cuteness kitties no trolls allowed open thread

Time Out For Kitties: Non-Election Fun Stuff Open Thread

You're never fully dressed without a fake smile
You’re never fully dressed without a fake smile

An open thread for everyone sick of talking about the orange monster and/or other crappy news stuff. No trolls, MRAs, etc. Yes kitty pics, capybara pics, ponies, stuff you’re reading or watching, etc.

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8 years ago

I’ve downloaded Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation and I’m taking a three day weekend this weekend, so I’m going to play through it.

8 years ago


Speaking of which, mine cured me of some weird lower-abdominal cramps today, by crawling up on my pelvis and keeping it warm, and purring. They are magick, I tell you…

8 years ago

I’m reading textbooks. And very confusing equations about neural networks. And Fourier Transforms. I’ve decided to pursue doing an honours thesis. I have a supervisor in mind and have emailed him to see about doing a meeting. Out of divine luck today I found myself in a meeting sitting next to the TA for the class I have with the prof I want to research for and he offered to put in a good word for me, so I’m in a good mood, all things considered.

Something I’m sure we’re all looking forward to in a little over a week’s time: Bioware is going to say more stuff about Mass Effect Andromeda. This is almost guaranteed to be the highlight of my month.

joekster (Bearded Beta)
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago

I’m spending the weekend watching review lectures for my geriatric medicine boards on Wednesday. I’ve been told they’re easier than the internal medicine boards, and I managed to pass those, so here’s hoping.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

I’m going grocery shopping. And attending a costume contest.

8 years ago


That last video reminded me of a day, oh many moons ago, Bill Clinton was Prez. I was sitting on a bench outside on a college campus that had a KFC. A group of crows came and fished a box out of a trash can and put it on the ground. They went in through the bottom, all of them cooperating and holding the cardboard back as one by one they got a bone or a chunk of biscuit.

The poor little last one though. S/he didn’t get anything. That’s the reverse of the hungry crow on the left. But, yeah. Takes me back.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Today I discovered that the Jim Beam Urban Stillhouse downtown will give you 4 bourbon tastings and a souvenir glass for $5. I work downtown. I think we all know what the right thing is to do here.

8 years ago

Kingsglaive came highly recommended to me by a friend, so I’m going to be watching it tonight. Mind you, she also highly recommended getting super baked beforehand (which is not an option for me right now), so I kinda feel like I’m going to have the movie-watching equivalent of putting together Ikea furniture without an instruction manual.

8 years ago

I’ve downloaded Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation and I’m taking a three day weekend this weekend, so I’m going to play through it.

Awesome! It’s a very enjoyable game, no matter what the whiny fanboys say. I’m kind of impressed you can play through it in a long weekend though. I’ve been on the Conquest campaign for weeks because I keep taking detours to grind supports, get skills of questionable utility for the characters because numbers go up, and mess around with My Castle and online stuff. If an RPG-type game offers any sort of side content at all, you can count on me to get sidetracked on it for ages.

Hell, I’ve never beaten the main quest in Morrowind despite having the game for over six years and pouring an absurd amount of hours into it. Caius, if you’re going to tell me to do sidejobs before getting orders from you, you’re going to be waiting a very long time.

joekster (Bearded Beta)
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago

Okay, the crow chicks are adorable.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

We’ve cobbled together passable Sam & Gilly costumes for Halloween and plan to go to an LGBTQ+ bar tomorrow and get wasted. I have a dragonglass dagger (made of painted clay) and an old dusty book I picked up somewhere. Otter has a baby Sam doll and the perfect Gilly accent. Not sure what to expect from this evening.

I still haven’t made it through FEF: Conquest. That damn map with the foxes tripped me up and I took an extended break from the game. Looking forward to try Revelations when I feel motivated to pick it up again.

8 years ago

Yeah, the kitsune are annoying. Good map to bring out Keaton and his daughter Velouria, though, plus any beast-killing weapons you have. I think I was a tad overleveled by the time I hit that map, though, due to my obsessive grinding in that DLC experience map. And I did have Velouria as my Kana’s mother, so there’s another character with beastbane.

Also, all these cute animal gifs are making me think I need to build up a collection of cute inverts to spam threads with. As an entomology student, I can’t let the vertebrates be so overrepresented, as cute as they are. Please don’t tell my kitties I said this, though. My older one is a rather jealous lover.

8 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Yes, it is the right thing to do. 😉

This week I bought a bottle of locally made vodka that had this weird black square-shaped thing over the neck of the bottle, about an inch high, wrapped in plastic. I got it home and wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with this weird black block.

I took the paper off of it and realized I could unravel it and it was a (very crinkled) T-shirt! And it fit! LOL!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I’m rereading Pure Dead Magic and am engrossed in the sexbot comic someone (Jaygee?) suggested in a recent thread. Also tryna to preplan tomorrow’s lunch. This sammich is gonna be epic!

8 years ago

I had one of those frustrating days where everything takes 5x as long as it should, and then I got home and it was freezing cold.

But now I’ve got the heat on in the bedroom, and the cats are in there with us, so all is well in the world.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Headline in Sweden’s largest daily newspaper today: “Bride of Christ gets divorced after 22 years”

Ooookay then.

8 years ago

Did someone say kitties?
I now have two kitties who are still new enough that I’m in the brag-about-them-to-everyone phase!
They’re brothers, little black house panthers. They purr more than any cats I’ve ever met before, and now that the weather is getting colder they love to cuddle under blankets with me.
(I would post a pic, but have no clue how to. Halp?)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Okay, so I’ve been meaning to mention this because it amuses me, but I’ve only now had the chance. (and I’m slightly tipsy on cheap cider again! Yay lightweight!)

So, during the time that my new roommates were cleaning out their old (asshole) roommate’s stuff to make way for me to move in, they found this old prop skull that has a removable skullcap so you can put stuff inside.

I’ve adopted it. His name is Harold. He keeps my candy.

Fuck you Aurini. I’m gonna make skull decor awesome again.

8 years ago

Hey, cool costumes! Sam and Gilly don’t get enough respect imo, especially since their relationship seems to be one of the few in GoT that isnt horribly messed up in some way.

I’m not doing the costume thing this year, but I’m thinking of going as Che Guevara next time around (I’ve been told I bear a passing resemblance).

OT: found this great collection of anti-suffragette illustrations, complete with ancient LOLcats. It’s an amazing read.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’ve been watching 80’s slashers movies the past few days. The first two Friday XIII movies, Sleepaway Camp II and III and the original House on Sorority Row. I think the Halloween franchise will be on AMC tomorrow.

Holy shit do these movies tend to be problematic though. Especially the Sleepaway Camp series because there’s transphobia thrown in with the usual misogyny. It becomes more apparent with each passing year. 80’s horror has in a lot of ways not aged well.

That said, I grew up on slasher flicks and am such a horror buff that I still manage to enjoy these movies. I’m glad the horror genre has been moving away from this stuff though.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

here’s a not great photo of Biff chilling. It’s not great because he’s lying full length on my chest and stomach and I have just managed to grab the camera as he pins me to the bed!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Song drop:

Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
Frigid Virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
8 years ago

I’ve been reading Musketeers fanfic. I’m currently reading a modern!AU about Athos being a transgender writer. It’s really interesting.

Also I found a funny Twitter account via Blue Milk. It’s called manwhohasitall and it’s exactly what it sounds like. (Basically it’s a gender-flipped view on how the media portrays women.) It’s hilarious, when it’s not depressing. I like it.

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