So it’s ten days until the election now, and I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. Talk about it, or whatever else you want to talk about. No trolls, MRAs, Trumpkins, etc.
@PoM: Thanks. I’d completely forgotten about the Snowden connection. Which, come to think, may also be the Russian connection.
So basically, the only way Assange gets to leave Ecuadorian territory is if the POTUS is someone willing to not pursue extradition charges. Assange knows that Hillary will do everything she can to get him in jail, but he may be hoping Trump will feel some gratitude if Assange helps him win the election.
He’s gonna be in for one heck of a surprise if Trump wins though. The man has no sense of gratitude, and minimal respect for territorial sovereignty. Trump wouldn’t even bother with the courts. He’ll just invade the embassy and dare Ecuador to do something about it.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
The idea that Wikileaks/Assange would try and sabotage Clinton because of misogyny is something I’d expect to read on an Alex Jones style site!
Sure, they’ve demonstrated nothing but the highest moral stance by releasing emails that were not, in fact, leaked, but instead hacked out of someone’s system. Emails that have no real bearing on anything. Emails that mysteriously have never been hacked out of Trump’s campaign.
Yep, that’s some high moral ground being demonstrated there. Definitely nothing fishy going on in the land of Assange-who-harasses-women-and-is-an-admitted-rapist.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
I actually doubt that the Swedes would bother extraditing Assange to the US. The entire conspiracy to do that was cooked up by a rapist who doesn’t want to go to jail for the rapes he committed. It’s more likely that the UK would extradite than Sweden, given how close a relationship there is between the UK and the US, and the UK passed over innumerable opportunities to do it before Assange fled into the embassy.
8 years ago
If you’re looking for a more liberal congregation, I’m not sure the ELCA is it. They are crawling into bed with the Catholics. This Sunday is Reformation Day, the celebration of Luther’s break from the Catholic Church. Next year will be the 500th anniversary. Joint celebrations (wtf?) are being planned, since they’ve admitted Luther was right?
This is all just little bits I’ve picked up from staff meetings where I work. The monks from a nearby abbey have been attending weekly bible study at my Mom’s ELCA congregation for a while now. I believe they have a Catholic priest preaching there tomorrow! For Reformation Sunday! Luther’s atoms are spinning like a top under German soil somewhere.
Maybe try the Episcopalians. Good luck!
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
And ‘leaks’ that put millions of women and LGBT+ folks in danger. Assange is a regressive, sexist, antisemite with both a god and persecution complex. Sucks that people are only starting to learn not to trust his shit now. 5 years ago, and we’d be golden
My family (irreligious myself) are Episcopalians, Barbados being a former Brit colony and all
They are crawling into bed with the Catholics
Uhm… Can we not call them ‘the Catholics’? History doesn’t look kindly on that terminology. Also be more specific on why this is a bad thing. I don’t think you mean anything bigoted by it, but, what with Hairt going on about Zionists, it’s good to be clear about these things 🙂
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@eli: that’s disappointing. My father was ELCA before he met my mother, and I was hoping they’d be a better fit, as he’s the liberal one in my family 🙁
@Axecalibur: what’s the better way to refer to those who belong to the RCC? My wife is Catholic, and she doesn’t have a huge issue with ‘Catholics’. Or is it ‘the Catholics’ that’s troubling? Obviously there’s something I’m missing here.
I’ve got a nit-picky objection to any Christian who doesn’t follow Rome referring to them as ‘Catholic’ on the ground that ‘Catholic’ means ‘Universal’, which would seem to automatically de-legitimize non-RCC Christians, but that’s probably not what you mean.
8 years ago
Sure, they’ve demonstrated nothing but the highest moral stance by releasing emails that were not, in fact, leaked, but instead hacked out of someone’s system. Emails that have no real bearing on anything. Emails that mysteriously have never been hacked out of Trump’s campaign.
G-d, this is like Breitfart but inversed.
Had these hacked emails been Drumpfie’s you’d have been gloating like mad!
