cuteness kitties no trolls allowed open thread

Time Out For Kitties: Non-Election Fun Stuff Open Thread

You're never fully dressed without a fake smile
You’re never fully dressed without a fake smile

An open thread for everyone sick of talking about the orange monster and/or other crappy news stuff. No trolls, MRAs, etc. Yes kitty pics, capybara pics, ponies, stuff you’re reading or watching, etc.

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8 years ago

I’ve never watched wrestling before, kind of known about it from the odd podcast or let’s play where the commentators would mention something about it. Recently I was introduced to Lucha Underground, though, and I’m almost through season 2 of 3 and it is amaaaaaaaaaazing~ It’s got a time traveling astronaut who dresses like a power ranger and fights for justice, a ninja skeleton who breaks arms as sacrifices to his dark master, it’s got an ongoing plot about undercover cops infiltrating the underground fighting ring to put a stop to the proprietor’s plans to bring about the end of days by reigniting a war between the 7 founding Aztec tribes, and a man who is literally a dragon who took human form so he could wrestle.

There are no weight classes or divisions, so there are plenty of intersex matches, cruiserweight vs heavyweight matches, and one extremely gifted fighter named Mascarita Sagrada who is barely three feet tall and can throw down with the best of them. All the seasons are up for sale on itunes, but they put all their main event matches on youtube for free~

I’m getting so into this show and its ridiculous universe. I don’t think I’ve seen a single match so far that was worth skipping. Plus it’s refreshingly feminist in a lot of ways. It’s still got some of that wrestling baggage in others, but the ladies get a really fair shot in the spotlight, they get involved in the major stories, they get a lot of input into the content of their matches. The commentating team points this out a little too often during the first season, but it gets better as it goes on. :p

8 years ago

A resume of my life right now:

Kittehs kittehs kittehs kittehs

KITTEHS!!! KITTEHS kittes!!!!

kittehs! KITTEHS!


Obs:All of them were already adopted and will be picked up this week! ^^
I love them so much. I am sad because they are leaving but happy because I found nice home. It’s four, two black and whites and two blacks… But my pics with the other two show my face. I made the strass colars myself! And the green Pompom too :3 I can’t stop giving them presents.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

IP – that is AWESOME! Hope you and the Otter have fun tonight!

Buttercup Jr. & Buttercup II are going as Olaf and Darth Vader for Halloween this year, and they’re not amused by me singing “Do you wanna build a Death Star?”

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

That’s an incredible costume. I love it! The book and dagger are such good accessories too.

Those kittehs are totally adorable! The one in the third picture looks more surprised than anything else, but they look utterly cuddlesome and frolicy. I can see why you’re sad to lose them.

8 years ago

We’ve cobbled together passable Sam & Gilly costumes for Halloween and plan to go to an LGBTQ+ bar tomorrow and get wasted. I have a dragonglass dagger (made of painted clay) and an old dusty book I picked up somewhere. Otter has a baby Sam doll and the perfect Gilly accent. Not sure what to expect from this evening.

Wellp? Sounds like the most fun night EVER. Can I go too and be the savage chick who Jon Snow likes? Easy costume, I just have to straighten my hair. Any Jon Snow lookalike is free to be my date. :p

You should watch Black Mirror, my friend said. It’s excellent, my friend said. Two episodes now, and I’m ready to accuse her of attempting to destroy my mental health.

Word. THAT THING MESSED ME UP, I VOMITTED AND CRIED AND SHIT. WHATS THE PURPOSE, ANYWAY?!? I mean, from a critical point of view it’s excellent, even TOO excellent, BUT WHATS THE POINT?! CRYING A LOT?!? Seriously, stop recommending this without giving warnings.
The pig episode… It was basically rape… And I’m really afraid of pigs… So please don’t do this, people. Shit like this is why I am in favor of trigger warnings.

