So it’s ten days until the election now, and I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. Talk about it, or whatever else you want to talk about. No trolls, MRAs, Trumpkins, etc.
She’s an arsehole like you but not because she’s poor.
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
Quick question about Clinton emails:
Of all the emails that WikiLeaks has been feeding us, have any of them come from Hillary’s email server?
If not, wouldn’t that strongly imply that Jullian Assange, who has every incentive to damage Hillary as much as possible, and who has in the past successfully hacked into the Pentagons servers, has been unable to hack Hillary Clinton’s private email server? Even with Russian help?
If so, how, exactly, was Hillary Clinton using her own email server anywhere close to a security risk?
Someone tell me if I’m making a false assumption anywhere in there. I may well have missed part of this story.
8 years ago
How about release after there is actual information on what is in the emails? No? Not an option? Why not?
They have that information. Not sure why they didn’t release that too.
Thinking Comey/DOJ may be biased seems simplistic: they didn’t initially pursue her much. Running emails on a private server was a mistake (but probably nothing more).
I know the newest emails aren’t from her server. Or sent by her. Or involving her at all.
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
Yeah, I’m a boy. Now, I’m tryna figure if Hairt was deliberately misgendering me or that the old ‘feminist blog commenters=women’ is too difficult a stereotype to break. Not insulted (whichever pronoun’s fine if you’re not an asshole about it), just curious…
@joek + kupo
It’s cool, white people! Don’t beat yourselves up too much, there’s plenty of much angrier, far whiter folks who you could better use that energy on 🙂
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@WWTH: Yeah, I caught that too. Not sure if GDK is just so clueless that he assumed Axecalibur identifies as female, or if GDK was trying to insult axecalibur by referring to axecalibur as female.
Either way, totally not cool.
Nor is the casual assumption of sexual identity.
(I’m spelling all this out just in case GDK doesn’t get it).
Edited to add: ninja’d by axcalibur himself (and may I use masculine pronouns for you? I can’t recall ever asking before).
8 years ago
Even with Russian help?
‘Ere we go again. Show me one shred of evidence that Putin’s been interfering in some way?
Because he’s A Bad Dude (he is, make no mistake about that)? That doesn’t make them guilty of this.
And how does Assange benefit damaging Clinton?
8 years ago
Oh, I’m not beating myself up. Just disappointed in my sisters.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
Thinking Comey/DOJ may be biased seems simplistic: they didn’t initially pursue her much. Running emails on a private server was a mistake (but probably nothing more).
A lot of FBI resources were expended on this and nothing ended up coming of it. I think you deeply underestimate how annoyed the FBI could be over that. This annoyance could easily manifest in a JUST DOIN MAH JOB FOLKS kind of way. He isn’t doing his job at all with this crapola, but he’s come up with a rationalization for why he is.
ALL of the revelations about her email were dropped on Fridays. I could get that happening once or twice. You want to get your work done and out the door and the clock is running out, so you rush it and BAM, 5 PM Friday. But every time? No, not every time. That’s not a coincidence.
8 years ago
Thanks for answering my questions about the email. At lunch the news was on and made it look worse than maybe it is. I hope It’s nothing too , Dalilama.
Axe thanks for the kind words! My kids are mixed race (white/black) and I live in a border town (El Paso TX.) So Trump scares the hell out of me.
I have a link to a podcast where a philosopher breaks down the idea of implicit bias and misogyny in relation to Clinton and this election. It’s an “atheist” podcast but there’s no talk about religion on this one. It’s a good listen.Atheistically Speaking
Also, Gert, there’s nothing wrong with being upset about this election or about having strong feelings in general.
8 years ago
Axe Bollox:
Yeah, I’m a boy.
My mistake. Apologies offered. I seem to have misread that somewhere. Or misremembered. No malice intended.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
And how does Assange benefit damaging Clinton?
Assange is misogynist. It’s well-documented. He hates women so much he’s annoyed the Ecuadoreans hosting him by treating the many women who work in the embassy poorly. He can’t even refrain from being a misogynist when it comes to the people upon whose good graces he depends.
the old ‘feminist blog commenters=women’ is too difficult a stereotype to break.
It’s this. Except it’s more like feminist blog commenters are all women, therefore they’re stupid hysterical bitches who need to be enlightened with my valuable manlogic.
My mistake. Apologies offered. I seem to have misread that somewhere. Or misremembered. No malice intended.