The wikileaked Clinton mails are highly relevant. Don’t you want to know what your future rulers are up to?? No? Such almost childish belief in the Sovereign’s Benevolence that it’s almost quaint! I thought Wonkette was bad but you take the biscuit, seriously!
Ha! And thanks vis a vis the ‘talk too much’ thing. I actually think I do, but asshats like Hairt ain’t really in a position to criticize
Pff, people who say you talk too much just don’t wanna hear what you have to say. It has nothing to do with how much you talk, or write, or anything like that. Those assholes who say you talk too much probably listen to hour long podcasts or read pages of blogs about shit all the time.
That’s why you talk/write even more to piss them off, you see.
Had these hacked emails been Drumpfie’s you’d have been gloating like mad!
Only if they were actually, you know, relevant and were actually about stuff he did and aren’t some chain letter shit forward to him.
8 years ago
I’m very sorry. I didn’t know there was a problem with that terminology. Thanks for letting me know.
What I mean is that the ELCA is supposed to be the liberal wing of the Lutheran church. Politically they, at least on the official level, do not line up with the Roman Catholic Church. And a Lutheran minister would never be allowed to preach at high mass on a major feast day.
I used to work for a Catholic church, singing, every single Sunday, plus lots of other services. For seven years it wasn’t a problem, until it was and I was asked to leave or convert. It was just a few bucks a week, but it was weird.
So none of this is making sense to me.
8 years ago
@Axe Bollox:
what with Hairt going on about Zionists, it’s good to be clear about these things
This from an imbecile who couldn’t tell a Zionist from a Zebra. You do realise that most (nearly all, in fact) Zionists call themselves… erm, proud Zionists, don’t you?
“Axe Bollox, changing the world one word at a time, from his keyboard.”
8 years ago
@ Gert
So far all the wiki link emails have seemed like a pile of nothing.
The emails I’ve been worried about are the new FBI ones.
Do you have the link about the emails? All the headlines I’ve stumbled upon were rather unhelpful.
And in general
Also I’d like to second that misogyny is very real and explains oodles of behavior towards women in general and Clinton in particular. There are studies demonstrating that implicit bias towards women and people of color exists and effects behavior. It’s not made up. If it didn’t exist, we’d not need this site and would have equal representation in our govt…. 50% women in leadership roles for example.
8 years ago
Oh, ffs.
8 years ago
Not to say that America shouldn’t help with the crisis – they absolutely should! Just, you know. Not an invasion force.
I went to a talk by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! a few years ago. I still recall the theme of her talk: the US sword or the US shield.
As a country, we sometimes do a lot of good. (The shield.)
And sometimes we do a lot of bad. (The sword.)
She voted for the shield. I had to agree!
8 years ago
Only if they were actually, you know, relevant and were actually about stuff he did and aren’t some chain letter shit forward to him.
Now you’re just lying to yourself. Any scrap of dirt on Drumpfie has been hung out for all to see, relevant or not. I don’t believe you protested the “relevance” of any of that.
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@eli: that’s hard. When I was in Vegas for my clinical years, I attended one of the more conservative UMC’s there (hey, it was on my way to work, so if I needed to go in on Sunday, I’d be halfway there at the end of services), and our choir director also ran the choir at one of the local Catholic churches for their 11:00 mass, and none of us thought anything of it. In des moines, there were a couple of Sopranos in my Reconciling Methodist (read that as either ‘gay friendly’ or heretical, depending on your stance) choir who did the same thing.
The rules seem to change based on whos in charge of the local parish. I think. Maybe.
Whatever the case, that sucks. If you want to sing and praise the Divine, who are they to tell you how to do it?
Apparently David Shuster tweeted about it, but later deleted his tweets.
8 years ago
I really dislike the ‘Bernie will keep her honest’ thing. There’s an implication there that 1)she’s inherently dishonest in her words and deeds, and 2)she needs a man to control her.
I’m pretty sure you know that I wasn’t implying either number 1 or number 2.