@EJ Yes, that one hated to be grabbed. BUT I GRABZ ANYWAY MWAHAHAHA

ETA: Wait, is that you in the pic?!? You are not actually a cat? I am disappointed, I thought you were a cat. But seriously, though, can I say you look cute and adorable?!? SO CUTE and SO ADORABLE?! Especially dressed as Sam, I just want to SQUEEZE you :3 They should fire the actor who plays Sam and put you cause you’re SO CUTE. Also, how old are you?! You look 19 at most, but I’m almost sure you are older. Awesome. And awesome costume too.
I hope it’s alright if I say all this.

8 years ago

(The ETA was @IP,of course. I mean, if he’s the one in the pic)

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Hah! Somebody really needs to make a mismatch buddy sitcom with Olaf and Darth Vader.


Thanks! That book was behind a padlocked door in a thrift shop, so I was worried it might be very expensive. Turns out it was about $10. :p


Start a petition to get Trudeau to dress up as Jon Snow?

You are too kind. It’s all in the crappy wig, I promise :p I recently bought some corn on the cob, too. I didn’t forget about the creepy picture I promised. 😉

In return, I will compliment you on your amazing hair and (what I assume are) impressive kitten scratch wounds!

I’m actually almost 32…

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Happy day: Microsoft finally gave me an update to remove all the Get Windows 10 garbage from my computer.

8 years ago

No, it’s not the wig. Your face is cutie. And btw, I’m very glad it’s a wig. I wondered for a second, and I am very relieved xD
You really look very young.

Trudeau IS hawt, but I don’t think he matches that role, I don’t know…

Did you like my Minnie top that doesn’t match my shorts? Hahaha, I always forget I should take “presentable” pictures to post here and end up posting these ones.
If you post that picture I may finally get brave enough to post one with my face.
Thank you about the hair, but I respectfully disagree, this thing is CRAZY. And the scratch on my leg was made trying to get the cats from their hidden nest. Again, I didn’t hide it, cause the pics weren’t supposed to be public, but I can’t resist showing stuff to you guys (and girls and others) ^^

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Last night I went to the Greene Turtle, it was noisy and crowded as always but I couldn’t resist going to a Halloween party. I went as the Angel of Death. I look scary and unsettling in the pics that were taken but that’s what I was aiming for. It was fun seeing who every else was dressed and everyone was so friendly! We had good conversations (even when we had to shout in each other’s ears to be heard) and nobody minded my minor social awkwardness (if anything, they probably found it somewhat endearing).

8 years ago

Yo guuuuys!

I’ve been wondering: any other mammother artist around here? 😀 if so, show off! I’d love to see your stuff 🙂
(My stuff be here:, with links to tumblr and deviantart o/ (or you can click my name for tumblring))

8 years ago

I want to put up a pictures of my puppies (no kitties in the Hippielady household) but I can’t see to do it. Help?

Paul Beaulieu
8 years ago


Like your artwork! I haven’t done much in the way of drawings lately but have done a lot of photography: you can look up “amontrealpaul” and “patterns of light and colour on tumblr, I’m also on Instagram.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

I’ve recently finished Dreamfall Chapters. Feels more like a conclusion to the previous Dreamfall game so be sure to play that first. Lots of emphasis on choice. Despite this, they don’t matter so much in the final chapter and i don’t think there is any way to get a ”bad ending”. Kinda light on puzzle-solving too. I really wish i could use Zoe’s dream-powers more. Those were the most interesting puzzles. Also, Saga’s… saga has a pretty dissapointing ending. Still waiting for those ”Reunification wars” i’m being promised. It better be good. I’ve also been playing alot of Painkiller. Classic fun shooter.


Post a link that ends in .jpg or other image file name.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

In Parasol Recovery News … yesterday I did some spinning AND some knitting, both activities my neurologist has praised for their rehab potential. Also, I have an MRI of the brain scheduled for next week to see if there’s anything dangerous still lurking around my basal ganglia.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@opposablethumbs, these threads are for you to post things that are bothering you, if they’re bothering you. Don’t you feel bad about it.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I’m really glad to hear that, Victorious Parasol. Your recovery is absolutely inspiring.

