An open thread for everyone sick of talking about the orange monster and/or other crappy news stuff. No trolls, MRAs, etc. Yes kitty pics, capybara pics, ponies, stuff you’re reading or watching, etc.
She somehow managed to not squash or knock down any of them.
8 years ago
My little Misty is getting kinda chunky I wonder if it’s because of the food called Friskies I was giving her before I got Blue Brand? Plus I think it might be stress too. Or maybe she’s just growing?
I was hoping to dress Misty up as the Chesire cat while I dress as Alice this Halloween. We don’t really celebrate Halloween we just mostly eat candy we get on clearance.
8 years ago
Currently bored at work (slow shift tonight ), alternately surfing the web and rereading Boneshaker because the library has an ebook copy available.
I read that and I didn’t hate it, I’m sure. It’s been awhile since I read it so I remember almost zilch but it was pretty nice, I think? Unless it was so bad I just forgot about it.
That’s what happened with the Ghost Rider movies.
8 years ago
It’s my [insert large decade number]-ieth birthday today (29th October as it is in Australia right now). I’m celebrating by eating a Reuben sandwich and watching an excellent Netflix doc from Werner Herzog about volcanoes and their significance to indigenous populations. As a former geoscience student, I’m fascinated by this extra dimension to my fave subject!
Later, I may eat some cake ?
8 years ago
You should watch Black Mirror, my friend said. It’s excellent, my friend said. Two episodes now, and I’m ready to accuse her of attempting to destroy my mental health.
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
Happy birthday @Lucrece!
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago
I’m pretty sure I got the job I talked about a couple weeks ago, at the megacorp known for advertising with a giraffe! I’m heading over there Monday for orientation.
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
Just in time for holiday shopping! Grats!
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago
Here’s a kitten snuggling with an owlet. Because reasons.
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago
Thanks so much! I’m really looking forward to it-they sell some things that fit one of my interests, so I have to say I may end up giving some of my paycheck back to them.
8 years ago
We’ve just got back from granddaughter’s 1st birthday party.
All was organised around The Very Hungry Caterpillar – great for cake, all you need is a spare shelf of green iced cupcakes to supplement supplies if too many are taken before handing out the gifties for departing guests.
Music? Apart from Happy Birthday, the only “music” worthy of the name would probably be this.
8 years ago
@Handsome Jack
It’s pretty good, if you like steampunk. There’s 6-7 books in the same world now, and she’s moved on to a horror series starring Lizzy Borden. Boneshaker is set in an alternate Seattle that’s full of poison zombie gas, the rest are set in various parts of the US (and Confederacy, the Civil War being in its second decade at thd time of the stories). I’m quite a fan.
8 years ago
I got a ton of models from a kickstarter (Dropfleet Commander) recently,
I suppose I’ll build/paint tiny space ships while watching DS9 on netflix.
Congratulations on the new job, Nikki. I hope it goes swimmingly.
Dracarys looks amazing in that picture, with that look of pure innocence on her face. “Of course you can trust me with your round red fruit, human! Why would you ever think otherwise?”
So, my own news. I’ve moved out of the Property Owned By The Outright Criminal, and into a nice old Victorian-house flat. Sadly, like all buildings that age, it’s full of cold draughts. We’ve stuffed the gaps with whatever we could find but still, that doesn’t make it easier. Winter is coming.
This week the conference that I spent the last few months organising finally happened. It was a big success, and we’re talking about doing it again soon. I really enjoyed it but I am drained. Anyone who does events management for a living has my complete and undying admiration.
8 years ago
Holidays (of any stripe) are generally sad times for me because the high-profile presence of parties and get-togethers throws the relative friendlessness and isolation of non-neurotypicalSpawn into sharper relief than usual. I’m going to a birthday tea this afternoon, which is nice, but nnS has nothing to look forward to and I’m gutted and sometimes I’m plain terrified of what this may be doing to them over the years.
ETA sorry to bring down the kitty vibe. I do love the kitty vibe. Just not in a good place right now. Just worried, and I know I shouldn’t really dump that here, tbh this place is where I usually come to read because it makes me feel better. Thank you all for making this place what it is.
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago
Speaking of which, mine cured me of some weird lower-abdominal cramps today, by crawling up on my pelvis and keeping it warm, and purring. They are magick, I tell you…
I know right? One of my cats used to (I don’t live with them anymore so he can’t do this for me now) sit on my belly and message me there when I got cramps. It was very helpful. It’s like they know! Cats really are magic!!
8 years ago
No pictures, but we just had the cutest little tortie sisters at work, one of whom would not stop purring even when we took her temperature and vaccinated her. Five pounds each now, still growing, still sharing a carrier.
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago
Michael Cretu is releasing his eighth album of the Enigma project soon and I am VVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYY excited!! The album is called ‘the Fall of a Rebel Angel’ and is coming out on the 11th of November! I love Enigma so much and it has been part of my life since I was a little girl. I believe that Michael Cretu is a musical genius and he is the only artist that I go into full blown fan girl mode over. Here are a few of my favourite Enigma songs. 😀
8 years ago
My little brother is getting married tomorrow. So today is all about repeating the mantra “it will all be ok” in an effort to squish my anxiety issues. And buy my train tickets. And get my shit together (ie put belongings in a bag; the mantra is dealing with the metaphorical shit). It WILL all be ok.
Much love for Sam & Gilly.
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago
Weatherwax-Awesome!! Congrats to your little brother! 😀
8 years ago
Thank you @MissEB47!