Pretty sure.
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@eli: on the clergy thing, when we got married, my in-laws wanted to have our wedding in an RCC church (as they were paying, we agreed). However, I asked the priest who was marrying us to let my associate minister (a WoC) join us to say a few words as well, and the good father didn’t bat an eye. That was the point where I felt certain that my mixed marriage could work.
@Megalibrarygirl (awesome handle, by the way): I often think of this site as ‘why we still need feminism’. Because that’s what it shows.
8 years ago
So far all the wiki link emails have seemed like a pile of nothing.
That means you’ve either not read them or are covering things with the mantle of love. Could be both. Could be fear of Agent Orange too, of course.
8 years ago
You’re rude.
Rude like a troll.
Maybe you’re not a troll. But how would we tell the difference?
Are your rude messages some sort of Zen koan?
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
Saying ‘the’ before the name of a historically disenfranchised group is suspect. ‘The blacks’, ‘the Jews’, etc. It’s usually said by generally not nice people for generally not nice reasons
I’ve got a nit-picky objection to any Christian who doesn’t follow Rome referring to them as ‘Catholic’ on the ground that ‘Catholic’ means ‘Universal’
1)nobody speaks Latin
2)I tend to err on the side of self identification
3)what’s the alternative? RCCers? Papists? Cos that last one is way worse than ‘the Catholics’. I sympathize with that objection, but nitpicky pretty much sums it up
Don’t tell me what to do! 🙂
No problem. You’re a decent person, but we all miss things sometimes
It’s interesting how you think that the word Zionist existing justifies your use of it. Plenty of black people enjoy the occasional (or regular) use of a certain slur amongst themselves. Don’t mean Chet Johansson shouldn’t watch how he talks
changing the world one word at a time, from his keyboard
I wish!
8 years ago
Thanks! I’m off to read. 🙂
8 years ago
@Axe Bollox:
I really dislike the ‘Bernie will keep her honest’ thing. There’s an implication there that 1)she’s inherently dishonest in her words and deeds, and 2)she needs a man to control her.
Dear Lord, Axe, that’s the level you’re stooping to now? Shameful doesn’t begin to describe it.
Clinton is dishonest and it has nothing to with being female. Unless you believe females are by definition honest.
She doesn’t need Sanders either, at least not because he’s a man! So preposterous…
You’re a crackpot!
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
Maybe you’re not a troll. But how would we tell the difference?
Earlier in the thread Gert claimed their behavior is determined by us. That if we treat Gert like a troll, then Gert becomes a troll.
So as you can see, Gert is awesome at foisting off responsibility for their own actions onto others. That seems pretty troll-like to me, but what do I know? Apparently I wear panties or something.
8 years ago
Clinton is dishonest and it has nothing to with being female. Unless you believe females are by definition honest.
Oh really? It couldn’t be that existing bias makes you assume she’s dishonest rather than actual evidence? And don’t fucking use female as a god damn noun when talking about humans. It’s a fucking adjective when talking about people.
@PoM: Thanks. I’d completely forgotten about the Snowden connection. Which, come to think, may also be the Russian connection.
So basically, the only way Assange gets to leave Ecuadorian territory is if the POTUS is someone willing to not pursue extradition charges. Assange knows that Hillary will do everything she can to get him in jail, but he may be hoping Trump will feel some gratitude if Assange helps him win the election.
He’s gonna be in for one heck of a surprise if Trump wins though. The man has no sense of gratitude, and minimal respect for territorial sovereignty. Trump wouldn’t even bother with the courts. He’ll just invade the embassy and dare Ecuador to do something about it.
Sure, they’ve demonstrated nothing but the highest moral stance by releasing emails that were not, in fact, leaked, but instead hacked out of someone’s system. Emails that have no real bearing on anything. Emails that mysteriously have never been hacked out of Trump’s campaign.
Yep, that’s some high moral ground being demonstrated there. Definitely nothing fishy going on in the land of Assange-who-harasses-women-and-is-an-admitted-rapist.
