, here:
Thing starts:
I want you.
She says that. Her voice is so soft and breathy when she does, that he can’t help but believe her. She’s saying it because she’s programmed to. He got the Needy365 model, after all. It was a bit pricy, but you might as well go ham if you’re going to go, at all.
I need you.
Oh, she moans that. Oh, how she moans that. No one’s ever needed him before. It’s… intoxicating. He was always the one left behind. Overlooked. Maybe he should have put himself out there more, but… Rejection. It hurts. She never hurts him, unless he asks for it.
I love you.
She… doesn’t say that. He says it, sometimes, when he can’t help himself. Whispers it into the fine, fiber-optic strands of her hair. (She’s mostly a redhead, but he’s fond of Nubile Slave mode, even if it’s a bit racist.) Moans it into her rubber-so-soft-it-feels-real skin. He’s pathetic. He knows it.
He’s growing older. She’s not. She never will. It makes him feel dirty and lonely. And ashamed. Somehow, it’s also… comforting? That he’ll end, but she’ll go on, and maybe remember him? (She won’t remember him. When he dies, she’ll be wiped clean and sold to the highest bidder, at the next Used Bot Auction. He doesn’t think of that. Ever.)
I want you. I need you. I love you. Forever.
She’s not real. He’s okay so long as he can forget about that.
He’s real. He’s okay so long as he can forget about that.
When he can’t… he reminds himself that rejection? Hurts.
Thing ends.
Yeah. That happened. *slinks off*
@Frigid Virgin (hey, I’m trying to stop global warming over here, what’s your excuse?)
Well then, you certainly tapped into the male insecurity that would make a person seek out this form of unreciprocated love. Not that I would know anything about that ha ha ha…
“A truly stoic philosopher would be totally indifferent to his own gonads”
but are the gonads stoic?
@ Ooglyboggles:
First: your ‘nym always makes me smile. It just sounds so happy!
Second: Whenever I read anything from the MGTOWs, I’m always left with the sense that they’re a bunch of people that once upon a time asked someone out and got rejected. The pain was so devastating that the only thing left to do was to go whine about it on the Internet. Loudly. And at length. It almost seems like a coping mechanism of some kind, in fact.
Well, maybe. I’ve never asked someone out, because I don’t think I could deal with the pain of rejection. Of course, I’ve never whined about it online, either, so…
‘Sperm and giggles’. Sounds much more nice than anything these robot fans are suggesting.
Also why must they all like Fall Out so much? It’s okay, but generally there is a lot better titles out there. But these guys treat it like it’s some incredible clever veiw of the future. As if nuclear war isn’t one of the most over done things through all creative industrie not just games. Some even write fan fiction then publish it on amazon for ACTUAL MONEY. *cough* davis aurini *cough*
These guys so predicable no wonder you can play bingo with them. But no fun though if you fill up your card only in the first round. XD
And why Fallout, particularly its current incarnation? It has numerous badass female characters; you can even play the mc as a woman; and one of your primary driving quests is to find your child. Doesn’t sound very migtoe to me 😛
I think we’ll only nuke them if they try to come back. Cuz if they’re actually going
She has and IQ of 1,001.
She has a jumpsuit on.
She’s also a telephone.
…Ill never hear Twilight the same way again.
Men-liking women have had male real dolls for almost 20 years, and these guys are unfortunately still around. *sadface*
Because the class of people considered only “entertainment” is tooootes equal everybody!
Ah, but you see, the most famous Cloud City was run by a black man who flirted with a white woman and white genocide race traitor cuck cuck bacawk.
… Does it even count as a joke when most of ’em actually believe this?
@Mish I think they want the fantasy of being able to do anything you want in a post-apocalyptic wonder I mean wasteland,
Fallout is well known and open ended enough that you can mostly ignore the main story if you want (or even completely remove it with mods).
Its probably related to the general societal collapse fantasies a lot of manosphere types have,
you know the ones where they become the tribal warlords all the women are throwing themselves at for protection (and odds are there is a fallout mod for that).
Little known fact, if playing the male character, you’re only searching for the kid to get a paternity test to make sure you weren’t cucked.
Fallout is one of these things that’s good enough that everyone is going to try to find a reading of it which places it into their own camp. It’s similar to the way that neo-Nazis have found interpretations of Lord of the Rings that make it support their views, despite it being written by a hardcore anti-Nazi and being about a multi-ethnic band of heroes seeking to put a mixed-ethnicity person on the throne.
All the Fallout games that I’ve played have had a strong theme of contrasting badass-lone-individualism with the strength of cooperating with a community. I’ve always played them as a pro-cooperation person, but if someone was an antisocial asshole then they could well play it the other way and see the game’s plot as supporting their views.
@Frigid Virgin
wild applause
They really don’t get it, do they? What they’re asking for?
@Paul Beaulieu:
Thank you. I started writing one but it got kind of horrible and I couldn’t continue… ?
This is a bit from the short story that I wrote, a sort of “Dawn of the Planet of the Sexbots” piece. The background is that the protagonist is the co-founder of a biotech startup developing an analogue of the human musculoskeletal system for use in artificial limbs… but the Greedy, Evil Venture Capitalist™ funding them has other applications in mind. The protagonist, close to burnout, has been placed on administrative leave and given a prototype to… relax with, much to his chagrin.
I just thought of another issue (with apologies for filling the thread with my gibberish) with these guys’ profession of Stoicism: are they aware that at least one of the Stoic philosophers, Epictetus, was a former slave? While I imagine slavery was a fact of life for the ancient Stoics and something they felt they couldn’t do much about, I doubt they would be happy for self-professed “Stoics” calling for the creation of a slave race to service their carnal needs. Because that’s what this lot are doing.
Given the phenomenal cost of sending mass to Mars, the sexbots for the colony would need to be multi-purpose. In fact, it would be best to send them first, so that they could build the habitats, set up water extraction plants, get the hydroponic farms established, create the all-important sexbot factory etc etc. Then, when all of this is ready for human occupation, send the B-Ark full of MGTOWs. Trouble is, if these roboladies are so all-round capable and self-sufficient, what if they decide they don’t need you?
@Cat Mara + Frigid Virgin
Wow, wonderful writing! Like, holy shit those were awesome!
Do either of you write professionally?
@Cat of Many Faces:
Thank you, fellow cat-person! I’m glad you enjoyed them.
(Does that cat thing where a cat sitting beside another one ignores the other one but doesn’t ignore the other one at the same time ?)
Not me. I’m just an IT geek who likes writing stories. Sometimes, I even finish them. I’m one of those weird programmers who doesn’t mind documenting things because, writing!