8 years ago
At the moment, I’ve got this Buffy quote stuck in my head:
Buffy: I’m gonna give you all a nice, fun, normal evening if I have to kill every person on the face of the Earth to do it.
Xander: Yay?
Here’s Dracarys hanging out with some tomatoes.
She somehow managed to not squash or knock down any of them.
My little Misty is getting kinda chunky I wonder if it’s because of the food called Friskies I was giving her before I got Blue Brand? Plus I think it might be stress too. Or maybe she’s just growing?
I was hoping to dress Misty up as the Chesire cat while I dress as Alice this Halloween. We don’t really celebrate Halloween we just mostly eat candy we get on clearance.
Currently bored at work (slow shift tonight ), alternately surfing the web and rereading Boneshaker because the library has an ebook copy available.
I read that and I didn’t hate it, I’m sure. It’s been awhile since I read it so I remember almost zilch but it was pretty nice, I think? Unless it was so bad I just forgot about it.
That’s what happened with the Ghost Rider movies.
It’s my [insert large decade number]-ieth birthday today (29th October as it is in Australia right now). I’m celebrating by eating a Reuben sandwich and watching an excellent Netflix doc from Werner Herzog about volcanoes and their significance to indigenous populations. As a former geoscience student, I’m fascinated by this extra dimension to my fave subject!
Later, I may eat some cake ?
You should watch Black Mirror, my friend said. It’s excellent, my friend said. Two episodes now, and I’m ready to accuse her of attempting to destroy my mental health.
Happy birthday @Lucrece!
I’m pretty sure I got the job I talked about a couple weeks ago, at the megacorp known for advertising with a giraffe! I’m heading over there Monday for orientation.
Just in time for holiday shopping! Grats!
Here’s a kitten snuggling with an owlet. Because reasons.
Thanks so much! I’m really looking forward to it-they sell some things that fit one of my interests, so I have to say I may end up giving some of my paycheck back to them.
We’ve just got back from granddaughter’s 1st birthday party.
All was organised around The Very Hungry Caterpillar – great for cake, all you need is a spare shelf of green iced cupcakes to supplement supplies if too many are taken before handing out the gifties for departing guests.
Music? Apart from Happy Birthday, the only “music” worthy of the name would probably be this.
@Handsome Jack
It’s pretty good, if you like steampunk. There’s 6-7 books in the same world now, and she’s moved on to a horror series starring Lizzy Borden. Boneshaker is set in an alternate Seattle that’s full of poison zombie gas, the rest are set in various parts of the US (and Confederacy, the Civil War being in its second decade at thd time of the stories). I’m quite a fan.
I got a ton of models from a kickstarter (Dropfleet Commander) recently,
I suppose I’ll build/paint tiny space ships while watching DS9 on netflix.
Congratulations on the new job, Nikki. I hope it goes swimmingly.
Dracarys looks amazing in that picture, with that look of pure innocence on her face. “Of course you can trust me with your round red fruit, human! Why would you ever think otherwise?”
So, my own news. I’ve moved out of the Property Owned By The Outright Criminal, and into a nice old Victorian-house flat. Sadly, like all buildings that age, it’s full of cold draughts. We’ve stuffed the gaps with whatever we could find but still, that doesn’t make it easier. Winter is coming.
This week the conference that I spent the last few months organising finally happened. It was a big success, and we’re talking about doing it again soon. I really enjoyed it but I am drained. Anyone who does events management for a living has my complete and undying admiration.
Holidays (of any stripe) are generally sad times for me because the high-profile presence of parties and get-togethers throws the relative friendlessness and isolation of non-neurotypicalSpawn into sharper relief than usual. I’m going to a birthday tea this afternoon, which is nice, but nnS has nothing to look forward to and I’m gutted and sometimes I’m plain terrified of what this may be doing to them over the years.
ETA sorry to bring down the kitty vibe. I do love the kitty vibe. Just not in a good place right now. Just worried, and I know I shouldn’t really dump that here, tbh this place is where I usually come to read because it makes me feel better. Thank you all for making this place what it is.
I know right? One of my cats used to (I don’t live with them anymore so he can’t do this for me now) sit on my belly and message me there when I got cramps. It was very helpful. It’s like they know! Cats really are magic!!
No pictures, but we just had the cutest little tortie sisters at work, one of whom would not stop purring even when we took her temperature and vaccinated her. Five pounds each now, still growing, still sharing a carrier.
Michael Cretu is releasing his eighth album of the Enigma project soon and I am VVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYY excited!! The album is called ‘the Fall of a Rebel Angel’ and is coming out on the 11th of November! I love Enigma so much and it has been part of my life since I was a little girl. I believe that Michael Cretu is a musical genius and he is the only artist that I go into full blown fan girl mode over. Here are a few of my favourite Enigma songs. 😀
My little brother is getting married tomorrow. So today is all about repeating the mantra “it will all be ok” in an effort to squish my anxiety issues. And buy my train tickets. And get my shit together (ie put belongings in a bag; the mantra is dealing with the metaphorical shit). It WILL all be ok.
Much love for Sam & Gilly.
Weatherwax-Awesome!! Congrats to your little brother! 😀
Thank you @MissEB47!
At the moment, I’ve got this Buffy quote stuck in my head:
Buffy: I’m gonna give you all a nice, fun, normal evening if I have to kill every person on the face of the Earth to do it.
Xander: Yay?
Hopefully it won’t come to that.
See? Spot on Sam. :p
And here’s a super tense cat moment.
Weatherwax- No probs. 😀