I actually doubt that the Swedes would bother extraditing Assange to the US. The entire conspiracy to do that was cooked up by a rapist who doesn’t want to go to jail for the rapes he committed. It’s more likely that the UK would extradite than Sweden, given how close a relationship there is between the UK and the US, and the UK passed over innumerable opportunities to do it before Assange fled into the embassy.
If you’re looking for a more liberal congregation, I’m not sure the ELCA is it. They are crawling into bed with the Catholics. This Sunday is Reformation Day, the celebration of Luther’s break from the Catholic Church. Next year will be the 500th anniversary. Joint celebrations (wtf?) are being planned, since they’ve admitted Luther was right?
This is all just little bits I’ve picked up from staff meetings where I work. The monks from a nearby abbey have been attending weekly bible study at my Mom’s ELCA congregation for a while now. I believe they have a Catholic priest preaching there tomorrow! For Reformation Sunday! Luther’s atoms are spinning like a top under German soil somewhere.
Maybe try the Episcopalians. Good luck!
And ‘leaks’ that put millions of women and LGBT+ folks in danger. Assange is a regressive, sexist, antisemite with both a god and persecution complex. Sucks that people are only starting to learn not to trust his shit now. 5 years ago, and we’d be golden
My family (irreligious myself) are Episcopalians, Barbados being a former Brit colony and all
Uhm… Can we not call them ‘the Catholics’? History doesn’t look kindly on that terminology. Also be more specific on why this is a bad thing. I don’t think you mean anything bigoted by it, but, what with Hairt going on about Zionists, it’s good to be clear about these things 🙂
@eli: that’s disappointing. My father was ELCA before he met my mother, and I was hoping they’d be a better fit, as he’s the liberal one in my family 🙁
@Axecalibur: what’s the better way to refer to those who belong to the RCC? My wife is Catholic, and she doesn’t have a huge issue with ‘Catholics’. Or is it ‘the Catholics’ that’s troubling? Obviously there’s something I’m missing here.
I’ve got a nit-picky objection to any Christian who doesn’t follow Rome referring to them as ‘Catholic’ on the ground that ‘Catholic’ means ‘Universal’, which would seem to automatically de-legitimize non-RCC Christians, but that’s probably not what you mean.
G-d, this is like Breitfart but inversed.
Had these hacked emails been Drumpfie’s you’d have been gloating like mad!
The wikileaked Clinton mails are highly relevant. Don’t you want to know what your future rulers are up to?? No? Such almost childish belief in the Sovereign’s Benevolence that it’s almost quaint! I thought Wonkette was bad but you take the biscuit, seriously!
Good luck with your broken society!
Pff, people who say you talk too much just don’t wanna hear what you have to say. It has nothing to do with how much you talk, or write, or anything like that. Those assholes who say you talk too much probably listen to hour long podcasts or read pages of blogs about shit all the time.
That’s why you talk/write even more to piss them off, you see.
Only if they were actually, you know, relevant and were actually about stuff he did and aren’t some chain letter shit forward to him.
I’m very sorry. I didn’t know there was a problem with that terminology. Thanks for letting me know.
What I mean is that the ELCA is supposed to be the liberal wing of the Lutheran church. Politically they, at least on the official level, do not line up with the Roman Catholic Church. And a Lutheran minister would never be allowed to preach at high mass on a major feast day.
I used to work for a Catholic church, singing, every single Sunday, plus lots of other services. For seven years it wasn’t a problem, until it was and I was asked to leave or convert. It was just a few bucks a week, but it was weird.
So none of this is making sense to me.
@Axe Bollox:
This from an imbecile who couldn’t tell a Zionist from a Zebra. You do realise that most (nearly all, in fact) Zionists call themselves… erm, proud Zionists, don’t you?
“Axe Bollox, changing the world one word at a time, from his keyboard.”
@ Gert
So far all the wiki link emails have seemed like a pile of nothing.
The emails I’ve been worried about are the new FBI ones.