They is a perfectly valid pronoun to use if you’re unsure what people’s pronouns are, or even if you forget.
Not everyone uses a cheat sheet like I do.
8 years ago
A lot of FBI resources were expended on this and nothing ended up coming of it.
A lot of people believe they buried it on behalf of Clinton, as well you know. And no, not me: I don’t have a real opinion on it, too opaque.
DO entertain the idea there might e something there, perfect she ain’t.
This whole election campaign raises questions about the state of American Democracy, mildly put…
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
DO entertain the idea there might e something there, perfect she ain’t.
Again, those are emails that were sent to her by someone else. Any breach of security that might be in them is on the person who sent the emails (in this case Huma Abedin). What in fuck’s name do you really think could possibly implicate YOU in an email YOU DIDN’T WRITE?
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
and may I use masculine pronouns for you? I can’t recall ever asking before
Absolutely! I prefer it
No malice intended
Don’t care. Shove it and that ‘panties’ comment aimed at PoM in whatever orifices will allow
Not everyone uses a cheat sheet like I do
Ha! And thanks vis a vis the ‘talk too much’ thing. I actually think I do, but asshats like Hairt ain’t really in a position to criticize
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
Also, I recall reading somewhere that Assange is currently hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden to face rape charges? A process that Hillary worked to facilitate as Secretary of State?
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@axecalibur: thanks. I’ve been trying to avoid gendered pronouns, but I couldn’t work around that last one, and ‘themselves’ still feels too awkward for me.
Also, I don’t think your posts are too long, but, that’s me.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
Yes, that is the gist of it. Ecuador offered him asylum based on his assertion that the rape charges were invented solely so that Sweden could extradite him to the US for charges related to the Edward Snowden leak. However, he’s never actually denied doing what he was accused of doing, which amounted to rape in both a moral sense and, in Sweden, a legal sense.
8 years ago
Also, I recall reading somewhere that Assange is currently hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden to face rape charges? A process that Hillary worked to facilitate as Secretary of State?
To get Assange to face “justice” [Ahem! Cough!] in the US would be US POLICY, period. No reason to believe Trumpeldore would not pursue that, perhaps harder even.
DO stop with stupid conspiracies: you look like a Breitfartian!
8 years ago
Assange is misogynist. It’s well-documented. He hates women so much he’s annoyed the Ecuadoreans hosting him by treating the many women who work in the embassy poorly. He can’t even refrain from being a misogynist when it comes to the people upon whose good graces he depends.
Seriously, get over yourself. The idea that Wikileaks/Assange would try and sabotage Clinton because of misogyny is something I’d expect to read on an Alex Jones style site!
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
No reason to believe Trumpeldore would not pursue that, perhaps harder even
At least 3 reasons actually: Ivana, Katie, Maria, etc…
There are words in the emails. What do you possibly think could be damning to Clinton in an email that was sent to her by someone else?
There is no “there” there.
How about release after there is actual information on what is in the emails? No? Not an option? Why not?
My … panties?
Shame, because I only have your happiness and comfort in mind!
Quick question about Clinton emails:
Of all the emails that WikiLeaks has been feeding us, have any of them come from Hillary’s email server?
If not, wouldn’t that strongly imply that Jullian Assange, who has every incentive to damage Hillary as much as possible, and who has in the past successfully hacked into the Pentagons servers, has been unable to hack Hillary Clinton’s private email server? Even with Russian help?
If so, how, exactly, was Hillary Clinton using her own email server anywhere close to a security risk?
Someone tell me if I’m making a false assumption anywhere in there. I may well have missed part of this story.
They have that information. Not sure why they didn’t release that too.
Thinking Comey/DOJ may be biased seems simplistic: they didn’t initially pursue her much. Running emails on a private server was a mistake (but probably nothing more).
I know the newest emails aren’t from her server. Or sent by her. Or involving her at all.
Yeah, I’m a boy. Now, I’m tryna figure if Hairt was deliberately misgendering me or that the old ‘feminist blog commenters=women’ is too difficult a stereotype to break. Not insulted (whichever pronoun’s fine if you’re not an asshole about it), just curious…
@joek + kupo
It’s cool, white people! Don’t beat yourselves up too much, there’s plenty of much angrier, far whiter folks who you could better use that energy on 🙂
@WWTH: Yeah, I caught that too. Not sure if GDK is just so clueless that he assumed Axecalibur identifies as female, or if GDK was trying to insult axecalibur by referring to axecalibur as female.