On a different note, I’ll also express support for Policy of Madness. I was weak and gave in to Windows 10. Congratulations on staying strong.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Thanks, EJ. I’m a little nervous about the MRI. I’ll have to be in the machine for half an hour, which is quite a while to be still and listen to noises. There’s a chance the MRI will show I’m at risk for sequelae, but I’m trying to be relaxed about that … after all, I could get hit by a car when I’m crossing the street.

Paul Beaulieu
8 years ago

Can’t figure out how to embed one of my cat pictures so I’m linking to it here.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

HOW TO POST A PHOTO in 3 easy steps

1. Upload to a file hosting service that will give you a direct link to the image (not a link to the page where the image can be viewed). I use personally.

2. Obtain a direct link to the image (again, not the page where the image can be viewed). The link should end in .jpg, .gif, .png, etc. Imgur has gotten a little pissy about this, but a direct link can still be obtained by appending the file type to the page link. For instance, if it tells you your page is located at, and you uploaded a gif, then your direct link is that with .gif on the end. If your link ends in a bunch of extra html, try just deleting all that junk and ending your link with the filetype.

3. Post your direct link in a comment on a line by itself. If https doesn’t work, try http instead. It should automagically embed.

8 years ago

Football is about to consume my life for the rest of today, but I’m going to get a Don’t Starve game started in the hour before kickoff.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I’m so glad everyone’s doing well. Thank you for the update, Vicky P! MRIs can be stressful and uncomfortable. I hope it goes well!

My dad’s recovery is proceeding apace, he’s got a new surgery on Monday that should help him eat a bit better. That should help him recover faster overall, though he’s doing pretty well as it is.

Otherwise, anxiety and stress and whatnot – my boss seems to think that I’ll be happy to continue working for him for free between now and when the lab gets money again. I think my time in academia may be coming to a close soon… Things are going well, though, really. Can’t wait for this darn american election to end!

EDIT: Great art, Sally! You have a way with ink and markers. I used to do a bunch of arts but haven’t in a good while – I’d post, but I’m on a tablet and don’t have the files local.

8 years ago

@Axe, yes I suggested the sexy webcomic. I’m glad you’re enjoying it 😉

I just signed a contract to start working as an elementary school art teacher abroad at a private American school. It’s in the same city as my sister, and the apartment provided by the school will allow pets. Yay! This was something I was worried about. The unit is likely a studio apartment and small, but I’ll make sure to take my dog on plenty of walks when I’m not at work so she doesn’t feel so cooped up.

I also gave dating a try for the past month and a half. It’s been interesting. Maybe not the best idea since I’m leaving the country, but it was something I wanted to do. My dreams were very kind of explicit in telling me I missed cuddling. I’ve told all the people I’ve dated I’m leaving, so they know things won’t go anywhere in the short term. But it’s been fun. Dates have been pretty innocent. I spent one watching the second presidential debate and another walking through a cemetery (it has pretty scenery). Dating has definitely given me a self-esteem boost. Though as I understand it, I get to date on easy mode since I’m an Asian woman.

Glad to hear Victorious Parasol is doing better in recovery. It sounded like you had to go through some scary health stuff and stay in the hospital for a while.

I love seeing people’s costume and their creativity on display. Pretty cool Sam costume Imaginary Petal. I’m going as Fionna from Adventure Time. I bought a costume. The costume clothes suck, but the accessories are ok. So I bought a real shirt and skirt for my Fionna costume instead. My friends and I are gonna go out to the Castro in SF to celebrate Halloween tonight.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

So… hi, am back :p

Been a rough month and I finally crawled back into my hole, so here I be. Hey at least I have internet access again.

8 years ago

Time for me to introduce my little fuzzballs.

This is my older cat, Alley. About 15 years old. Main hobbies are sleeping in the sun, eating her food too fast for her stomach to handle, and demanding lots of cuddles from me, her favorite human.

This is my younger cat, Titania. About 8 years old. Main hobbies are sneezing, demanding pettings by nudging human’s hands away from everything else that isn’t her, sleeping in odd spots, showing her butt off on Skype, and getting herself in weird situations.