So it’s ten days until the election now, and I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. Talk about it, or whatever else you want to talk about. No trolls, MRAs, Trumpkins, etc.
So it’s ten days until the election now, and I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. Talk about it, or whatever else you want to talk about. No trolls, MRAs, Trumpkins, etc.
If Trump does win, the biggest impact will probably be on SCOTUS in terms of potential damage.
I think he’ll probably lose though, and if he wins then he will thoroughly discredit the GOP. He’s not equipped to lead a conservative movement. The alt right is similar to the New Left in many ways. They don’l have any consistent set of goals and what they do stand for would be totally impractical. Most Trump supporters don’t have a clear idea of what they want politically.
The really upsetting thing about the Malheur case?
The FBI had an open and shut case. As far as I can tell, they presented that case ably. AND THE (expletives and abelist language deleted) JURY VOTED TO ACQUIT!!!!
Sorry. My father spent ten years working for the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada (In fairness, he often referred to it as the Bereau Lacking Management, but that’s another story). While he was never directly involved with the Bundys, he keeps in touch with his colleagues who were.
He was literally sputtering last night when we were talking about this case. And this is a man who almost never gets truly angry. He’s terrified as to what this is going to mean for his former colleagues back in Nevada, and throughout the rest of the West.
We are living in interesting times.
Both Obama and Bill Clinton have been more vigorous about enforcing environmental and land use regulations, which explains a lot of the “sovereign citizen” movement. The Bushes and Reagan were more lax in their enforcement, so the movement died down during their administrations.
Federal agencies tend to favor avoiding a violent confrontation over enforcement unless someone is a serious threat. So the terrorism prosecutions were a really big deal. The acquittals send a message that you can use violence without consequences.
Among other random things I’m reading this morning, I just came across a progressive leftist’s Twitter feed in which he tries to make hay out of Comey’s new investigation (because it once again proves how shady and Establishment she is, somehow) and quotes Camille Paglia–yes, that Camille Paglia (tw: transphobia in that last link, btw)–as an example of someone who’s making excellent criticisms of Clinton.
I’m not saying one has to love or even 100% like Clinton. Never have. But when you’re making hay out of an investigation that hasn’t even yielded anything yet? And you’re quoting a transphobic, all men are rapists belief pushing, anti-feminist beloved by MRAs? Just because you don’t like Clinton? I mean. I don’t. What is Aleppo, amirite?
This popped up in my newsfeed: story about two Florida election officials caught ballot-rigging. Oddly (not really), the first was filling in blank votes with the name of a Republican candidate for mayor. No idea if the Republican challenger is a Trumpist or not.
For the record, I’m starting to develop a love-hate relationship with my newsfeed. Love the fact that it brings me interesting stories, hate the fact that by the time I’m done reading them, I’ve forgotten why I opened my browser in the first place.
Checked my ballot status.
@Kupo: good for you!
Please stay away from Europe. The US is making more than enough messes worldwide already and you’re actually *not* the center of the world. And no, we don’t look up to the USA. If anything, please just focus on your own, vast amount of domestic issues.
Avast! Voter fraud abounds!
I’m not a fan of Hillary Clinton but happily voting for her in a deeply purple state. Probably early just to be sure, Monday I think.
Am I wrong for suggesting that America should contribute more to helping resolve the migrant crisis?
@Dreadnought : not wrong per se, but TBH they aren’t the worse to blame here. They are among the main culprit of why there is such an exodus however, and people fear that more USA involvement = more problems.
Also, I think people understood your comment as “their military should come and deal with the problem.”
For a lot of places, “America’s coming to help!” is an implication of “America’s going to send a buttload of guys with guns to knock things over and hurt people!”
It’s not really a fair implication in a lot of ways – american aid efforts are absolutely global and impressive. Those tend to be non-profits or funneled through UN/international organizations, though. When it’s America Sends Aid, a lot of countries get sort of skittish.
Not to say that America shouldn’t help with the crisis – they absolutely should! Just, you know. Not an invasion force. I don’t think that’s what you were implying at all, but i know a lot of people sort of take it that way.
Thanks for the clarification, I get really, *really* worked up when I think about the crisis so that’s probably the reason for the miscommunication.
But yeah I’m not suggesting military intervention, I just want to see more aid and more resources being sent to help these refugees. I just want the suffering to end.
Re: America helping “solve” the world’s problems….
The good news is, we have a lot of resources to put to the task, the bad news is, we’re generally not very good at it. We have a SERIOUS “cultural ego” problem, and tend to lead with “here’s why you should be like us”. We tend to be on the wrong side of history because of being on the wrong side of social justice, see “every place south of the Rio Grande” and “every time for the last 180 years”. If we can “solve” the problem with force, we’re good to go, but the day when that was possible has passed. Unfortunately, when the diplomacy turns to shooting, we always think it’s France in 1944 again….
Metaphorically speaking, the problem is, someone is stuck in a hole, and when we come to help, we bring… shovels.
Appreciate the sentiment, David, I just hope in ten days the nightmare is actually OVER.
Yup. That’s sooooooo going to happen, after the DNC ruined any chances of Bernie Sanders becoming the nominee!
I pity the American electorate for having nothing more than a choice between two evils: a misogynistic clown and a super hawkish establishmentarian!
Good luck with that…
Roommates and I went to vote today. Some dude with Trump paraphernalia (and who kept weirdly licking his lips in a super creepy manner) tried to stop our car on the way in, but we drove right past him.
Fuck off, Gert.
Is it finally time for us to all get on the same on page on Gert being a troll?
ROFLOL. Fear or orange things doe strange things to people.
Yeah. That worked so sooooooooooo well in the past! Keep meddling in the ME, that’ll do it! (Sigh).
I live in Texas and I voted for Hillary this week in early voting. I’ve encouraged all my friends to vote too. It may be a red state, but I still think my vote counts: it shows there are people in Texas who disagree with GOP bullshit.
I agree we need more ponies and cat gifs over the next 10 days.
You mean, anytime someone here expresses an opinion that deviates from the Clinton orthodoxy by a nanometer has to be branded a ‘troll’?
This ‘community’ hardly surpasses the level of “debate” found at Wonkette, but hey, at least it has weirdfucker as a safeguard.
Brand me a troll, treat me as one and I’ll start behaving like one.
You twit…
I live in Texas and I voted for Hillary this week in early voting. I’ve encouraged all my friends to vote too. It may be a red state, but I still think my vote counts: it shows there are people in Texas who disagree with GOP bullshit.
I agree we need more ponies and cat gifs over the next 10 days.
Sorry 4 double post!