Either way, totally not cool.
Nor is the casual assumption of sexual identity.
(I’m spelling all this out just in case GDK doesn’t get it).
Edited to add: ninja’d by axcalibur himself (and may I use masculine pronouns for you? I can’t recall ever asking before).
‘Ere we go again. Show me one shred of evidence that Putin’s been interfering in some way?
Because he’s A Bad Dude (he is, make no mistake about that)? That doesn’t make them guilty of this.
And how does Assange benefit damaging Clinton?
Oh, I’m not beating myself up. Just disappointed in my sisters.
A lot of FBI resources were expended on this and nothing ended up coming of it. I think you deeply underestimate how annoyed the FBI could be over that. This annoyance could easily manifest in a JUST DOIN MAH JOB FOLKS kind of way. He isn’t doing his job at all with this crapola, but he’s come up with a rationalization for why he is.
ALL of the revelations about her email were dropped on Fridays. I could get that happening once or twice. You want to get your work done and out the door and the clock is running out, so you rush it and BAM, 5 PM Friday. But every time? No, not every time. That’s not a coincidence.
Thanks for answering my questions about the email. At lunch the news was on and made it look worse than maybe it is. I hope It’s nothing too , Dalilama.
Axe thanks for the kind words! My kids are mixed race (white/black) and I live in a border town (El Paso TX.) So Trump scares the hell out of me.
I have a link to a podcast where a philosopher breaks down the idea of implicit bias and misogyny in relation to Clinton and this election. It’s an “atheist” podcast but there’s no talk about religion on this one. It’s a good listen.Atheistically Speaking
Also, Gert, there’s nothing wrong with being upset about this election or about having strong feelings in general.
Axe Bollox:
My mistake. Apologies offered. I seem to have misread that somewhere. Or misremembered. No malice intended.
Assange is misogynist. It’s well-documented. He hates women so much he’s annoyed the Ecuadoreans hosting him by treating the many women who work in the embassy poorly. He can’t even refrain from being a misogynist when it comes to the people upon whose good graces he depends.
It’s this. Except it’s more like feminist blog commenters are all women, therefore they’re stupid hysterical bitches who need to be enlightened with my valuable manlogic.
They is a perfectly valid pronoun to use if you’re unsure what people’s pronouns are, or even if you forget.
Not everyone uses a cheat sheet like I do.
A lot of people believe they buried it on behalf of Clinton, as well you know. And no, not me: I don’t have a real opinion on it, too opaque.
DO entertain the idea there might e something there, perfect she ain’t.
This whole election campaign raises questions about the state of American Democracy, mildly put…
Again, those are emails that were sent to her by someone else. Any breach of security that might be in them is on the person who sent the emails (in this case Huma Abedin). What in fuck’s name do you really think could possibly implicate YOU in an email YOU DIDN’T WRITE?
Absolutely! I prefer it
Don’t care. Shove it and that ‘panties’ comment aimed at PoM in whatever orifices will allow
Ha! And thanks vis a vis the ‘talk too much’ thing. I actually think I do, but asshats like Hairt ain’t really in a position to criticize
Also, I recall reading somewhere that Assange is currently hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden to face rape charges? A process that Hillary worked to facilitate as Secretary of State?
@axecalibur: thanks. I’ve been trying to avoid gendered pronouns, but I couldn’t work around that last one, and ‘themselves’ still feels too awkward for me.
Also, I don’t think your posts are too long, but, that’s me.
Yes, that is the gist of it. Ecuador offered him asylum based on his assertion that the rape charges were invented solely so that Sweden could extradite him to the US for charges related to the Edward Snowden leak. However, he’s never actually denied doing what he was accused of doing, which amounted to rape in both a moral sense and, in Sweden, a legal sense.
To get Assange to face “justice” [Ahem! Cough!] in the US would be US POLICY, period. No reason to believe Trumpeldore would not pursue that, perhaps harder even.
DO stop with stupid conspiracies: you look like a Breitfartian!
Seriously, get over yourself. The idea that Wikileaks/Assange would try and sabotage Clinton because of misogyny is something I’d expect to read on an Alex Jones style site!
At least 3 reasons actually: Ivana, Katie, Maria, etc…