Do you have the link about the emails? All the headlines I’ve stumbled upon were rather unhelpful.
And in general
Also I’d like to second that misogyny is very real and explains oodles of behavior towards women in general and Clinton in particular. There are studies demonstrating that implicit bias towards women and people of color exists and effects behavior. It’s not made up. If it didn’t exist, we’d not need this site and would have equal representation in our govt…. 50% women in leadership roles for example.
Oh, ffs.
I went to a talk by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! a few years ago. I still recall the theme of her talk: the US sword or the US shield.
As a country, we sometimes do a lot of good. (The shield.)
And sometimes we do a lot of bad. (The sword.)
She voted for the shield. I had to agree!
Now you’re just lying to yourself. Any scrap of dirt on Drumpfie has been hung out for all to see, relevant or not. I don’t believe you protested the “relevance” of any of that.
@eli: that’s hard. When I was in Vegas for my clinical years, I attended one of the more conservative UMC’s there (hey, it was on my way to work, so if I needed to go in on Sunday, I’d be halfway there at the end of services), and our choir director also ran the choir at one of the local Catholic churches for their 11:00 mass, and none of us thought anything of it. In des moines, there were a couple of Sopranos in my Reconciling Methodist (read that as either ‘gay friendly’ or heretical, depending on your stance) choir who did the same thing.
The rules seem to change based on whos in charge of the local parish. I think. Maybe.
Whatever the case, that sucks. If you want to sing and praise the Divine, who are they to tell you how to do it?
Here’s a round-up:
Apparently David Shuster tweeted about it, but later deleted his tweets.
I’m pretty sure you know that I wasn’t implying either number 1 or number 2.
Pretty sure.
@eli: on the clergy thing, when we got married, my in-laws wanted to have our wedding in an RCC church (as they were paying, we agreed). However, I asked the priest who was marrying us to let my associate minister (a WoC) join us to say a few words as well, and the good father didn’t bat an eye. That was the point where I felt certain that my mixed marriage could work.
@Megalibrarygirl (awesome handle, by the way): I often think of this site as ‘why we still need feminism’. Because that’s what it shows.
That means you’ve either not read them or are covering things with the mantle of love. Could be both. Could be fear of Agent Orange too, of course.
You’re rude.
Rude like a troll.
Maybe you’re not a troll. But how would we tell the difference?
Are your rude messages some sort of Zen koan?
Saying ‘the’ before the name of a historically disenfranchised group is suspect. ‘The blacks’, ‘the Jews’, etc. It’s usually said by generally not nice people for generally not nice reasons
1)nobody speaks Latin
2)I tend to err on the side of self identification
3)what’s the alternative? RCCers? Papists? Cos that last one is way worse than ‘the Catholics’. I sympathize with that objection, but nitpicky pretty much sums it up
Don’t tell me what to do! 🙂
No problem. You’re a decent person, but we all miss things sometimes
It’s interesting how you think that the word Zionist existing justifies your use of it. Plenty of black people enjoy the occasional (or regular) use of a certain slur amongst themselves. Don’t mean Chet Johansson shouldn’t watch how he talks
I wish!
Thanks! I’m off to read. 🙂
@Axe Bollox:
Dear Lord, Axe, that’s the level you’re stooping to now? Shameful doesn’t begin to describe it.
Clinton is dishonest and it has nothing to with being female. Unless you believe females are by definition honest.
She doesn’t need Sanders either, at least not because he’s a man! So preposterous…
You’re a crackpot!
Earlier in the thread Gert claimed their behavior is determined by us. That if we treat Gert like a troll, then Gert becomes a troll.
So as you can see, Gert is awesome at foisting off responsibility for their own actions onto others. That seems pretty troll-like to me, but what do I know? Apparently I wear panties or something.
Oh really? It couldn’t be that existing bias makes you assume she’s dishonest rather than actual evidence? And don’t fucking use female as a god damn noun when talking about humans. It’s a fucking adjective when talking about people.